[Greek] θρόνος (thronos), [Latin] sedes, [Latin] requietionis: throne, stately seat, power, seat of authority, chair, chair of a sovereignty, seat of government, Mt. 5:34, Mt.23:23, Act.7:49, Lk.1:52, Rev.2:13, Col.1:16 and others Queen Bathsheba intercedes and speaks to her son King…
[Greek] θώραξ (thōrax)
[Greek] θώραξ (thōrax): breastplate, armor, trunk; Eph.6:14, 1Thess.5:8, Rev.9:9,17 Fresco of an ancient Macedonian soldier (thorakitai) Background Information: Greek Hellenism: This term can be found in both a literal and metaphorical sense. Throughout history, examples of armor include leather (with…
[Greek] θριαμβεύω (thriambeuō), [Latin] triumphare
[Greek] θριαμβεύω (thriambeuō), [Latin] triumphare: to lead in a triumphant procession, to triumph over, to conquest over, to lead in triumph; Col.2:15, 2Cor.2:14 The Emperor welcomes and addresses the Roman triumphal procession (parade) Background Information: Roman triumphal procession (triumphus): This…
[Greek] ἀκοή (akoē), [Latin] auditum
[Greek] ἀκοή (akoē), [Latin] auditum: acoustics, a hearing, a sense of hearing, rumor, noise, sound, fame, report, ability of hearing, announcement, thing heard, what is heard; Mk.7:35, Rom.10:6, Jn.12:38, Gal.3:2, Heb.4:2, 1Cor.12:17, Mt.4:24, 2Tim4:3,4, Mt.13:14, Act.28:26, Act.17:20, Heb.5:11, Mt. 14:1,…
[Greek] ἀγοράζω (agorazō), [Latin] emere, [Latin] mercare
[Greek] ἀγοράζω (agorazō), [Latin] emere, [Latin] mercare: to buy in the marketplace (agora), to purchase the freedom of slaves, to purchase, to redeem, to frequent the marketplace, to do business, to buy or sell, to cause release or freedom of …
[Greek] πλουτέω (plouteō), [Latin] divites
[Greek] πλουτέω (plouteō), [Latin] divites: to be rich, abounding in riches, to become wealthy, to get rich, to be increased with goods, to acquire wealth, to prosper, to be generous; Lk. 1:53, Lk.12:21, Rom.10:12, 1Cor.4:8, 1Cor.8:9, 1Tim.6:9,18, Rev.3:17,18, Rev.18:3.15,19 Plutus,…
[Greek] γάλα (gala), [Latin] potus, [Latin] lacte
[Greek] γάλα (gala), [Latin] potus, [Latin] lacte: milk, spiritual nourishment, abundance, instruction; 1Cor.3:2, 1Cor.9:7, Heb.5:12-13, 1Pet.2:2 The Milky Way galaxy Background Information: Greek Hellenism: This term is used in both a literal and metaphorical sense. Milk, in the Dionysus cult…
[Greek] ἄβυσσος (abyssos)
[Greek] ἄβυσσος (abyssos): bottomless, very deep, bottomless place, boundless, abyss; Rev. 9:1,2,11, Rev.11:7, Rev.17:8, Rev.20:1,3, Rom.10:7, Lk.8:31 The Angel With The Keys Of The Abyss: (painting by Albrecht Durer 1498) Background Information: Greek Hellenism: This term refers to the underworld…
[Greek] ὀρφανός (orphanos), [Latin] pupillos
[Greek] ὀρφανός (orphanos), [Latin] pupillos: orphan, parentless, one without parents, desolate, orphaned, fatherless; Jn.14:18, Jas.1:27 The Orphans in Haarlem: (painting by Jan de Bray in 1663) Background Information: Greek Hellenism: This term means children orphaned, children abandoned, or without parents.…
[Greek] παράκλησις (paraklēsis), [Latin] exhortatio, [Latin] consolatio, [Latin] exhortare, [Latin] solacium
[Greek] παράκλησις (paraklēsis), [Latin] exhortatio, [Latin] consolatio, [Latin] exhortare, [Latin] solacium: a calling beside, consolation, encouragement, comfort, solace, exhortation, appeal, earnest request, a calling to one’s aid, a calling near; Lk.2:25, Lk.6:24, Act.4:36, Act.9:31, Act.13:15, Act.15:31, Rom.12:8, Rom.15:4,5, 1Cor.14:3, 2Cor.1:3-7,…
[Greek] ποτίζω (potizō), [Latin] potitare
[Greek] ποτίζω (potizō), [Latin] potitare: to provide a drink (something potent), to furnish, to drink, to irrigate, to water, to offer a drink, to nurture with water, to give a drink, to make a drink, to feed, to imbibe; Mt.23:35,…
[Greek] πειράζω (peirazō), [Latin] experiri, [Latin] temptare, [German] prufen, [French] toucher, [French] essayer
[Greek] πειράζω (peirazō), [Latin] experiri, [Latin] temptare, [German] prufen, [French] toucher, [French] essayer: to explore, to test, to try, to examine, to attempt, to prove, to put to the test, to go about, to make proof of, to learn, to…
[Greek] μυέω (mueō), [Latin] mutare
[Greek] μυέω (mueō), [Latin] mutare: to shut the eyes or mouth, to initiate into a mystery (musterion), to instruct, to learn the secrets, to teach; Php. 4:12 Background Information: Greek Hellenism: This term means to initiate (be initiated) into the…
