[Greek] συμμιμητής (symmimētēs), [Latin] imitator: fellow imitator, one who mimics, one who imitates, to do what is seen to be done by someone else; Php.3:17 Plato’s concept of essence (the idea of the thing is the thing) becomes the inspiration…
![[Greek] συμμιμητής (symmimētēs), [Latin] imitator [Greek] συμμιμητής (symmimētēs), [Latin] imitator](https://resoundingthefaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/symmimetes-600x300.jpg)
A Catechetical Perspective on Scripture and Other Faith Issues
[Greek] συμμιμητής (symmimētēs), [Latin] imitator: fellow imitator, one who mimics, one who imitates, to do what is seen to be done by someone else; Php.3:17 Plato’s concept of essence (the idea of the thing is the thing) becomes the inspiration…
[Greek] τόκος (tokos), [Latin] usura: interest, a bringing forth, usury, childbirth, offspring; Mt.25:27, Lk.19:23 The Madonna of the Incarnation: painting by Bernardino Luini (1515). Mary is the theotokos (God-bearer) or Mother of God Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means…
[Greek] ἔκφοβος (ekphobos), [Latin] exterritus: terrified, full of fear, frightened, out of one’s wits, stricken with fear; Mk.9:6, Heb.12:21 Transfiguration: painting by Giovanni Battista Paggi (1596) Background information: Greek Hellenism: Plutarch’s Fabius Maximus 6 states “All Hannibal’s men were disheartened…
[Greek] ἐνέργημα (energēma), [Latin] operatio: effect, operation, energy, activity; 1Cor.12:6,10 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means what is effected, act, action, operation, and labors. Cosmic or physical forces are at work in man or in the physical world. Polybius’…
[Greek] ἄνθραξ (anthrax), [Latin] carbones, [Swedish] kol: coal, charcoal, cause to be ashamed; Rom.12:20 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means charcoal, coal, precious dark stone, and malignant pustule (boil). Archanae, one of the regions of Greece, was the center…
[Greek] μωρός (mōros), [Latin] fatuus, [Latin] stultus, [Latin] imprudens, [Latin] stupidus: dull, insipid, foolish, stupid, unwise, dull-witted; Mt.5:22, Mt.7:26, Mt.23:17,19, Mt.25:2,3,8, 1Cor.1:25,27, 1Cor.3:18, 1Cor.4:10, 2Tim.2:23, Tit.3:9 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means dull, sluggish (of the nerves), stupid, folly,…
[Greek] ἀναφέρω (anapherō), [Latin] offere, [Latin] ascendere: to carry up, to lead up, to bear, take up, to offer; Mt.17:1, Mk.9:2, Lk.24:51, Heb.7:27, Heb.9:28, Heb.13:15, Jas.2:21, 1Pet.2:5,24 The Ascension: painting by Benjamin West (1801) Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term…
[Greek] ἀναπαύω (anapauō), [Latin] requiescere, [Latin] reficere, [French] refreschier: to take one’s rest, to give rest, to refresh, to take a break, to rest, to cease from labor; Mt.11:28, Mt.26:45, Mk.6:31, Mk.14:41, Lk.12:19, 1Pet.4:14, Rev.6:11, Rev.14:13, 1Cor. 16:18, 2Cor,7:13, Phm.1:7,20…
[Greek] βατταλογέω (battalogeō), [French] babiller: Mt. 6:7, to use many words, to babble, to speak much The Tower of Babel: painting by Peter Bruegel (1560) Background information: Old Testament: This term means to babble, to speak incoherently and to speak…
[Greek] κληρονόμος (klēronomos), [Latin] heres: heir, sharer by lot; Mt.21:38, Mk.12:7, Lk.20:14, Rom.4:13-14, Rom.8:17, Heb.1:2, Heb.6:17, Heb.11:7, Jas.2:5 The parable of the wicked tenants: painting by Maarten van Valckenborch (1580) Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means natural heir, one…
[Greek] αἱρέομαι (haireomai), [Latin] credere, [Latin] optare: to choose, to prefer, to take for oneself, to make a choice, to pick out; Php.1:22, 2Thess.2:13, Heb. 11:25 Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt: painting by Jozsef Molnar (1861) Background information:…
