[Greek] νικάω (nikaō), [Latin] vincere, [Latin] victoria: to conquer, to have the attitude of to just “do it”, to prevail, to overcome, to overpower, to get the victory, to subdue, to gain victory, to come off victorious; Mt.12:29, Mk.3:27, Lk.11:22,…
[Greek] ἰδιώτης (idiōtēs), [Latin] idiota
[Greek] ἰδιώτης (idiōtēs), [Latin] idiota: private individual, layman, simpleton, rustic, bumpkin, outsider, alien, outsider, unskilled person, simple person, commoner; Act.4:13, 2Cor.11:6, 1Cor.14:16, 1Cor. 14:23-24 Ancient Greek farmers (idiotai) living a simple life Background Information: Greco-Roman culture: This term means a…
[Greek] ἱλαρός (hilaros)
[Greek] ἱλαρός (hilaros): cheerful, merry, hilarious, joyfully ready, joyous, gracious, eager to give, willing, good humored; 2Cor. 9:7 King Solomon bestows favor on Sheba and his other subjects Background Information: Classical Greek: This term, meaning glad, merry, or cheerful, can…
[Greek] διχοτομέω (dichotomeō), [Latin] dividere
[Greek] διχοτομέω (dichotomeō), [Latin] dividere: to cut into two, to cut asunder, to cut into pieces, to bisect, to cut up by scourging, to punish severely, to separate, to cut in half, to dismember; Mt. 24:51, Lk.12:46, Heb.11:37, Lk.19:27 Background…
[Greek] διαλογίζομαι (dialogizomai), [Latin] cogitare, [Latin] disputare
[Greek] διαλογίζομαι (dialogizomai), [Latin] cogitare, [Latin] disputare: to consider, to deliberate, to discuss, to reckon, to reason, to resolve in one’s mind, to ponder, to dispute, to hold a discussion, to engage in dialogue, Mk.2:6, Mk.2:8, Lk.1:29, Lk.3:15, Lk.5:21-22, Lk.132:17,…
[Greek] χαρακτήρ (charaktēr), [Latin] character
[Greek] χαρακτήρ (charaktēr), [Latin] character: exact representation, engraving, impression, impress, mark, brand, reproduction, stamp, image; Heb.1:2-3 Background Information: Greco-Roman culture: Representations/copies: Images were impressed upon coins, wood, stone, brass, and other surfaces. Having the emperor’s image on coins was a…
[Greek] στρατεύομαι (strateuomai), [Latin] interrogare, [Latin] militaris
[Greek] στρατεύομαι (strateuomai), [Latin] interrogare, [Latin] militaris: to serve in a military campaign, to wage war, to engage in war, to fight, to be a soldier, to make war, to undertake a campaign, to go to war, to engage in…
[Greek] πρόγνωσις (prognōsis), [Latin] praescentia
[Greek] πρόγνωσις (prognōsis), [Latin] praescentia: foreknowledge, prophecy, prognostication, foretelling, perceiving beforehand, knowing beforehand; Act.2:23, 1Pet.1:2 The Oracle at Delphi: a place to seek guidance and knowledge for healing Background Information: Greek Hellenism: The classical sense of prognosis means knowing, perceiving,…
[Greek] ἀνταγωνίζομαι (antagōnizomai), [Latin] contendere, [Latin] certare, [Latin] sollicitus, [French] disputer
[Greek] ἀνταγωνίζομαι (antagōnizomai), [Latin] contendere, [Latin] certare, [Latin] sollicitus, [French] disputer: to strive against, to struggle against, to resist, to fight against, to stand firm, to be a competitor in a contest, to struggle with; Heb.12:4 Background Information: Competition/contest metaphor:…
[Greek] ἀναλογίζομαι (analogizomai), [Latin] recogitare
[Greek] ἀναλογίζομαι (analogizomai), [Latin] recogitare: to consider, to ponder, to reflect, to deliberate, to think over, to reckon up, to consider by way of comparison, to reflect upon; Heb.12:3 Background Information: Classical Greece: This term is commonly used in classical…
[Greek] συμπαθέω (sympatheō), [Latin] conpati
[Greek] συμπαθέω (sympatheō), [Latin] conpati: to suffer with, have a fellow feeling, to sympathize, to bear with, to commiserate, to have sympathy for, to be touched with, to share in suffering Jesus, the High Priest, is the one who perfectly…
[Greek] σκηνή (skēnē), [Latin] tabernaculum, [Latin] habitare
[Greek] σκηνή (skēnē), [Latin] tabernaculum, [Latin] habitare: dwelling, tabernacle, tent, scene, building background for a dramatic performance, habitat, shelter, booth, place; Mt.17:4, Heb.11:9, Act.7:44, Heb. 8:2,5 An existing model of the Tabernacle in Jerusalem Background Information: Greek Hellenism: Outside the…
[Greek] ἀπειθέω (apeitheō), [Latin] incredulus, [Latin] non credere, [Latin] infidelibus
[Greek] ἀπειθέω (apeitheō), [Latin] incredulus, [Latin] non credere, [latin] infidelibus: to disobey, to be apathetic, to be disobedient, to not believe, to refuse to believe, to refuse to be persuaded, to disregard, to not comply with, to decide against; Rom.…
[Greek] ἐπισκέπτομαι (episkeptomai), [Latin] visitare, [Latin] considerare, [French] examiner
[Greek] ἐπισκέπτομαι (episkeptomai), [Latin] visitare, [Latin] considerare, [French] examiner: to go to see, to be concerned, to visit, to look upon, to examine with the eyes, to inspect, to render assistance, to be present, to take care of, to seek…
