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[Greek] ἐλαττόω (elattoō), [Latin] minuere, [Latin] minus, [French] petit: to make less, to decrease, to make lower, to have less status; Jn.3:30, Heb.2:7,9

Pope Francis and his inner circle are seeking to diminish the importance of sin. In a recent interview Cardinal Hollerich made the above statement. He and others are using “verbal gymnastics” to de-stigmatize, rationalize, and normalize homosexuality in their outreach to the LGBTQ community. They undertake these efforts as they undermine Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:11)!  The notion of validating or even “blessing” sin is evil!  These actions are of what human beings do (opposing Jesus), not as God does!

Background information:

Greek Hellenism: This term means smaller, lesser, to be worse off, below average, subservient, and inferior.

Demosthenes’ Against Midias 21.187: “Do not let the present crisis carry more weight and influence with you than the whole course of his life.”

Aristophanes’ Knights 441: “Now you can travel under full sail. The wind has lost its violence.”

Aeschylus’ Persians 813: “Altars have been destroyed, statues of the gods have been thrown from their bases in utter ruin and destruction. There they wrought such evil.”

Old Testament: This term means to lack, to fail, to become small, and to diminish.

New Testament: This term means to make less and to become less.


“He must increase; I must decrease.” Jn.3:30

John the Baptist’s mission eventually ends and Jesus’ mission begins.

“You made Him for a little while lower than the angels; you crowned Him with glory and honor.

Jesus lived a truly human existence suffering and eventually dying. The Father crowns Him with glory and honor.

Pascendi Dominici Gregis (“Feeding the Lord’s Flock”): Pope St. Pius’ encyclical promulgated on Sept. 8, 1907, exposes the tactics uses by the Modernists to spread errors. Modernists seek to:

  1. Hide (escape notice) in the Church
  2. Attack Church teachings
  3. Manipulate (diminish) the media: silencing Modernist critics, avoiding debate with critics, supporting and praising Modernist statements and documents


Minute, miniscule, minus, petit

Strictly speaking, in Mt. 16:23, Peter’s statement to Jesus: “God forbid, Lord! No such thing shall ever happen to you.” can actually be considered a SATANIC or EVIL statement. At this moment, Peter’s statement was a satanic attempt to deflect Jesus from carrying out His mission. It would be naive to think this could never happen again to clergy in this day and age. Any yet we hear about the evil that is coming from the German Bishops and the Synod on Synodalities!

Update: It cannot be stressed enough that the devil can and may play a part (however small or great) in influencing the laity and clergy in changing and remaking the Church to accommodate the world’s values. Only God knows to what extent. One does not need to be full-blown possessed to be influenced by the devil. Heresy and schism can actually be by-products of evil (satanic) influences.

Pope Francis and his inner circle are remaking and undermining Church teachings with more accompaniment and less doctrine.

Pope Francis and his inner circle are being deceptive to the faithful and to LGBT community in their efforts to change the sinful notion of homosexuality. Pope Francis and his inner circle are seeking to claim something sinful to be no longer sinful. One must not forget that homosexuality is a disordered state opposed to God’s plan for marriage and procreation. “You certainly will not be sinning in your same-sex unions.” This sounds very similar to the serpent saying in the garden: “You certainly will not die.” 

To unilaterally make the claim that something is no longer sinful because of the world’s values is something that devil would make to confuse man, to upend and destroy God’s creation plans.

Pope Francis has downplayed the importance of doctrine because of its rigidity and oppressiveness.

Bishop Strickland, upholding Church teachings, is being asked to “voluntarily resign.” He has refused to do so.

Critics (Cardinal Burke, Archbhishop Vigano, Bishop Strickland, Archbishop Athanasius Schneider, etc.) are continually criticized by the Vatican and media surrogates.

Liberal Catholic media and secular media continually support and praise Pope Francis’ statements and documents.

Pope Francis’ Amoris Latetitia seeks to downplay (minimize) the requirements for divorced couples in receiving the sacraments.

“We don’t want to convert the young people to Christ or the Catholic Church or anything like that at all.” Bishop Aguiar This bishop seems to diminish (ignore) Jesus’ command to make disciples of all nations. Then forget about conversion and evangelization!.

Pope Francis and recent popes, in the spirit of inclusion and ecumenism, seemed to have diminished the notion that Jesus and the Church is sole means for salvation. Instead, the Church becomes embroiled in liturgical and ecumenical sacrileges and abuses . (Panchamama idols at Mass, Anglican ceremonies in the Vatican, participation with Islamic teachers, etc.)

The spiritual and pastoral consequences from Vatican II has produced empty churches (diminished Church attendance) and loss of vocations (diminished attendance in seminaries). These efforts to “reinvigorate the Church” has tragically and ironically resulted in many Catholics later leaving the Church. And yet, Pope Francis wants to double down on these efforts??

Pope Francis and his inner circle focus more on accompaniment, false compassion, mercy, “inclusion” and focus less on doctrine, conversion, evangelization, and true compassion (sin no more).

When Pope Francis appears to be in general agreement with the German bishops, Pope Francis will typically take a more moderate or “reasonable” position by comparison for better public acceptance in his efforts to remake the Church. It is as if Pope Francis is saying to the German Bishops: “I already agree with you. But we need to slow walk this.” Pope Francis is already accepting some elements from the German synod, who is already going off the “doctrinal rails” into schism and heresy.

Pope Francis claims that the “Holy Spirit of surprises” is at play validating the efforts of Fr. James Martin and the German Bishops’ efforts?? However, this is non-sense as the Holy Spirit CANNOT VALIDATE SIN!

Argentinian Archbishop Aguer, in a LifeSight news interview, warns about the poisonous evil coming from the Francis’ Synod diminishing the importance of sin and relying more on what humans think. (SATAN ALSO ACTING LIKE AN OBSTACLE BEHIND THE SCENES.)

Next post: obstacles against (and within) the Church–> Scandalous!

[Greek] ἐλαττόω (elattoō), [Latin] minuere, [Latin] minus, [French] petit

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