[Greek] προσφέρω (prospherō), [Latin] offere, [Latin] oblatus, [Latin] inducere, [Latin] arbitrare, [French] entrer, [French] introdruirer: to bring to, to offer, to present, to hand over, to lead to, to bear toward, to carry forward, to succeed, to make an offering,…

[Greek] φωσφόρος (phōsphoros), [Latin] lucifer
[Greek] φωσφόρος (phōsphoros), [Latin] lucifer: light bringer, the morning star, day star, giving light, lighter bearer, 2 Pet. 1:19 Venus, the Morning Star Background Information: Cosmology: This term was used to identify the planet Venus in its morning appearance. This…
[Greek] ὀρχέομαι (orcheomai), [French] danser
[Greek] ὀρχέομαι (orcheomai), [French] danser: to dance, to set in motion, to leap, to perform, to lift up the foot, to dance in a row; Mt.11:7, Mt.14:6, Mk.6:22, Lk.7:32 A fresco of King David leaping before the Ark (by Johann…
[Greek] σπεκουλάτωρ (spekoulatōr), [Latin] speculator
[Greek] σπεκουλάτωρ (spekoulatōr), [Latin] speculator; scout, executioner, military scout, guard, body guard, attendant, investigator, courier, messenger, soldier, watcher, spy, lookout officer, imperial guard; Mk.6:27 In return for representing the interests of the Roman Empire, King Herod was provided with a contingent…
[Greek] μορφόω (morphoō), [Latin] formare, [German] ordnen
[Greek] μορφόω (morphoō), [Latin] formare, [German] ordnen: to form, to be formed, to fashion, to change one’s appearance, to be conformed, to be like Christ, to shape: Gal.4:19 Background Information: Greek Hellenism: Essentially, this term means to form or to…
[Greek] φεύγω (pheugō), [Latin] fugere, [Latin] recedere, [Latin] transire, [Latin] profugere, [French] refugier, [German] fliehen
[Greek] φεύγω (pheugō), [Latin] fugere, [Latin] recedere, [Latin] transire, [Latin] profugere, [French] refugier, [German] fliehen: to flee, to escape, to run away, to shun, to seek safety, to vanish, to avoid, to seek flight, be a fugitive; Mt.24:16, Heb.12:25, Heb.11:34,…
[Greek] πλάσσω (plassō), [Latin] formare, [German] bilden
[Greek] πλάσσω (plassō), [Latin] formare, [German] bilden: to form, to mold, to fabricate, to be created, to be molded, to be fabricated, plastic; 1Tim.2:13, Rom.9:20 Greek origin myth: Pandora opening the box Background Information: Greek mythology: Since little was understood…
[Greek] χαίρω (chairō), [Latin] habere (havere), [Latin] guadere, [Latin] salus, [French] avoir, [German] heil, [German] gesundheit
[Greek] χαίρω (chairō), [Latin] habere (havere), [Latin] guadere, [Latin] salus, [French] avoir, [German] heil, [German] gesundheit: to rejoice, to be happy, to be well-off, to be glad, to hail, to give a greeting, to favor, to say hello; 77 scriptures Ave…