[Greek] πραγματεύομαι (pragmateuomai), [Latin] negotiari
[Greek] πραγματεύομαι (pragmateuomai), [Latin] negotiari: to busy oneself, to do business, to occupy, to trade, to put capital to work, to be engaged in business; Lk.19:13,15 The public Agora in Delos Greece where merchants sold their wares Background information: Greek…
[Greek] ζυγός (zygos), [Latin] iugum
[Greek] ζυγός (zygos), [Latin] iugum: a yoke, a pair of scales, a coupling, a bond, a servitude, a submission; Mt.11:29-30, Act. 15:10, Rev.6:5, Gal.5:1, 1Tim6:1, Act.15:10, Mt.23:4 Oxen yoked together Background Information: Greek Hellenism: This term essentially means a pair…
[Greek] ζέω (zeō), [Latin] fervere
[Greek] ζέω (zeō), [Latin] fervere: to have great fervor, to show enthusiasm, to boil, to seethe, to be hot, to be earnest, to be jealous, to envy; Act. 18:25, Rom. 12:11 Zeus throws glowing thunderbolts from Mt. Olympus Background Information:…
[Greek] λύω (luō), [Latin] solvere
[Greek] λύω (luō), [Latin] solvere: to loosen, to destroy, to dissolve, to forgive, to melt, to put off, to release, to prevent, to break, to set free, to undo, to untie; Mk.1:7, Lk.13:15, Act.27:41, Eph.2:14, Act.13:43, Mt. 5:1, Jn.5:18, Mt.…
[Greek] πάσχω (paschō), [Latin] patere, [Latin] miserere, [Latin] passio, [Latin] sufferre, [French] endurer, [French] avoir pitie (have pity)
[Greek] πάσχω (paschō), [Latin] patere, [Latin] miserere, [Latin] passio, [Latin] sufferre, [French] endurer, [Latin] avoir pitie (have pity): to suffer, to undergo an experience (passion), to experience suffering, to endure, to feel in some measure, to suffer pain (hardship); 46…
[Greek] ἐνδύω (enduō), [Latin] induere, [Latin] vestire, [French] attirer
[Greek] ἐνδύω (enduō), [Latin] induere, [Latin] vestire, [French] attirer: to clothe, to be clothed (sinking into a garment), to endow, to be endowed, to invest with clothing, to put on oneself, to put on, to dress oneself, to wear clothes,…
[Greek] μετρέω (metreō), [Latin] metiri
[Greek] μετρέω (metreō), [Latin] metiri: to measure, to measure out, to estimate, to ascertain, to give a measure, to apportion; Mt. 7:2, Mk.4:24, Lk.6:38, Jn.3:34, Mt. 23:32, Rev. 21:15,17, Rom. 12:3, Eph. 4:7, Rev. 11:1 This illustrates the wonderful folly…
[Greek] μέλαν (melan)
[Greek] μέλαν (melan): black, black color, blackness, inky, dark; Mt.5:36, Rev.6:5,12, 2 Cor. 3:3, 2 Jn.12, 3 Jn. 13 The Nile River’s rich black colored delta (and river bed) provided fertile grounds for agriculture. Background Information: Ancient Greek: This term…
[Greek] χείρ (cheir)
[Greek] χείρ (cheir): hand, person, power, authority, be in control of, direction, by the hand of, at the hand of; Mt.8:3, Lk.15:22, Mk.16:18, Act. 7:50, Lk.1:66, Act.12:11, 1Thess.4:11, 1Cor.4:12, Eph.4:28, Act.20:34, Mt.4:6, Mk.9:31, Lk.23:46, Rom.10:21, Act.11:21 Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam…
[Greek] μαίνομαι (mainomai), [Latin] insania
[Greek] μαίνομαι (mainomai), [Latin] insania: to rage, to be mad, to rave as a maniac, to beside oneself, to be raving mad, to be totally irrational, to be out of one’s mind, to be furious; Jn.10:20, Act.12:15, Act.26:24,25, 1Cor.14:23 The…
[Greek] καθαίρω (kathairō), [Latin] purgare
[Greek] καθαίρω (kathairō), [Latin] purgare: to cleanse, to prune, to expiate, to purge, to make clean; Jn. 15:2, Mt. 23:25, Lk. 11:41, Mt. 5:8, 1Pet.1:22, Heb. 9:13, Jn. 13:10 Delos Island, birthplace of Apollos, was so sacred that no one…
[Greek] κοιμάω (koimaō), [Latin] dormire
[Greek] κοιμάω (koimaō), [Latin] dormire: to sleep (in a cemetery), to be asleep, to be in a coma, to be dead, to put to sleep, to fall asleep, to slumber, to decease, to be deceased, to put to bed; Mt.…
[Greek] ὀρθοποδέω (orthopodeō), [Latin] ambulare
[Greek] ὀρθοποδέω (orthopodeō), [Latin] ambulare: to walk straight, to walk uprightly, to live right, to walk in a straight path (to leave a straight path for others to follow), to act rightly, not to waver, not to tumble; Gal. 2:14…
[Greek] κλέπτης (kleptēs), [Latin] fur
[Greek] κλέπτης (kleptēs), [Latin] fur: thief, robber, one who plunders, one who steals, false teacher; Mt.24:43, Lk. 12:33, Jn. 10:10, 1 Cor.6:10, 1 Thess.5:2,4, 1 Pet.4:15, 2 Pet.3:10, Rev.3:3, Rev.16:15, Jn. 12:6, Mt. 27:64, Mt. 28:13, Mt. 6:19, Jn. 10:8…