[Greek] ἐμπτύω (emptuo), [Latin] sputare: to spit on; Mt.26:67, Mt.27:30, Mk.10:34, Mk.14:65, Mk.15:19, Lk. 18:32 The Mocking of Christ: painting by Fra Angelico (1440-1442) Background information: The Mocking of Christ: The painting shows an image of Christ sitting on a…
Greek] μάχαιρα (machaira), [Latin] pugio, [Latin] cultellus, [Latin] gladius: sword, dagger, knife, judicial punishment, weapon; Mt.10:34, Mt.26:47,51-52,55, Mk.14:43,47-48, Lk.21:24, Lk.22:36,38,49,52, Jn.18:10-11, Acts 12:2, Acts 16:27, Rom.8:35, Rom.13:4, Eph.6:17, Heb.4:12, Heb.11:34,37, Rev.13:10,14 A 14th century fresco in the Sacred Monastery of…
[Greek] εὐχαριστέω (eucharisteō), [Latin] agere gratiam, [Latin] participare cum gratiam: to give thanks, to express gratitude, to return thanks, to give thanks before meals, to express thanks, 41 scriptural references The people give thanks (eucharisteo) to the emperor. Background information:…
Greek] δαιμόνιον (daimonion), [Latin] diabolus, [Latin] spiritus: demon, spirit, god, malevolent force, supernatural being, devil; 60 scriptural references St. Paul delivering the Aeropagus Sermon in Athens: painting by Raphael (1515). The Areopagus was considered the cultural center of the learned…
[Greek] σκιά (skia), [Latin] umbra, [Old English] sceadwe: shade, shadow, foreshadowing; Mt.4:16, Mk.4:32, Lk.1:79, Acts 5:15, Col.2:17, Heb. 8:5, Heb.10:1 A solar eclipse. The moon is in shadow (penumbra). Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means shadow, shade, copy, unreality…
[Greek] τεχνίτης (technitēs), [Latin] structor, [Latin] artifex: craftsman, artisan, builder, artisan; Acts 19:24,38, Heb 11:10, Rev.18:22 Remnants of the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus (near the present day town Selcuk in Turkey) Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means artificer,…
[Greek] ἀναιρέω (anaireō), [Latin] demolire, [Latin] adoptare: to take up, to take away, to do away, to put to death, to slay; Mt.2:16, Lk.22:2, Lk.23:32, Acts 2:23, Acts 5:33,36, Acts 7:21,28, Acts 9:23,24,29, Acts 10:39, Acts 12:2, Acts 13:28, Acts…
[Greek] χαρίζομαι (charizomai), [Latin] donare: to show favor, to give freely, to hand over, to give graciously, to do a favor, to show kindness, to grant a favor, to give generously; Lk.7:21,42-43, Acts 3:14, Acts 25:11,16, Acts 27:24, Rom.8:32, 1Cor.2:12,…
[Greek] ὀσμή (osmē), [Latin] odor: scent, aroma, odor, smell, fragrance; Jn.12:3, 2Cor.2:14-16, Eph.5:2, Php.4:18 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means smell, odor, sense (of smell), scent, perfume, and mist (vapor). Odors (scents), coming from nature, often have the power…
[Greek] ἀδύνατος (adynatos), [Latin] impossibilis, [Latin] impotens: incapable, powerless, impossible; Mt.19:26, Mk.10:27, Lk.18:27, Acts 14:8, Rom.8:3, Rom.15:1, Heb.6:4,18, Heb.10:4, Heb.11:6 St. Paul Healing the Cripple at Lystra: painting by Karel Dujardin (1663) Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means unable,…
[Greek] κριτής (kritēs), [Latin] iudex, [French] juge, [French] oumpere, [Latin] testis: judge, umpire, witness; Mt.5:25, Mt.12:27, Lk.11:19, Lk.12:58, Lk.18:2,6, Acts 10:42, Acts 13:20, Acts 24:10, 2Tim. 4:8, Heb.12:23, Jam.2:4, Jam.4:11, Jam.5:9 Parable of the Unjust Judge: painting by Pieter de…
[Greek] ἐρημόω (erēmoō), [Latin] desolare, [Latin] vastare, [Latin] perdere: to desolate, to lay waste, to put in a wilderness (desolation), to destroy, to bring to ruin, to make desolate; Mt.12:25, Lk.11:17, Rev.17:16, Rev. 18:17,19 Many of us are still wandering…
[Greek] λιθοβολέω (lithoboleō), [Latin] lapidare, [Spanish] lapidar: to pelt with stones, to cast stones, to execute someone by a mob or group throwing large stones; Mt.21:35, Mt.23:37, Mk.12:4, Lk.13:34, Jn.8:5, Acts 7:58,59, Acts 14:5, Heb.12:20 The Woman Taken in Adultery:…