[Greek] ἄθλησις (athlēsis), [Latin] passio
[Greek] ἄθλησις (athlēsis), [Latin] passio: contest, conflict, struggle, fight, competition, combat, trial, affliction; Heb.10:32 St. Bruno, born in 1030 A.D, was the founder of the Carthusian Order. He was a close advisor of his former pupil Pope Urban II (who…
![[Greek] ἐγείρω (egeirō) [Greek] ἐγείρω (egeirō)](https://resoundingthefaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/empty-tomb-640x300.jpg)
[Greek] ἐγείρω (egeirō)
[Greek] ἐγείρω (egeirō), [multiple Latin verbs] : to raise up, to waken, to rouse from sleep/lying/sitting/disease/death, to lift, to awake, to raise from a state of moral sloth; 161 scriptural references Happy Easter! Background Information: Greek Hellenism: This term means…
![[Greek] νίπτω (niptō), [Latin] lavare, [German] waschen [Greek] νίπτω (niptō), [Latin] lavare, [German] waschen](https://resoundingthefaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/nipto-1-642x300.jpg)
[Greek] νίπτω (niptō), [Latin] lavare, [German] waschen
[Greek] νίπτω (niptō), [Latin] lavare, [German] waschen: to wash, to wash the extremities (hands or feet), to wash oneself; Mt.6:17, Mt.15:2, Mk.7:3, Jn.9:7,11,15, Jn.13:5-6,8 Jn.13:10,12,14, 1Tim. 5;10 Jesus washing Peter’s feet: (painting by Ford Madox Brown 1852-1856). This painting effectively…
![[Greek] σταυρόω (stauroō), [Latin] crucifigere [Greek] σταυρόω (stauroō), [Latin] crucifigere](https://resoundingthefaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/stauroo-642x300.jpg)
[Greek] σταυρόω (stauroō), [Latin] crucifigere
[Greek] σταυρόω (stauroō), [Latin] crucifigere: to crucify, to fence with stakes, to impale on the cross, to extinguish; 47 scriptural references Crucifixion was the Roman Empire’s official means of punishment Background Information: Greek culture: Originally, this term means to put…
![[Greek] σποδός (spodos), [Latin] cinis, [French] cendre, [German] asche [Greek] σποδός (spodos), [Latin] cinis, [French] cendre, [German] asche](https://resoundingthefaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/dust-642x300.jpg)
[Greek] σποδός (spodos), [Latin] cinis, [French] cendre, [German] asche
[Greek] σποδός (spodos), [Latin] cinis, [French] cendre, [German] asche: ashes, dust, residue from burning; Mt.11:21, Lk.10:13, Heb.9:13 Background Information: Old Testament: The Old Testament provides the background for the Jewish practice of using ashes, repenting, and fasting. Gen.3:19 reminds us…
[Greek] φαντάζω (phantazō), [Latin] terribilis
[Greek] φαντάζω (phantazō), [Latin] terribilis: to make visible, to become visible, to make manifest, to show, to appear as a sight, to cause to appear; Heb.12:21 Moses, in fear and trembling, kneels in the presence of God Background Information: Greco-Roman…
[Greek] δονή (hēdonἡē), [Latin] voluptatibus, [Latin] conupiscentia
[Greek] δονή (hēdonἡē), [Latin] voluptatibus, [Latin] concupiscienta: pleasure, lust, delight, gratification, self-gratification, sensual pleasure; Lk.8:14, Jas.4:3, 2Pet.2:13, Tit.3:3, Jas.4:1 A common depiction of hedonism in Greco-Roman society Background Information: Greco-Roman culture: Hedonism developed an important history with Greek philosophers and…
[Greek] αὐθεντέω (authenteō), [Latin] dominari, [French] regner
[Greek] αὐθεντέω (authenteō), [Latin] dominari, [French] regner: to govern, to exercise authority over, to dominate, to usurp authority, to teach, to murder, to act on one’s authority, to claim to be the author; 1Tim.2:12 Temple of Artemis (one of the…
[Greek] αὐξάνω (auxanō), [Latin] crescere, [Latin] incrementum
[Greek] αὐξάνω (auxanō), [Latin] crescere, [Latin] incrementum: to grow, to increase, to wax, to enlarge, to grow up, to become greater; Col.1:10, Act.19:20, 2Cor.9:10, Lk.2:40, Lk.12:27,Col.2:19, Mt.6:28, Jn.3:30, 2Cor.10:15, Col.1:6 The New Testament continues the Old Testament themes of gardening,…
[Greek] βάλλω (ballō)
[Greek] βάλλω (ballō): to throw, to cast out, to strike, to thrust, to lie, to be laid, to put; Mt.5:30, Jn.8:7, Rev.6:13, Mt.9:17, Mt18:30, Jas.3:3, Mt.10:34, 1Jn.4:18, Mt.25:27, Rev.14:16, Rev.2:22, Lk.12:49, Jn.13:2 Fisherman throwing out their casting nets Background Information:…
[Greek] πράσσω (prassō), [Latin] exigere, [Latin] agere, [Latin] recipere, [Latin] observare
[Greek] πράσσω (prassō), [Latin] exigere, [Latin] agere, [Latin] recipere, [Latin] observare: to practice, to commit, to perform repeatedly, to do, to exact something, to undertake, to work, to exhort, to bring something about, to carry out a political activity; Act.…
[Greek] μιμέομαι (mimeomai), [Latin] imitari
[Greek] μιμέομαι (mimeomai), [Latin] imitari: to imitate, to follow, to mimic, to be obedient; 2Thes.3:7, Heb.13:7, 3Jon.11, 1Cor.4:16 Background Information: Hellenism: In the Hellenistic cosmological thought, this Greek word mimeomai takes on the sense of to do what is seen…