[Greek] τέλος (telos), [Latin] finis
[Greek] τέλος (telos), [Latin] finis: result, end, goal, limit, fulfillment, toll, endpoint, tax, custom, completion, result; Lk.22:37, 1Tim.1:5, 1Pet.1:9, Mt.26:58, Jm.5:11, Heb.6:8, 1 Pet. 4:17, Rev.21:6, Mk. 13:7, Mt.24:14, Mk.13:2, 1Cor.15:24, Mk. 13:13, Mt. 10:22, Jn.13:1, 1Thess.2:16, Lk. 18:5, 2…
[Greek] στέλλω (stellō), [Latin] deviare, [Latin] subtrahere
[Greek] στέλλω (stellō), [Latin] deviare, [Latin] subtrahere: to avoid, to keep away from, to withdraw from, to dissociate from, to abstain from, to restrain, to send; 2 Cor.8:20, 2 Thess.3:6 Replica of the HMS Bounty (with furled sails) in a…
[Greek] σπείρω (speirō), [Latin] seminare
[Greek] σπείρω (speirō), [Latin] seminare: to sow, to scatter, to receive seed, to sow seed; Mt.13:3, Mt.25:24, Mk.4:3, Lk.12:24, Jn.4:36, 1Cor.9:11, 1Cor.15:36, 2Cor.9:6, Jas.3:18 Sower at Sunset by Vincent Van Gogh (1888): The sower throwing seeds representing the eternal cycle…
[Greek] σείω (seiō), [Latin] commutus, [Latin] motare, [Latin] exterrere, [Latin] movere, [French] s’agiter
[Greek] σείω (seiō), [Latin] commutus, [Latin] motare, [Latin] exterrere, [Latin] movere, [French] s’agiter: to shake, to rock, to agitate, to have a seizure, to cause to tremble, to throw into a tremor, to quake, to move to and from, to…
[Greek] κοσμέω (kosmeō), [Latin] adornare
[Greek] κοσμέω (kosmeō), [Latin] adornare: to order, to adorn, to put in order, trimmed, to arrange, to garnish, to decorate, to furnish, to embellish, to beautify, to dress, to make attractive, to bring to order; Mt. 25:7, Rev.21:2, 1Tim. 2:9,…
[Greek] ἐκλεκτός (eklektos), [Latin] selecti
[Greek] ἐκλεκτός (eklektos), [Latin] selecti: chosen, elected, chosen ones, picked out from the larger group, chosen from; Mt.22:14, Mk.13:20, Lk.18:7, Rom.8:33, Col. 3:12, 1Tim.;21, 2Tim.2:10, 1Pet.2:6,9, Rev.17:14, Lk.23:35, Mt.20:16, Lk.9:35, Jn.1:34 Thucydide, an Athenian military tactician, makes reference to elite…
[Greek] δεξιός (dexios), [Latin] dexter
[Greek] δεξιός (dexios), [Latin] dexter: right, the right hand, of the right, belonging to the right, correct, a place of honor (authority), skillful, do secretly; Eph.1:20, 1 Pet.3:22, Col.3:1, Heb.1:3, Heb.12:2, Mt. 25:31, Act. 2:33-34, Act. 5:31, Mt. 22:4, Act.…
[Greek] δαιμόνιον (daimonion), [Latin] diabolus, [Latin] spiritus
[Greek] δαιμόνιον (daimonion), [Latin] diabolus, [Latin} spiritus: demon, evil spirit, god, angel; Mt. 7:22, Mk.16:9,17, Act.17:18, Mt.8:31, Mk.5:12, Rev.18:2, 1Cor. 10:20, other scripture references Socrates’ and His Daemon: daemeons were lesser deities (guiding spirits) Background Information: Greek Hellenism: The Greek…
[Greek] γράμμα (gramma), [Latin ] cautionem, [Latin] littera
[Greek] γράμμα (gramma), [Latin] cautionem, [Latin] littera: that which is drawn or written, a letter, a writing, a note, and epistle, a book, a scripture, a record, a character, a letter of the alphabet, a record of debts, a written…
[Greek] ἀποστασία (apostasia)
[Greek] ἀποστασία (apostasia): defection, revolt, a falling away, a defection from the truth, apostasy, an abandonment, a renunciation, departure; Act.21:21, 2Thess,2:3 The gates of Hades (hell) located at Caesarea Phillipi Background Information: Greek-Roman Era: This term apostasia refers to an…
![[Greek] μάγος (magos), [Latin] magis [Greek] μάγος (magos), [Latin] magis](https://resoundingthefaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/magi1-642x300.jpg)
[Greek] μάγος (magos), [Latin] magis
[Greek] μάγος (magos), [Latin] magis: wise man, priest, sorcerer, interpreter, magician, seer, seducer; Act. 13:6,8, Mt.2:1,7,16 The Adoration of the Magi: painting by Abraham Bloemaart (1624) Background Information: Ancient Greek World: The magi were often associated with the Persian priestly…
[Greek] ἄτομος (atomos), [Latin] momento
[Greek] ἄτομος (atomos), [Latin] momento: uncut, indivisible, a moment in time, what happens in an instant, that cannot be cut into two, infinitely small, an extremely short period of time; 1Cor. 15:52 Background Information: Greek Hellenism: Greek philosophers posited (speculated)…
[Greek] ἄστρον (astron), [Latin] stella, [Latin] sidus
