[Greek] σκανδαλίζω (skandalizō), [Latin] scandalizare, [Latin] offendere, [French] huerter, [French] indigner, [German] shockieren

[Greek] σκανδαλίζω (skandalizō), [Latin] scandalizare, [Latin] offendere, [French] huerter, [French] indigner, [German] shockieren: to offend, to scandalize, to cause to sin, to stumble, to trip up, to be offended, to trap; 45 scriptural references Background information: Skandalon: A skandalon is…

[Greek] παραδίδωμι (paradidōmi), [Latin] tradere, [Latin] producere, [Latin] aperire, [French] remettre, [French] decouvrir, [German] hervorbringen

[Greek] παραδίδωμι (paradidōmi), [Latin] tradere, [Latin] producere, [Latin] aperire, [French] remettre, [French] decouvrir, [German] hervorbringen: to give over, to entrust, to transmit, to hand over, to instruct, to betray, to allow; 135 scriptural passages Just hand it over to God…

[Greek] σκοπέω (skopeō), [Latin] videre, [French] voir, [German] sehen, [Latin] observare, [Latin] contemplare, [Latin] considerare, [French] examiner

[Greek] σκοπέω (skopeō), [Latin] videre, [French] voir, [German] sehen, [Latin] observare, [Latin] contemplare, [Latin] considerare, [French] examiner: to view closely, to examine, to fix one’s eyes upon, to observe, to contemplate, to consider, to pay attention; Rom.16:17, Php.3:17, Gal.6:1, Php.2:4,…

[Greek] μανθάνω (manthanō, [Latin] discere, [Latin] cogitare, [German] lernen, [German] studieren, [French] apprendre

[Greek] μανθάνω (manthanō, [Latin] discere, [Latin] cogitare, [German] lernen, [German] studieren, [French] apprendre: to learn, to “do the math”, to educate, to receive instruction, to be apprised, to increase one’s knowledge, to ascertain; 31 scripture passages Background information: Greek Hellenism:…

[Greek] ἐνδυναμόω (endynamoō), [Latin] convalescere, [Latin] confortare, [French] recouver, [French] prende des forces, [French] renforcer

[Greek] ἐνδυναμόω (endynamoō), [Latin] convalescere, [Latin] confortare, [French] recouver, [French] prende des forces, [French] renforcer: to give strength, to be able, to be strong; Acts 9:22, Rom.4:20, Eph.6:10, Php.4:13, 1Tim.1:12, 2Tim.2:1, 2Tim.4:17, Heb.11:34 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means…

[Greek] ὑποστέλλω (hypostellō), [Latin] subtrahere, [Latin] subterfugere, [German] heimlich, [French] secretement, [French] enlever

[Greek] ὑποστέλλω (hypostellō), [Latin] subtrahere, [Latin] subterfugere, [German] heimlich, [French] secretement, [French] enlever: to withdraw, to draw back, to hesistate, to avoid; Acts 20:20,27, Gal.2:12, Heb.10:38 Background information: Greek Hellenism: The term means to draw away, to retreat, to hold…

[Greek] ὁρίζω (horizō), [Latin] constituere, [Latin] definire, [Latin] definitus, [Latin] statuere, [Latin] praedestinatus, [French] limiter, [French] decider, [Latin] terminare

[Greek] ὁρίζω (horizō), [Latin] constituere, [Latin] definire, [Latin] definitus, [Latin] statuere, [Latin] praedestinatus, [French] limiter, [French] decider, [Latin] terminare: to mark off, to determine, to bound, to decide, to appoint, to divide, to decree; Lk.22:22, Acts 2:23, Acts 10:42, Acts…

[Greek] πλεονεκτέω (pleonekteō), [Latin] circumvenire, [French] contourner, [German] verhinder

[Greek] πλεονεκτέω (pleonekteō), [Latin] circumvenire, [French] contourner, [German] verhinder: to have more, to take more, to over-reach, to take advantage, to exploit; 2Cor.2:11, 2Cor.7:2, 2Cor.12:17-18, 1Thess.4:6 Background information: Greek Hellenism:  This term means to have more, to be greedy, to…

[Greek] καταλαμβάνω (katalambanō), [Latin] respondere, [Latin] comprehendere, [Latin] cognoscere, [Latin adprehendere, [French] attraper

[Greek] καταλαμβάνω (katalambanō), [Latin] respondere, [Latin] comprehendere, [Latin] cognoscere, [Latin adprehendere, [French] attraper