[Greek] παρακοή (parakoē), [Latin] disobedentia, [Latin] diffidentia: disobedience, inattention, unwillingness to hear, hearing amiss; Acts 7:5, Rom.5:19, 2Cor.10:6, Heb.2:2 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term, rarely found, means hearsay, misunderstanding, hearing defect, disobedience, and unwillingness. Polybius’ The Histories 3.15 states…
[Greek] φανερόω (phaneroō), [Latin] manifestare, [Latin] revelare, [Latin] ostendere, [Latin] apparere: to reveal, to make known, to show, to make visible, to make clear, to make manifest, to display; 58 scriptural references The Final Judgment: painting by Franciso Pacheco (1614).…
[Greek] πιέζω (piezō), [Latin] compressare: to press down, to press together, to pack; Lk.6:48 A spice market in Istanbul, Turkey. God’s generosity is like that generous grain merchant who fills up your cup as much as possible. He presses the…
[Greek] εὐνοῦχος (eunouchos), [Latin] castratus: eunuch, celibate, court official, impotent male, servant; Mt.19:12, Acts 8:27, 34,36,38-39 Absalom’s Monument: Absalom set up a monument to himself because he had no son to perpetuate his name. (2Sam.18:18) Background information: Absalom’s Monument: This…
[Greek] νύμφη (nymphē), [Latin] sponsa, [Latin] virgo, [Latin] virago: bride, young woman, daughter-in-law, young wife; Mt.10:35, Mt.25:1, Jn.3:29, Lk.5:34, Lk.12:53, Rev.18:23, Rev.21:2,9, Rev.22:17 The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins: painting by Friedrich Wilhelm Schadow (1832) Background information: Greek…
[Greek] νυμφίος (nymphios), [Latin] sponsus, [Latin] vir: groom, bridegroom, young husband, son-in-law; Mt.9:15, Mt.25:1,5-6,10, Mk.2:19-20, Lk.5:34-34, Jn.2:9, Jn.3:29, Rev.18:23 The Marriage Feast at Cana: painting by Bartolome Esteban Murillo (1672). Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means groom, bridegroom, and…
[Greek] κατήγορος (katēgoros), [Latin] accusator: accuser, one who accuses, prosecutor, one speaking against someone; Jn.8:10, Acts 23:30,35, Acts 24:8, Acts 25:16,18 The Woman Taken in Adultery: painting by Rembrandt (1644). Jesus appears in the light, while the Jews appear in…
[Greek] ἀναμιμνῄσκω (anamimnēskō), [Latin] reminiscere, [Latin] rememorare: to remind, to call to mind, to remember, to cause to remember, to recollect, to reminisce; Mk.11:21, Mk.14:72, 1Cor.4:17, 2Cor.7:15, 2Tim.1:6, Heb.10:32 The Institution of the Eucharist: painting by Nicola Poussin (1647). The…
[Greek] ὑβριστής (hybristēs), [Latin] insolens, [Latin] superbus: insolent person, arrogant person, insulter; Rom.1:30, 1Tim.1:13 Superbia (Pride): One part of the Mosaic of Sins in Basilique Norte-Dame de Fourviere (Lyon, France) Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means one who overestimates…
[Greek] ἐμπαίζω (empaizō), [Latin] deridere: to mock, to ridicule, to jeer, to play with, to make fun of, to sport, to deride, to trifle with; Mt.2:16, Mt.20:19, Mt.27:29,31,41, Mk.10:34, Mk.15:20,31, Lk.14:29, Lk.18:32, Lk.22:63, Lk.23:11,36 The Maccabees: painting by Wojciech Korneli…
[Greek] συμβασιλεύω (symbasileuō), [Latin] conregnare: to reign with, to be king with; 1Cor.4:8, 2Tim.2:12 Triumph of Faith: Christian Martyrs in the Time of Nero, 65 AD: painting by Eugene Romain Thirion (1839-1910) Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means to…
[Greek] σφάζω (sphazō), [Latin] jugulare, [French] assassiner: to slay, to slaughter, to butcher, to kill, to wound; 1Jn.3:12, Rev.5:6,9,12, Rev.6:4,9, Rev.13:3,8, Rev.18:24 The central panel of the Ghent Altarpiece at St. Bavo’s Cathedral in Ghent, Belgium: painting by Hubert van…
