[Greek] δέχομαι (dechomai), [Latin] recipere, [Latin] suscipere, [Latin] accipere, [Latin] excipere, [Latin] adsumere, [Latin] percipere, [French] adopter, [French] prendre, [French] recevoir: to receive, to welcome, to believe, to take hold of; 59 scriptures Do Church leaders and laity follow and…
[Greek] ὑποτάσσω (hypotassō), [Latin] subdare, [Latin] subicere, [French] soumettre, [French] obeir, [Latin] obtemperare, [Latin] humilitas
[Greek] ὑποτάσσω (hypotassō), [Latin] subdare, [Latin] subicere, [French] soumettre, [French] obeir, [Latin] obtemperare, [Latin] humilitas: to be subject to, to submit, to be obedient, to bring under control, to put oneself under; 49 scriptures It seems that Pope Leo XIII…
[Greek] σιωπάω (siōpaō), [Latin] tacere, [Latin] silere, [Latin] quiescere, [French] reposer
[Greek] σιωπάω (siōpaō), [Latin] tacere, [Latin] silere, [Latin] quiescere, [French] reposer: to be silent, silent, to be still; Mt.20:31, Mt.26:63, Mk.3:4, Mk.4:39, Mk.9:34, Mk.10:48, Mk.14:61, Lk.1:20, Lk.18:39, Lk.19:40, Acts 18:9 St. Peter Martyr of Verona (1205-1252) asking for silence: fresco…
[Greek] καθαρός (katharos), [Latin] mundus, [Latin] purus, [Latin] purgatorius,[French] propre, [French] pur
[Greek] καθαρός (katharos), [Latin] mundus, [Latin] purus, [Latin] purgatorius, [French] propre, [French] pur: clean, clear, pruned; 28 scriptures The Trinity with Souls in Purgatory: painting by Corrado Giaquinto (early 1740’s) Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means clean, free from…