[Greek] καταλαμβάνω (katalambanō), [Latin] respondere, [Latin] comprehendere, [Latin] cognoscere, [Latin adprehendere, [French] attraper: to attack, to lay hold of, to seize, to comprehend, to take, to overtake, to apprehend, to understand, to grasp; Mk.9:18, Jn.1:5, Jn.8:3-4, Jn.12:35, Acts 4:13, Acts 10:34, Acts…

[Greek] ἀνθίστημι (anthistēmi), [Latin] resistere, [Latin] avertere, [French] detourner

[Greek] ἀνθίστημι (anthistēmi), [Latin] resistere, [Latin] avertere, [French] detourner

[Greek] ἀνθίστημι (anthistēmi), [Latin] resistere, [Latin] avertere, [French] detourner: to resist, to stand against, to withstand, to cope, to set against; Mt.5:39, Lk.21:15, Acts 6:10, Acts 13:8, Rom.9:19, Rom.13:2, Gal.2:11, Eph.6:13, 2Tim.3:8, 2Tim.4:15, Jas.4:7, 1Pet.5:9 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This…

[Greek] ἀφίστημι (aphistēmi), [Latin] discedere, [Latin] recedere, [Latin] avertere, [French] partir, [French] reculer, [French] detourner

[Greek] ἀφίστημι (aphistēmi), [Latin] discedere, [Latin] recedere, [Latin] avertere, [French] partir, [French] reculer, [French] detourner: to depart, to cause to rebel, to abandon, to keep away from, to leave, to refrain, to withdraw; Lk.2:37, Lk.4:13, Lk.8:13, Lk.13:27, Acts 5:37-38, Acts…

[Greek] ἀναθεωρέω (anatheōreō), [Latin] videre, [Latin] intueri, [German] sehen, [French] voir, [French] considerer, [French] contempler

[Greek] ἀναθεωρέω (anatheōreō), [Latin] videre, [Latin] intueri, [German] sehen, [French] voir, [French] considerer, [French] contempler; to behold, to consider carefully, to look again, to examine; Acts 17:23, Heb.13:7 Consider this: What is this Mass to you? As a sacrifice or…

[Greek] παραλογίζομαι (paralogizomai), [Latin] decipere, [Latin] fallere, [German] ertappen

[Greek] παραλογίζομαι (paralogizomai), [Latin] decipere, [Latin] fallere, [German] ertappen: to miscalculate, to delude, to deceive, to reason falsely, to lead astray, to reckon wrong; Col.2:4, Jas.1:22  Modernists earnestly believe that the Novus Order Mass nourishes the Church (Mass attendance declining!)…

[Greek] καταπατέω (katapateō), [Latin] inculcare, [German] hineinpressen, [German] hineinstampfen

Greek] καταπατέω (katapateō), [Latin] inculcare, [German] hineinpressen, [German] hineinstampfen: to despise, to reject, to treat contemptuously, to trample, to tread down, to disdain; Mt.5:13, Mt.7:6, Lk.8:5, Lk.12:1, Heb.10:29 In Ottawa protesters were literally being trampled upon. Many others’ rights were…

[Greek] ὁμολογέω (homologeō), [Latin] confitere, [German] hineinpressen, [French] fouler

[Greek] ὁμολογέω (homologeō), [Latin] confitere, [German] hineinpressen, [French] fouler

[Greek] ὁμολογέω (homologeō), [Latin] confitere, [German] hineinpressen, [French] fouler: to confess, to assent, to admit, to acknowledge; Mt.7:23, Mt.10:32, Mt.14:7, Lk.12:8, Jn.1:20, Jn.9:22, Jn.12:42, Acts 23:8, Acts 24:14, Rom.10:9-10, 1Tim.6:12, Tit.1:16, Heb.11:13, Heb.13:15, 1Jn.1:9, 1Jn.4:2-3,15, 2Jn.1:7 Background information: Greek Hellenism:…

[Greek] ἐπέρχομαι (eperchomai), [Latin] supervenire, [Latin] venire, [Latin] advenire, [German] kommen, [French] arriver

[Greek] ἐπέρχομαι (eperchomai), [Latin] supervenire, [Latin] venire, [Latin] advenire, [German] kommen, [French] arriver

