‎[Greek] ἀνταγωνίζομαι (antagōnizomai), [Latin] contendere, [Latin] certare, [Latin] sollicitus, [French] disputer

[Greek] ἀνταγωνίζομαι (antagōnizomai), [Latin] contendere, [Latin] certare, [Latin] sollicitus, [French] disputer: to strive against, to struggle against, to resist, to fight against, to stand firm, to be a competitor in a contest, to struggle with; Heb.12:4 Background Information: Competition/contest metaphor:…

‎[Greek] δονή (hēdonἡē), [Latin] voluptatibus, [Latin] conupiscentia

[Greek] δονή (hēdonἡē), [Latin] voluptatibus, [Latin] concupiscienta: pleasure, lust, delight, gratification, self-gratification, sensual pleasure; Lk.8:14, Jas.4:3, 2Pet.2:13, Tit.3:3, Jas.4:1 A common depiction of hedonism in Greco-Roman society Background Information: Greco-Roman culture: Hedonism developed an important history with Greek philosophers and…

[Greek] στερέωμα (stereōma), [Latin] firmamentum, [Latin] rigidus, [Latin] validus

[Greek] στερέωμα (stereōma), [Latin] firmamentum, [Latin] rigidius, [Latin] validus; support, firmness, steadfastness, strength, stability, bulwark (military fortification), solid front; Col.2:5  Paul’s exhorts the Colossians’ faith to be a strong defense against the false teachers. In Eph.6:16 Paul calls upon Christians to…

‎[Greek] συνεργός (synergos),[Latin] adiutor, [Latin] cooperator

‎[Greek] συνεργός (synergos), [Latin] adiutor, [Latin] cooperator: fellow worker, co-worker, partner, collaboration, fellow laborer; Rom.16:3, 1Cor.3:9, 2Cor.1:24, Phil.2:25, Col.4:11, 1Thess.3:2, Mk.16:20 An old Roman mural of Paul’s co-workers Prisca and Aquila Background Information: Old Testament: This Greek term synergos is…

‎[Greek] σκοπέω (skopeō), [Latin] videre, [Latin] observare, [Latin] contemplare, [Latin] considerare, [French] voir

‎[Greek] σκοπέω (skopeō), [Latin] videre, [Latin] observare, [Latin] contemplare, [Latin] considerare, [French] voir: to view closely, to examine, to fix one’s eyes upon, to observe, to behold, to contemplate, to consider, to mark, to pay attention; Rom.16:17, Phil.3:17, Gal.6:1, Phil.2:4,…

‎[Greek] ἔκστασις (ekstasis), [Latin] stupore, [Latin] invadare, [Latin] adprehendere

[Greek] ἔκστασις (ekstasis), [Latin] stupore, [Latin] invadare, [Latin] adprehendere: a standing out of one’s self, being aside oneself, amazement, astonishment, trance, lose one’s senses, state of being beyond reason and self-control; Mk.5:42, Mk.16:8, Lk.5:26, Act.3:10, Act.10:10, Act.11:5, Act.22:17 The Oracle…

‎[Greek] λίβανος (libanos), [Hebrew] leḇō·nā(h)), [Old French] francincense

‎[Greek] λίβανος (libanos), [Hebrew] leḇō·nā(h)), [Old French] francincense

[Greek] λίβανος (libanos), [Hebrew] leḇō·nā(h)), [Old French] francincense : frankincense, frankincense tree, incense, aromatic resin, Mt.2:11, Rev.18:13 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means frankincense. Herodotus’ The Histories 4.75: “But their Scythian women pound cypress and cedar frankincense wood on…

‎[Greek] παιδεία (paideia), [Latin] educare, [Latin] erudire, [Latin] disciplina

‎[Greek] παιδεία (paideia), [Latin] educare, [Latin] erudire, [Latin] disciplina: training, instruction, nurture, education, discipline, correction, upbringing; 2Tim.3:16, Eph.6:4, Heb.12:5 Greek teacher writing with stylus and folding wax tablet (500 B.C) Background: Greco-Roman culture:  This education of children was carried out…