[Greek] τρέφω (trephō), [Latin] nutrio
[Greek] τρέφω (trephō), [Latin] nutrio: to nourish, to make to grow, to support, to fatten, to bring up, to nurture, to let grow naturally, to rear; Mt.6:26, Mt.25:37, Lk.12:24, Lk.23:29, Act.12;20, Jas.5:5, Rev.12:14,16, Lk.4:16 In 527 A.D. emperor Justinian decreed…
[Greek] δογματίζω (dogmatizō), [Latin] decernere
[Greek] δογματίζω (dogmatizō), [Latin] decernere: to speak dogmatically, to decree, to subject oneself to an ordinance, to submit, to command, to put one under an obligation; Col.2:20 The Jerusalem Council sorting out the issues of circumcision and dietary laws Background…
[Greek] στερέωμα (stereōma), [Latin] firmamentum, [Latin] rigidus, [Latin] validus
[Greek] στερέωμα (stereōma), [Latin] firmamentum, [Latin] rigidius, [Latin] validus; support, firmness, steadfastness, strength, stability, bulwark (military fortification), solid front; Col.2:5 Paul’s exhorts the Colossians’ faith to be a strong defense against the false teachers. In Eph.6:16 Paul calls upon Christians to…
[Greek] συνεργός (synergos),[Latin] adiutor, [Latin] cooperator
[Greek] συνεργός (synergos), [Latin] adiutor, [Latin] cooperator: fellow worker, co-worker, partner, collaboration, fellow laborer; Rom.16:3, 1Cor.3:9, 2Cor.1:24, Phil.2:25, Col.4:11, 1Thess.3:2, Mk.16:20 An old Roman mural of Paul’s co-workers Prisca and Aquila Background Information: Old Testament: This Greek term synergos is…
[Greek] πολιτεύομαι (politeuomai)
[Greek] πολιτεύομαι (politeuomai): to be a citizen, to take part in political life, to conduct oneself with proper references to obligations to others, to administer the state, to be a public servant, to “walk” (conduct oneself in life), to conduct…
[Greek] ἀμύνομαι (amunomai), [Latin] vindicare
[Greek] ἀμύνομαι (amunomai), [Latin] vindicare: to come to the aid of, have tools to defend, to ward off, to put a defense before oneself; Act.7:24 Moses, using a sword, defends and avenges his fellow kinsmen in Egypt (Ex. 2:11-14) Background…
[Greek] ξένος (xenos), [Latin] hospes, [Latin] peregrinus, [French] pilgerin
[Greek] ξένος (xenos), [Latin] hospes, [Latin] peregrinus, [Latin] pilgerin: a host, a guest, a stranger (immigrant), one who shows hospitality, a strange thing, one receives and entertains, a foreigner, an alien, foreign, strange; Act.17:18, Heb.13:9, 1Pet.4:12, Rom.16:23, Mt.25:35, Act.17:21, Heb.11:13,…
[Greek] θεατρίζω (theatrizō), [Latin] spectaculum
[Greek] θεατρίζω (theatrizō), [Latin] spectaculum: to make a spectacle of, to bring up to the stage, to expose publicly, to make an example of, to make a public spectacle, to make a gazing stock, to expose to contempt; Heb. 10:33,…
[Greek] σκοπέω (skopeō), [Latin] videre, [Latin] observare, [Latin] contemplare, [Latin] considerare, [French] voir
[Greek] σκοπέω (skopeō), [Latin] videre, [Latin] observare, [Latin] contemplare, [Latin] considerare, [French] voir: to view closely, to examine, to fix one’s eyes upon, to observe, to behold, to contemplate, to consider, to mark, to pay attention; Rom.16:17, Phil.3:17, Gal.6:1, Phil.2:4,…
[Greek] ἀπορφανίζω (aporphanizō), [Latin] desolare
[Greek] ἀπορφανίζω (aporphanizō), [Latin] desolare: to be orphaned, to make someone an orphan, to have someone torn apart, to make parents deprived of children; 1Thess. 2:17 Paul speaks in the public square in Thessalonica. A disturbance ensues and a mob…
![[Greek] φαρμακεία (pharmakeia), [Latin] pharmacia [Greek] φαρμακεία (pharmakeia), [Latin] pharmacia](https://resoundingthefaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/sorceress-1-391x300.jpg)
[Greek] φαρμακεία (pharmakeia), [Latin] pharmacia
[Greek] φαρμακεία (pharmakeia), [Latin] pharmacia: use of medicine or drugs, spells, sorcery, magic, witchcraft, occult; Gal.5:20, Rev.18:23, Rev.9:21 A sorceress is one who dabbles in pharmakeia (spells, magic, potions, and elixirs). This figure becomes an early precursor to the modern…
[Greek] ἀλληγορέω (allēgoreō)
[Greek] ἀλληγορέω (allēgoreō): to speak allegorically, to speak figuratively, to make an allegory, to speak symbolically; Gal.4:24, 1Cor.5:6-8, 1Cor9:8-10, Jn.15:1-17 Israel is the allegorical vine brought by out of Egypt by God Background Information: Allegorical Mythology: As many of the…
[GreeK] ἐνδημέω (endēmeō), [Latin] praesente
[GreeK] ἐνδημέω (endēmeō), [Latin] praesente: to be in one’s own country, to be at home, to be among one’s own people, to be present; 2Cor.5:6,8,9 Background Information: Physical (bodily) and invisible (spiritual) realms: Paul and Christians, living in the physical…
[Greek] βαρέω (bareō), [Latin] gravitas
