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[Greek] ἀναβλέπω (anablepō), [Latin] videre, [Latin] intinuere, [Latin] ascpicere, [Latin] respicere, [Latin] venire, [Latin] recipere, [Latin] suspicere: to look up, to recover sight, to gain sight; 26 scriptural references

No–you are not seeing double! Anablepus (“Four eyed fish”): a large fish in which each eye is split into two lobes, allowing the fish to see both both under and above the surface of the water.

Background information:

Greek Hellenism: This term means to behold, to look up, to look with confidence, to look with disdain, to revive, and to restore one’s sight. Aristophanes’ Plutus 117 states “I have good hope with the god’s help to deliver you from that blindness, in fact to restore your sight.” Plato’s Republic 515c states “When one was freed from his fetters and compelled to stand up suddenly and turn his head around and lift his eyes to the light, what do you suppose would be his answer if someone had told him that what he had before was all all a cheat and illusion?” Euripides’ The Suppliants 322 states “Do you see how fiercely your country looks on its revilers when they mock her for want of counsel?”

Old Testament: This term means to enlighten, to give light, to look upon, to regard, to pay attention, to lift up, to bear, to face, to turn to, and to appear.

New Testament: This term means to look up and to restore (gain) sight. Jesus looks up to heaven in giving thanks for His offering and providing food for others. Jesus looks up and sees Zacchaeus in the sycamore tree. The disciples looked up and saw that the stone had been rolled back. Jesus gives sight to the blind men. Saul is blinded by Jesus on the road to Damascus and then later is given sight through Ananias.


“And He ordered the crowds to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, He said the blessing, broke the loaves, and gave them to the disciples, who in turn gave them to the crowds.” Mt. 14:19

Jesus looks up to heaven in giving thanks for these offerings.

“Moved with pity, Jesus touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight, and followed Him.” Mt.20:34

Jesus restores the sight of the two blind men.

“When He looked up He saw some wealthy people putting their offerings into the treasury.” Lk.21:1

Jesus looks up as sees the wealthy who give from their surplus in contrast to the poor widow who gives from her poverty (livelihood).


Receive, receipt, intuit, intuition, visual, aspect, suspect, suspicion, respect

At first, I did not see how I could use this term for one of my posts. (What modern day word comes from the Greek anablepo?) Then I see this fish! As I further looked into this, I saw this term’s various meanings and uses. Essentially, aside from healing from blindness, this term pertains to how one sees (disdain, fear, confidence, and beholding). Plato speaks about those who finally realize that they have been in situations which have not helped them. (African-Americans can certainly relate to this).

In the Old Testament, I see that this term is used very extensively.

In the New Testament, this term refers to looking up or to gaining sight. Jesus’ feeding of the loaves and fishes points backward to the manna provided in the wilderness. This also points forward to the Eucharist and heavenly banquet. As to pertaining to Jesus’ feeding the multitudes, numbers provide significant meanings. 4000 pertains to all those in all four directions of the world. 5000 pertains to all the Jews under the Law (5 books). 1000 pertains to all persons. Jesus’ healing of the blind men points out the disciples’ spiritual blindness in not understanding His passion and suffering. The disciples will later spiritually see (understand) this. Jesus looked up and saw Zacchaeus’ conversion in his giving away his material wealth. Jesus looked up and saw that the poor widow gave more generously than the other wealthy persons. Saul was spiritually blind as a rabid persecutor of the Christians. Jesus literally and spiritually opens Paul’s eyes in allowing him to be an apostle for Him.

Current events: As the months have gone by, we are now seeing that the BLM organization, in contrast to earnest and decent African-Americans, have essentially high-jacked the George Floyd protest movement. This BLM group has undertaken an organized campaign to extort, to foment violence and to destroy and loot property. It appears that more and more African-Americans’ eyes are being opened to this fact. In recent months, more and more African-Americans are seeing what is happening in our nation. In many cities, decades long Democratic policies have economically failed and held back African Americans’ opportunities (Ex. Baltimore, Detroit, etc). More and more African-Americans are seeing that these policies have not helped them. The rising crime and continued criticism (and lack of support) for police have raised the concerns for many, including African-Americans. This notion is further supported by the high percentage of African-Americans still supporting the need for the police in their communities. I see that a higher percentage (more than you might think) of African-Americans will be supporting Trump and the Republican party in this coming election.

What a fish! I did not see that coming! This is not a fish story. This is a real fish, see for yourself.


[Greek] ἀναβλέπω (anablepō), [Latin] videre, [Latin] intinuere, [Latin] ascpicere, [Latin] respicere, [Latin] venire, [Latin] recipere, [Latin] suspicere

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