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[Greek] τυφλός (typhlos), [Latin] caecus, [German] blind: unable to see, not able to understand, spiritually blind, opaque, short-sighted; 53 scriptural references

Many have become both spiritually and culturally blind in this post modern Christian world.

Background information:

Greek Hellenism: This term means blind, unable to see, lacking vision, invisible, unclear, concealed, spiritual blindness intestines (caecum), inescapable, and in the dark. Man, wealth, power, ignorance and pride can potentially become sources (causes) of moral blindness. The blind man is often associated with comparisons and proverbial expressions. Examples include ‘the blind leading the blind’ and ‘ignorance is like a blind man walking in the dark’. Spiritual (and physical blindness) are often juxtaposed with intellectual understanding (and physical sight).

Plato’s Phaedo 99e: “I was afraid my soul would be blind if I look at with my eyes and tried to grasp them with my senses.”

Plutarch’s Solon 12: “That man was indeed blind to the future.”

Plato’s Republic 5.465d: “Even a blind man can see these.”

Xenophon’s Symposium 4.12: “I would rather be blind to all things.”

Plato’s Laws 5.731e: “For the lover is blind in his view of the object loved.”

Plato’s Republic 7.518c: “What they assert is that they can put true knowledge into a soul that does not possess it, as if they were inserting vision into blind eyes.”

Plato’s Phaedo 99e: “Do you thing there is a difference between the blind and those deprived of the knowledge of things and cannot fix their eyes on the absolute truth? There is no difference.”

Euripides’ Phoenisae 834: “Lead on, my daughter, for you are an eye to my blind feet.”

Old Testament: This term means blindness and to make blind. Blindness was a very severe handicap in Israel. The blind were specially protected by Israeli laws. It was implied that one, who misleads a blind man, is to be cursed. Spiritual blindness is not necessarily tied to physical blindness. God used blindness as a punishment for those who do not listen to the Word of the Lord. Old Testament prophets make references to blindness regarding judgment and salvation. The curing of blindness is an important theme of eschatological hope. God Himself will be a guide on the way for those who seek to see.

New Testament: This term essentially means to be blind and not able to understand. Examples include literal blindness, cultural blindness, and spiritual blindness (inability or refusal to believe). Emphasis is made on the healing of blindness, rather than blindness itself. The healing of the man born blind illustrates the truth that Jesus is the light of the world. He has come so that others might see. The scribes and Pharisees are seen as blind fools refusing or unwilling to believe. For purposes of brevity, I will focus on spiritual and cultural blindness.

Notable scriptural examples:

Mt.15:14: Pharisees are blind guides leading the blind into a pit

Mt.23:16-17: Scribes and Pharisees are blind fools selectively upholding oaths

Mt.23:24: Scribes and Pharisees are blind guides neglecting what is important

Mt.23:26: Scribes and Pharisees focus on cleaning rituals but ignore inner purity

Jn. 9:16-17: The Pharisees claim that Jesus is not from God and does not keep the sabbath

Jn.9:18: The Jews did not believe that the blind man was born blind

Jn.9:32: It is unheard of that anyone ever opened the eyes of a person born blind

Jn.9:39: Jesus has come so that others (who do not see) might see

Jn. 9:39: Jesus has also come so that (who do see) might become blind

Jn.9:4: Being blind, but willing to be open to spiritual truth (instruction)

Jn.10:21: The Jews believe that Jesus is either possessed or out of His mind.

2Pet.1:9: Anyone who lacks faith with virtues, knowledge, self-control, endurance, devotion, and love is blind

Cecum: The cecum is a pouch at the beginning of the large intestine. This term comes from the Latin intestum caeacum, meaning blind intestine. Typhlitis is the inflammation of the large intestine. In a sense, this is the ‘blind gut’ or ‘cul de sac’ (bottom of the bag). The cul de sac, frequently found in subdivisions, is also called a blind alley, dead end, and road with no exit.


Cecum, blind, blindness

In Greek Hellenism, it was interesting to discover the intellectual application of the blind man with knowledge, discovery and wisdom.

The Old Testament develops the notion of God exacting blindness on those who refuse to see. In the New Testament, God will blind Saul, the rabid Pharasaic persecutor of Christians. Paul’s eyes will be later opened up to the Gospel message.

Jesus’ healing of the born blind man illustrates the truth that He is the light so that others might see. The Pharisees were blind in thinking that Jesus removed demons through Beelzebul.

Jesus came for those who do not see (having a conscious spiritual blindness) who are open to seeking spiritual sight (wisdom).

Jesus also came for those like the Pharisees (with an unconscious spiritual blindness) who do not want to see. They continue to ‘see” with an unacceptance of Jesus, pride, hardness of heart, and condemnation.

Update: Only 31% of Catholic believe that the Eucharist contains the Real Presence

New York governor Hochul has just called pro-life Americans as neanderthals. (She is blind and/or resentful of their views).

Pro-life supporters now must be called anti-abortion supporters. These opponents are blind in actually stating what pro-life views stand for.

Sometimes it is quite often difficult not be jaded or despondent about the modern culture.

Love and the person is often dependent on the eye of the beholder.

It is quite often true that other senses and faculties are enhanced when blindness sets in.

Somethings are so obvious that the proverbial blind man can see it.

Many “faithful” believers often change their beliefs when they cannot see, accept, or follow God’s absolute truth and teachings.

Many of us have needed help from others when we have shortcomings or obstacles.

Abortion supporters often call pro-life and traditional Catholics (and Christians) as extreme or hateful. These opponents are blind to the fact that traditional Christianity has historically opposed abortion.

Vice President Kamala Harris (spiritually ignorant) says supporting abortion rights doesn’t mean you have to change your faith.

The Biden administration is blind to the fact of solving problems (securing the border).

The Biden administration is blind to the concerns of the American people (inflation, gas prices, energy, etc).

Some people are blind (out of touch) in saying that high energies are an opportunity to stop drilling and to buy electric cars. (They have been mocked for these statements).

The current secular culture is blind in thinking that the Church should change to accommodate the culture.

One does not have to be blind in not seeing that there is a lot of tension, uncertainty, and division taking hold in our society. The Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe vs. Wade means that this issue will be handed over to the state level. In their blind hatred, many abortion supporters are resorting to protesting, seizing and attacking, and delegitimizing the Supreme Court’s authority. In this culture of death, many will not see or cannot understand the moral consequences of abortion. Instead, they hold fast to their traditions of only woman’s choice and rights. They often cannot see the other sides’ sincerely held beliefs. We all must pray that they can spiritually open their eyes and acquire understanding. Yet, many are prevented by or held captive to their preconceived notions.

Next post: holding fast, handing on, and taking hold.

[Greek] τυφλός (typhlos), [Latin] caecus, [German] blind

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