[Greek] βαρέω (bareō), [Latin] gravitas: to weigh down, to be overcome, to be weighted down, to be heavy, to be pressed, to have “heavy” eyes (drowsy), to be sleepy; Lk.21:34, 2Cor.1:8, 2Cor.5:4, 1Tim.5:16, Lk.9:32, Mt.26:43 Background Information: Greek Hellenism: This…
[Greek] παύω (pauō), [Latin] pausa, [Latin] disinere, [Latin] coercere
[Greek] παύω (pauō), [Latin] pausa, [Latin] disinere, [Latin] coercere: to cease, to pause, to quit, to come to an end, to stop, to get release from, to refrain; Lk.5:4, Lk.8:24, Lk.11:1, Act.5:42, Act.6:13, Act.13:10, Act.20:1, Act.21:32,1Cor.13:8, Eph.1:16, Col.1:9, Heb.10:2, 1Pet.4:1,…
[Greek] καρδία (kardia), [Latin] cor
[Greek] καρδία (kardia), [Latin] cor: heart; Act.21:34, Act.14:17, Lk.24:32, Mk.7:21, Lk.21:14, Mk.12:30, Lk.16:15 Old Testament: the heart is the “seat” of moral and religious conduct Background Information: Old Testament: This term is predominantly depicted in the figurative sense. The figurative…
[Greek] ἔκστασις (ekstasis), [Latin] stupore, [Latin] invadare, [Latin] adprehendere
[Greek] ἔκστασις (ekstasis), [Latin] stupore, [Latin] invadare, [Latin] adprehendere: a standing out of one’s self, being aside oneself, amazement, astonishment, trance, lose one’s senses, state of being beyond reason and self-control; Mk.5:42, Mk.16:8, Lk.5:26, Act.3:10, Act.10:10, Act.11:5, Act.22:17 The Oracle…
[Greek] συμφωνέω (symphōneō), [Latin] consentire, [Latin] convenire, [Latin] concordare
[Greek] συμφωνέω (symphōneō), [Latin] consentire, [Latin[ convenire, [Latin] concordare: to be in harmony, to be in accord, to “sound together”, to agree, to have singleness of mind; Lk.5:6, Act.15:15, Mt. 18:19-20, Act 5:9, Mt.20:2 It was necessary for two or…
[Greek] λαμπρός (lampros), [Latin] alba, [Latin] candida
[Greek] λαμπρός (lampros), [Latin] alba, [Latin] candida: bright, shiny, brilliant, clear, splendid, magnificent, gorgeous; Lk.23:11, Act.10:30, Jas.2:2, Rev.22:6, Rev.18:14, Rev.15:6, Rev.19:8, Rev.22:16 The candidatus (political candidate) aspires to be in office wearing a bright white toga (candida toga) Background Information:…
[Greek] γλεῦκος (gleukos),[Latin] mustum
[Greek] γλεῦκος (gleukos),[Latin] mustum: sweet wine, new wine, unfermented wine, fresh grape juice, must; Act.2:13 A stone winepress discovered in Hamei Yo’av Israel Background Information: Old Testament: This Greek term gleukos refers to several related Hebrew terms in the Old…
[Greek] εὐχαριστέω (eucharisteō),[Latin] agere gratiam,[Latin] participare cum gratiam
[Greek] εὐχαριστέω (eucharisteō), [Latin] agere gratiam, [Latin[ participare cum gratiam: to give thanks, to express gratitude, to return thanks, to give thanks before meals, to express thanks, 41 scriptural references The people show an expression of thanks (eucharistia) for the…
[Greek] σμύρνα (smyrna), [Latin] myrrha
[Greek] σμύρνα (smyrna), [Latin] myrrha: myrrh, aromatic resin; Mt.2:11, Jn.19:39 Background Information: Greek Hellenism: This term means a resin gum used as an embalming material, incense, salve, and unguent. Herodotus’ The Histories 2.86: “They take out all the intestines filing…
![[Greek] λίβανος (libanos), [Hebrew] leḇō·nā(h)), [Old French] francincense [Greek] λίβανος (libanos), [Hebrew] leḇō·nā(h)), [Old French] francincense](https://resoundingthefaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Lebanon-1-642x300.jpg)
[Greek] λίβανος (libanos), [Hebrew] leḇō·nā(h)), [Old French] francincense
[Greek] λίβανος (libanos), [Hebrew] leḇō·nā(h)), [Old French] francincense : frankincense, frankincense tree, incense, aromatic resin, Mt.2:11, Rev.18:13 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means frankincense. Herodotus’ The Histories 4.75: “But their Scythian women pound cypress and cedar frankincense wood on…
![[Greek] χρυσός (chrysos), [Latin] aurum, [German] gold [Greek] χρυσός (chrysos), [Latin] aurum, [German] gold](https://resoundingthefaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/charakter.png)
[Greek] χρυσός (chrysos), [Latin] aurum, [German] gold
[Greek] χρυσός (chrysos), [Latin] aurum, [German] gold: gold, yellow, gold coin, gold money; Mt.2:11, Mt.23:16-17, Act. 17:29, 1Cor.3:12, Jas.5:3, Rev.9:7, Rev.18:12, Mt.10:9 Augustus Aureus (27 B.C. – 14 A.D.) Background Information: Greek Hellenism: This term means gold, precious metals, anything…
[Greek] παιδεία (paideia), [Latin] educare, [Latin] erudire, [Latin] disciplina
[Greek] παιδεία (paideia), [Latin] educare, [Latin] erudire, [Latin] disciplina: training, instruction, nurture, education, discipline, correction, upbringing; 2Tim.3:16, Eph.6:4, Heb.12:5 Greek teacher writing with stylus and folding wax tablet (500 B.C) Background: Greco-Roman culture: This education of children was carried out…