[Greek] ἐπέρχομαι (eperchomai), [Latin] supervenire, [Latin] venire, [Latin] advenire, [German] kommen, [French] arriver: to come upon, to arrive, to overtake, to assault, to supervene; Lk.1:35, Lk.11:22, Lk.21:26,35, Acts 1:8, Acts 8:24, Acts 13:40, Acts 14:19, Eph.2:7, Jas.5:1 Background information: Greek…

[Greek] προσδέχομαι (prosdechomai), [Latin] expectare, [Latin] recipere, [Latin] excipere, [Latin] accipere, [French] adopter, [Latin] suscipere

[Greek] προσδέχομαι (prosdechomai), [Latin] expectare, [Latin] recipere, [Latin] excipere, [Latin] accipere, [French] adopter, [Latin] suscipere

[Greek] προσδέχομαι (prosdechomai), [Latin] expectare, [Latin] recipere, [Latin] excipere, [Latin] accipere, [French] adopter, [Latin] suscipere: to receive (favorably) to accept, to look for, to welcome, to wait, to anticipate; Mk.15:43, Lk.2:25,38, Lk.12:36, Lk.15;2, Lk.23:51, Acts 23:21, Acts 24:15, Rom.16:2, Php.…

[Greek] ἀπείθεια (apeitheia), [Latin] incredulitatem, [Latin] diffidentia

[Greek] ἀπείθεια (apeitheia), [Latin] incredulitatem, [Latin]  diffidentia: disobedience, disbelief, unbelief, obstinancy; Rom.11:30,32, Eph.2:2, Eph.5:6, Col.3:6, Heb.4:6,11 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means disobedience. Xenophon’s Memorabilia 3.5.5 states “Ah, I am aware of that, answered Socrates, ‘but the disposition of…

[Greek] ἀπαρνέομαι (aparneomai), [Latin] abnegare, [Latin] negare, [Latin] reprobare

[Greek] ἀπαρνέομαι (aparneomai), [Latin] abnegare, [Latin] negare, [Latin] reprobare

[Greek] ἀπαρνέομαι (aparneomai), [Latin] abnegare, [Latin] negare, [Latin] reprobare: to deny, to disown, to claim no knowledge; Mt.16:24, Mt.26:34-35, Mt.26:75, Mk.8:34, Mk.14:30-31, Mk.14:72, Lk.12:9, Lk.22:34,61   The Bidenadministration denies that there is an illegal immigration problem along the southern border.…

[Greek] στενοχωρέω (stenochōreō), [Latin] patere, [Latin] angustiare, [French] souffrir, [French] endurer

[Greek] στενοχωρέω (stenochōreō), [Latin] patere, [Latin] angustiare, [French] souffrir, [French] endurer

[Greek] στενοχωρέω (stenochōreō), [Latin] patere, [Latin] angustiare, [French] souffrir, [French] endurer: to make narrow, to compress, to restrain, to restrict, to distress; 2Cor.4:8, 2Cor.6:12 More and more govt. localities, businesses, and entertainment venues are now requiring proof of vaccinations. This…

[Greek] ἐλέγχω (elegchō), [Latin] arguere, [Latin] convincere, [Latin] redarguere, [Latin] increpare

[Greek] ἐλέγχω (elegchō), [Latin] arguere, [Latin] convincere, [Latin] redarguere, [Latin] increpare: to confute, to admonish, to find fault, to expose, to rebuke; Mt.18:15, Lk.3:19, Jn.3:20, Jn.8:9,46, Jn.16:8, 1Cor.14:24, Eph.5:11,13, 1Tim.5:20, 2Tim.4:2, Tit.1:9,13, Tit.2:15, Heb.12:5, Jas.2:9, Rev.3:19 The Woman Taken in…

[Greek] πίπτω (piptō), [Latin] cadere, [Latin] elidere, [Latin] concidere, [Latin] decider, [Latin] perire, [Latin] prostrare, [German] fallen, [French] ruiner

[Greek] πίπτω (piptō), [Latin] cadere, [Latin] elidere, [Latin] concidere, [Latin] decider, [Latin] perire, [Latin] prostrare, [German] fallen, [French] ruiner

[Greek] πίπτω (piptō), [Latin] cadere, [Latin] elidere, [Latin] concidere, [Latin] decider, [Latin] perire, [Latin] prostrare, [German] fallen, [French] ruiner: to fall, to fall prostrate, to kneel, to fall down; 92 scriptural references St. Matthias: painting by Peter Paul Reubens (1611)…