[Greek] ἄστρον (astron), [Latin] stella, [Latin} sidus: star, group of stars, constellation, planet, luminous body in the sky; Lk.21:25, Act.7:43, Act.27:20, Heb.11:12 Background Information: Greek Astronomy: Stars were regarded as beings, gods, or deities. Greek (Hellenistic) astronomy was defined by…
[Greek] ἀρχαῖος (archaios), [Latin] antiquus, [Latin] prioribus, [Latin] vetera, [Latin] originalis
[Greek] ἀρχαῖος (archaios), [Latin] antiquus, [Latin] prioribus, [Latin] vetera, [Latin] originalis: original, primeval, them of an old time, ancient, archaic, old things, a good while ago, old, existing for a long time in the past, persons belong to a former…
[Greek] ἀξιόω (axioō), [Latin] arbitrare, [Latin] dignare, [French] observer
[Greek] ἀξιόω (axioō), [Latin] arbitrate, [Latin] dignare, [French] observer: to deem fit, to consider worthy, to count worthy, to think good to choose, to regard worthy, to consider wise or fitting, to deem suitable, to act accordingly, being deemed or…
[Greek] ἀναθεματίζω (anathematizō), [Latin] anathematizare, [Latin] devovere, [French] consacrer
[Greek] ἀναθεματίζω (anathematizō), [Latin] anathematizare, [Latin] devovere, [French] consacrer: to declare or vow under penalty, to bind under a curse, to bind with an oath, to declare anathema, to declare cursed; Mk.14:71, Act.23:12,14,21, Mt.26:74 Roman curse tablets from Bath, Somerset…
[Greek] αἰών (aiōn), [Latin] aeon
[Greek] αἰών (aiōn), [Latin] aeon: age, world, period of time, system, era, past, state of things, universe, world system, long ago, forever, eternal, the Devil, non-religious people; Mt.12:32, Heb.1:2, 1Cor.3:18, Lk.1:70, Rev.22:5, 2Cor.4:4, Lk.16:8. Mt.13:39, Heb.9:26, 1Cor.10:11, Heb.13:8, Rom.16:26 Background…
[Greek] αἴνιγμα (ainigma), [Latin] enigma
[Greek] αἴνιγμα (ainigma), [Latin] enigma: riddle, obscure saying, enigma, obscure thing, what is rendered darkly, hint, manner difficult to understand, puzzle; 1Cor.13:12 Like a clouded window, bronze mirrors (in Corinth) were considered only to be just fair reflectors of reality.…
[Greek] ἀγωγή (agōgē), [Latin] institutionem
[Greek] ἀγωγή (agōgē), [Latin] institutionem: a carrying, a leading away, a guiding conduct, a bringing up, a mode of life, a manner of life, behavior, way of life, training, a teaching, a course of life, a rearing, a persuasion; 2…
[Greek] ἀγνοέω (agnoeō), [Latin] ignorare, [Latin] ignoratnes, [Latin] ignoramus, [Latin] ignotus
[Greek] ἀγνοέω (agnoeō), [Latin] ignorare, [Latin] ignorantes, [Latin] ignoramus, [Latin] ignotus: to not know, to be ignorant, to have no knowledge, to not pay attention, to not recognize, to fail to understand, to have a willful ignorance, to lack discernment,…
[Greek] ἀγαπάω (agapaō)
[Greek] ἀγαπάω (agapaō): to love, to have unconditional love, to have a depreciation for someone, to show love, to have self-sacrificial love, to have a love of devotion, to have a high regard for someone, to recognize someone’s worth, to…
[Greek] στεφανόω (stephanoō), [Latin] coronare
[Greek] στεφανόω (stephanoō), [Latin] coronare: to crown, to win the prize, to adorn with a wreath, to place a crown on one’s head, to honor; 2 Tim.2:5, Heb.2:7, Heb.2:9 You know it is a big fricking deal when they create…
[Greek] σκολιός (skolios), [Latin] prava
[Greek] σκολιός (skolios), [Latin] prava: curved, winding, crooked, perverse, unreasonable, warped, untoward, unscrupulous, corrupt, twisted, dishonest, false, cunning, slanting; Lk.3:5, Act.5=2:40, Php. 2:15, 1Pet. 2:18 The serpent was the most cunning of all the animals. (Gen.3:1) Background Information: Secular Greek:…
[Greek] κάμηλος (kamēlos)
[Greek] κάμηλος (kamēlos): camel, beast of burden, bearer, carrier; Mt.3:4, Mt.19:24, Mt.23:24, Mk.1:6, Mk.10:25, Lk.18:25 A Bedouin leads a caravan (herd) of camels Background Information: Old Testament: This refers to the Hebrew gamal, meaning bearer or carrier. The camel was…
[Greek] στεῖρα (steira), [Latin] sterilis
[Greek] στεῖρα (steira), [Latin] sterilis: barren, infertility, barren woman, barrenness; Lk.1:7, Lk.1:36, Lk.23:29, Gal.4:27, Heb. 11:11 The Old Testament understanding of the barren womb is likened to hard ground. Background Information: Old Testament: This Greek term is related to the…
[Greek] τέχνη (technē) [Latin] ars:
