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[Greek] καταγγέλλω (katangellō), [Latin] annuntire, [French] proclamer: to proclaim, to report, to tell with conviction, to preach, to advocate, to declare; Acts 4:2, Acts 13:5,38, Acts 15:36, Acts16:17,21, Acts 17:3,13,23, Acts 26:23, Rom.1:8, 1Cor.2:1, 1Cor.9:14, 1Cor.11:26, Php.1:16,18, Col.1:28

St. Paul delivering the Aeropagus Sermon to the Athenians: painting by Raphael (1515)

Background information:

Greek Hellenism: This term is used in proclaiming, pronouncing, announcing news, events (official and religious), and promises. Lysias’ Defense Against a Charge Subvert the Democracy 25.30 states “Thirty are the men who now instead of concord have created mutual suspicion, and who declared war instead of peace.” Plutarch’s Pyrrhus 26.8 states “And when the Spartan ambassadors upbraided him for making war upon them with previous declaration, he said: ‘Yet we know that, you Spartans also do not tell others beforehand about what you are going to do.’” Polybius’ Histories 4.53.2 states “The people of Elutherma first proclaimed a right of reprisal against the Rhodian, and then went to open war with them.”

Old Testament: This term, infrequently used, means to proclaim and to testify. The Works of Philo states “We have such great assistance towards arriving at virtue, must we not blush to assert that there is any necessary deficiency of wisdom in the human race. Those things which we ought to neglect we show and insatiable desire and longing for.” Antiquities 11.222 states “The same thing was done by all Jews that were in several cities wherein this decree was published with lamentation and mourning.”

New Testament: This term means to proclaim, to preach, to herald, to advocate, to expound, to demonstrate, and to teach. Many, like the Sadducees, were disturbed by those proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection of the dead. Paul, appealing to Athenians’ religiosity, proclaims Christians already worship this ‘Unknown God’. Paul mentions that their faith is heralded throughout the world. The Lord requires that those must preach and live by the gospel. Paul proclaims that forgiveness of sins is given to every believer. Proclaiming involves teaching, admonition and tradition (handing on faith to others).


“For as I walked around looking carefully at your shrines, I even discovered and altar inscribed ‘To an Unknown God.’ What therefore you unknowingly worship, I proclaim to you.” Acts 17:23

Paul was appealing to the Athenians’ religiosity. Paul proclaims that Christian already worship this ‘Unknown God.’

“In the same way, the Lord ordered that those who preach the gospel should live by the gospel.” 1Cor.9:14

The Lord call those who preach to act accordingly in their lives.

“It is He whom we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone perfect in Christ.” Col.1:28

Proclaiming also involves instruction, preaching and tradition (handing over the faith).

Conclusion: Angel, annunciation, proclaim

In Greek Hellenism it makes sense that this term would be used for announcing and proclaiming events (govt. and religious). This term was frequently used in declaring war and peace. This term also means to denounce.

It is important to point out that the Greek prefix kata- refers to decisiveness and intensity. Therefore proclaiming involves an intensive action of conveying or stating.

The Jewish Hellenistic philosophers Philo and Josephus make frequent use of this term. In 2Macc. 8:36 Nicanor, an occupying general, proclaims that the Jewish people having a champion (God) who protects His people. In 2Macc. 9:17 Antioch proclaims the power of God.

It is important to note that proclaiming is related to teaching, instructing, admonishing, and tradition (handing over the faith). The Lord points out that a Christian who preaches the gospel must also live the gospel. Faith and works must go hand in hand.

I must proclaim that this term provides important insights about proclaiming.

[Greek] καταγγέλλω (katangellō), [Latin] annuntire, [French] proclamer

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