[Greek] ἀπάτη (apatē), [Latin] fallacia, [Latin] deceptio, [Latin] error, [Latin] seductio
[Greek] ἀπάτη (apatē), [Latin] fallacia, [Latin] deceptio, [Latin] error, [Latin] seductio: deception delusion, deceit; Mt.13:22, Mk.4:19, Eph.4:22, Col.2:8, 2Thess.2:10, Heb.3:13, 2Pet.2:13 In contrast to what Vatican II actually stated, the Modernists deceptively now claim that the Traditional Latin Mass is not…
[Greek] πλανάω (planaō), [Latin] errare, [Latin] seducer, [Latin] inducer, [French] introduire, [Latin] fraudare, [German] betrugen
[Greek] πλανάω (planaō), [Latin] errare, [Latin] seducer, [Latin] inducer, [French] introduire, [Latin] fraudare, [German] betrugen: to go astray, to wander, to be unfaithful, to err, to seduce, to deviate; 52 scriptural references Pope Francis’ synodal Church’s elevation of lived experiences…
[Greek] ἱεροσυλέω (hierosyleō), [German] tempelraub
[Greek] ἱεροσυλέω (hierosyleō), [German] tempelraub: to cause sacrilege, to rob temples; Rom.2:22 [Greek] ἱερόσυλος (hierosylos), [French] provoquer un sacrilege: desecrater, temple robber; Acts 19:37 The Catholic faithful are calling for that we may not rob God of His due! Background…