![[Greek] σπαργανόω (sparganoō), [Old English] swaebian, [Latin] fasciis involvere [Greek] σπαργανόω (sparganoō), [Old English] swaebian, [Latin] fasciis involvere](https://resoundingthefaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Migdel-Eder-580x300.jpg)
[Greek] σπαργανόω (sparganoō), [Old English] swaebian, [Latin] fasciis involvere
[Greek] σπαργανόω (sparganoō), [Old English] swaebian, [Latin] fasciis involvere: to wrap in swaddling clothing, to wrap with strips, to swathe, to strap; Lk.2:7, Lk.2:12 Migdel Eder (The Tower of the Flock): where it is believed that the angel gave a…
[Greek] τίκτω (tiktō), [Latin] filius, [Latin] natus, [Latin] generare, [Latin] conceptio, [Latin] parere, [French] enfanter, [French] engendrer, [French] procurer
[Greek] τίκτω (tiktō), [Latin] filius, [Latin] natus, [Latin] generare, [Latin] conceptio, [Latin] parere, [French] enfanter, [French] engendrer, [French] procurer: to beget, to bring forth, to give birth, to bear, to produce, to be born, to be in labor; Mt.1:21,23,25, Mt.…
![[Greek] ἀστήρ (astēr), [Latin] stella, [Latin] sidus [Greek] ἀστήρ (astēr), [Latin] stella, [Latin] sidus](https://resoundingthefaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/magi-642x300.jpg)
[Greek] ἀστήρ (astēr), [Latin] stella, [Latin] sidus
[Greek] ἀστήρ (astēr), [Latin] stella, [Latin] sidus: star, morning star, celestial body, supernatural being, supernatural light; Act.27:20, 1Cor.15:41, Jude 13, Rev.1:16. Mt. 2:2, Mt. 24:29, Mk.13:25. Rev. 6:13, Rev.8:11 Background Information: Greek Hellenism: According to the Greeks, the stars were…
![[Greek] κατάλυμα (kataluma), [Latin] hospitium, [Latin] diversorium, [Latin] refectionem, [Old English] inn [Greek] κατάλυμα (kataluma), [Latin] hospitium, [Latin] diversorium, [Latin] refectionem, [Old English] inn](https://resoundingthefaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/kataluma-1-457x300.jpg)
[Greek] κατάλυμα (kataluma), [Latin] hospitium, [Latin] diversorium, [Latin] refectionem, [Old English] inn
[Greek] κατάλυμα (kataluma),[Latin] hospitium, [Latin] diversorium, [Latin] refectionem, [Old English] inn: place to “loosen down”, lodge, lodging place, guest room, inn, guest chamber, camping area, oasis; Lk.2:7, Mk.14:14, Lk.22:11 No room in the urban lodging place or inn Background Information:…
![[Greek] φάτνη (phatnē), [Latin] praesaepe, [French] mangier [Greek] φάτνη (phatnē), [Latin] praesaepe, [French] mangier](https://resoundingthefaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/manger-1-500x300.jpg)
[Greek] φάτνη (phatnē), [Latin] praesaepe, [French] mangier
[Greek] φάτνη (phatnē), [Latin] praesaepe, [French] mangier: feeding trough, manger, stall, crib, stable; Lk.2:7, Lk.2:12, Lk.2:16, Lk.13:15 A manger is essentially just an animal feeding trough. Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means manger, crib, ease (comfort), courting one who…
![[Greek] παρουσία (parousia), [Latin] adventus, [Latin] praesentia, [French] arrivee [Greek] παρουσία (parousia), [Latin] adventus, [Latin] praesentia, [French] arrivee](https://resoundingthefaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/adventus-coin-1.jpg)
[Greek] παρουσία (parousia), [Latin] adventus, [Latin] praesentia, [French] arrivee
[Greek] παρουσία (parousia), [Latin] adventus, [Latin] praesentia, [French] arrivee: presence, coming, arrival, advent, being in person, being beside, official visit; Mt.24:3,27,37,39, 1Cor.15:23, 1Cor.16:17, 2Cor.7:6-7, 2Cor.10:10, Php.1:26, Php.2:12, 1Thess.2:19, 1Thess.3:13, 1Thess.4:15, 1Thess. 5:25, 2Thess. 2:1,8,9, Jms.5:7-8, 2Pet.1:16, 2Pet.2:4,12, 1Jn.2:28 Background information:…
[Greek] σκληρός (sklēros), [Latin] durus, [Latin] validis
[Greek] σκληρός (sklēros), [Latin] durus, [Latin] validis: be hard, be difficult, be rough, be strong, be severe, be harsh, be unyielding, be stubborn; Jas 3:4, Mt.25:24,Jud. 15, Jn. 6:60, Act. 26:14, Act. 9:4 Background Information: Old Testament: This word has to…
[Greek] ὑγιής (hygiēs), [Latin] sanitas, [Latin] ambulare, [Latin] restituere, [Latin] sanare
[Greek] ὑγιής (hygiēs), [Latin] sanitas, [Latin] ambulare, [Latin] restituere, [Latin] sanare: healthy, whole, sound, well, restored, sound (in doctrine); Mt.12:13, Mt.15:31, Mk.5:34, Jn. 5:6, Jn. 7:23, Tit. 2:8 Background Information: Greek Hellenism: Hygieia was the goddess/personification of health, cleanliness, and…
[Greek] μωραίνω (mōrainō), [Latin] sal, [Latin] stultus
[Greek] μωραίνω (mōrainō), [Latin] sal, [Latin] stultus: to become foolish (a moron), to become tasteless, to become insipid, to act as a simpleton, to make foolish; Rom.1:22, Mt.5:13, Mt.5:22, 1Cor.1:18, 1Cor.1:20 Useless and tainted salt thrown on roads to absorb…
[Greek] θαυμάζω (thaumazō), [Latin] mirari, [Latin] timere, [Latin] stupere, [Latin] admiri