[Greek] τέχνη (technē) [Latin] ars: art, craft, trade, skill, occupation, technique; Act.17:29, Act.18:3, Rev.18:22 St. Paul works with his fellow tent-makers Aquila and Priscilla Background Information: Secular culture: This term illustrates the creative process of making something appear and the…
[Greek] λογίζομαι (logizomai), [Latin] cogitare, [Latin] reputare, [Latin] deputare, [Latin] existimare, [Latin] arbitrare, [Latin] acceptare
[Greek] λογίζομαι (logizomai), [Latin] cogitare, [Latin] reputare, [Latin] deputare, [Latin] existimare, [Latin] aribitrare, [Latin] acceptare: to reckon, to take into account, to regard, to suppose, to count, to have books balanced, to reason, to conclude, to calculate, to compute, to…
[Greek] αὐτόματος (automatos), [Latin] spontaneitas
[Greek] αὐτόματος (automatos), [Latin] spontaneitas: acting of one’s own will, of its own accord, of itself, spontaneous, automatic, of oneself, self-moved, by itself, without any cause, automatically, moved by one’s own impulse, capable of self-movement; Mk.4:28, Act.12:10 Heron of Alexandria…
[Greek] πίνω (pinō), [Latin] poto, [Latin[ bibere, [Latin] imbibere, [German] trinken, [French] absorber
[Greek] πίνω (pinō), [Latin] poto, [Latin] bibere, [Latin] imbibere, [German] trinken, [French] absorber: to drink, to imbibe, to soak up, to experience, to absorb, to draw in; 79 scriptural references The bunch of grapes resembles the shape of a pine…
[Greek] διδάσκω (didaskō)
[Greek] διδάσκω (didaskō): to teach, to instruct, to provide instruction, to explain, to teach doctrine, to lead to deeper understanding, to teach in a group setting; Mt.11:1, Lk11:1, Rom.2:21, Col.1:28, Col.3:16, 1Tim.2:12, 1Tim;11, 2Tim 2:2, Heb.5:12, 1Jn.2:27, Mt.9:35, Jn.14:26 A…
[Greek] λατρεύω (latreuō), [Latin] servire, [Latin] deservire
[Greek] λατρεύω (latreuō), [Latin] servire, [Latin] deservire: to worship, to serve, to worship idols (idolatry), to offer, to minister (to God), to do service, to render religious homage, to serve in religious duties, to pay homage, to render service; Lk.…
[Greek] ἔξοδος (exodos), [Latin] exodus
[Greek] ἔξοδος (exodos), [Latin] exodus: departure, exodus, exit, decease, way out, decrease; Lk.9:31, Heb.11:22, 2Pet.1:15 Moses leads the Israelites’ exodus out of Egypt Background Information: Hellenism: This term is used in a variety of ways: a means, an exit, a…
[Greek] προσφέρω (prospherō), [Latin] offere, [Latin[ oblatus, [Latin] inducere, [Latin] arbitrare, [French] entrer, [French] introdruirer
[Greek] προσφέρω (prospherō), [Latin] offere, [Latin] oblatus, [Latin] inducere, [Latin] arbitrare, [French] entrer, [French] introdruirer: to bring to, to offer, to present, to hand over, to lead to, to bear toward, to carry forward, to succeed, to make an offering,…
[Greek] φωσφόρος (phōsphoros), [Latin] lucifer
[Greek] φωσφόρος (phōsphoros), [Latin] lucifer: light bringer, the morning star, day star, giving light, lighter bearer, 2 Pet. 1:19 Venus, the Morning Star Background Information: Cosmology: This term was used to identify the planet Venus in its morning appearance. This…
[Greek] ὀρχέομαι (orcheomai), [French] danser
[Greek] ὀρχέομαι (orcheomai), [French] danser: to dance, to set in motion, to leap, to perform, to lift up the foot, to dance in a row; Mt.11:7, Mt.14:6, Mk.6:22, Lk.7:32 A fresco of King David leaping before the Ark (by Johann…
[Greek] σπεκουλάτωρ (spekoulatōr), [Latin] speculator
[Greek] σπεκουλάτωρ (spekoulatōr), [Latin] speculator; scout, executioner, military scout, guard, body guard, attendant, investigator, courier, messenger, soldier, watcher, spy, lookout officer, imperial guard; Mk.6:27 In return for representing the interests of the Roman Empire, King Herod was provided with a contingent…
[Greek] μορφόω (morphoō), [Latin] formare, [German] ordnen
[Greek] μορφόω (morphoō), [Latin] formare, [German] ordnen: to form, to be formed, to fashion, to change one’s appearance, to be conformed, to be like Christ, to shape: Gal.4:19 Background Information: Greek Hellenism: Essentially, this term means to form or to…
[Greek] φεύγω (pheugō), [Latin] fugere, [Latin] recedere, [Latin] transire, [Latin] profugere, [French] refugier, [German] fliehen
