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[Greek] αἰσχύνη (aischynē), [Latin] offensio, [Latin] rubor, [Latin] confusio, [German] scham: shamefulness, what causes shame, disgrace, dishonesty; Lk.14:9, 2Cor.4:2, Heb.12:2, Jud.1:13

Success in Life Is to Stand Before God Without Shame - FAMILY OF ST. SHARBEL USA

Unfortunately, many people do not fully realize that they will be held accountable for their actions before God!

Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means shame, dishonor, insult, being ashamed, and disgrace.

Sophocles’ Trachiniae 66: “That since your father has been gone so long, it is disgraceful for you to not to seek him.”

Sophocles’ Trachinaie 597: “Please keep my secret! Even shameful deeds, when done in darkness, never bring disgrace.”

Euripides’ The Suppliants 164: “I am ashamed to throw myself upon the ground and clasp your knees.”

Xenophon’s Hellenica 7.3.9: “But those who are corrupted by money in violation of the right not only suffer damage, but at the same time shame.”

Old Testament: This term, meaning disgrace and shame, comes from the shame brought about by God’s divine judgment. Sources and cause of shame can come from nakedness, indecency, desire, coveting, scorn, and idols.

New Testament: This term means embarrassment, shamefulness, indecent behavior, and dishonesty. In His teaching on humility, Jesus speaks about the parable of the invited guests and host. By first assuming the lowest position, one will avoid embarrassment by having to move to a lower status. Paul’s ministry renounced the hidden things of enemies who hide, deceive, and falsify the Word. The enemies of God (and the cross) show their glory as their shame. Jesus endured the shame of the cross before receiving the triumph of glory. The false teachers are like wild waves forming their shameless deeds (indecent behavior).


“The host who invited both of you may approach you and say, ‘Give your place to this man’, and then you would proceed with embarrassment to take the lowest place.” Lk.14:9

When you are invited to a function, do not recline in the place of honor. Rather, take the lowest seat. Jesus teaches about being humble.

“Rather, we [Paul] have renounced shameful, hidden things; not acting deceitfully or falsifying the word of God, but by open declaration of the truth we commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience in the sight of God.” 2Cor.4:2

Clarity in teaching generates confidence and righteousness. Paul states that faith, religion, and dogma must be defended openly and stated clearly. This truth never needs tricks, nuance, deception, or misdirection. Unfortunately, many church leaders use these tactics in response to the culture.

“Their end is destruction. Their god is their stomach; their glory is their shame. Their minds are occupied with earthly things.” Php.3:19

These are enemies of the cross. They serve (worship) their own appetites. These people are self-seeking, self-indulgent, and self-gratifying. They boast (glory) in their actions. They indulge in confusion.

Rubor: This is a redness of the skin. This can be associated with blushing, embarrassment, and shame.

Rubric: This is a red word or text traditionally written or printed for emphasis. Rubric originates in Medieval illuminated manuscripts from the 13th century and earlier. Red letters were used to highlight initial capitals of psalms, section heading, and names of religious significance.


Rubor, rubrics, offense, offensive, shame, shameful, confusion

The Old Testament reminds us that shame can come from both one’s actions and through God’s divine judgment of one’s actions.

Jesus continually reminds us that one who exalts himself will be humbled. One those who humbles himself will be exalted.

Both Jesus and Paul point out that the Word (gospel message) must be clear and simple. Jesus states one must hate the sin but love the sinner. Paul states that there should be no deceit in the gospel. (Jesus and Paul couldn’t have stated this more simply!)

It is interesting to note dishonesty can convey faithlessness, fraud, deception, wickedness, lack of trust, and confusion. Much of this dishonesty and confusion are often found in belief systems and teaching institutions.

Those more concerned with worldly affairs continually to glorify themselves in their shameful behavior. They boast in their actions, rights, and indulgences. We are now living in a world where one has a right to be offended. If you do not accept their thinking, then you are perceived as intolerant.

Crucifixion was a cruel and shameful punishment for slaves and barbarians.

Update: Many support gay marriage, homosexuality, gender ideology, transgenderism, puberty blockers, sex reassignment surgery, abortion, while opposing traditional Catholic (Christian) teachings.

In this confusing culture, it is a shame that oftentimes it becomes difficult for one to define what a woman is.

Christian objects oftentimes must be banned or covered in some places for fear of offending others.

The LGBT community, opponents of traditional Christian morality, often self boast in their behavior.

The Smithsonian Institute banned a pro-life group wearing “Rosary-Pro Life” beanies because they are not a neutral organization.

The Los Angeles Dodgers organization shamefully honored the ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’ in front of a virtually empty stadium.

It is shameful that nakedness is often seen at Gay Pride parades and drag queen shows. It is also a shame why some parents would take their kids to such events.

Questionable, misleading, and shameful decisions by the Catholic Church:

The Catholic Church and the media often give a pass to the unacceptable behavior of the LGBTQ community (often seen as a protected class).

The Vatican appoints a pro-abortion woman to the Pontifical Academy.

The Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles fails to participate in protesting against the Los Angeles honoring the ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’.

It is a shame that only a handful of bishops condemned or protested against the ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’. (Are other bishops succumbing to the pressure of identity politics?) 

The Vatican continues its synodal process leading to abuses. (incorporating pagan practices into Masses, permitting invalid celebrations in in cathedrals, releasing confusing policies and statements regarding the LGBTQ community, questionable ecumenical practices, and dramatically expanding lay voting on matters, etc.)  

The Vatican restricts the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) while permitting Pride Masses.

It seems that Pride Masses are permitted or canceled based on geographical support or opposition. (There is no consistent policies in restricting this Pride Mass.)

The Catholic Church has to explain why its World Youth Day website contains an endorsement of the UN’s abortion and pro-contraception agenda.

The German bishops and priests are doctrinally going off the rails advocating for blessings for same sex couples, women priests, and removing celibacy. Why is the Vatican silent about this?

“LGBT Catholic?”: Does this imply that the Catholic Church will tacitly tolerate (or accept) the LGBT lifestyle, will ignore sinful behavior, or will ignore current Catholic teachings against homosexuality and sodomy? (Yet the Vatican continues with this confusion to this day. And which Catholic Church?)

Why is the Catholic Church not uniformly following official doctrinal teachings (stated in the Catechism) against homosexuality? Again, very revealing and confusing, but not surprising.

In light of the confusion of gender ideology, the Vatican has not promoted John Paul II’s Theology of the Body (understanding God’s design for the male and female body). This is very revealing and confusing, but perhaps not surprising. 

Another curious quote from Pope Francis:

“The danger today is indietrismo, the reaction against the modern. It is a nostalgic disease.”

Evidently, Pope Francis despises tradition. This is a disappointing attitude toward all those who seek a more silent and reverential form of worship. Pope Francis has just mocked and marginalized a younger generation of faithful Catholics who are attracted to traditional worship. Pope Francis thinks that they have an illness. Pope Francis does not have much to be proud of, considering the disastrous results (“fruits”) of Vatican II. It seems that this modernist pope wants to double down on modernizing the Church.

“So strong is tradition that later generations will dream of what they have never seen.” GK Chesteron

“We don’t want a church that moves with the world. We want a church that moves the world.” GK Chesterton

Next posts: waking up

June 21: wake-up call: seeing the culture around us

June 25: wake-up call: stop sinning

[Greek] αἰσχύνη (aischynē), [Latin] offensio, [Latin] rubor, [Latin] confusio, [German] scham

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