[Greek] ἀναμιμνῄσκω (anamimnēskō), [Latin] reminiscere, [Latin] recordare, [Latin] admonere, [Latin] rememorari, [French] exhorter, [French] souvenir: to remind, to call to mind, to remember, to cause to remember, to recollect, to reminisce; Mk.11:21, Mk.14:72, 1Cor.4:17, 2Cor.7:15, 2Tim.1:6, Heb.10:32 Memorial Day: On…
[Greek] χρονίζω (chronizō), [Latin] mora, [Latin] tardare, [French] retard
[Greek] χρονίζω (chronizō), [Latin] mora, [Latin] tardare, [French] retard: to take time, to linger, to delay, to spend time, to tarry; Mt.24:48, Mt.25:5, Lk.1:21, Lk.12:45, Heb.10:37 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means to spend time, to last, to persevere,…
[Greek] προκόπτω (prokoptō), [Latin] proficere, [Latin] praecedere, [French] advancer, [French] marcher devant, [German] bewirken
[Greek] προκόπτω (prokoptō), [Latin] proficere, [Latin] praecedere, [French] advancer, [French] marcher devant, [German] bewirken: to cut forward (a way), to advance, to drive forward, to make progress, to increase; Lk.2:52, Rom.13:12, Gal.1:14, 2Tim.2:16, 2Tim.3:9,13 Do we abide with God or…
[Greek] ἐπιστρέφω (epistrephō), [Latin] convertere, [Latin] revertere, [French] tourner, [French] se changer
[Greek] ἐπιστρέφω (epistrephō), [Latin] convertere, [Latin] revertere, [French] tourner, [French] se changer: to convert, to turn about, to change, to return, to come back, to turn towards; 44 scriptural passages Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means to turn about,…
Greek] δουλεύω (douleuō), [Latin] servire, [Latin] deservire, [French] etre esclave
Greek] δουλεύω (douleuō), [Latin] servire, [Latin] deservire, [French] etre esclave: to serve, to be a slave, to be subjected, to be in bondage, to sin; 27 scriptural passages MLK equates abortion with slavery Background information: Ancient civilizations: This term means…
![[Greek] σιγάω (sigaō), [Latin] tacere, [Latin] tacitus, [Latin] silere, [French] etre silencieux [Greek] σιγάω (sigaō), [Latin] tacere, [Latin] tacitus, [Latin] silere, [French] etre silencieux](https://resoundingthefaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/sigao.jpg)
[Greek] σιγάω (sigaō), [Latin] tacere, [Latin] tacitus, [Latin] silere, [French] etre silencieux
[Greek] σιγάω (sigaō), [Latin] tacere, [Latin] tacitus, [Latin] silere, [French] etre silencieux: to keep silent, to be silent, to silence, to hold, to keep a secret, to keep quiet, to hold one’s peace; Lk.9:36, Lk.18:39, Lk.20:26, Acts 12:17, Acts 15:12-13,…
[Greek] σκανδαλίζω (skandalizō), [Latin] scandalizare, [Latin] offendere, [French] huerter, [French] indigner, [German] shockieren
[Greek] σκανδαλίζω (skandalizō), [Latin] scandalizare, [Latin] offendere, [French] huerter, [French] indigner, [German] shockieren: to offend, to scandalize, to cause to sin, to stumble, to trip up, to be offended, to trap; 45 scriptural references Background information: Skandalon: A skandalon is…
[Greek] παραδίδωμι (paradidōmi), [Latin] tradere, [Latin] producere, [Latin] aperire, [French] remettre, [French] decouvrir, [German] hervorbringen
[Greek] παραδίδωμι (paradidōmi), [Latin] tradere, [Latin] producere, [Latin] aperire, [French] remettre, [French] decouvrir, [German] hervorbringen: to give over, to entrust, to transmit, to hand over, to instruct, to betray, to allow; 135 scriptural passages Just hand it over to God…
[Greek] φόβος (phobos), [Latin] timere, [French] intimider, [Latin] metus
[Greek] φόβος (phobos), [Latin] timere, [French] intimider, [Latin] metus: fear, terror, reverence, occasion of fear, panic; 47 scriptural references Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means panic, flight, fear, terror, dread, doubt, and reverence. Herodotus’ The Histories 7.10: “The rest of…
[Greek] κατηγορέω (katēgoreō), [Latin] accusare, [French] incriminer
[Greek] κατηγορέω (katēgoreō), [Latin] accusare, [French] incriminer: to accuse, to charge, to be an accuser, to object, to prosecute, to speak in the assembly; 24 scriptural references Jesus’ Church still remains much stronger than those who seek to change, undermine,…