[Greek] φεύγω (pheugō), [Latin] fugere, [Latin] recedere, [Latin] transire, [Latin] profugere, [French] refugier, [German] fliehen: to flee, to escape, to run away, to shun, to seek safety, to vanish, to avoid, to seek flight, be a fugitive; Mt.24:16, Heb.12:25, Heb.11:34,…
[Greek] πλάσσω (plassō), [Latin] formare, [German] bilden
[Greek] πλάσσω (plassō), [Latin] formare, [German] bilden: to form, to mold, to fabricate, to be created, to be molded, to be fabricated, plastic; 1Tim.2:13, Rom.9:20 Greek origin myth: Pandora opening the box Background Information: Greek mythology: Since little was understood…
[Greek] χαίρω (chairō), [Latin] habere (havere), [Latin] guadere, [Latin] salus, [French] avoir, [German] heil, [German] gesundheit
[Greek] χαίρω (chairō), [Latin] habere (havere), [Latin] guadere, [Latin] salus, [French] avoir, [German] heil, [German] gesundheit: to rejoice, to be happy, to be well-off, to be glad, to hail, to give a greeting, to favor, to say hello; 77 scriptures Ave…
[Greek] φήμη (phēmē), [Latin] fama
[Greek] φήμη (phēmē), [Latin] fama: saying, report, news, rumor, fame, word, common report, divine utterance, reputation, gossip, opinion; Mt.9:26, Lk.4:14 Background Information: Greco-Roman mythology: Pheme was the goddess of fame and gossip. Pheme was said to have pried into the…
[Greek] ὄψις (opsis), [Latin] faciem
[Greek] ὄψις (opsis), [Latin] faciem: appearance, vision, optics, countenance, face, look, sight, act of seeing, view, aspect, that which is visible; Jn.11:44, Rev.1:16, Jn.7:24 Elements of opsis: (costumes and masks) were designed to evoke an emotional response from the audience…
[Greek] ἐμπορεύομαι (emporeuomai), [Latin] mercare, [Latin] negotiare
[Greek] ἐμπορεύομαι (emporeuomai), [Latin] mercare, [Latin] negotiare: to exploit, to engage in business, to merchandize, to buy and sell, to fabricate, to cheat; Jas.4:13, 2 Pet.2:3 The agora becomes the cultural and commercial center in the Greco-Roman world Background Information:…
![[Greek] μένω (menō), [Latin] manere, [Latin] sustinere, [Latin] intrare, [Latin] habitare, [Latin] permanere, [Latin] remanere, [Latin] morare, [Latin] sequere [Greek] μένω (menō), [Latin] manere, [Latin] sustinere, [Latin] intrare, [Latin] habitare, [Latin] permanere, [Latin] remanere, [Latin] morare, [Latin] sequere](https://resoundingthefaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/meno1-642x300.jpg)
[Greek] μένω (menō), [Latin] manere, [Latin] sustinere, [Latin] intrare, [Latin] habitare, [Latin] permanere, [Latin] remanere, [Latin] morare, [Latin] sequere
[Greek] μένω (menō), [Latin] manere, [Latin] sustinere, [Latin] intrare, [Latin] habitare, [Latin] permenere, [Latin] remanere, [Latin] morare, [Latin] sequere: to remain, to reside, to abide, to endure, to last, to stay, to be present, to dwell, to continue, to wait…
[Greek] σχολάζω (scholazō), [Latin] vacantem, [Latin] revertere
[Greek] σχολάζω (scholazō), [Latin] vacantem, [Latin] revertere: to be at leisure, to devote oneself to, to have leisure, to take a holiday, to be vacant (of a house), to give oneself to prayer, to cease from labor, to be free…
[Greek] ὁρίζω (horizō), [Latin] definitum, [Latin] constitutus, [Latin] statuit
[Greek] ὁρίζω (horizō), [Latin] definitum, [Latin] constitutus, [Latin] statuit: to mark off by boundaries, to determine, to appoint, to decree, to declare, to ordain, to decide, to define, to designate, to bound, to limit; Lk.22:22, Act.2:23, Act.10:42, Act.17:26, Rom. 1:4,…
[Greek] ζηλόω (zēloō), [Latin] aemulantes, [Latin] zelantes
[Greek] ζηλόω (zēloō), [Latin] aemulantes, [Latin] zelantes: to be jealous, to desire earnestly, to eagerly seek, to have a feeling against, to be zealous, to burn with desire, to be envious, to strive after, to exert oneself earnestly, to zealously…
[Greek] εἴδωλον (eidōlon), [Latin] simulcro, [Latin] idola
[Greek] εἴδωλον (eidōlon), [Latin] simulcro, [Latin] idola: ghost, phantom, shadow, spectre, spirit, image, god, heathen, apparition, vision, statue, figure, form, idol; Rev.9:20, Act.7:41, Act.15:20, Rom.2:22, 1Cor.8:4, 1Cor.10:19, 1Cor.12;2, 2Cor.6:16, 1Thess.1:9, 1Jn.5:21 St. Paul preaching before the Temple of Artemis (painting…
[Greek] πωρόω (pōroō), [Latin] caecare, [French] obscurir, [German] blind machen