‎[Greek] τίκτω (tiktō), [Latin] filius, [Latin] natus, [Latin] generare, [Latin] conceptio, [Latin] parere, [French] enfanter, [French] engendrer, [French] procurer

‎[Greek] τίκτω (tiktō), [Latin] filius, [Latin] natus, [Latin] generare, [Latin] conceptio, [Latin] parere, [French] enfanter, [French] engendrer, [French] procurer: to beget, to bring forth, to give birth, to bear, to produce, to be born, to be in labor; Mt.1:21,23,25, Mt.…

‎[Greek] κατάλυμα (kataluma), [Latin] hospitium, [Latin] diversorium, [Latin] refectionem, [Old English] inn

‎[Greek] κατάλυμα (kataluma), [Latin] hospitium, [Latin] diversorium, [Latin] refectionem, [Old English] inn

‎[Greek] κατάλυμα (kataluma),[Latin] hospitium, [Latin] diversorium, [Latin] refectionem, [Old English] inn: place to “loosen down”, lodge, lodging place, guest room, inn, guest chamber, camping area, oasis; Lk.2:7, Mk.14:14, Lk.22:11 No room in the urban lodging place or inn Background Information:…

[Greek] ‎παρουσία (parousia), [Latin] adventus, [Latin] praesentia, [French] arrivee

[Greek] ‎παρουσία (parousia), [Latin] adventus, [Latin] praesentia, [French] arrivee

[Greek] ‎παρουσία (parousia), [Latin] adventus, [Latin] praesentia, [French] arrivee: presence, coming, arrival, advent, being in person, being beside, official visit; Mt.24:3,27,37,39, 1Cor.15:23, 1Cor.16:17,  2Cor.7:6-7, 2Cor.10:10, Php.1:26, Php.2:12, 1Thess.2:19, 1Thess.3:13, 1Thess.4:15, 1Thess. 5:25, 2Thess. 2:1,8,9, Jms.5:7-8, 2Pet.1:16, 2Pet.2:4,12, 1Jn.2:28 Background information:…

[Greek] ‎ὑγιής (hygiēs), [Latin] sanitas, [Latin] ambulare, [Latin] restituere, [Latin] sanare

[Greek] ‎ὑγιής (hygiēs), [Latin] sanitas, [Latin] ambulare, [Latin] restituere, [Latin] sanare: healthy, whole, sound, well, restored, sound (in doctrine); Mt.12:13, Mt.15:31, Mk.5:34, Jn. 5:6, Jn. 7:23, Tit. 2:8 Background Information: Greek Hellenism: Hygieia was the goddess/personification of health, cleanliness, and…

[Greek] αἵρεσις (hairesis), [Latin] hairesis, [Latin] secta, [Latin] dissensio

[Greek] αἵρεσις (hairesis), [Latin] hairesis, [Latin] secta, [Latin] dissensio: faction, opinion, party, division, a choosing, sect, choice; Act. 5:17, Act, 15:5, Act.24:5,14, Act.26:5, Act.28:22, 2 Pet.2:1, 1Cor.11:17-19, Gal.5:20 Various schools of thought Background Information: Greek Hellenism: This term means doctrine,…

[Greek] μυστήριον (mystērion), [Latin] sacramentum

[Greek] μυστήριον (mystērion), [Latin] sacramentum: mystery, secret, work, something hiddenMk.4:11,Rom.11:25, Rom.16:25,1Cor. 2:11, 1Cor.4:1,1Cor.13:2,1Cor.14:2,1Cor.15:51, Eph.1:9, Eph.6:19, Col. 1:26, Col. 2:2, 2Thess.2:7, 1Tim.2:7,1Tim.3:9, Rev.17:5 Roman soldiers making an oath Background Information: Old Testament: It is only interesting to note that a covenant…