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[Greek] ἐπισκοπή (episkopē), [Latin] vistatio, [Latin] episcopatum: an overseeing, a visitation, a looking upon, office of an overseer   This is related to episkopos (bishop); Lk. 19:44, 1 Pet.2:12, 1 Tim.3:1, Act.1:20


Background Information:

Old Testament: This term means visit, a looking, glance, care, prophetic intervention, investigation, examination, and office. In their appearance, the prophets can convey judgment, remission, condemnation, and judgment. This term can take on the sense of office, position, and authority.

New Testament: The days are coming when your enemies will raise up against the Christians. By not accepting Jesus, Jerusalem will experience devastation. Psa. 69:26 foretell the fall of Judas. A successor will take his place. Whoever aspires to the office of bishop desires a noble task. This provides a warning about the great responsibilities for this office. Peter advocates that Christians must conduct themselves properly in front of those who speak of you as evildoers.


“The chief prince of the Levites was Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest; he was the supervisor over those who had charge of the sanctuary.” Num. 3:32

Eleazar held the position of supervisor of the priests for the sanctuary.

“They will smash you to the ground and your children within you, and they will not leave one stone upon another within you because you did not recognize the time of your visitation.” Lk. 19:44

Jesus is already lamenting for Jerusalem. This is Jesus before displays His anger, cleansing out the temple area.  Jesus could be prophesizing the later Roman destruction of the Temple in 70 AD.

“May another take his office.” Acts 1:20

This scripture passages prophecies the need to replace Judas’s position as apostle.  This will require the Apostles help of the Holy Spirit to find a suitable replacement.

“This saying is trustworthy: whoever aspires to the office of bishop desires a noble task.” 1 Tim. 3:1

This is an office uniquely found in the New Testament, requiring noble human qualities and characteristics.  The Holy Spirit is not directly tied into this as with the office of an Apostle.



Episcopal, visit, visitation, episcopal

From this comes the word episcopal. This has become associated with the office of bishop. The [Greek] dioikesis (diocese) becomes the geographical unit entrusted to the pastoral care of a bishop.


[Greek] ἐπισκοπή (episkopē), [Latin] visitatio, [Latin] episcopatum

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