[Greek] ζητέω (zēteō), [Latin] quaerere, [Latin] requiere, [Latin] inquiere, [French] demander, [German] suchen, [German] vermissen, [French] reclamer, [French] examiner

[Greek] ζητέω (zēteō), [Latin] quaerere, [Latin] requiere, [Latin] inquiere, [French] demander, [German] suchen, [German] vermissen, [French] reclamer, [French] examiner: to seek, to learn about, to behold, to find, to desire, to examine, look for; 121 scriptures   Background information: Greek…

[Greek] θεωρέω (theōreō, [Latin] videre, [Greek] sehen, [French] voir, [Latin] ascipere, [French] regarder, [Latin] expectare, [French] attendre, [Latin] intueri, [Latin] considerer, [French] contempler

[Greek] θεωρέω (theōreō, [Latin] videre, [Greek] sehen, [French] voir, [Latin] ascipere, [French] regarder, [Latin] expectare, [French] attendre, [Latin] intueri, [Latin] considerer, [French] contempler: 61 scriptures     Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means to behold, to look at, to…

[Greek] καταλείπω (kataleipō), [Latin] remanere, [Latin] derelinquere, [Latin] relinquere, [French] abandoner, [French] quitter, [Latin] dimittere, [Latin] disperser, [Latin] reicere

[Greek] καταλείπω (kataleipō), [Latin] remanere, [Latin] derelinquere, [Latin] relinquere, [French] abandoner, [French] quitter, [Latin] dimittere, [Latin] disperser, [Latin] reicere: to leave down, to abandon, to forsake, to leave, to depart; 29 scriptural references God will never leave us behind Background…

[Greek] καθαρότης (katharotēs), [Latin] purgatio, [Latin] expiatio, [Latin] emundiato

[Greek] καθαρότης (katharotēs), [Latin] purgatio, [Latin] expiatio, [Latin] emundiato

[Greek] καθαρότης (katharotēs), [Latin] purgatio, [Latin] expiatio, [Latin] emundiato: purification, cleansing, cleanness, state of ritual cleanness, purity; Heb.9:13 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means purity, cleanliness, cleanness, moral purity, honesty, and holiness. Plato’s Laws 778e states “The temples we…