[Greek] παραδειγματίζω (paradeigmatizō), [Latin] traducere: to set forth as an example, to put something to shame, to make a public example, to disgrace publicly, to hold up to contempt, to expose to infamy; Mt.1:19, Heb.6:6 The Dream of St. Joseph: painting…
[Greek] ἐκτενής (ektenēs), [Latin] fervens, [Latin] vehemens: stretched, extended, earnest, fervently, without ceasing, continuously, strained, deeply, vehement, resolute, zealous; Acts 12:5, 1Pet.4:8 St. Peter Released from Prison: painting by Gerard van Honthorst (1616) Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means…
[Greek] στράτευμα (strateuma), [Latin] exercitus, [Latin] milites: army, division, soldiers, army division; Mt.22:7, Lk.23:11, Acts 23:10,27, Rev.9:16, Rev.19:14,19 The Roman soldiers mocking Jesus: painting by Dirk van Baburen (1623) Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means army, campaign, expedition, armament,…
[Greek] σφάλλω (sphallō), [Latin] fallere: to slip, to stumble, to fall, to bring to a downfall; Mt.15:14 “Hola, Amigo! I’ve fallen into a cenote and I can’t get out! (Cenote in Valladolid Mexico) Background information: Old Testament: This term means…
[Greek] μαρτυρία (martyria), [Latin] memoria: witness, one who remembers, one who can tell about it, the bearing of witness, testimony, evidence, reputation; Mk.14:55-56,59, Lk.22:71, Jn.1:7,19, Jn.3:11,32-32, Jn.5:31-32,34,36, Jn.8:13-14,17, Jn.19:35, Jn.21:24, Acts 22:18, 1Tim.3:7, Tit.1:13, 1Jn.5:9-11, 3Jn.1:12, Rev. 1:2,9 Background information:…
[Greek] διπλοῦς (diplous), [Latin] duplus: double, two-fold, twice as much, folded; Mt.23:15, 1Tim.5:17, Rev.18:6 These two metal plates (diploma) were issued by the emperor Trajan on Oct 14, 109. The text on the plates announces the granting of military honors…
[Greek] βύσσος (byssos): linen, cloth, sea silk, fine linen; Lk.16:19, Rev.18:12 The parable of the rich man and Lazarus: painting by Jan Steen (1677) Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means fine linen, bleached linen, flax, and sea silk. This…
[Greek] διαλύω (dialuō), [Latin] diluere, [Latin] dispergere, [French] disperser: to break up, to disperse, to dissolve, to scatter; Acts 5:36 A statue of St. Gamaliel appears on the upper niche of the altarpiece in Chapelle Saint Nicodeme en Plumeliau (Brittany…
[Greek] προσφορά (prosphora), [Latin] oblatio: offering, sacrifice, oblation, thing offered, presentation, something presented, that which is offered; Acts 21:26, Acts 24:17, Rom.15:16, Heb. 10:5,8,10,14,18 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term can mean application, benefit (that which is added), wedding present,…
[Greek] δάκτυλος (daktylos), [Latin] digitus: finger, digit, hand, toes; Mt.23:4, Mk.7:33, Lk.11:20,46, Lk.16:24, Jn.8:6, Jn.20:25,27 Nicknamed the “Hand of God’, this pulsar wind nebula was captured by NASA’s Nuclear Spectroscopic Array, or NuSTar. Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means…
[Greek] θροέω (throeō), [Old English] thrawan, [Latin] perturbari: to be alarmed, to be disturbed, to be troubled, to frighten, to wail, to clamor, to be terrified; Mt.24:6, Mk.13:7, 2Thess.2:2 The Throes of Creation: painting by the Russian impressionist painter Leonid…
[Greek] κίνησις (kinēsis), [Latin] motus: a moving, a stirring, agitation, movement, motion; Jn.5:3 Autokinesis: the visual illusion that stationary objects appear to be moving Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means motion, emotion, dance, political movement, revolution, change, army movement,…
[Greek] σχολή (scholē), [Latin] scola: school, assembly hall, group of students, lecture hall, leisure, idleness; Acts 19:9 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means leisure, rest, enjoyment, discussion, lecture, school, learning, and office. Plato’s Apology 36d states “Now what is…
