[Greek] ἀγωνίζομαι (agōnizomai), [Latin] contendere, [Latin] certere, [Latin] decertere, [Latin] sollicitus

[Greek] ἀγωνίζομαι (agōnizomai), [Latin] contendere, [Latin] certere, [Latin] decertere, [Latin] sollicitus

[Greek] ἀγωνίζομαι (agōnizomai), [Latin] contendere, [Latin] certere, [Latin] decertere, [Latin] sollicitus: to contend for a prize, to compete, to strive, to endeavor to accomplish something; Lk.13:24, Jn.18:36, 1Cor.9:25, Col.1:29, Col.4:12, 1Tim.6:12, 2Tim.4:7 Carlos Acutis’ tomb is opened for public veneration…

[Greek] ὑπερβάλλω (hyperballō), [Latin] superare, [Latin] excellens, [Latin] eminens, [Latin] supereminens

[Greek] ὑπερβάλλω (hyperballō), [Latin] superare, [Latin] excellens, [Latin] eminens, [Latin] supereminens

[Greek] ὑπερβάλλω (hyperballō), [Latin] superare, [Latin] excellens, [Latin] eminens, [Latin] supereminens: to “throw beyond, to go too far, to surpass, to go beyond, to exceed, to overshoot; 2Cor.3:10, 2Cor.9:14. Eph.1:19, Eph.2:7, Eph.3:19 “Jumping the Shark”: When you know when you…

[Greek] ἀνακρίνω (anakrinō), [Latin] interrogare, [Latin] requirere, [Latin] scrutare, [Latin] cognoscere, [Latin] examinare, [Latin] iudicare

[Greek] ἀνακρίνω (anakrinō), [Latin] interrogare, [Latin] requirere, [Latin] scrutare, [Latin] cognoscere, [Latin] examinare, [Latin] iudicare

[Greek] ἀνακρίνω (anakrinō), [Latin] interrogare, [Latin] requirere, [Latin] scrutare, [Latin] cognoscere, [Latin] examinare, [Latin] iudicare: to examine, to investigate, to scrutinize, to ask, to study; Lk.23:14, Acts 4:9, Acts 12:19, Acts 17:11, Acts 24:8, 1Cor.2:14-15, 1Cor.4:3-4, 1Cor.9:3, 1Cor.10:25,27, 1Cor.14:24 Model…

[Greek] λογίζομαι (logizomai), [Latin] cogitare, [Latin] reputare, [Latin] deputare, [Latin] existimare, [Latin] arbitrare, [Latin] acceptare

[Greek] λογίζομαι (logizomai), [Latin] cogitare, [Latin] reputare, [Latin] deputare, [Latin] existimare, [Latin] arbitrare, [Latin] acceptare

[Greek] λογίζομαι (logizomai), [Latin] cogitare, [Latin] reputare, [Latin] deputare, [Latin] existimare, [Latin] arbitrare, [Latin] acceptare: to reckon, to take into account, to regard, to suppose, to count, to have books balanced, to reason, to conclude, to calculate, to compute, to set one’s…

[Greek] ἀναβλέπω (anablepō), [Latin] videre, [Latin] intinuere, [Latin] ascpicere, [Latin] respicere, [Latin] venire, [Latin] recipere, [Latin] suspicere

[Greek] ἀναβλέπω (anablepō), [Latin] videre, [Latin] intinuere, [Latin] ascpicere, [Latin] respicere, [Latin] venire, [Latin] recipere, [Latin] suspicere

[Greek] ἀναβλέπω (anablepō), [Latin] videre, [Latin] intinuere, [Latin] ascpicere, [Latin] respicere, [Latin] venire, [Latin] recipere, [Latin] suspicere: to look up, to recover sight, to gain sight; 26 scriptural references No–you are not seeing double! Anablepus (“Four eyed fish”): a large…

[Greek] ἀναλαμβάνω (analambanō), [Latin] adsumere, [Latin] suscipere, [Latin] recipere, [Latin] accipere

[Greek] ἀναλαμβάνω (analambanō), [Latin] adsumere, [Latin] suscipere, [Latin] recipere, [Latin] accipere: to take up, to receive, to take in, to bring along, to carry, and to raise; Mk.16:19, Acts 1:2,11,22, Acts 7:43, Acts 20:13-14, Acts 23:31, Eph.6:13,16, 1Tim.3:16, 2Tim.4:11 Assumption…

[Greek] καταλαμβάνω (katalambanō), [Latin] respondere, [Latin] comprehendere, [Latin] cognoscere, [Latin adprehendere, [French] attraper

[Greek] καταλαμβάνω (katalambanō), [Latin] respondere, [Latin] comprehendere, [Latin] cognoscere, [Latin adprehendere, [French] attraper: to attack, to lay hold of, to seize, to comprehend, to take, to overtake, to apprehend, to understand, to grasp; Mk.9:18, Jn.1:5, Jn.8:3-4, Jn.12:35, Acts 4:13, Acts…

[Greek] ἅλυσις (halusis), [Old French] chaine, [Latin] catena, [Latin] quisquam poterat eum ligare, [Latin] vinculum

