[Greek] ἀρκετός (arketos), [Latin] contentus, [Latin] satisfactere, [Latin] satietas, [Latin] sufficiens:

[Greek] ἀρκετός (arketos), [Latin] contentus, [Latin] satisfactere, [Latin] satietas, [Latin] sufficiens: sufficient, enough, satisfaction; Mt.6:34, Mt.10:25, 1Pet.4:3 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means sufficient or enough. This notion pertains to being content to what one has been given by…

[Greek] καταρτισμός (katartismos), [Latin] aedificatio, [Latin] apparatus:

[Greek] καταρτισμός (katartismos), [Latin] aedificatio, [Latin] apparatus:

[Greek] καταρτισμός (katartismos), [Latin] aedificatio, [Latin] apparatus: restoration, equipment, complete furnishing, perfection; Eph.4:12 Simeon the Godreceiver: painting by Alexei Yegorov (1830-1840). The Presentation of the Lord confirms (aedifies) that Simeon has seen the Messiah of the Lord. Background information: Greek…