[Greek] κόσμιος (kosmios), [Latin] compositus: well ordered, modest, of good behavior, orderly, respectable, decent, moderate, well arranged; 1Tim.2:9, 1Tim.3:2 St. Ignatius of Antioch Condemned by Trajan: a fresco at Church of St. Clement, Rome Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term…
[Greek] ἡλικία (hēlikia), [Latin] helix: maturity, age, stature, lifetime, generation; Mt.6:27, Lk.2:52, Lk.12:25, Jn.9:21,23, Eph.4:13, Heb.11:11 The scroll (volute) is the decoratively carved spiral part of the violin. Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means age, advanced age, youth, prime…
[Greek] ἐντρέπω (entrepō), [Latin] vereor, [Latin] revereor, [Latin] irreprehensibilis, [Latin] confundere: to stand in awe: to put to shame, to invert, to respect, to confound, to reverence, to make ashamed, to feel respect for, to turn in; Mt.21:37, Mk.12:6, Lk.18:2,4,…
[Greek] σκανδαλίζω (skandalizō), [Latin] scandalizare, [Latin] offendere: to take offense, to be offended, to cease to believe, to set a trap, to fall into sin, to cause sin, to stumble, to get caught in a trap (snare); Mt.5:29,30, Mt.11:6, Mt.13:21,57,…
[Greek] ἐξαρτίζω (exartizō), [Latin] complere: to fit out, to equip, to complete, to furnish, to accomplish, to finish; Acts 21:5, 2Tim.3:17 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means to complete, to finish, to equip, to furnish, to supply, and to…
[Greek] παράπτωμα (paraptōma), [Latin] transgressio, [Latin] lapsi; false step, transgression, error, fault, offense, sin, blunder; Mt.6:14-15, Mt.18:35, Mk.11:25-26, Ron.4:25, Rom.5:15-17,18,20, Rom.11:11, 2Cor.5:19, Gal.6:1, Eph.1:7, Eph.2:1,5, Col.2:13, Jas.5:16 The Lapsi were early Christians who had fallen (lapsed) in their faith. The…
[Greek] θυρεός (thyreos): long oblong shield, armor for protection; Eph.6:16 A re-enactment of the testudo (“turtle”) formation of the Roman infantry. The Roman scutum (shield) has a rectangular circular shape. Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term essentially means shield. The…
[Greek] ἐπιστέλλω (epistellō), [Latin] mittere, [Latin] scribere: to send a message (by letter), to enjoin by writing, to communicate by letter, to write a letter; Acts 15:20, Acts 21:25, Heb.13.22 The tabula (wax tablet) was also used for writing…
[Greek] κατηγορία (katēgoria), [Latin] accusare, [Latin] accusatio accusation, category, predicament, complaint, criminal charge, legal charge, predicate (something which affirms); Jn.18:29, 1Tim.5:19, Tit.1:6, Lk.6:7 The remains of the Roman agora in Athens. Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means accusation and charges…
[Greek] ἀνάπαυσις (anapausis), [Latin] resto: rest, cessation, intermission, respite, relaxation, refreshment; Mt.11:29, Mt.12:43, Lk.11:24, Rev.4:8, Rev.14:11 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means rest (from something), repose, relaxation, and recreation. Plutarch’s De Liberis Educandis 13 states “While they (parents) are…
[Greek] ἀπολογέομαι (apologeomai), [Latin] defendere: to make a speech in defense of, to defend oneself, to give an account of oneself, to make a defense of, to defend oneself; Lk.12:11, Lk.21:14, Acts 19:33, Acts 24:10, Acts 25:8, Acts 26:12, Rom.2:15,…
[Greek] γυμνιτεύω (gymniteuō), [Latin] nudare: to be naked, to be in ragged clothing, to be poorly clothed; 1Cor.4:11 Two lightly armed combatants (veles) wearing animal skins. Background information: Greek Hellenism: Interestingly, this term means to be lightly armed. Heavily and…
