[Greek] ἀνθίστημι (anthistēmi), [Latin] resistere, [Latin] avertere, [French] detourner: to resist, to stand against, to withstand, to cope, to set against; Mt.5:39, Lk.21:15, Acts 6:10, Acts 13:8, Rom.9:19, Rom.13:2, Gal.2:11, Eph.6:13, 2Tim.3:8, 2Tim.4:15, Jas.4:7, 1Pet.5:9 Resistance, protesting, and speaking out…
[Greek] κοσμικός (kosmikos), [Latin] saeculum, [German] zeitgeist
[Greek] κοσμικός (kosmikos), [Latin] saeculum, [German] zeitgeist: worldly, earthly, mundane, pertaining to the world; Tit.2:12, Heb.9:1 Cardinal Sarah accuses many Western bishops, accommodating to the world, of succumbing to a “practical atheism”. Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means world,…
[Greek] κλείω (kleiō), [Latin] claudare, [Latin] clausa
[Greek] κλείω (kleiō), [Latin] claudare, [Latin] clausa: to shut, to close, to shut up, to shut up compassion, to block the entrance, to have no pity, to lock (with a key); Mt.23:13, Mt.25:10, Lk.4:25, Lk.11:7,Jn.20:19, Act.5:23, Act.21:30 The sad truth…
[Greek] κρύπτω (kryptō): [Latin] abscondere, [Latin] metus, [Latin] occulare, [French] cacher, [French] dissimuler
[Greek] κρύπτω (kryptō): [Latin] abscondere, [Latin] metus, [Latin] occulare, [French] cacher, [French] dissimuler: to hide, to conceal, to keep secret, to keep hidden; Mt.5:14, Mt.13:35,44, Lk.18:34, Lk.19:42, Jn.8:59, Jn.12:36, Jn.19:38, Col.3:3, 1Tim.5:25, Heb.11:23 Pope Paul VI even acknowledged that Satan…
[Greek] διάκονος (diakonos), [Latin] minister
[Greek] διάκονος (diakonos), [Latin] minister: servant, attendant, assistant, minister, helper; 30 scriptural references The Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence: painting by Titian (1558). The above quote clearly illustrates why Saint Lawrence is considered a patron saint of comics. His satchel illustrates…