[Greek] παράδοσις (paradosis), [Latin] traditio: a handing down, tradition, transmission, delivery, teaching; Mt.15:2-3,6, Mk.7:3,5,8-9,13, 1Cor.11:2, Gal.1:14, 2Thess.2:15, 2Thess.3:6 Scott Hahn, formerly a Presbyterian pastor, has become one of today’s most important Catholic professors/apologists. Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means…
[Greek] τροπή (tropē), [Latin’ vicissitudo, [French] alternance
[Greek] τροπή (tropē), [Latin’ vicissitudo, [French] alternance: turn, turning, change, variation: Jas.1:17 How very prophetic! How times have changed! Those who often accuse others of being fascist are actually the real fascists! Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means change,…
[Greek] ἐπιτρέπω (epitrepō), [Latin] exire, [French] sortir, [French] partir, [Latin] permittere, [Latin] dimittere, [French] dispenser [French] admettre, [Latin] mittere, [French] jeter, [French] catapulter
[Greek] ἐπιτρέπω (epitrepō), [Latin] exire, [French] sortir, [French] partir, [Latin] permittere, [Latin] dimittere, [French] dispenser [French] admettre, [Latin] mittere, [French] jeter, [French] catapulter: to allow, to permit, to entrust, to let; 22 scriptures We now currently live in a post-Christian…
[Greek] τελέω (teleō), [Latin] consummare, [Latin] solvere, [Latin] perficere, [Latin] implere, [French] detacher, [German] losen, [French] acquitter, [French] accomplir, [French] achever
[Greek] τελέω (teleō), [Latin] consummare, [Latin] solvere, [Latin] perficere, [Latin] implere, [French] detacher, [German] losen, [French] acquitter, [French] accomplir, [French] achever: to complete, to fulfill, to end, to pay, to bring to an end; 30 scriptures Background information: Greek Hellenism:…
[Greek] παρνέομαι (aparneomai), [Latin] abnegare, [Latin] negare, [Latin] denegare, [Latin] reprobare, [French] nier, [French] refuser absolument
[Greek] παρνέομαι (aparneomai), [Latin] abnegare, [Latin] negare, [Latin] denegare, [Latin] reprobare, [French] nier, [French] refuser absolument: to deny, to disown, to reject, to refuse, to abstain; Mt.16:24, Mt.26:34-35,75, Mk.8:34, Mk.14:30-31, Lk.9:23, Lk.12:9, Lk.22:34,61, Jn.13:38 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term…
[Greek] ὑπομιμνῄσκομαι (hypomimnēskō), [Latin] recordare, [Latin] suggerere, [Latin] testificans, [Latin] admonere, [Latin] subvenire, [French] souvenir, [French] rappeler, [French] exhorter
[Greek] ὑπομιμνῄσκομαι (hypomimnēskō), [Latin] recordare, [Latin] suggerere, [Latin] testificans, [Latin] admonere, [Latin] subvenire, [French] souvenir, [French] rappeler, [French] exhorter: to remember, to recall, to recollect, to remind, to call to mind; Lk.22:61, Jn.14:26, 2Tim.2:14, Tit.3:1, 2Pet.1:12, 3Jn.1:10, Jd.1:5 Archbishop Fulton Sheen…
[Greek] ἐκκλείω (ekkleiō), [Latin] excludere, [German] fernhalten
[Greek] ἐκκλείω (ekkleiō), [Latin] excludere, [German] fernhalten: to shut out, to exclude, to eliminate, to not allow; Rom.3:27, Gal.4:17 Pope Francis really believes that tradition is the problem holding us back!! Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means to shut…
[Greek] συγχέω (sygcheō), [Latin] confundere, [French] meler, [French] exciter
[Greek] συγχέω (sygcheō), [Latin] confundere, [French] meler, [French] exciter: to confuse, to stir up, to throw into disorder, to blur; Acts 2:6, Acts 9:22, Acts 19:32, Acts 21:27,31 Pope Francis continues to create great confusion and chaos concerning the nature…
[Greek] νηστεύω (nēsteuō), [Latin] orare, [German] fasten, [French] reciter, [French] plaider, [French] parler
[Greek] νηστεύω (nēsteuō), [Latin] orare, [German] fasten, [French] reciter, [French] plaider, [French] parler: to fast, to go without food, to abstain from food; Mt.4:2, Mt.6:16-18, Mk.9:14-15, Mk.2:18-20, Lk.5:33-35, Lk.1:12, Acts 13:2-3 Background information: Greco-Roman era: Fasting was necessary for mourning…