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[Greek] ἀποπλανάω (apoplanaō), [Latin] seducere, [Latin] errare: to go astray, to wander away, to err, to seduce, to mislead; Mk.13:22, 1Tim.6:10

Background information:

Greek Hellenism: This term means to go astray, to wander, to vacillate, to be mistaken, to digress, and to not tell the truth

Euripides’ Helen 598: “I find you wandering over the land.”

Plato’s Phaedo 81d: “Those compelled to flit about such places of punishment.”

Sophocles’ Oedipus at Colonus 304: “My words often wander off.”

Plato’s Republic 371d: “Shopkeepers who roam from city to city.”

Herodotus’ The Histories 2.115: “Alexandrus was evasive in his story which did not tell the truth.”

Demosthenes On the False Embassy 19.335: “Aeschines shirks the issue if tries to lead you astray.”

Old Testament: This term means to lead astray, to confuse, to cause to stagger, to wander about, and deceive, and to mock. This term implies responsibility to God for such transgressions. God is an active and responding God. Seduction by false prophets and unfaithful leaders can lead to worship of idols and false gods. Israel and the Gentiles are often the sources of wandering.

Cursed be he who misleads a blind man on his way (Deu.27:18). A drunkard staggers in his vomit (Isa.19:13). They shall be wanderers among the nations (Hos.9:17). You have mocked me and told me lies (Jud.16:10). Manasseh led them into doing even greater evil (2Kgs.21:19). All shall abandon their idols which have deceitfully led them into error (Tob.14:6). Your leaders mislead, they destroy the paths you should follow (Isa.3:12). Prove to me wherein I have erred (Job 6:24).

New Testament: This term means to deceive, mislead, wander, and to go astray. Love of money is root of all evils. Too much focus on money (earthly treasure) prevents one from following God. False leaders have and will always come to present captivating ideas.


“False messiahs and false prophets will arise and will perform signs and wonders in order to mislead, if that were possible, the elect.” Mk.13:22

These false leaders will and have shown up since the early times. In more subtle ways, church teachings have been watered down and changed in the name of tolerance and diversity.

“For the love of money is the root of all evils, and some people in their desire for it have strayed from the faith and have pierced themselves with many pains.” 1Tim.6:10


Seduce, error, err, planet

In Greek Hellenism, this term has several meanings with nuances.

In the Old Testament, in contrast to Greek Hellenism, God takes an active part in the affairs of man. Pertaining to man’s relationship with God, this term refers to man’s broken relationship with God. Wandering, straying, and seducing can lead to very serious consequences.

A planet is essentially a wandering celestial body in space.

In the New Testament, this term reinforces the notion that evil that comes from too much dependence on money. In recent months the looting and looting, destroying and “snatch and grab” of businesses illustrate the evil desire to have money and material goods.

Over time, some church leaders and secular leaders have not focused or adhered to important church teachings. Examples include abortion (advocating secular society’s beliefs, not strenuously advocating Church teachings, and permitting reception of the Eucharist to pro-abortion leaders). Some church leaders focus more on tolerance and diversity than on defending church teachings.

I felt it was important not to stray from acknowledging these societal influences on the church.

[Greek] ἀποπλανάω (apoplanaō), [Latin] seducere, [Latin] errare

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