[Greek] πωρόω (pōroō), [Latin] caecare, [French] obscurir, [German] blind machen: to petrify, to harden, to blind, to render stupid, to make hard, to make spiritually deaf, to make spiritually blind, to make insensitive, to make callous, to make dull, to…
[Greek] τρέχω (trechō), [Latin] currere
[Greek] τρέχω (trechō), [Latin] currere: to run, to run a track race, to spread rapidly, to rush, to walk hastily, to rush into, to run well, having free run; Lk.15:20, Heb.12:1, Rev.9:9, Mt.28:9, Act.19:28, Rom.9:16, Gal.5:7, 2Thess.3:1 Paul calls his…
[Greek] παράδεισος (paradeisos), [Latin] paradiso
[Greek] παράδεισος (paradeisos), [Latin] pardiso: a park, a garden, a paradise, an Eden, a place of future happiness, an enclosed park, a pleasure ground; Lk.23:43, 2 Cor.12:4, Rev.2:7 Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden by Jan Brueghel (1615)…
[Greek] ποίημα (poiēma), [Latin] poema, [Latin] factura
[Greek] ποίημα (poiēma), [Latin] poema, [Latin] factura: workmanship, what is manufactured, design made by an artisan, what has been made, thing that is made, practice, handiwork, a masterpiece, work done, creation, something made; Rom.1:20, Eph.2:10 Background Information: Greek Hellenism: This…
[Greek] τυφόομαι (typhoomai), [Latin] superbia, [Latin] voluptas
[Greek] τυφόομαι (typhoomai), [Latin] superbia, ]Latin] voluptas: to be conceited, to be foolish, to inflate with self-conceit, to be lifted with pride, to be proud, to be “puffed up”, to be high-minded, to “wrap in smoke”, to be “clouded with…
[Greek] καυστηριάζω (kaustēriazō), [Latin] cauterians
[Greek] καυστηριάζω (kaustēriazō), [Latin] cauterians: to mark by branding, to be seared, to brand, to cauterize, to render insensitive, to sear with a hot iron, to be insensitive to, to sear the conscience, to be branded; 1 Tim.4:2 Background Information:…
[Greek] σάκκος (sakkos), [Latin] saccus
[Greek] σάκκος (sakkos), [Latin] saccus; sackcloth, mohair garment, coarse cloth, garment of goat or camel’s hair, sack, penitent garment, mourning garment; Mt.11:21, Lk.10:13, Rev.6:12, Rev.11:3 John the Baptist, as a prophet, wears a camel’s hair sackcloth Background Information: Origin and…
[Greek] κλείω (kleiō), [Latin] claudare, [Latin] clausa
[Greek] κλείω (kleiō), [Latin] claudare, [Latin] clausa: to shut, to close, to shut up, to shut up compassion, to block the entrance, to have no pity, to lock; Mt.23:13, Mt.25:10, Lk.4:25, Lk.11:7,Jn.20:19, Act.5:23, Act.21:30, Rev.3:7, Rev.11:6, Rev.20:3, Rev.21:25 Background Information:…
[Greek] τρέμω (tremō), [Latin] tremens, [Latin] audaces
[Greek] τρέμω (tremō), [Latin] tremens, [Latin] audaces: to tremble, to be afraid, to fear, to terrify, to be struck with fear, to quake, to quiver, to be scared, to be disturbed, to flutter, to fall away, to shake off, to…
![[Greek] κινέω (kineō), [Latin] movere, [Latin] commovere, [French] displacer [Greek] κινέω (kineō), [Latin] movere, [Latin] commovere, [French] displacer](https://resoundingthefaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/kineo.jpg)
[Greek] κινέω (kineō), [Latin] movere, [Latin] commovere, [French] displacer
[Greek] κινέω (kineō), [Latin] mover, [Latin] commovere, [French] displacer: to move, to provoke, to stir up, to wag, to nod, to shake, to cause to move, to start a riot, to set in motion; Mt.23:4, Mt.27:39, Mk.15:29, Act.17:28, Rev.6:14, Rev.2:5,…
[Greek] ἐντροπή (entropē), [Latin] reverentiam
[Greek] ἐντροπή (entropē), [Latin] reverentiam: shame, respect, ashamed, a turning inward, confusion, a turning in upon oneself (recoiling from what is unseemly), embarrassment; 1 Cor6:5, 1 Cor 15:34, Background Information: Old Testament: Interestingly, this term entrope refers to a turning…
[Greek] διατρίβω (diatribō), [Latin] conferentes, [French] rester
[Greek] διατρίβω (diatribō), [Latin] conferentes, [French] rester: to rub hard, to rub away, to spend time, to stay, to continue, to tarry, to remain, to abide, to pass time, to wear away, to make a path, to rub off of;…
[Greek] χορηγέω (chorēgeō), [Latin] praestare, [Latin] administrare, [French] rester, [French] surpasser
[Greek] χορηγέω (chorēgeō), [Latin] praestare, [Latin] adiministrare, [French] surpasser: to lead a chorus (group of performers), to lead a play, to be a choreographer, to defray the cost of a chorus, to supply, to minister, to be a dance leader,…
