[Greek] στερέωμα (stereōma), [Latin] firmamentum, [Latin] rigidus, [Latin] validus

[Greek] στερέωμα (stereōma), [Latin] firmamentum, [Latin] rigidius, [Latin] validus; support, firmness, steadfastness, strength, stability, bulwark (military fortification), solid front; Col.2:5 Paul’s exhorts the Colossians’ faith to be a strong defense against the false teachers. In Eph.6:16 Paul calls upon the Christians…

[Greek] ἐπιγινώσκω (epiginōskō), [Latin] cognoscere, [Latin] revelare, [Latin] cogitare, [Latin] agnoscere, [French] percevoir, [French] remarquer, [French] reflechir, [French] reconnaitre, [French] penser, [French] reflechir, [French] reconnaitre

[Greek] ἐπιγινώσκω (epiginōskō), [Latin] cognoscere, [Latin] revelare, [Latin] cogitare, [Latin] agnoscere, [French] percevoir, [French] remarquer, [French] penser, [French] reflechir, [French] reconnaitre: to know, to recognize, to be aware, to realize, to learn; 43 scriptures Pope Pius X prophetically identifies how…