‎[Greek] πάσχω (paschō), [Latin] patere, [Latin] miserere, [Latin] passio, [Latin] sufferre, [French] endurer, [French] avoir pitie (have pity)

‎[Greek] πάσχω (paschō), [Latin] patere, [Latin] miserere, [Latin] passio, [Latin] sufferre, [French] endurer, [Latin] avoir pitie (have pity): to suffer, to undergo an experience (passion), to experience suffering, to endure, to feel in some measure, to suffer pain (hardship); 46…

[Greek] καταφρονέω (kataphroneō), [Latin] contemnere, [Latin] contemptus, [French] dedaigner, [French] mepriser

[Greek] καταφρονέω (kataphroneō), [Latin] contemnere, [Latin] contemptus, [French] dedaigner, [French] mepriser: to show contempt for, to think little of, to despise, to look down upon; Mt.6:24, Mt.18:10, Lk.16:13, Rom.2:4, 1Cor.11:22, 1Tim.4:12, 1Tim.6:2, Heb.12:2, 2Pet.2:10 St. Augustine criticizes the errors of both…

[Greek] σκοτία (skotia), [Latin] tenebris, [French] eclipser, [French] sombre, [French] obscurite, [French] nuite, [German] dust

[Greek] σκοτία (skotia), [Latin] tenebris, [French] eclipser, [French] sombre, [French] obscurite, [French] nuite, [German] dust: dark, darkness, obscurity, shadow, lack of light; 16 scriptures It is significant to note that Jesus makes this statement after telling the adulterous woman to…