[Greek] ἐλέγχω (elegchō), [Latin] arguere, [Latin] convincere, [Latin] redarguere, [Latin] increpare

[Greek] ἐλέγχω (elegchō), [Latin] arguere, [Latin] convincere, [Latin] redarguere, [Latin] increpare: to confute, to admonish, to find fault, to expose, to rebuke; Mt.18:15, Lk.3:19, Jn.3:20, Jn.8:9,46, Jn.16:8, 1Cor.14:24, Eph.5:11,13, 1Tim.5:20, 2Tim.4:2, Tit.1:9,13, Tit.2:15, Heb.12:5, Jas.2:9, Rev.3:19 The Woman Taken in…

[Greek] πίπτω (piptō), [Latin] cadere, [Latin] elidere, [Latin] concidere, [Latin] decider, [Latin] perire, [Latin] prostrare, [German] fallen, [French] ruiner

[Greek] πίπτω (piptō), [Latin] cadere, [Latin] elidere, [Latin] concidere, [Latin] decider, [Latin] perire, [Latin] prostrare, [German] fallen, [French] ruiner

[Greek] πίπτω (piptō), [Latin] cadere, [Latin] elidere, [Latin] concidere, [Latin] decider, [Latin] perire, [Latin] prostrare, [German] fallen, [French] ruiner: to fall, to fall prostrate, to kneel, to fall down; 92 scriptural references St. Matthias: painting by Peter Paul Reubens (1611)…