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[Greek] φρονέω (phroneō), [Latin] sapere, [German] weise, [Latin sentire, [French] percevoir, [German] empfinden, [Latin] cogitare, [French] penser, [French] reflechir, [Latin] consolare: to be like minded, to understand, to set one’s mind on; 37 scriptures

Think of what is above, not what is on earth. (Col.3:2) Yet, Pope Francis and his inner circle are re-making Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church. Remaking, subverting, upending Jesus’ Church into man’s image is evil. We all must remember that is also what Satan seeks.

Background information:

Greek Hellenism: This term means to think, to be wise, to be high minded, and to be self-conscious.

Homer’s Iliad 6.79: “I see that you Aeneas and Hector are the best both in war and counsel.”

Aeschylus’ Persians 820: “For presumptuous pride, when it has matured, bears as its fruit a crop of calamity, from which it reaps and abundant harvest of tears.”

Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus 316: “Alas, how terrible it is to have wisdom when it does not benefit those who have it.”

Aeschylus’ Suppliant Women 204: “Your words are prudent. I will take heed of your wise words.”

Old Testament: This term means to understand, to discern, to be wise, to be prudent, and to be intelligent.

New Testament: This term means to ponder, to have an attitude, to hold a view, to honor, and to be haughty.

Notable scriptures:

Mt.16:23: Peter, thinking not as God does but as human beings do, becomes an obstacle to Jesus.

Acts 28:22: [Jews of Rome]: we like to know what you [Paul] think, for we know that this sect is denounced everywhere

Rom.8:5: Those who live according to the flesh are concerned with things of the flesh

Rom.12:16: Have the same regard for one another; do not be haughty but associate with the lowly; do not be wise in your own estimation

Rom.15:5: May God grant you to think in harmony with one another, in keeping with Christ

1Cor.4:6: May you not be inflated with pride

Php.2:5: Have among yourselves the same attitude that is also your in Christ Jesus

Php.3:19: Their god is their stomach; their glory is their shame. Their minds are occupied with earthly things.

Col.3:2: Think of what is above is above, not what is on earth

Perspectives on Satan:

Satan has a powerful tool to use against good people. It is distraction. He would have good people fill life up with so many good things that there is not room for essential ones.” Richard Scott

Satan knows your name, but he calls you by your sin. But God knows your sin, but He calls you by your name.” Unknown

“If Satan cannot have your heart, he’ll do his part to distract it.” Unknown

“If the devil cannot make us bad, he will make us busy.” Corrie ten Boom

“The quest for God, gone wrong, unwittingly and unknowingly becomes the quest for Satan.” Unknown

“Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon their knees.” William Cowper

“Both sin and busyness have the same effect. They cut off our connection to God, to other people, and even to our own soul.” John Mark Comer

“God will preserve all who walk in the path of obedience; but to depart from it is to venture on Satan’s ground.” Ellen White

“Man creates both his god and his devil in his own image. His god is himself at his best, and his devil himself at his worst.” Elbert Hubbard

Etymology: The Greek noun phren, meaning diaphragm, refers to the seat of intellectual and spiritual activity. A diaphragm is the muscular membrane separating the thorax from abdominal cavity. The Latin verb sapere means to taste of, and to be wise. The German verb geschmach haben means to smack of.


Diaphragm, wise, to smack of, sentient, sapient, Homo-sapien, find, perceive, cogitation, reflect, consolation

Mt.16:23: Peter’s human refusal to accept Jesus’ suffering was essentially a satanic attempt to disrupt His mission. This also makes reference to Jesus’ dismissing Satan in the desert.

Acts 28:22: It is significant to note that Jews in Rome were still open-minded towards Paul. This Christian sect was denounced and unwelcomed everywhere.

Rom.15:5: Paul calls upon the Romans to persevere, to be encouraged, and to be conformed with Christ. Thinking in harmony was a Greco-Roman ideal, not having a rigid uniformity of thought, but a thoughtful consideration of other people’s views.

1Cor.4:6: Paul warns the Corinthians to not to go beyond being humble and modest. Paul was warning the Corinthians against being inflated with pride (arrogance, vain speculation, and self-conceit).

Php.3:12-16: To be taken possession of by Christ: this does not mean spiritual maturity but instead having trust in God.

Php. 3:19: Phillipi was greatly influenced by paganism. Their sexual satisfaction was just as mundane (commonplace) as food.

Update: Pope Francis and his inner circle, in their human efforts, are seeking to change Jesus’ Church into a synodal Church into the image of man. (This has become a new human invention.)

Pope Francis and his inner circle claim that we now have a listening and welcoming Church, yet refuse to hear the conservative and traditional Catholics’ concerns about this Synod. They were not invited as only hand-picked attendees were invited to participate in the synod.

This synod seeks to hear what the people want but refuse to uphold Catholic principles. Will this next step to change Church teachings to accommodate the people? Pope Francis and inner circle have already established a pattern of doing this very thing.

It seems that traditional and conservative Catholics are now being viewed with suspicion and are not welcome (continually being denounced like a sect) in Rome under Pope Francis papacy.

Cardinal Tobin, a member of Pope Francis’ and inner circle, arrogantly claimed that the restrictions on the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) “will be good” for traditional and conservative Catholics.

Pope Francis and his inner circle, in their outreach to the LGBTQ community, are making a concerted effort to de-stigmatize, normalize, and rationalize homosexuality. The are welcoming this sinful behavior according to the flesh. Again, they are remaking Jesus’ Church into man’s image.

Pope Francis and his inner circle have refused to be in harmony in following Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:11). Rather than having thoughtful consideration to conservative and traditional Catholic, Pope Francis calls them rigid, backward, and having a ‘disease of nostalgia’.

Pope Francis and his inner circle are “puffed up”, in their arrogance in stating that the Church and theology has changed. Yet, past councils have not changed their teachings in response to the world.

One does not need to be fully possessed to be influenced by the devil. The devil influences our us (and society) in more subtle ways (behind the scenes) by distraction, busyness, disobedience, and prideful motivations (“I will not serve” , “I know better”, etc)

All of us are faced with: “Is it God’s will or is it my will?

Peter became an obstacle to Jesus. Peter, acting like a human, does not want Jesus to die. At first glance, THIS SOUNDS SO WONDERFUL AND NICE! However, Peter, at this moment, is obstructing Jesus’ mission to redeem humanity by dying on the cross. This is evil!

This Synod is filled with humanistic listening and welcoming attitudes for the Church. At first glance, THIS SOUNDS SO WONDERFUL AND NICE! But this introduces worldly, sinful, and evil influences into Jesus’ Church. This is all about re-making Jesus’ Church into the image of man! This is evil!

We are now living in a post-Christian secular culture where hookup culture and sexual promiscuity is commonplace.

Our current false “wisdom” now includes preventing birth (abortion), euthanasia, changing marriage, and changing gender.

We are living like little pagans worshipping wealth, power, celebrity, fame, technology, and absolute freedom (“I can do whatever I want”)

Sabre aude (Dare to be wise)!

[Greek] φρονέω (phroneō), [Latin] sapere, [German] weise, [Latin sentire, [French] percevoir, [German] empfinden, [Latin] cogitare, [French] penser, [French] reflechir, [Latin] consolare

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