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[Greek] ἀποστασία (apostasia): defection, revolt, a falling away, a defection from the truth, apostasy, an abandonment, a renunciation, departure; Act.21:21, 2Thess,2:3

The gates of Hades (hell) located at Caesarea Phillipi

Background Information:

Greek-Roman Era: This term apostasia refers to an event, not a process, which leads to a rebellion. Apo- refers to moving away. Stasis means from a stand. Essentially, this term refers to a political event (rebellion) moving away from the current political status. Gaius Julius Vindex, a Roman governor, rebelled against the Emperor Nero in support of another Roman governor. However, Vindex was defeated in his attempts to replace Nero.

Old Testament: This term is presented in both a religious and political context. Political rebellions occur in the context of the Jews opposing unrighteous kings (leaders). Religious rebellions occur when pagan practices are imposed upon the subjected Hebrews, who are restricted from observing their own Covenant worship. Religious apostasy also occurs when the Jews fall away from God in order to worship other idols. The books of Maccabees provided plentiful examples of the Jews rebelling against authority. The king’s officers are in charge of forcing the apostasy to the city of Modein (1Macc.2:15). The Jews were rebels and kept setting up blockades (1 Esr.2:23). We have acted out of rebellion (Josh.22:22). We have restored and consecrated all the articles which King Ahaz had thrown away during his reign (2 Chr. 29:19). Let it be known to the king that the Jews who came up from you to us have arrived and are now rebuilding this rebellious and evil city (Ezra 4:12). Your own wickedness chastises you (Jer.2:19).

New Testament: Essentially, this term is used in only a religious sense. Paul is accused (by the Jews) of teaching the Jews, living among the Gentiles, to abandon the Jewish practice of circumcision. The other example refers to rebellion in an absolute sense in the latter times. This event is tied to a complete apostasy from God. This is applied to the apostasy of Christians from their faith to error and unrighteousness. This also relates to the time of false prophets and those who will fall away.


“They have been informed that you are teaching all the Jew who live among the Gentiles to abandon Moses and that you are telling them not to circumcise their children or to observe their customary practices.” Act.21:21

The leaders of the Jewish Christian of Jerusalem inform Paul that he has encouraged the Jews of the Diaspora to abandon the Mosaic Law. Paul mentions that the Gentiles are no longer bound by the Jewish laws.

“Let no one deceive you in any way. For unless the apostasy comes first and the lawless one is revealed, the one doomed to perdition,” 2 Thess.2:3

This event is perceived as an event of the last days

Scriptural evidence refuting the claim that Jesus’ Church apostatized (“fell off the rails”) in doctrine.

Amos 8:11-14, Amos 9:8-10, 2 Thess.2:1-3, Dan. 7:13-14, Mt. 28:18-20, Lk.1:33, Mt.16:18, etc.

“And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it.” Mt. 16:18

This has become a fundamentally important scripture passage concerning correct doctrinal teachings. Jesus Himself makes a very bold declaration about the durability and longevity of His Church. One can therefore only make a few certain conclusions about this scripture. If Jesus is lying (or insane), then how can we believe or accept anything else He says?  If Jesus is stating the truth, then we should accept that Jesus somehow makes provisions to allow His Church to continue to teach the Truth forever over time. This provision is made possible with the help of the Holy Spirit through the mechanism of papal infallibility.

Papal Infallibility: Many have common misconceptions about what papal infallibility is. Infallibility is not the absence of sin. Infallibility does not mean expertise in the subject matter.  Essentially, infallibility means that one is prevented (by the protection of the Holy Spirit) from stating doctrinal error. This can also apply to the pope and group of bishops (cardinals) together as a group as it pertains to important Church dogma. Hence, this also applies to important Church councils throughout history.


Apostasy, apostatize

During the Greco-Roman era, there would also be an apostasy in religious terms. The Greek and Romans would often impose their pagan beliefs on the Jews or Christians. Likewise, there would be some who would willingly fall into idol worship. The same could be said for the Old Testament cultures.

Since the beginning of the Church, over time there has been a proliferation of over 33,000 churches and denominations. This always pertains to the question of doctrine. This immediately begs the question, “Which church has the correct doctrine?”  This also brings up another question, “Did God intend to establish one Church or over 33,000 churches (and denominations)?” I think we can figure out the simplest answer to that question.  Yet, God, in His infinite love for us, has given man free will to have the choice to create new churches and denominations.

It is significant to note that Peter made his confession at Caesarea Phillipi, a place where a rock enclosed the gates of Hades (hell). Jesus stated that Peter was going to be another type of rock (foundation) for His Church. I think we can all agree that Peter was not a scripture scholar. Peter needed all the spiritual help he can get! Any insight or help that Peter received came from the Holy Spirit. So the Holy Spirit guided Peter into stating Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God. Peter was given papal infallibility!

‎[Greek] ἀποστασία (apostasia)

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