[Greek] μετασχηματίζω (metaschēmatizō), [Latin] transformare, [Latin] transfigurare: to change in fashion (or appearance), to disguise, to transfigure, to transform, to change the form of; 1Cor.4:6, 2Cor.11:13-15, Php.3:21 The Transfiguration: painting by Raphael (1520). Php. 3:21 makes reference to that Jesus…
[Greek] ψηφίζω (psēphizō), [Latin] calculare: to vote, to count, to compute, to calculate, to count with pebbles, to figure out: Lk.14:28, Rev.13:18 Election Day in Philadelphia 1815: painting by John Lewis Krimmel (1815). The people are gathered together waiting for…
[Greek] ἐλευθερόω (eleutheroō), [Latin] liberare: to make free, to exempt, to liberate, to set free, to liberate, to deliver; Jn.8:32,36, Rom.6:18,22, Rom.8:2,21, Gal.5:1 Background information: Stoic concept of freedom: In contrast to the political freedom of the citizen or the…
[Greek] νέφος (nephos), [Latin] nebula: cloud, dense multitude, mist, particles; Heb.12:1 Joshua passing the Jordan River with the Ark of the Covenant: painting by Benjamin West (1800). The Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud by day…
[Greek] ὀρέγω (oregō), [Latin] appetere: 1Tim.3:1, 1Tim.6:10, Heb.11:16; to stretch, to have an appetite for something, to reach after, to yearn for, to aspire, to strive to, to attain, to aspire, to long for, to covet The name oregano comes…
[Greek] καταλείπω (kataleipō), [Old English] laefan, [Latin] relinquere: to leave down, to abandon, to forsake, to leave, to depart; Mt.4:13, Mt.16:4, Mt.19:5, Mt.21:17, Mk.10:7, Mk.12:19, Mk.14:52, Lk.15:4, Lk.20:31, Jn.8:9, Acts 2:31, Acts 6:2, Acts 18:19, Acts 21:3, Acts 24:27, Acts…
Greek] πειρασμός (peirasmos), [Latin] temptatio: experiment, trial, temptation, testing, putting to proof, examination, putting to the test; Mt.6:13, Mt.26:41, Mk.14:38, Lk.4:13, Lk.8:13, Lk.11:4, Lk.22:28,40,46, Acts 20:19, 1Cor.10:13, Gal.4:14, 1Tim.6:9, Heb.3:8, Jas.1:2,12, 1Pet.1:6, 1Pet.4:12, 2Pet.2:9, Rev.3:10 The Sacrifice of Isaac: painting…
[Greek] σβέννυμαι (sbennymai), [Latin] extinguere, ἄσβεστος (asbestos) [unquenchable]: to stop burning, to extinguish, to snuff out, to quench, to smother, to go out, to kill, to dampen, to moisten; Mt.12:20, Mt.25:8, Mk.9:44,46,48, Eph.6:16, 1Thess.5:19, Heb.11:34 The ancient Roman semi-circular leather…
[Greek] συντρίβω (syntribō), [Latin] contrere, [Latin] frangere, [Latin] fricare: to fracture, to have friction, to break into pieces, to be broken-hearted (contrite), to crush, to bruise, to trample upon, to shatter, to trample underfoot, to rub together, to wear away;…
[Greek] ἀντέχω (antechō), [Latin] antiquare: to hold against, to make something old (antiquated), to make old fashioned, to hold firmly to, to hold fast, to cling to, to reject, to be devoted to, to hold tightly to; Mt.6:24, Lk.16:13, 1Thess.5:14,…
[Greek] πυγμή (pygmē), [Latin] pugnus, [French] poing: fist, clenched hand; Mk.7:3 A statue of a boxer at rest wearing leather strapped boxing gloves. Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term can mean boxing (athletic contest), fist, fight, measure of length (distance…
[Greek] κάθημαι (kathēmai), [Latin] sedere: to sit down, to be sedentary, to sit, to dwell, to be seated; 89 scriptural references Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means to sit, to sit down, to rule (as judges), to be spectators,…
[Greek] βασανίζω (basanizō), [Latin] tormentare: to torture, to torment, to put to the test, to rub on the touchstone; Mt.8:6, Mt.8:29, Mk.5:7, Mk.6:48, Lk.8:28, 2Pet.2:8, Rev.8:5, Rev.11:10, Rev.12:2, Rev.14:10 A touchstone used to test the purity of gold and…
[Greek] ὑπομιμνῄσκομαι (hypomimnēskomai), [French] souvenir, [Latin] subvenire: to remember, to recall, to recollect, to remind, to call to mind, to put in mind, to draw attention to; Lk.22:61, Jn.114:26, 2Tim.2:14, Tit.3:1, 2Pet.1:12, 3Jn.10, Jud.5 A souvenir (reminder) for someone who…