[Greek] θαυμάζω (thaumazō), [Latin] mirari, [Latin] timere, [Latin] stupere, [Latin] admiri: to admire, to wonder, to marvel, to amaze, to be surprised, to be astonished; Act. 7:31, Mt.9:8, Lk.4:22. Jude 16 Spectators are astonished by the speaker’s bombast, deceit, and…
![[Greek] χαριτόω (charitoō), [Latin] gratia plena, [Latin] gratificare [Greek] χαριτόω (charitoō), [Latin] gratia plena, [Latin] gratificare](https://resoundingthefaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/charitoo-642x300.jpg)
[Greek] χαριτόω (charitoō), [Latin] gratia plena, [Latin] gratificare
[Greek] χαριτόω (charitoō), [Latin] gratia plena, [Latin] gratificare: to make graceful, to endow with grace, to be favored, to be highly favored, to cause to find favor; Eph.1:6, Lk.1:28 Mary was already full of grace at her conception (when she…
[Greek] στερεόω (stereoō), [Latin] firmum, [Latin] solido, [Latin] perfectorum
[Greek] στερεόω (stereoō), [Latin] solido, [Latin] firmum, [Latin] perfectorum: to make firm, be strengthened, to make strong, to make solid, to receive strength; Act.3:16, Act.16:5, Act.3:7 Background Information: Old Testament: Outside the bible, this term is rarely used. The meaning…
[Greek] θεωρέω (theōreō), [Latin] contemplatio
[Greek] θεωρέω (theōreō), [Latin] contemplatio: to behold, to gaze, to look with purpose, to scrutinize, to be a spectator, to contemplate, to consider, to look upon, to discern, to grasp the circumstances; 61 scriptures Samson makes a “spectacle” of himself…
[Greek] μετεωρίζομαι (meteōrizomai), [Latin] suspensus
[Greek] μετεωρίζομαι (meteōrizomai), [Latin] suspensus: to raise, to suspend, to elevate, to be uncertain, to hesitate, to be anxious, to be uncertain, to be up in the air, to be unsettled, to be distracted, to be uplifted, to be arrogant,…
![[Greek] φοβέομαι (phobeomai), [Latin] timere, [Latin] verere [Greek] φοβέομαι (phobeomai), [Latin] timere, [Latin] verere](https://resoundingthefaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/fear-642x300.jpg)
[Greek] φοβέομαι (phobeomai), [Latin] timere, [Latin] verere
[Greek] φοβέομαι (phobeomai), [Latin] timere, [Latin] verere: be afraid, be alarmed, be scared, be frightened, be apprehensive, be filled with dread, be anxious, to panic, to revere, to respect; 110 scriptural references The Transfiguration: painting by William Hole Background Information:…
[Greek] κατηχέω (katēcheō), [Latin] eruditus, [Latin] docere, [Latin] instruere, [Latin] audire, [Latin] catecizare
[Greek] κατηχέω (katēcheō), [Latin] eruditus, [Latin[ docere, [Latin] instruere, [Latin] audire, [Latin] catecizare: to teach by word of mouth, to instruct, sounding down into the ears, to catechize, to inform, to echo; Act 18:25, Rom. 2:18, 1Cor.14:19, Gal. 6:6, Lk.1:4,…
[Greek] σχίζω (schizō), [Latin] dividare
[Greek] σχίζω (schizō), [Latin] dividare: to split, to divide, to cleave, to tear, to sever; Mt. 27:51, Mt. 15:38, Lk. 5:36, Jn. 19:24, Jn.21:11, Act.14:4, Act.23:7, Mk. 1:10 Background information: Old Testament: This term is predominantly used in the active…
[Greek] βάπτω (baptō), [French] immerger, [Latin] aspergere, [Old German] dunken
[Greek] βάπτω (baptō), [French] immerger, [Latin] aspergere, [Old German] dunken: to dip, to steep, to moisten, to bathe, to stain; Lk.16:24, Jn.13:26, Rev. 19:13 Background Information: Secular history: Blacksmiths dip the red-hot steel in water to temper it. Potters use…
[Greek] ἀριθμέω (arithmeō), [Latin] numare
[Greek] ἀριθμέω (arithmeō), [Latin] numare: Rev.7:9, Mt.10:30, Lk.12:7; to number, to count, to sum, to calculate Background Information: Greek Hellenism: This term means to count, to consider, to number, to pay, and to reckon. Primitive man could only count when…
[Greek] ποιητής (poiētēs), [Latin] poeta, [Latin] factor
[Greek] ποιητής (poiētēs), [Latin] poeta, [Latin] factor: maker, doer, producer, performer, artist, poet, author, poet; Rom. 2:13, Jas.1:22-25, Jas.4:11, Act 17:28 St. Paulinus (354-431) is the patron saint of publications, writers, and publications. Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means…
[Greek] συλάω (sylaō), [Latin] expoliare
[Greek] συλάω (sylaō), [Latin] expoliare: to plunder, to rob, to make spoil of, to strip with impunity; 2 Cor. 11:8 Temple of Theseus: a refuge for slaves Background information: Ancient Greece: Some temples, altars, groves, and statues of the gods…
[Greek] ὀστράκινος (ostrakinos),[Latin] fictilis
[Greek] ὀστράκινος (ostrakinos), [Latin] fictilis: potshard, clay, tile, earthenware, earthen vessel, shell; 2Cor.4:7, 2Tim.2:20 Pottery shards were used in voting to banish those who were perceived as threatening the stability of the state. The names of the persons to be…
[Greek] ἀμοιβή (amoibē), [Latin] reddere, [French] restituer
