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Greek] καταλύω (kataluō), [Latin] solvere, [Latin] destruere, [Latin] dissolvere, [Latin] devertere, [French] detacher, [French] acquitter, [French] demolir, [French] denouer, [French] detourner: to destroy, to overthrow, to lodge, to dissolve, to tear down; 16 scripture references

Pope Francis’ confusing teachings, statements, actions, and accusations against traditional (conservative) Catholics all contribute to harming (tearing down the Church. This does not build up the Church. Through his ‘toleration’ and ‘mercy’, Pope Francis is remaking a synodal Church that minimizes doctrine and diminishes the importance of sin. The notion of ‘blessing sin’ is evil! These also sound like false ideas.

Background information:

Greek Hellenism: This term means to put down, to destroy, to dissolve, to dismiss, to abolish, to render useless, to neglect, to bring to an end, and to lodge.

Euripides’ The Trojan Women 1080: “It is this that fills me with anxious thought whether you care at all that my city is destroyed.”

Herodotus’ The Histories 1.104: “The Medes met the Scythians, who defeated them in battle, deprived them of their rule, and made themselves masters of all Asia.”

Demosthenes’ On The Crown 18.82: “For the ambassador who came here from Cleitarchus and Phillistides lodged at your house and you entertained him.”

Old Testament: This term means to invade, to lodge, to abide, to tear down, and to destroy.

New Testament: This term means to disintegrate, to abolish, to throw down, to destroy, and to lodge. For purposes of brevity, I will exclude references of destroying and rebuilding the temple (Jesus).

Mt. 5:17: Jesus comes not to abolish the law but to fulfill it

Lk.9:12: [Jesus]: dismiss the crowd so that they can go to the surrounding villages and farms and find lodging and provisions

Lk.19:7: They began to grumble, saying, ‘Jesus has gone to stay at a house of a sinner’

Acts 6:14: Stephen begins to point out the differences between Judaism and Christianity

Acts 5:38: If this activity is of human origin, it will destroy itself

Acts 5:39: If it comes from God, you will not be able to destroy it

Rom.14:20: For the sake of food, do not destroy the work of God

2Cor.5:1: If our earthly dwelling (body), a tent, should be destroyed, we have a heavenly dwelling place

Gal.2:18: If I am building up again those things I tore down, then I am a transgressor

Pascendi Dominici Gregis (“Feeding the Lord’s Flock”): Pope St. Pius’ encyclical promulgated on Sept. 8, 1907, exposes the tactics used by Modernists to spread errors. Modernists seek to:

  1. Hide (escape notice) in the Church
  2. Attack Church teachings: questioning the very virtue of faith, reducing faith to the natural realm, using subterfuge (confusion) in writings and speeches, changing the faith within the Church, illustrating that doctrines lack vision
  3. Manipulate the media

Etymology: The Greek verb kataluo essentially means to loosen (-luo) down (kata-). The Latin verb solvere means to loosen and to pay. The Latin verb destruere means to demolish, to tear down, and to destroy. The Latin verb dissolvere means to dissolve and to pay. The Latin verb devertere means to turn away, to detour, and to lodge.


Solve, detach, acquit, destroy, dissolve, divert, diversion, denounce, demolish

In Greek Hellenism, it was interesting to discover the more nuanced meanings of this term: rendering useless, neglecting, bringing to an end, retiring, disbanding, and dismissing.

Mt.5:17: Jesus fulfills the law, bringing in the kingdom of heaven.

Mt.24:2: When Jesus says “Amen, I say to you”, Jesus will soon later state something very important.

Lk.9:12: Jesus instructs the crowd to lodge (loosen down).

Lk.19:7: In Jesus’ presence, Zacchaeus, attached to material possessions, was moved to conversion. Jesus comes to save those who are lost. Jesus did not tolerate Zacchaeus’ behavior.

Rom.14:21: Food and actions can also destroy the work of God and cause others to stumble.

Gal.2:18: To return to observation of Mosaic law will hinder one’s salvation. One who builds up again (restores) what is deemed sinful is a transgressor (de-stigmatizing or normalizing sinful behavior).

Update:  It is curious (but perhaps not surprising) that the Vatican (Pope Francis) is not forcefully criticizing the German bishops’ heretical plans to bless same sex unions. Pope Francis’ inaction also illustrates his Modernist views in tearing down the teachings of  the Church. (One can only imagine that Satan grinning from ear to ear and giving a “thumbs up”!) “They are blessing sin!”

Pope Francis and his inner circle continue to accompany and lodge with the LGBTQ community, but seem hesitant to point out their sinful behavior.

Many are becoming alarmed by Pope Francis’ efforts to move the Church with the world. His human inspired efforts will most likely be undone because of opposition.

Pope Francis claims that the Holy Spirit was involved in the heretical German synod. This statement’s credibility is undone by common sense. The Holy Spirit, by His nature CANNOT BLESS SIN!

Although well intended, the consequences and results from Vatican II have caused a pastoral and spiritual disaster for the Church.

Pope Francis claims that the “God of surprises” ratifies the results of these synods. This statement credibility is undone as allies are hand-picked to support the pre-arranged agenda.

Pope Francis’ decision to restrict the Traditional Latin Mass has caused great harm, discontentment, and anger in the Church.

Pope Francis and his inner circle is building up false compassion, accompaniment, “inclusion” and tolerance, and tearing down true compassion, conversion, and repentance

In his encyclical documents (like Amoris Laetitia), Pope Francis continues to lower (water down) standards for receiving the sacraments

“If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord has good will, who am I to judge?” Pope Francis  Instead of illustrating the potential harms (problems) of homosexuality in the priesthood, Pope Francis seems fine with permitting this behavior (and not raising moral standards for the priesthood.

Pope Francis’ doctrinal chief Archbishop Fernandez accuses traditional Catholics who know the doctrine of the Church as heretics. (Let that sink in!)

Unnamed theologians accuse Archbishop Fernandez of promoting the heretical teachings of Amoris Laetitia. Archbishop Fernandez is purported to be the ghost writer of this encyclical. This, by association, means that Pope Francis is also a heretic. (Let that sink in!).

Next post: persuading (manipulating) public opinion


Greek] καταλύω (kataluō), [Latin] solvere, [Latin] destruere, [Latin] dissolvere, [Latin] devertere, [French] detacher, [French] acquitter, [French] demolir, [French] denouer, [French] detourner

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