[Greek] ἅλυσις (halusis), [Old French] chaine, [Latin] catena, [Latin] quisquam poterat eum ligare, [Latin] vinculum

[Greek] ἅλυσις (halusis), [Old French] chaine, [Latin] catena, [Latin] quisquam poterat eum ligare,  [Latin] vinculum: chains, bonds, manacle, imprisonment, binding; Mk.5:3-4, Lk.8:29, Acts 12:6-7, Acts 21:33, Acts 28:20. Eph.6:20, 2Tim.1:16. Rev.20:1 The Release of St. Peter: painting by Bernardo Strozzi…

[Greek] καταρτίζω (katartizō), [Latin] reficere, [Latin] perficere, [Latin] facere, [Latin] instruere, [Latin] aptare

[Greek] καταρτίζω (katartizō), [Latin] reficere, [Latin] perficere, [Latin] facere, [Latin] instruere, [Latin] aptare: to mend, to fully equip, to complete, to adjust, to make perfect, to repair, to set in order, to train, to instruct; Mt.4:21, Mt.21:16, Mk.1:19, Lk.6:40, Rom.9:22,…

[Greek] ἐλευθερία (eleutheria), [Latin] libertas, [Latin] nolite iugare, [French] ne joindre

[Greek] ἐλευθερία (eleutheria), [Latin] libertas, [Latin] nolite iugare, [French] ne joindre

[Greek] ἐλευθερία (eleutheria), [Latin] libertas, [Latin] nolite iugare, [French] ne joindre: liberty, freedom, freedom from bondage, independence, absence of external restraint; Rom.8:21, 1Cor.10:29, 2Cor.3:17, Gal.2:4, Gal.5:1,13, Jas.1:25, Jas.2:12, 1Pet.2:16, 2Pet.2:19 The Declaration of Independence: painting by John Trumball (1819) Background…

[Greek] ἀλλοτριεπίσκοπος (allotriepiskopos), [Latin] alienus appetitor

[Greek] ἀλλοτριεπίσκοπος (allotriepiskopos), [Latin] alienus appetitor

[Greek] ἀλλοτριεπίσκοπος (allotriepiskopos), [Latin] alienus appetitor: one who meddles into other things (others’ affairs), meddler, one who oversees other’s affairs, busybody, one who infringes on others, one who strives or longs for something; 1Pet.4:15 Background information: A public “Lion’s Mouth” postbox…

[Greek] ἀνόητος (anoētos), [Latin] insipiente, Latin] stultus, [Latin] insensate

[Greek] ἀνόητος (anoētos), [Latin] insipiente, Latin] stultus, [Latin] insensate

[Greek] ἀνόητος (anoētos), [Latin] insipiente, Latin] stultus, [Latin] insensate: without understanding, insensitive, foolish, unwise, senseless; Lk.24:25, Rom.1:14, Gal.3:1,3, 1Tim.6:9, Tit.3:3 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means unintelligible, irrational, intellectually and ethically lacking in understanding, and having no judgment. Sophocles’…

[Greek] ἀλαζονεία (alazoneia), [Latin] superbia

[Greek] ἀλαζονεία (alazoneia), [Latin] superbia

[Greek] ἀλαζονεία (alazoneia), [Latin] superbia: boastfulness, arrogance, self-confidence, braggadocio, boasting about one’s possessions; Jas.4:16, 1Jn.2:16 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means false pretension, imposture, boastfulness, and punishable by the gods. Theophrastus’ Characters 23.2 states “The boastful man is one…

[Greek] ἄκαρπος (akarpos), [Latin] sin fructu effictur, [Latin] sin fruct est , [Latin] infructuosis operibus

[Greek] ἄκαρπος (akarpos), [Latin] efficere sin fructu (to produce no fruit), [Latin] sin fruct (without fruit), [Latin] infructuosia (unfruitful): without fruit, barren, useless, unproductive, fruitless; Mt.13:22, Mk.4:19, Eph.5:11, Tit.3:14, 2Pet,1:8, Jud 12 The Parable of the Sower: painting by Peter…

[Greek] ἀνάμνησις (anamnēsis), [Latin] commemorationem, [Latin] recordare, [Latin] reminiscere, [French] memoire, [French] souvenir

[Greek] ἀνάμνησις (anamnēsis), [Latin] commemorationem, [Latin] recordare, [Latin] reminiscere, [French] memoire, [French] souvenir

[Greek] ἀνάμνησις (anamnēsis), [Latin] commemorationem, [Latin] recordare, [Latin] reminiscere, [French] memoire, [French] souvenir: re-presentation, memorial, remembrance, reminiscence, recollection, a recalling, reminder; Lk.22:19, 1Cor.11:24-25, Heb.10:3 Memorial Day: On this day we remember, honor and mourn those fallen military heroes. Background information:…

[Greek] ἀναγκαῖος (anagkaios), [Latin] necessarior, [Latin] essentialis, [Latin] oportere

[Greek] ἀναγκαῖος (anagkaios), [Latin] necessarior, [Latin] essentialis, [Latin] oportere

