[Greek] ἐλαττόω (elattoō), [Latin] minuere, [Latin] minus, [French] petit: to make less, to decrease, to make lower, to have less status; Jn.3:30, Heb.2:7,9 Pope Francis and his inner circle are seeking to diminish the importance of sin. In a recent…
[Greek] πείθω (peithō), [Latin] persuadere, [Latin] confidere, [Latin] suadere, [Latin] consentire, [Latin] confirmare, [Latin] certus, [Latin] fidens, [Latin oboedire, [French] convaincre, [French] affirmer
[Greek] πείθω (peithō), [Latin] persuadere, [Latin] confidere, [Latin] suadere, [Latin] consentire, [Latin] confirmare, [Latin] certus, [Latin] fidens, [Latin oboedire, [French] convaincre, [French] affirmer: to influence, to persuade, to convince, to rely, to trust, to make confident; 62 scriptures Background information:…
Greek] καταλύω (kataluō), [Latin] solvere, [Latin] destruere, [Latin] dissolvere, [Latin] devertere, [French] detacher, [French] acquitter, [French] demolir, [French] denouer, [French] detourner
Greek] καταλύω (kataluō), [Latin] solvere, [Latin] destruere, [Latin] dissolvere, [Latin] devertere, [French] detacher, [French] acquitter, [French] demolir, [French] denouer, [French] detourner: to destroy, to overthrow, to lodge, to dissolve, to tear down; 16 scripture references Pope Francis’ and his fellow…
[Greek] λανθάνω (lanthanō), [Latin] latere, [French] cacher
[Greek] λανθάνω (lanthanō), [Latin] latere, [French] cacher: to escape notice, to be hidden, to be ignorant of, to forget; Mk.7:24, Lk.8:47, Acts 26:26, Heb.13:2, 2Pet.3:5,8 Pope Francis and his inner circle are appointing like-minded Modernist Cardinals, bishops, and priests in…
[Greek] ἀπατάω (apataō), [Latin] seducere, [Latin] decipere, [French] surprendre, [French] separer
[Greek] ἀπατάω (apataō), [Latin] seducere, [Latin] decipere, [French] surprendre, [French] separer: to deceive, to seduce, to beguile; Eph.5:6, 1Tim.2:14, Jas.1:26 [Greek] ἐξαπατάω (exapataō): [Latin] seducere: to seduce wholly, to deceive wholly; Rom. 16:18 Yet, Pope Francis and his inner circle…
[Greek] λύω (luō), [Latin] solvere, [Latin] dimittere, [Latin] dissolvere, [French] detacher, [French] acquitter, [French] dispenser
[Greek] λύω (luō), [Latin] solvere, [Latin] dimittere, [Latin] dissolvere, [French] detacher, [French] acquitter, [French] dispenser: to break, to loose, to untie, to remove, to destroy, to set aside, to dissolve; 46 scriptures In contrast, Pope Francis and his fellow Modernists…
[Greek] κατακρίνω (katakrinō), [Latin] condemnare, [Latin] damnare], [Latin] iudicare, [French] declarer coupable, [French] obliger, [French] juger
[Greek] κατακρίνω (katakrinō), [Latin] condemnare, [Latin] damnare], [Latin] iudicare, [French] declarer coupable, [French] obliger, [French] juger: to condemn, to give judgment, to judge down; 22 scriptural references Pope Pius IX was very prophetic in his condemnation of Liberalism and Modernism…
[Greek] ἐλέγχω (elegchō), [Latin] arguere, [Latin] audire, [Latin] diiudicare, [French] affirmer, [French] asserter, [French] prouver, [French] incriminer, [French] discerner, [French] refuter, [French] reprimander
[Greek] ἐλέγχω (elegchō), [Latin] arguere, [Latin] audire, [Latin] diiudicare, [French] affirmer, [French] asserter, [French] prouver, [French] incriminer, [French] discerner, [French] refuter, [French] reprimander: to expose, to admonish, to find fault, to rebuke; 18 scriptures Pope Pius X prophetically foresaw what…
[Greek] πορνεία (porneia), [Latin] fornicatio, [Latin] prostitutio
[Greek] πορνεία (porneia), [Latin] fornicatio, [Latin] prostitutio: unchastity, dishonoring, profaning, immorality, whoredom, idolatry; 26 scriptures St. Peter Damian (1007-1072) already saw the problems with immorality, homosexual predatory behavior, laxity, moral relativity, and silence within the clergy. (Sound familiar?) St. Peter…