[Greek] συμφωνία (symphōnia): music, composition, unified sound, harmonious sound, harmony, agreement; Lk.15:25 A shepherd riding a ran and playing an aulos, a flute-like musical instrument. This instrument was used in part to create a concordant musical sound. Background information: Greek…
[Greek] σκάπτω (skaptō), [Latin] fodere, [Latin] fossilis, [Latin] scandalizare: (dug up): to dig, to till, to cultivate; Lk.6:48, Lk.13:8, Lk.16:3 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means to dig, to go too far, to cultivate, to delve into, to dig about,…
[Greek] ἔκτρωμα (ektrōma), [Latin] abortivus: “out of trauma”, untimely birth, miscarriage, one untimely born, abortion, one born out of time, abnormal birth, abortive offspring, child born dead; 1Cor.15:8 The Conversion of St. Paul: painting by Caravaggio (1601). Paul was “born…
[Greek] ὑπογραμμός (hypogrammos), [Latin] exemplus, subscriptio: a wax tablet, a writing to be copied, an example, an underwriting, a copy for imitation, a writing copy, tracing tablet, something to write under, a pattern, a model for copying; 1Pet.2:21 The hypogrammos…
[Greek] ἀγωνία (agōnia): contest, great fear, struggle, intense sorrow, anxiety, struggle for victory; Lk.22:44 Nude athletes engaged in a physical contest (agon). Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means contest, struggle for victory, gymnastic exercise, conflict, and concerted effort (in…
[Greek] ἐξίστημι (existēmi), [Latin] existere: to displace, to stand aside from, to be astonished, to astonish, to astound, to be astounded, to lose one’s senses, to be amazed, to amaze; Mt.12:23, Mk.2:12, Mk.3:21, Mk.5:42, Mk.6:51, Lk.2:47, Lk.8:56, Lk.24:22, Acts 2:7,12,…
[Greek] διήγησις (diēgēsis), [Latin] narratio: dialogue, narrative, account, orderly account, recounted story, enactment; Lk.1:1 Hal 9000: “I’m sorry, Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that.” Stanley Kubrick masterfully used dialogue and sound editing in 2001: A Space Odyssey Background information:…
[Greek] διακονία (diakonia),[Latin] diaconus]: service, ministry, relief, support, attendance (as a servant), aid; Acts 1:17,25 Acts 6:1,4, Acts 11:29, Acts 12:25, Acts 21:19, Rom.11:13, Rom.12:7, Rom.15:31, 1Cor.12:5, 1Cor.16:15, 2Cor.3:7-9, 2Cor.4:1, 2Cor.5:18, 2Cor.6:3, 2Cor.8:4, 2Cor.9:1,12-13, 2Cor.11:8, Eph.4:12. Col.4:17, 1Tim.1:12, 2Tim.4:5,11, Heb.1:14,…
[Greek] θέατρον (theatron), [Latin] theatrum, [Latin] spectaculum: theater, spectacle, a place for a public show, amphitheater, general audience room, place where games and dramatic spectacles are shown, spectators; Acts 19:29,31, 1Cor.4:9 The amphitheater in Ephesus Background information: Greek Hellenism: This…
[Greek] θήκη (thēkē), [Latin] theca: receptacle, sheath, scabbard, box, case, place, tomb, place for safekeeping; Jn.18:11 The discotheque, originally a record collection (library), becomes a nightclub for dancing. Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means chest, storeroom, and tomb. Herodotus’…
[Greek] κλῆρος (klēros), [Latin] clerus: lot, inheritance, portion, share, lot of land, which is drawn; Mt.27:35, Mk.15:24, Lk.23:24, Jn.19:24, Acts 1:17,25-26, Acts 8:21, Acts 26:21, Col.1:12, 1Pet.5:3 For My Vestments They Did Cast Lots: painting by Charles Martin Hardie (1858-1916)…
[Greek] προγράφω (prographō), [Latin] praescribere: to write before, to write previously, to announce, to prescribe, to compose in the past, to describe vividly, to publish, to publicly make notice, to give written notice; Rom.15:4, Gal. 3:1, Eph.3:3, Jud. 4 A…