![[Greek] πλανάω (planaō), [Latin] errare, [Latin] seducere [Greek] πλανάω (planaō), [Latin] errare, [Latin] seducere](https://resoundingthefaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/planao-1.jpg)
[Greek] πλανάω (planaō), [Latin] errare, [Latin] seducere
[Greek] πλανάω (planaō) [Latin] errare, [Latin] seducere: to go astray, to wander, to wander as a planet, to deceive , to be unfaithful, to err, to seduce, to be out of the way, to be led astray, to lead into…
[Greek] πατέω (pateō), [Latin] calcare
[Greek] πατέω (pateō), [Latin] calcare: to make a path, to tread on, to be trampled under, to tread under foot, trample, to step on, to conquer, to treat dispairingly, to walk; Lk.10:19, Lk.21:24, Rev.14:20, Rev.19:15, Rev.11:2 Jesus give His disciples…
[Greek] ὄγκος (ogkos), [Latin] impedimenta
[Greek] ὄγκος (ogkos), [Latin] impedimenta: hindrance, bulk, baggage, impediment, encumbrance, heaviness, challenge, swelling, tumor, volume, loftiness; Heb.12:1 The Roman army bringing a supply/baggage wagon (impedimenta) for support for extended campaigns Background Information: Roman army: During the Roman Empire, the Roman…
[Greek] λείπω (leipō), [Latin] deficiente, [Latin] indigere, [German] fehlen
[Greek] λείπω (leipō), [Latin] deficiente, [Latin] indigere, [German] fehlen: to lack, to need, to leave behind, to fall away, to be destitute, to be left behind, to fail, to leave, to be inferior, to be wanting, to be in need,…
[Greek] ἀνάξιος (anaxios), [Latin] minimis
[Greek] ἀνάξιος (anaxios), [Latin] minimis : (adjective) failing to follow an axiom (principle), unworthy, unfit, not competent, unreasonable, inappropriate, unqualified; 1 Cor. 6:2 [Greek] ἀναξίως (anaxiōs): (adverb) failing to follow an axiom (principle), unworthily, improperly; 1 Cor.11:27,29 Paul has concerns…
[Greek] λευκαίνω (leukainō), [Latin] albus
[Greek] λευκαίνω (leukainō), [Latin] albus: to make white, to whiten, to bleach; Mk.9:3, Rev.7:14 The Ancient One (God) on His throne, with snow bright clothing and hair white as wool (Dan.7:9) Background Information: Greco-Roman culture: This term primarily has the…
![[Greek] καταστρέφω (katastrephō), [Latin] eiciere [Greek] καταστρέφω (katastrephō), [Latin] eiciere](https://resoundingthefaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/katastrepho-642x300.jpg)
[Greek] καταστρέφω (katastrephō), [Latin] eiciere
[Greek] καταστρέφω (katastrephō),[Latin] eiciere: to overturn, to upset, to turn upside down, to turn over, to turn under, to throw down, to overthrow, to subvert, to take things down, to turn down, to cause desolation; Mt.21:12, Mk.11:15, Jn.2:15, Act.15:16 God…
[Greek] κρύπτω (kryptō), [Latin] absconditus, [Latin] non revelare, [Latin] occultus
[Greek] κρύπτω (kryptō), [Latin] absconditus, [Latin] non revelare, [Latin] occultus: to hide, to conceal, to keep secret, to keep things hidden; Mt.13:44, Lk.13:21, Col.3:3, Mt.11:25, Heb.11:23, Mt.25:18, Mt.5:14, Mt.10:26, Lk.12:2, Mk.4:22, Lk.8:17, Jn.19:38, Jn.3:2, Jn.7:4, 2 Cor.4:2, Eph.5:12 The Finding…
[Greek] μυωπάζω (muōpazō), [Latin] myops, [Latin] improvidus
[Greek] μυωπάζω (muōpazō), [Latin] myops, [Latin] improvidus: to fail to understand, to be myopic, to be short-sighted, cannot see far off, to see only what is near, to shut the eyes; 2Pet.1:9 When we see only what we want to…
[Greek] κλίνη (klinē)
[Greek] κλίνη (klinē): bed, couch, reclining couch, table, stretcher, cot, sofa, banqueting couch; Mt.9:2, Mt.9:6, Mk.4:21, Mk.7:4, Mk.7:30, Lk.5:18, Lk.8:16, Lk.17:34, Rev.2:22 An upholstered kline (reclining couch) belonging to an affluent Roman household Background Information: Greco-Roman culture: This term is…
[Greek] τράπεζα (trapeza), [Latin] mensa
[Greek] τράπεζα (trapeza), [Latin] mensa: table, dining table, bank, food, stool, meal, money counter, eating table, food on the table, mat, meat, privileges granted, what is provided on the table; Lk.16:21, Jn.2:15, Act.16:34, Lk.19:23, 1Cor.10:21, Act.6:2, Lk.22:21, Mk.14:18 In the…
[Greek] τραχηλίζω (trachēlizō), [Latin] apertus
[Greek] τραχηλίζω (trachēlizō), [Latin] apertus: to take by the throat, laid bare, to seize the throat (trachea), to expose the neck, to bend the neck, to grip the neck; Heb. 4:13 Background Information: Pankration: Pankration literally means all of power,…