[Greek] διασκορπίζω (diaskorpizō), [Latin] spargere, [French] disperser, [German] spritzen

[Greek] διασκορπίζω (diaskorpizō), [Latin] spargere, [French] disperser, [German] spritzen

[Greek] διασκορπίζω (diaskorpizō), [Latin] spargere, [French] disperser, [German] spritzen: to squander, to separate, to winnow, to scatter, to dissipate; Mt.25:24,26, Mt.26:31, Mk.14:27, Lk.1:51, Lk.15:13, Lk.16:1, Jn.11:52, Acts 5:37 The scorpion has become that iconic arachnid that scurries and scatters across…

[Greek] ἐγκαταλείπω (egkataleipō), [Latin] derelinquere, [Latin] deserere, [French] abandonner, [French] separer, [Old English] forsacan

[Greek] ἐγκαταλείπω (egkataleipō), [Latin] derelinquere, [Latin] deserere, [French] abandonner, [French] separer, [Old English] forsacan

[Greek] ἐγκαταλείπω (egkataleipō), [Latin] derelinquere, [Latin] deserere, [French] abandonner, [French] separer, [Old English] forsacan: to leave behind, to desert, to let remain, to abandon, to forsake, to leave in the lurch; Mt.27:46, Mk.15:34, Rom.9:29, 2Cor.4:9, 2Tim.4:10,16, Heb.10:25, Heb.13:5 Christian Martyrs…

[Greek] συνέρχομαι (synerchomai), [Latin] convenire, [Latin] pravenire, [Latin] venerare, [Latin] exire, [Latin] concurre, [Latin] venire, [Latin] comitare, [Latin] discedere, [Latin] revertere

[Greek] συνέρχομαι (synerchomai), [Latin] convenire, [Latin] pravenire, [Latin] venerare, [Latin] exire, [Latin] concurre, [Latin] venire, [Latin] comitare, [Latin] discedere, [Latin] revertere

[Greek] συνέρχομαι (synerchomai), [Latin] convenire, [Latin] pravenire, [Latin] venerare, [Latin] exire, [Latin] concurre, [Latin] venire, [Latin] comitare, [Latin] discedere, [Latin] revertere: to come together, to go with, to have sexual intercourse, to cohabit, and to associate with; 30 scriptural The…

[Greek] ἀνέχομαι (anechomai), [Latin] adferre, [Latin] sustinere, [Latin] subportare, [Latin] patere, [Latin] sufferere

[Greek] ἀνέχομαι (anechomai), [Latin] adferre, [Latin] sustinere, [Latin] subportare, [Latin] patere, [Latin] sufferere

[Greek] ἀνέχομαι (anechomai), [Latin] adferre, [Latin] sustinere, [Latin] subportare, [Latin] patere, [Latin] sufferere: to be patient with, to put up with (forbear), to bear, to endure, to persevere to tolerate; Mt.17:17, Mk.9:19, Lk.9:41, Acts 18:14, 1Cor.4:12, 2Cor.11:1,4,19-20, Eph.4:2, Col.3:13, 2Thess.1:4,…

[Greek] δοκιμάζω (dokimazō), [Latin] probare, [Latin] comprobare

[Greek] δοκιμάζω (dokimazō), [Latin] probare, [Latin] comprobare: to test, to prove, to approve, to examine, to discern, to put through a trial; Lk.12:56, Lk.14:19, Rom.1:28, Rom.2:18, Rom.12:2, Rom.14:22, 1Cor.3:13, 1Cor.11:28, 1Cor.16:3, 2Cor.8:8,22, 2Cor.13:5, Gal.6:4, Eph.5:10, Php.1:10, 1Thess.2:4, 1Thess.5:21, 1Tim.3:10, Heb.3:9,…

[Greek] ἀναστρέφω (anastrephō), [Latin] revertere, [Latin] conversare, [Latin] tradere, [Latin] subvertere

[Greek] ἀναστρέφω (anastrephō), [Latin] revertere, [Latin] conversare, [Latin] tradere, [Latin] subvertere

[Greek] ἀναστρέφω (anastrephō), [Latin] revertere, [Latin] conversare, [Latin] tradere, [Latin] subvertere: to turn back, to overturn, to conduct one’s self, to abide, and to return; Mt.17:22, Jn.2:15, Acts 5:22, Acts 15:16, 2Cor.1:12, Eph.2:3, 1Tim.3:15, Heb.10:33, 1Pet.1:17, 2Pet.2:18 We all must…