[Greek] φρονέω (phroneō), [Latin] sapere, [German] weise, [Latin sentire, [French] percevoir, [German] empfinden, [Latin] cogitare, [French] penser, [French] reflechir, [Latin] consolare: to be like minded, to understand, to set one’s mind on; 37 scriptures Think of what is above, not…
[Greek] καταστροφή (katastrophē), [Latin] subversio, [Latin] eversio
[Greek] καταστροφή (katastrophē), [Latin] subversio, [Latin] eversio: overturning, destruction, ruin, apostasy, subverting; 2Tim.2:14, 2Pet.2:6 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means overturning, subjugation, end, and conclusion. Aeschynes’ Eumenides 490: “Here is the overturning of new laws.” Herodotus’ The Histories 1.6:…
[Greek] ἀπώλεια (apōleia), [Latin] perditio, [Latin] destructio, [Latin] devastatio, [Latin] luxurius
[Greek] ἀπώλεια (apōleia), [Latin] perditio, [Latin] destructio, [Latin] devastatio, [Latin] luxurius: loss, destruction, waste, ruin, disaster, squander; Mt.7:13, Mt.26:8, Mk.14:4, Jn.17:12, Acts 8:20, Acts 25:16, Rom.8:22, Php.1:28, Php.3:19, 2Thess.2:3, 1Tim.6:9, Heb.10:39, 2Pet.2:1-3, 2Pet.3:7,16 The Narrow Gate to Heaven and the…
[Greek] μισέω (miseō), [Latin] odire, [Old English] hettan, [French] detester
[Greek] μισέω (miseō), [Latin] odire, [Old English] hettan, [French] detester: to hate, to love less; 42 scriptural references The truth is that many “pride” themselves on their behavior. (Video footage and social media don’t lie.) Background information: Greek Hellenism: This…
[Greek] συμπάσχω (sympaschō), [Latin] compatior
[Greek] συμπάσχω (sympaschō), [Latin] compatior: join in suffering, share in suffering; Rom.8:17, 1Cor.12:26 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means to suffer at the same time, to suffer with, and to sympathize. Polybius’ Histories 4.7: An embassy from Messenia appeared,…
[Greek] ἀκαταστασία (akatastasia), [Latin] seditio, [Latin] dissensio, [Latin] opus pravis
[Greek] ἀκαταστασία (akatastasia), [Latin] seditio, [Latin] dissensio, [Latin] opus pravis: instability, confusion, disorder, disturbance, rebellion; Lk.21:9, 1Cor.14:33, 2Cor.6:5, 2Cor.12:20, Jas.3:16 Confusion and disorder occurs when is out of step with the God of peace Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term…
[Greek] παράκλησις (paraklēsis), [Latin] exhortatio, [Latin] exhortare, [Latin] solacium
[Greek] παράκλησις (paraklēsis), [Latin] exhortatio, [Latin] exhortare, [Latin] solacium: consolation, encouragement, comfort, earnest request, appeal; 29 scriptures Simeon the Godreceiver: painting by Alexei Yegorov (1830) Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term refers to the act of calling someone to oneself.…
[Greek] αἰσχύνη (aischynē), [Latin] offensio, [Latin] rubor, [Latin] confusio, [German] scham
[Greek] αἰσχύνη (aischynē), [Latin] offensio, [Latin] rubor, [Latin] confusio, [German] scham: shamefulness, what causes shame, disgrace, dishonesty; Lk.14:9, 2Cor.4:2, Heb.12:2, Jud.1:13 Unfortunately, many do not fully realize that they will have to account for their actions (an inactions) before God!…