[Greek] ἀναγκαῖος (anagkaios), [Latin] necessarior, [Latin] essentialis, [Latin] oportere: essential, necessary, close relatives, needful, indispensable; Acts 10:24, Acts 13:46, 1Cor.12:22, 2Cor.9:5, Php.2:25, Tit.3:14, Heb.8:3 The Doctor: painting by Sir Luke Fildes (1887). The doctor was essential in saving the child’s…

[Greek] ἐπιστρέφω (epistrephō), [Latin] revertere, [Latin] convertere, [Latin] redire, [French] tourner, [French] se changer, [French] renverser, [French] retourner

[Greek] ἐπιστρέφω (epistrephō), [Latin] revertere, [Latin] convertere, [Latin] redire, [French] tourner, [French] se changer, [French] renverser, [French] retourner

[Greek] ἐπιστρέφω (epistrephō), [Latin] revertere, [Latin] convertere, [Latin] redire, [French] tourner, [French] se changer, [French] renverser, [French] retourner: to revert, to turn, to turn around, to return, to convert, to turn about; 44 scriptural references  The family remains in their…

[Greek] ἀθέτησις (athetēsis), [Latin] destitution, [Latin] reprobatio

[Greek] ἀθέτησις (athetēsis), [Latin] destitution, [Latin] reprobatio: a setting aside, cancellation, a dis-annulling, abolition; Heb.7:18, Heb.9:26 Nebuchadnezzer  Has Zedekiah’s Children Killed Before His Eyes: painting by Francois Xavier Fabre (1787) Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means declaration of invalidity,…

[Greek] ἀγρυπνέω (agrypneō), [Latin] evigilare, [Latin] vigilare, [Latin] vigilante, [German] wachen, [French] veiller:

[Greek] ἀγρυπνέω (agrypneō), [Latin] evigilare, [Latin] vigilare, [Latin] vigilante, [German] wachen, [French] veiller:

[Greek] ἀγρυπνέω (agrypneō), [Latin] evigilare, [Latin] vigilare, [Latin] vigilante, [German] wachen, [French] veiller: to be alert, to keep awake, to be on guard, to keep watch; Lk.21:36, Mk.13:33, Eph.6:18, Heb.13:17 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means to lie awake,…

[Greek] πλεονεξία (pleonexia), [Latin] avaritia, [Latin] cupiditas, [Latin] arrogantia:

[Greek] πλεονεξία (pleonexia), [Latin] avaritia, [Latin] cupiditas, [Latin] arrogantia: covetousness, greed, advantage, avarice, desire for more; Mk.7:22, Lk.12:15, Rom.1:29, 2Cor.9:5, Eph.4:19, Eph.5:3, Col.3:5, 1Thess.2:5, 2Pet.2:3,14 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means greediness, assumption, arrogance, advantage, a wrong done against…

[Greek] ἐπιστομίζω (epistomizō), [Latin] silere, [Latin] refrenare, [Latin] prohibere, [Latin] desistere:

[Greek] ἐπιστομίζω (epistomizō), [Latin] silere, [Latin] refrenare, [Latin] prohibere, [Latin] desistere:

[Greek] ἐπιστομίζω (epistomizō), [Latin] silere, [Latin] refrenare, [Latin] prohibere, [Latin] desistere: to bridle, to silence, to curb; Tit.1:11 Remnants of Agius Titus Basilica in Gortys, Crete. St. Titus was the first archbishop of Crete Background information: Hellenism: This term means…

[Greek] ἀρκετός (arketos), [Latin] contentus, [Latin] satisfactere, [Latin] satietas, [Latin] sufficiens:

[Greek] ἀρκετός (arketos), [Latin] contentus, [Latin] satisfactere, [Latin] satietas, [Latin] sufficiens: sufficient, enough, satisfaction; Mt.6:34, Mt.10:25, 1Pet.4:3 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means sufficient or enough. This notion pertains to being content to what one has been given by…

[Greek] καταρτισμός (katartismos), [Latin] aedificatio, [Latin] apparatus:

[Greek] καταρτισμός (katartismos), [Latin] aedificatio, [Latin] apparatus:

[Greek] καταρτισμός (katartismos), [Latin] aedificatio, [Latin] apparatus: restoration, equipment, complete furnishing, perfection; Eph.4:12 Simeon the Godreceiver: painting by Alexei Yegorov (1830-1840). The Presentation of the Lord confirms (aedifies) that Simeon has seen the Messiah of the Lord. Background information: Greek…

[Greek] σπλάγχνον (splagchnon), [Latin] viscera, [Latin] intestina

[Greek] σπλάγχνον (splagchnon), [Latin] viscera, [Latin] intestina

[Greek] σπλάγχνον (splagchnon), [Latin] viscera, [Latin] intestina: gut, intestines, viscera, bowels, emotions, sympathy, inward parts; Lk.1:78, Acts 1:18, 2Cor.6:12, 2Cor.7:15, Php.1:8, Php.2:1, Col.3:12, Phl.7,12,20 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means inward parts (hearts, liver, kidneys), sacrificial offering, entrails, loin,…