[Greek] ἀμοιβή (amoibē), [Latin] reddere, [French] restituer: repayment, recompense, change, requital, return, alternation; 1Tim.5:4 Background Information: New Testament: In Paul’s first letter to Timothy, words of advice are given for the care of widows. The first responsibility for their care…
[Greek] κουστωδία (koustōdia), [Latin] custodire, [French] garder, [French] proteger
[Greek] κουστωδία (koustōdia), [Latin] custodire, [French] garder, [French] proteger: guard, Roman sentry, watch, custody; Mt. 27:65-66, Mt. 28:11 Background Information: Roman Empire: The Roman guard consists of 4 to 16 soldiers. In battle formation, this guard would form a square…
[Greek] αἵρεσις (hairesis), [Latin] hairesis, [Latin] secta, [Latin] dissensio
[Greek] αἵρεσις (hairesis), [Latin] hairesis, [Latin] secta, [Latin] dissensio: faction, opinion, party, division, a choosing, sect, choice; Act. 5:17, Act, 15:5, Act.24:5,14, Act.26:5, Act.28:22, 2 Pet.2:1, 1Cor.11:17-19, Gal.5:20 Various schools of thought Background Information: Greek Hellenism: This term means doctrine,…
[Greek] ιπποπόταμος (hippopatmus) [Hebrew] בְּהֵמוֹת (behē·môṯ)
[Greek] ιπποπόταμος (hippopatmus) [Hebrew] בְּהֵמוֹת (behē·môṯ): river horse, behemoth, Job 40:15, 21-27 Background Information: The hippopotamus is considered as the Egyptian beast of the reeds. This beast, called the “Nile Horse”, was considered sacred to the Egyptian fertility gods. Hippos…
[Greek] τίτλος (titlos), [Latin] titulus
[Greek] τίτλος (titlos), [Latin] titulus: title, inscription, placard, writing, accusation/crime of accused; Jn.19:19-20 Santa Maria della Vittoria Church Cardinal Sean O’Malley (titular head) Background Information: Pagan Culture: This was an inscription on stone. A titulus (inscription) was a notice or…
[Greek] σῖτος (sitos), [Latin] frumentum
[Greek] σῖτος (sitos), [Latin] frumentum: corn, grain, wheat; Act.27:38, Act.7:12, Mt.13:25,29 Grain used in sacrificial offerings in the temple Background Information: Greek Hellenism: This term means grain, provisions, aid, food, and allowance. Homer’s Odyssey 13.244 states “Therein grows corn beyond…
[Greek] κατηγορία (katēgoria), [Latin] accusare, [Latin] accusatio
[Greek] κατηγορία (katēgoria), [Latin] accusare, [Latin] accusatio: accusation, charge, criminal charge, classification; Jn.18:27, 1Tim.5:19, Tit.1:6, Lk.6:7 Socrates was accused of being an atheist Background Information: Greek Hellenism: This term essentially means to make a formal charge or accusation against someone…
[Greek] ἀποστρέφω (apostrephō), [Latin] mutare, [Latin] convertere, [Latin] tradere, [Latin] avertere
[Greek] ἀποστρέφω (apostrephō), [Latin] mutare, [Latin] convertere, [Latin] tradere, [Latin] avertere:to turn away, to turn back, to put back, to avert, to return, to bring back, to pervert, to remove; Act. 3:26, Lk.23:14, Mt. 26:52, Rom. 11:26, 2 Tim. 4:4,…
[Greek] θησαυρίζω (thēsaurizō), [Latin [thesauros] [Latin] thesaurizare, [Latin] reponere
[Greek] θησαυρίζω (thēsaurizō), [Latin] thesauros, [Latin] thesaurizare, [Latin] reponere: to store up, to lay up, to store up treasure, to keep in store, to amass, to gather up, to heap, to reserve; Mt.6:19-20, Lk.12:21,Jas.5:3,1Cor. 16:2, 2 Cor.12:14, 2 Pet. 3:7,…
[Greek] γυμνός (gymnos), [Latin] nudus
[Greek] γυμνός (gymnos), [Latin] nudus: naked, poorly clothed, bare, without clothing; Mt.25:44, Mk.14:52, 1Cor.15:37,Jas.2:15, 2 Cor. 5:3, Heb.4:13, Jn.21:7, Rev. 17:16 The gymnasium in Pompeii Background Information: Greek culture: The gymnasium in ancient Greece functioned as a training ground or…
[Greek] συμποσία (symposia), [Latin] contubernium
[Greek] συμποσία (symposia), [Latin] contubernium: common meal, banquet, drinking party; Mk. 6:39 Background Information: Greek/Roman culture: The Greek symposium was a Hellenistic social institution. It was a forum for men of respected families to debate, plot, boast, or simply to…
[Greek] συκοφαντέω (sykophanteō), [Latin] caluminiari
[Greek] συκοφαντέω (sykophanteō), [Latin] caluminiari: to make false charges, to accuse fraudulently, to exhort; Lk. 3:14, Lk.19:8 Background Information: Greek Hellenism: This term means to denounce, to accuse, to bring false charges against, to cheat, to inform, to blackmail, and…
[Greek] σεισμός (seismos), [Latin] motus
[Greek] σεισμός (seismos), [Latin] motus: earthquake, storm, tempest, commotion, shaking, disaster; Mt.8:24,Mt. 24:7,Mt.27:54, Mk.13:8, Lk.21:11, Act. 16:26,36 Moses and the Hebrews at Mt. Sinai Background Information: Greek Hellenism: This term means shaking, shock, earthquake, agitation, and commotion. Euripides’ Heracles 862…
[Greek] διαβάλλω (diaballō), [Latin] diffamari
[Greek] διαβάλλω (diaballō), [Latin] diffamari:to bring charges against, to accuse, to defame, to malign, to separate; Lk.16:1 Background Information: Greek Hellenism: This term means to throw, to discredit, to attack, to accuse, to misrepresent, and to set against. Antiphon’s First…
