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[Greek] σκληρύνω (sklērynō), [Latin] obdurare, [Latin] indurare, [French] perseverer, [French] persister, [German] hart machen (make hard): to be stubborn, to harden, to be hardened, to cause to be stubborn; Acts 19:9, Rom. 9:18, Heb.3:8,13,15, Heb.4:7

Hardness of heart: attitudes toward others and the refusal to be faithful to Church teachings.

Background information:

Old Testament: The Old Testament continues this notion of the heart as the seat of emotions. Hardening can also be viewed in physiological (medical), spiritual, psychological, and an ethical sense. The hardening of the heart is likened to stubbornness, obstinance, close-mindedness, unbelief, and toughness. Hardening of hearts can apply to unbelievers, enemies of Israel, Israel itself, and Jews opposed to Christians, and Christians themselves. Hardness of heart can be illustrated by human guilt and misery. God also can harden the hearts of some (as He wills) as part of His divine providence.

Isa.6:10: Make the heart sluggish

Deut.2:30: Make obdurate in heart

2Chr.36:13: Hardened his heart

Deut.29:18: Turn away their hearts

Jer.3:17: Hard-hearted wickedness

New Testament: This term means to be stubborn (obstinate) and to harden (cause to be stubborn).


“But when some in the obstinacy and disbelief disparaged the Way before the assembly, Paul withdrew and took his disciples with him and began to hold daily discussions in the lecture hall of Tyrannus.” Acts 19:9

While in Ephesus, Paul was experiencing opposition during his ministry. Some Jews became violently opposed to the gospel. Their hearts were insensitive as the truth made no impression on them.

“For the scripture says to Pharaoh, ‘This is why I have raised you up, to show My power through you that My name may be proclaimed throughout the earth. Consequently, He has mercy on whom He wills, and he hardens whom He wills.” Rom.9:17-18

God raised up Pharaoh to be hard-hearted and to oppress His people. God will permit hardness of heart in some people if it serves His will in His larger plans. Those who will not see or hear shall not see or hear. Yet God can reconstruct (open) the heart through the Holy Spirit.

Harden not your hearts as at the rebellion in the day of testing in the desert.” Heb.3:8

Paul warns against growing weary and giving up. He alludes to the Israelites’ disobedience in the desert. They provoked God in their unbelief, murmuring, ingratitude, sin, and idolatry.

Hardness of heart: Heb.3:8-13

  1. The refusal to listen to the voice of God (and God’s laws)
  2. The conscience is seared and insensible
  3. To have an evil an unfaithful heart
  4. Where truth has no impression
  5. Preaching is listened to without interest
  6. When the mind is unaffected by the appeals of friends
  7. Where no religious effect is produced
  8. Greater tendencies to engage in habitual sin

Looking at the “bigger picture”:

Why does Pope Francis and his inner circle continue to implement their Modernist practices, continually creating confusion, chaos, concerns about Jesus’ Church? It seems Pope Francis and his inner circle are “true believers” in their cause to remake Jesus’ Church in a worldly synodal Church in the image of man. It is quite apparent they are hard-hearted (not going to change in their Modernist ideology). Rather than acknowledging the problems in the Church, they seem to be doubling down on the disastrous results from Vatican II, creating even more chaos. Pope Paul VI alludes to this in his statement: “the smoke of Satan entering into the Church”.

Why would God allow this to happen? Perhaps God is allowing everyone to see what will happen when the Modernists take the leadership of Jesus’ Church. Perhaps God is forcing all of us to wake up and to not take for granted the timeless nature of Jesus’ Church. It is also important to note that POPE PIUS X WARNED US ABOUT THE MODERNISTS! (Pascendi Dominici Gregis (Sept, 8, 1907). Perhaps this will further alarm the Cardinals into steering the Church back toward Tradition. (Evil influences rather than “fresh air” have now entered into the Church!). 

Why are Pope Francis and his inner circle’s efforts to create a worldly synodal Church EVIL? The Vatican leadership is encouraging and permitting the introduction of worldly values, sin, sinful behavior, and the refusal to recognize and acknowledge sin into Jesus’ Church! The laity is now participating in shaping and changing the Church’s structure and the Church’s teachings. Then the laity will be able to insert what they want in the Church! The Synod of Synodalites is seeking to diminish the differences between the clergy and the laity. (What they think and call as “reform” is actually damaging the Church! They admit they are building a world Church!)


We must now break silence, in order to expose before the whole Church, in their true colors, those men (Modernists) who have assumed this bad disguise.” St. Pope Pius X

“I am completely opposed to the error of the Modernists who hold that there is nothing divine in sacred tradition.” St. Pope Pius X

“If a future pope teaching anything contrary to the Catholic Faith, do not follow him.” St. Pope Pius X


Sclerosis, sclerotic, obdurate (not easily moved by feelings), heart, persevere, persist, endure, endurance

Update: Over many years the Middle East and other Arab nations have shown a hardness of heart to Israel and its citizens.

The Trump administration has been successful in overcoming hard-heartedness through peace accords with Israel and Arab nations.

Hard-heartedness in ideology may contribute to one’s silence (and lack of outrage) about those Hamas’ atrocities.

One must also take pause that hard-heartedness plays an important aspect in certain ideologies (radical rightists, radical Islam, radical leftists).

Anti-Semitism is another aspect of hard-heartedness and discrimination against Jews.

Pope Francis and his inner circle, in their hard-heartedness to Tradition and traditional Church teachings, have declared that Jesus’ Church is now a worldly synodal Church.

Pope Francis, in his hard-heartedness to traditional and conservative Catholics, has now essentially restricted the Traditional Latin Mass

Pope Francis and his inner circle, in their hard-heartedness, has refused to follow Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:11). Instead, Pope Francis extols “mercy above all else” in ignoring, minimizing, and overlooking sin and sinful behavior.

Pope Francis and his inner circle, in their hard heartedness, has refused to acknowledge the traditional (and conservative) Catholics’ concerns about the Synod. Instead, like-minded appointed delegates are chosen to approve their already planned agenda. This Synod only represents 1% of Catholics.

It is very interesting to note that the Greek kardiognostes refers to God, knower of hearts. In a sense, God is the pre-eminent heart specialist! So make an appointment! God’s domain is always in network! No referrals needed! All salvation health plans accepted! I hear the benefits are out of this world! ☺☺☺

[Greek] σκληρύνω (sklērynō), [Latin] obdurare, [Latin] indurare, [French] perseverer, [French] persister, [German] hart machen (make hard)

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