‎[Greek] δονή (hēdonἡē), [Latin] voluptatibus, [Latin] conupiscentia

[Greek] δονή (hēdonἡē), [Latin] voluptatibus, [Latin] concupiscienta: pleasure, lust, delight, gratification, self-gratification, sensual pleasure; Lk.8:14, Jas.4:3, 2Pet.2:13, Tit.3:3, Jas.4:1 A common depiction of hedonism in Greco-Roman society Background Information: Greco-Roman culture: Hedonism developed an important history with Greek philosophers and…

‎[Greek] συνεργός (synergos),[Latin] adiutor, [Latin] cooperator

‎[Greek] συνεργός (synergos), [Latin] adiutor, [Latin] cooperator: fellow worker, co-worker, partner, collaboration, fellow laborer; Rom.16:3, 1Cor.3:9, 2Cor.1:24, Phil.2:25, Col.4:11, 1Thess.3:2, Mk.16:20 An old Roman mural of Paul’s co-workers Prisca and Aquila Background Information: Old Testament: This Greek term synergos is…