[Greek] σεληνιάζομαι (selēniazomai), [Latin] lunaticus: to be “moon struck”, be epileptic; Mt.4:24,Mt.17:15 Background Information: New Testament: Jesus was proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and curing every disease and illness among the people. A man brought is epileptic son to…
[Greek] μαθητεύω (mathēteuō), [Latin] doctus, [Latin] discipilus, [Latin] docere
[Greek] μαθητεύω (mathēteuō), [Latin] doctus, [Latin] discipilus, [Latin] docere: to become a pupil/disciple, to make a disciple, to teach someone, to follow instructions of another, be a committed student/apprentice ; Mt. 27:57, Act.14:21, Mt.28:19, Mt.13:52 Pythagoras, a Greek philosopher, is…
The Papacy: (200-300 A.D) Part 3
St. Zephyrinus (199-217) 16th Pope He consolidated the pontifical supremacy over the bishops He renewed the discipline of the Church toward adultery and immorality Masses were said on top of the tombs. This started the practice of placing saints’s relics…
Greek] ἀρχιερεύς (archiereus), [Latin] pontifex maximus
Greek] ἀρχιερεύς (archiereus), [Latin] pontifex maximus: a high priest, a chief priest, a leader, a ruler; Mt.26:3, Act. 4:1, Heb.10:11, Heb. 7:24-26, Mk.11:18 Background Information: Roman Empire: The emperor was called the pontifex maximus (chief ruler). The emperor was head…
[Greek] μυστήριον (mystērion), [Latin] sacramentum
[Greek] μυστήριον (mystērion), [Latin] sacramentum: mystery, secret, work, something hiddenMk.4:11,Rom.11:25, Rom.16:25,1Cor. 2:11, 1Cor.4:1,1Cor.13:2,1Cor.14:2,1Cor.15:51, Eph.1:9, Eph.6:19, Col. 1:26, Col. 2:2, 2Thess.2:7, 1Tim.2:7,1Tim.3:9, Rev.17:5 Roman soldiers making an oath Background Information: Old Testament: It is only interesting to note that a covenant…
[Greek] ἱστορέω (historeō), [Latin] videre, [French] voir, [German] sehen
[Greek] ἱστορέω (historeō), [Latin] videre, [French] voir, [German] sehen: to investigate, become acquainted with, to inquire about, to visit for information, to find history, to interview, to ask a question; Gal.1:18, Act. 17:23 St. Peter and St. Paul: painting by…
[Greek] βάρβαρος (barbaros)
[Greek] βάρβαρος (barbaros): foreigner, barbarian, rude and harsh, ignorant, uncouth, uncivilized, who does not speak Greek, who does not speak Latin; Rom.1:14, 1Cor.14:11, Act.28:2, Col. 3:11 The Greeks fighting barbarians Background Information: Greek Hellenism: This term means barbarous, foreign, brutal,…
[Greek] οἰκουμένη (oikoumenē), [Latin] orbe
[Greek] οἰκουμένη (oikoumenē), [Latin] orbe: world, inhabited earth, all over the world; Lk.4:5, Rom. 10:18, Act.11:28, Act.17:6, Act. 24:5, Lk.2:1, Lk. 21:26, Act. 17:31, Rev.3:10, Rev. 12:9 Oikoumene: The Greek World Background Information: Greek Hellenism: This term means inhabited region,…
[Greek] σκάνδαλον (skandalon), [Latin] offensio, [Latin] scandalus
[Greek] σκάνδαλον (skandalon), [Latin] offensio, [Latin] scandalus:a trap, a scandal, a snare, an obstacle, an obstacle to faith, something that arouses anger or rejection, cause for stumbling, stumbling block; Rom. 11:9, Mt. 13:41, 1Cor. 1:23, Gal. 5:11 Background…
The Papacy: 100-200 A.D. (Part 2)
St. Evaristus (97-105) 6th Pope He founded the first seven diaconates, considered to be the origin of the College of Cardinals He ordered that Christian marriage vows must be pronounced and blessed before a priest St. Alexander…
![[Greek] ὑποκριτής (hypokritēs), [Latin] hypocrita [Greek] ὑποκριτής (hypokritēs), [Latin] hypocrita](https://resoundingthefaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/hypocrisy.jpg)
[Greek] ὑποκριτής (hypokritēs), [Latin] hypocrita
