[Greek] ἀντιλαμβάνω (antilambanō), [Latin] suscipere, [Latin] participare, [French] adopter: to help, to take in, to support, to take hold of in turn, to participate, to take upon oneself to, to partake, to come to the aid of, to take under…
![[Greek] ἀντιλαμβάνω (antilambanō), [Latin] suscipere, [Latin] participare, [French] adopter [Greek] ἀντιλαμβάνω (antilambanō), [Latin] suscipere, [Latin] participare, [French] adopter](https://resoundingthefaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/antilambanomai-642x300.jpg)
A Catechetical Perspective on Scripture and Other Faith Issues
[Greek] ἀντιλαμβάνω (antilambanō), [Latin] suscipere, [Latin] participare, [French] adopter: to help, to take in, to support, to take hold of in turn, to participate, to take upon oneself to, to partake, to come to the aid of, to take under…
[Greek] καταλαμβάνω (katalambanō), [Latin] respondere, [Latin] comprehendere, [Latin] cognoscere, [Latin adprehendere, [French] attraper: to attack, to lay hold of, to seize, to comprehend, to take, to overtake, to apprehend, to understand, to grasp; Mk.9:18, Jn.1:5, Jn.8:3-4, Jn.12:35, Acts 4:13, Acts…
[Greek] ἄμαχος (amachos), [Latin] non litigiosos, [Latin] percussio: peaceable, abstaining from fighting, not contentious, not a brawler, non-combatant; 1Tim.3:3, Tit.3:2 Remains of St. Titus Church in Gortys (municipality of Crete) Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means with whom no…
[Greek] ἅλυσις (halusis), [Old French] chaine, [Latin] catena, [Latin] quisquam poterat eum ligare, [Latin] vinculum: chains, bonds, manacle, imprisonment, binding; Mk.5:3-4, Lk.8:29, Acts 12:6-7, Acts 21:33, Acts 28:20. Eph.6:20, 2Tim.1:16. Rev.20:1 The Release of St. Peter: painting by Bernardo Strozzi…
[Greek] τυφλός (typhlos), [Latin] caecus, [German] blind: blind, not able to understand, short-sighted, opaque; 53 scriptural references The Blind Leading the Blind: painting by Danish Renaissance painter Peter Bruegel (1568). Background information: The blind leading the blind: This painting reflects…
[Greek] καταρτίζω (katartizō), [Latin] reficere, [Latin] perficere, [Latin] facere, [Latin] instruere, [Latin] aptare: to mend, to fully equip, to complete, to adjust, to make perfect, to repair, to set in order, to train, to instruct; Mt.4:21, Mt.21:16, Mk.1:19, Lk.6:40, Rom.9:22,…
[Greek] καταφρονέω (kataphroneō), [Latin] contemnere: to show contempt for, to think little of, to despise, to look down upon; Mt.6:24, Mt.18:10, Lk.16:13, Rom.2:4, 1Cor.11:22, 1Tim.4:12, 1Tim.6:2, Heb.12:2, 2Pet.2:10 Mammon: painting by George Frederic Watts (1885) Bowing down and serving at…
[Greek] στάσις (stasis), [Latin] seditio, [Latin] dissensio, [Latin] status: standing up, strife, political unrest, riot, civil war, sedition, revolt, Mk.15:7, Lk.23:19,25, Acts 15:2, Acts 19:40, Acts 23:7, Acts 24:5, Heb.9:8 CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone) becomes a disaster (and failure)…
[Greek] ἐλευθερία (eleutheria), [Latin] libertas, [Latin] nolite iugare, [French] ne joindre: liberty, freedom, freedom from bondage, independence, absence of external restraint; Rom.8:21, 1Cor.10:29, 2Cor.3:17, Gal.2:4, Gal.5:1,13, Jas.1:25, Jas.2:12, 1Pet.2:16, 2Pet.2:19 The Declaration of Independence: painting by John Trumball (1819) Background…