[Greek] ἀνατρέπω (anatrepō), [Latin] subvertere: to overturn, to destroy, to overthrow, to subvert, to ruin; Jn.2:15, 2Tim.2:18, Tit.1:11 What a perfectly subversive statement to make to become a saint in this modern “post-Christian” world! Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term…
[Greek] μωραίνω (mōrainō), [Latin] evancescere, [French] disparaitre, [Latin] stultus
[Greek] μωραίνω (mōrainō), [Latin] evancescere, [French] disparaitre, [Latin] stultus: to become foolish (moronic), to become tasteless, to become insipid, to make foolish; Mt.5:13, Mt.5:22, Rom.1:22, 1Cor.1:20 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means to be foolish (absurd), to be deficient…
[Greek] σκοπέω (skopeō), [Latin] videre, [French] voir, [German] sehen, [Latin] observare, [Latin] contemplare, [Latin] considerare, [French] examiner
[Greek] σκοπέω (skopeō), [Latin] videre, [French] voir, [German] sehen, [Latin] observare, [Latin] contemplare, [Latin] considerare, [French] examiner: to view closely, to examine, to fix one’s eyes upon, to observe, to contemplate, to consider, to pay attention; Rom.16:17, Php.3:17, Gal.6:1, Php.2:4,…
![[Greek] φανερόω (phaneroō), [Latin] manifestare, [Latin] ostendere, [Latin] apparere, [French] se montrer [Greek] φανερόω (phaneroō), [Latin] manifestare, [Latin] ostendere, [Latin] apparere, [French] se montrer](https://resoundingthefaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/phaneroo-642x300.jpg)
[Greek] φανερόω (phaneroō), [Latin] manifestare, [Latin] ostendere, [Latin] apparere, [French] se montrer
[Greek] φανερόω (phaneroō), [Latin] manifestare, [Latin] ostendere, [Latin] apparere, [French] se montrer: to reveal, to make known, to show, to make visible, to make clear, to make manifest, to display; 58 scriptural references Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means…
[Greek] μανθάνω (manthanō, [Latin] discere, [Latin] cogitare, [German] lernen, [German] studieren, [French] apprendre
[Greek] μανθάνω (manthanō, [Latin] discere, [Latin] cogitare, [German] lernen, [German] studieren, [French] apprendre: to learn, to “do the math”, to educate, to receive instruction, to be apprised, to increase one’s knowledge, to ascertain; 31 scripture passages Background information: Greek Hellenism:…
![[Greek] ψεύδομαι (pseudomai), [Latin] mendacium, [Latin] mentire, [German] lügen [Greek] ψεύδομαι (pseudomai), [Latin] mendacium, [Latin] mentire, [German] lügen](https://resoundingthefaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/pseudomai-642x300.jpg)
[Greek] ψεύδομαι (pseudomai), [Latin] mendacium, [Latin] mentire, [German] lügen
[Greek] ψεύδομαι (pseudomai), [Latin] mendacium, [Latin] mentire, [German] lügen: to lie, to misinform, to be false; Mt.5:11, Acts 5:3-4, Rom.9:1, 2Cor.11:31, Gal.1:20, Col.3:9, 1Tim.2:7, Heb.6:18, Jas.3:14, 1Jn.6 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means to lie, to deceive, to speak…
[Greek] ἐνδυναμόω (endynamoō), [Latin] convalescere, [Latin] confortare, [French] recouver, [French] prende des forces, [French] renforcer
[Greek] ἐνδυναμόω (endynamoō), [Latin] convalescere, [Latin] confortare, [French] recouver, [French] prende des forces, [French] renforcer: to give strength, to be able, to be strong; Acts 9:22, Rom.4:20, Eph.6:10, Php.4:13, 1Tim.1:12, 2Tim.2:1, 2Tim.4:17, Heb.11:34 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means…
[Greek] ἀγνοέω (agnoeō), [Latin] ignorare, [Latin] ignorantes, [Latin] ignoramus, [Latin] ignotus
[Greek] ἀγνοέω (agnoeō), [Latin] ignorare, [Latin] ignorantes, [Latin] ignoramus, [Latin] ignotus: to ignore, to not know, to be ignorant, to pay not attention to, to not recognize, to fail to understand; Mk.9:32, Lk.9:45, Acts 13:27, Acts 17:23, Rom.1:13, Rom.2:4, Rom.6:3,…
[Greek] ὑποστέλλω (hypostellō), [Latin] subtrahere, [Latin] subterfugere, [German] heimlich, [French] secretement, [French] enlever
[Greek] ὑποστέλλω (hypostellō), [Latin] subtrahere, [Latin] subterfugere, [German] heimlich, [French] secretement, [French] enlever: to withdraw, to draw back, to hesistate, to avoid; Acts 20:20,27, Gal.2:12, Heb.10:38 Background information: Greek Hellenism: The term means to draw away, to retreat, to hold…