[Greek] ὑποκριτής (hypokritēs), [Latin] hypocrita: pretender, actor, hypocrite, one who puts on a false appearance, insincere person, one who plays a part; Mt. 6:2,5,16, Mt.7:5, Mt. 15:7, Mt.22:18, Mt. 23:13-15, 23,25,27,29, Mt.24:51, Mk.7:6, Lk.11:44,Lk. 12:56, Lk.13:15 In classical Greek…
[Greek] ἐπισκοπή (episkopē), [Latin] visitatio, [Latin] episcopatum
[Greek] ἐπισκοπή (episkopē), [Latin] vistatio, [Latin] episcopatum: an overseeing, a visitation, a looking upon, office of an overseer This is related to episkopos (bishop); Lk. 19:44, 1 Pet.2:12, 1 Tim.3:1, Act.1:20 Background Information: Old Testament: This term means visit, a…
[Greek] παροικέω (paroikeō), [Latin] non cognoscere
[Greek] παροικέω (paroikeō), [Latin] non cognoscere: to dwell (oikeo) beside (para-), be a sojourner, reside as a foreigner, to settle; Lk. 24:18, Heb. 11:9 Background Information: Greek Hellenism: This term means to dwell beside, to be a resident alien, to…
The Papacy: 0-100 A.D. (Part 1)
The History of the Papacy St. Peter (32-67) 1st Pope He instituted the recitation of the Our Father He was crucified upside down. Jn. 21:18 (“you will stretch your hands”) His tomb is underneath present day St. Peter’s Cathedral The…
Why is Peter called the Rock?
Background Information: Caesarea Phillipi Caesarea Phillippi: This region is in the northeast section of Israel called the Golan Heights. This region was about 20 miles north of the Sea of Galilee. In Israel all of the important temples, synagogues, and…
[Greek] βασιλικός (basilikos), [Latin] regis
[Greek] βασιλικός (basilikos), [Latin] regis: royal official, nobleman, robes, law, royal country; Jn. 4:46,49, Act.12:20-21, Jas. 2:8 Background Information: Greek Hellenism: This term means kingly, ruling, authority, decree, and royal hall. Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound 869 states “She it is who…
[Greek] καθέδρα (kathedra), [Latin] sedere, [Latin] cathedra
[Greek] καθέδρα (kathedra), [Latin] sedere, [Latin] cathedra: chair, seat, bench, seat of authority (representing the synagogue chair which symbolized the origin and authority of their teaching; Mt. 21:12, Mk. 11:15, Mt.23:2 Background Information: Greek Hellenism: This term means seat, chair,…
[Greek] λειτουργός (leitourgos), [Latin] ministrum
[Greek] λειτουργός (leitourgos), [Latin] ministrum: servant, minister, soldier, administrator, public servant in government; Rom.13:6, Rom. 15:15-16, Phill. 2:25, Heb. 1:7, Heb. 8:1-2 Background Information: Greek Hellenism: This term means public servant, workman, minister, acolyte, sacrificial attendant. Polybius’ Histories 3.93.5 states…
[Greek] σχολή (scholē)
[Greek] σχολή (scholē): school, a lecture hall, place for leisure; Acts 19:8-9 Background Information: Greek Hellenism: This term means leisure, rest, enjoyment, discussion, lecture, school, learning, and office. Plato’s Apology 36d states “Now what is fitting for a poor…
[Latin] Ecclesia Domestica: House Church
[Latin] Ecclesia Domestica: House Church, domestic church; Acts 2:42,46 Background: At this time, Christianity, as a practicing religion, was still against the law. The Christians gathered in their homes. This was the place of assembly, worship, prayer, and the celebration…
[Greek] ἀγών (agōn), [Latin] sollicitudo
[Greek] ἀγών (agōn), [Latin] sollicitudo:fight, struggle, agony, opposition, foot race; Php.1:30, Col.2:1, 1Thess.2:2, 1Tim.6:12, 2 Tim.4:7, Heb. 12:1 Background Information: Greek Hellenism: This term means contest, stadium, debate, conflict, and games. Sophocles’ Electra 686 states “When he had finished the…
The Feast of St. Francis of Assisi
“Preach the gospel always, and if necessary, use words” My thoughts: There are so many quotes from St. Francis that contain so much wisdom and truth. But I just want to focus on this quote. St. Francis was a big…