[Greek] παρθένος (parthenos),[Latin] virgo
[Greek] παρθένος (parthenos),[Latin] virgo: virgin, a chaste person, an unmarried person, one who has had no sexual relations; Mt.1:23, Lk. 1:27, Act.21:9, 1Cor.7:25, 2Cor.11:2, Mt.1:16, Rev.114:4 The Parthenon Background Information: Greek culture: The Parthenon was a temple dedicated to the…
[Greek] διακονέω (diakoneō), [Latin] ministrare, [Latin] administrare, [French] servir
[Greek] διακονέω (diakoneō), [Latin] ministrare, [Latin] adminstrare, [French] servir: be an attendant, wait at table, to serve, respond to the needs of the people, to distribute, to minister, to provide for; Mt. 20:28, Mt.25:44-45, 1Tim.3:10, Act.6:2, Rom.16:1 The Ordination of…
[Greek] σεληνιάζομαι (selēniazomai), [Latin] lunaticus
[Greek] σεληνιάζομαι (selēniazomai), [Latin] lunaticus: to be “moon struck”, be epileptic; Mt.4:24,Mt.17:15 Background Information: New Testament: Jesus was proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and curing every disease and illness among the people. A man brought is epileptic son to…
[Greek] μαθητεύω (mathēteuō), [Latin] doctus, [Latin] discipilus, [Latin] docere
[Greek] μαθητεύω (mathēteuō), [Latin] doctus, [Latin] discipilus, [Latin] docere: to become a pupil/disciple, to make a disciple, to teach someone, to follow instructions of another, be a committed student/apprentice ; Mt. 27:57, Act.14:21, Mt.28:19, Mt.13:52 Pythagoras, a Greek philosopher, is…
Greek] ἀρχιερεύς (archiereus), [Latin] pontifex maximus
Greek] ἀρχιερεύς (archiereus), [Latin] pontifex maximus: a high priest, a chief priest, a leader, a ruler; Mt.26:3, Act. 4:1, Heb.10:11, Heb. 7:24-26, Mk.11:18 Background Information: Roman Empire: The emperor was called the pontifex maximus (chief ruler). The emperor was head…
[Greek] μυστήριον (mystērion), [Latin] sacramentum
[Greek] μυστήριον (mystērion), [Latin] sacramentum: mystery, secret, work, something hiddenMk.4:11,Rom.11:25, Rom.16:25,1Cor. 2:11, 1Cor.4:1,1Cor.13:2,1Cor.14:2,1Cor.15:51, Eph.1:9, Eph.6:19, Col. 1:26, Col. 2:2, 2Thess.2:7, 1Tim.2:7,1Tim.3:9, Rev.17:5 Roman soldiers making an oath Background Information: Old Testament: It is only interesting to note that a covenant…
[Greek] ἱστορέω (historeō), [Latin] videre, [French] voir, [German] sehen
[Greek] ἱστορέω (historeō), [Latin] videre, [French] voir, [German] sehen: to investigate, become acquainted with, to inquire about, to visit for information, to find history, to interview, to ask a question; Gal.1:18, Act. 17:23 St. Peter and St. Paul: painting by…
[Greek] βάρβαρος (barbaros)
[Greek] βάρβαρος (barbaros): foreigner, barbarian, rude and harsh, ignorant, uncouth, uncivilized, who does not speak Greek, who does not speak Latin; Rom.1:14, 1Cor.14:11, Act.28:2, Col. 3:11 The Greeks fighting barbarians Background Information: Greek Hellenism: This term means barbarous, foreign, brutal,…
[Greek] οἰκουμένη (oikoumenē), [Latin] orbe
[Greek] οἰκουμένη (oikoumenē), [Latin] orbe: world, inhabited earth, all over the world; Lk.4:5, Rom. 10:18, Act.11:28, Act.17:6, Act. 24:5, Lk.2:1, Lk. 21:26, Act. 17:31, Rev.3:10, Rev. 12:9 Oikoumene: The Greek World Background Information: Greek Hellenism: This term means inhabited region,…
[Greek] σκάνδαλον (skandalon), [Latin] offensio, [Latin] scandalus
[Greek] σκάνδαλον (skandalon), [Latin] offensio, [Latin] scandalus:a trap, a scandal, a snare, an obstacle, an obstacle to faith, something that arouses anger or rejection, cause for stumbling, stumbling block; Rom. 11:9, Mt. 13:41, 1Cor. 1:23, Gal. 5:11 Background…
![[Greek] ὑποκριτής (hypokritēs), [Latin] hypocrita [Greek] ὑποκριτής (hypokritēs), [Latin] hypocrita](https://resoundingthefaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/hypocrisy.jpg)
[Greek] ὑποκριτής (hypokritēs), [Latin] hypocrita
[Greek] ὑποκριτής (hypokritēs), [Latin] hypocrita: pretender, actor, hypocrite, one who puts on a false appearance, insincere person, one who plays a part; Mt. 6:2,5,16, Mt.7:5, Mt. 15:7, Mt.22:18, Mt. 23:13-15, 23,25,27,29, Mt.24:51, Mk.7:6, Lk.11:44,Lk. 12:56, Lk.13:15 In classical Greek…
[Greek] ἐπισκοπή (episkopē), [Latin] visitatio, [Latin] episcopatum
[Greek] ἐπισκοπή (episkopē), [Latin] vistatio, [Latin] episcopatum: an overseeing, a visitation, a looking upon, office of an overseer This is related to episkopos (bishop); Lk. 19:44, 1 Pet.2:12, 1 Tim.3:1, Act.1:20 Background Information: Old Testament: This term means visit, a…
[Greek] παροικέω (paroikeō), [Latin] non cognoscere
[Greek] παροικέω (paroikeō), [Latin] non cognoscere: to dwell (oikeo) beside (para-), be a sojourner, reside as a foreigner, to settle; Lk. 24:18, Heb. 11:9 Background Information: Greek Hellenism: This term means to dwell beside, to be a resident alien, to…