[Greek] ἀπαγγέλλω (apangellō), [Latin] annuntiare, [Old English] tidan: to inform, to proclaim, to announce, to report, to give a message, to bring word, to announce or report from a person; multiple scriptural references Vision of Cornelius the Centurion: painting by…
[Greek] γονυπετέω (gonupeteō), [Latin] genuflectere: to kneel, to fall on the knees, to kneel down, to give homage, to bow the knee; Mk.15:19, Lk.22:41, Mt.26:39, Mk.14:35, Acts 7:60, Acts 9:40, Acts 20:36, Acts 21:5, Mt.17:14, Mt.27:29, Mk.1:40, Mk.10:17 The Martyrdom…
[Greek] ἀσθενής (asthenēs), [Latin] infirmus: needy, in want, poor, subject to abuse (oppression), needing help, needing deliverance; Mt.25:39,43-44, Mt.26:41, Mk.14:38, Lk.10:9, Acts 4:9, Acts5:15-16, Rom.5:6, 1Cor.1:25,27, 1Cor.4:10, 1Cor.8:7,10, 1Cor.9:22, 1Cor.11:30, 1Cor.12:22, 2Cor.10:10, Gal.4:9, 1Thess.5:14, Heb.7:18, 1Pet.3:7 Background information: Greek Hellenism:…
[Greek] συκοφαντέω (sykophanteō), [Latin] caluminiari: to make false charges, to slander, to accuse falsely, to inform, to extort someone, to be an informant, to cheat someone, to be a “fig revealer”; Lk.3:14, Lk.19:8 Sandro Botticelli’s illustgration of Dante’s Eighth Circle…
[Greek] συνεργός (synergos), [Latin] adiutor,[Latin] cooperator: fellow worker, co-worker, fellow laborer, helper, working together; Rom.16:3,9,21, 1Cor.3:9, 2Cor.1:24, 2Cor.8:23, Php.2:25, Php.4:3, Col.4:11, Phm1:1,24, 1Thess.3:2, 3Jn.8 Statue of Pope St. Clement at St. Peter’s Basilica. Clement was a former co-worker of Paul.…
[Greek] λειτουργέω (leitourgeō), [Latin] ministrare: to serve the state, to perform a religious service, to be a public servant, to be a minister, to render public service; Heb.10:11, Acts 13:2, Rom.15:27 Choragic Monument of Lysicrates (built in 335 B.C.): This…
[Greek] προγινώσκω (proginōskō), [Latin] providere: to know beforehand, to foreknow, to know before, to foreordain; Acts 26:5, Rom.8:9, Rom.11:2, 1Pet.1:20, 2Pet.3:17 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term can refer to knowing beforehand (human foresight and cleverness) and to the gods’…
[Greek] νεκρός (nekros): dead, corpse, dead man; 132 scriptural references The Return of the Prodigal Son: painting by Bartolome Esteban Murillo (1667). The son was lost (dead) but has been found (alive). Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term, commonly found…
[Greek] κλέπτω (kleptō) [Latin] furare, [Latin] derelinquere, [Latin] desere, [French rager: to steal, to filch, to commit a theft, to take away by theft; Mt.6:19-20, Mt.19:18, Mt.27:64, Mt.28:13, Mk.10:19, Lk.18:20, Jn.10:10, Rom.2:21, Rom.13:9, Eph.4:28 The Good Shepherd: (painting by Bernhard Plockhurst…
[Greek] λύσις (lysis), [French] denouement, [Latin] quaerere solutionem: loosening, release, divorce; 1Cor.7:27 A loosened and unraveled knot. Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term, used quite extensively, means to loose, to release, to ransom, to deliver, to part, to dissolve, to…
[Greek] νόημα (noēma), [Latin] cogitatio, [Latin] sensus, [Latin] intellectus, [Latin] mens: mind, perception, purpose, disposition, design, scheme; 2Cor.2:11, 2Cor.3:14, 2Cor.4:4, 2Cor.10:5, 2Cor.11:3, Php.4:7 It is often helpful to be reminded that the devil can influence us through confusion, disobedience, rebellion,…
[Greek] ἐγγράφω (engraphō), [Latin] superscribere: to record, to write on, to write in, to inscribe; 2Cor.2:2-3, Lk.10:20 Trajan’s Column, built in 113-107 AD, commemorates Trajan’s victory in the Dacian Wars Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means to write, to…
[Greek] φορτίζω (phortizō), [Latin] portare: to load, to overburden, to be burdened, to be loaded down, to cause to carry, to be heaven laden; Mt.11:28, Lk.11:46 A yoke placed upon the oxen’s shoulder blades. The yoke is held in position…