[Greek] μωρός (mōros), [Latin] fatuus, [Latin] stultus, [Latin] imprudens, [Latin] stupidus

[Greek] μωρός (mōros), [Latin] fatuus, [Latin] stultus, [Latin] imprudens, [Latin] stupidus

[Greek] μωρός (mōros), [Latin] fatuus, [Latin] stultus, [Latin] imprudens, [Latin] stupidus: dull, insipid, foolish, stupid, unwise, dull-witted; Mt.5:22, Mt.7:26, Mt.23:17,19, Mt.25:2,3,8, 1Cor.1:25,27, 1Cor.3:18, 1Cor.4:10, 2Tim.2:23, Tit.3:9 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means dull, sluggish (of the nerves), stupid, folly,…

[Greek] μάχαιρα (machaira), [Latin] pugio, [Latin] cultellus, [Latin] gladius

[Greek] μάχαιρα (machaira), [Latin] pugio, [Latin] cultellus, [Latin] gladius

Greek] μάχαιρα (machaira), [Latin] pugio, [Latin] cultellus, [Latin] gladius: sword, dagger, knife, judicial punishment, weapon; Mt.10:34, Mt.26:47,51-52,55, Mk.14:43,47-48, Lk.21:24, Lk.22:36,38,49,52, Jn.18:10-11, Acts 12:2, Acts 16:27, Rom.8:35, Rom.13:4, Eph.6:17, Heb.4:12, Heb.11:34,37, Rev.13:10,14 A 14th century fresco in the Sacred Monastery of…

[Greek] ἀδύνατος (adynatos), [Latin] impossibilis, [Latin] impotens

[Greek] ἀδύνατος (adynatos), [Latin] impossibilis, [Latin] impotens

[Greek] ἀδύνατος (adynatos), [Latin] impossibilis, [Latin] impotens: incapable, powerless, impossible; Mt.19:26, Mk.10:27, Lk.18:27, Acts 14:8, Rom.8:3, Rom.15:1, Heb.6:4,18, Heb.10:4, Heb.11:6 St. Paul Healing the Cripple at Lystra: painting by Karel Dujardin (1663) Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means unable,…

[Greek] παρακοή (parakoē), [Latin] disobedentia, [Latin] diffidentia

[Greek] παρακοή (parakoē), [Latin] disobedentia, [Latin] diffidentia

[Greek] παρακοή (parakoē), [Latin] disobedentia, [Latin] diffidentia: disobedience, inattention, unwillingness to hear, hearing amiss; Acts 7:5, Rom.5:19, 2Cor.10:6, Heb.2:2 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term, rarely found, means hearsay, misunderstanding, hearing defect, disobedience, and unwillingness. Polybius’ The Histories 3.15 states…

[Greek] παράπτωμα (paraptōma), [Latin] transgressio, [Latin] lapsi

[Greek] παράπτωμα (paraptōma), [Latin] transgressio, [Latin] lapsi

[Greek] παράπτωμα (paraptōma), [Latin] transgressio, [Latin] lapsi; false step, transgression, error, fault, offense, sin, blunder; Mt.6:14-15, Mt.18:35, Mk.11:25-26, Ron.4:25, Rom.5:15-17,18,20, Rom.11:11, 2Cor.5:19, Gal.6:1, Eph.1:7, Eph.2:1,5, Col.2:13, Jas.5:16 The Lapsi were early Christians who had fallen (lapsed) in their faith. The…

[Greek] κατηγορία (katēgoria), [Latin] accusare, [Latin] accusatio

[Greek] κατηγορία (katēgoria), [Latin] accusare, [Latin] accusatio

[Greek] κατηγορία (katēgoria), [Latin] accusare, [Latin] accusatio accusation, category, predicament, complaint, criminal charge, legal charge, predicate (something which affirms); Jn.18:29, 1Tim.5:19, Tit.1:6, Lk.6:7 The remains of the Roman agora in Athens. Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means accusation and charges…

[Greek] μετασχηματίζω (metaschēmatizō), [Latin] transformare, [Latin] transfigurare

[Greek] μετασχηματίζω (metaschēmatizō), [Latin] transformare, [Latin] transfigurare

[Greek] μετασχηματίζω (metaschēmatizō), [Latin] transformare, [Latin] transfigurare: to change in fashion (or appearance), to disguise, to transfigure, to transform, to change the form of; 1Cor.4:6, 2Cor.11:13-15, Php.3:21 The Transfiguration: painting by Raphael (1520). Php. 3:21 makes reference to that Jesus…

[Greek] διακονία (diakonia),[Latin] diaconus]

[Greek] διακονία (diakonia),[Latin] diaconus]

[Greek] διακονία (diakonia),[Latin] diaconus]: service, ministry, relief, support, attendance (as a servant), aid; Acts 1:17,25 Acts 6:1,4, Acts 11:29, Acts 12:25, Acts 21:19, Rom.11:13, Rom.12:7, Rom.15:31, 1Cor.12:5, 1Cor.16:15, 2Cor.3:7-9, 2Cor.4:1, 2Cor.5:18, 2Cor.6:3, 2Cor.8:4, 2Cor.9:1,12-13, 2Cor.11:8, Eph.4:12. Col.4:17, 1Tim.1:12, 2Tim.4:5,11, Heb.1:14,…

[Greek] ἀσθενής (asthenēs), [Latin] infirmus

[Greek] ἀσθενής (asthenēs), [Latin] infirmus

[Greek] ἀσθενής (asthenēs), [Latin] infirmus: needy, in want, poor, subject to abuse (oppression), needing help, needing deliverance; Mt.25:39,43-44, Mt.26:41, Mk.14:38, Lk.10:9, Acts 4:9, Acts5:15-16, Rom.5:6, 1Cor.1:25,27, 1Cor.4:10, 1Cor.8:7,10, 1Cor.9:22, 1Cor.11:30, 1Cor.12:22, 2Cor.10:10, Gal.4:9, 1Thess.5:14, Heb.7:18, 1Pet.3:7 Background information: Greek Hellenism:…

[Greek] νόημα (noēma), [Latin] cogitatio, [Latin] sensus, [Latin] intellectus, [Latin] mens

[Greek] νόημα (noēma), [Latin] cogitatio, [Latin] sensus, [Latin] intellectus, [Latin] mens

[Greek] νόημα (noēma), [Latin] cogitatio, [Latin] sensus, [Latin] intellectus, [Latin] mens: mind, perception, purpose, disposition, design, scheme; 2Cor.2:11, 2Cor.3:14, 2Cor.4:4, 2Cor.10:5, 2Cor.11:3, Php.4:7 It is often helpful to be reminded that the devil can influence us through confusion, disobedience, rebellion,…