[Greek] δόλος (dolos), [Latin] tenere, [German] halten, [German] betrug: treachery, deceit, trickery, duplicity, deception; Mt.26:4, Mk.7:22, Mk.14:1, Jn.1:47, Acts 13:10, Rom.1:29, 2Cor.12:16; 1Thess.2:3, 1Pet.2:1,22, 1Pet.3:10 CORRUPTION OF MINDS IS SATANIC ACTIVITY! As the serpent deceived Eve in the garden, Paul points…
[Greek] ἀπειθέω (apeitheō), [Latin] incredulus, [Latin] adsumentum, [Latin] non credere, [Latin] adquiescere, [Latin] infidelis
[Greek] ἀπειθέω (apeitheō), [Latin] incredulus, [Latin] adsumentum, [Latin] non credere, [Latin] adquiescere, [Latin] infidelis: to disobey, to reject, to disbelieve, to conspire; 17 scriptures Pope Pius X speaks to both the clergy’s and laity’s silence, cowardice, apathy, indifference, and disobedience…
[Greek] τυφλός (typhlos), [Latin] caecus, [German] blind
[Greek] τυφλός (typhlos), [Latin] caecus, [German] blind: blind, not able to understand, short-sighted, opaque; 53 scriptural references The Blind Leading the Blind: painting by Danish Renaissance painter Peter Bruegel (1568). Background information: The blind leading the blind: This painting reflects…
[Greek] πάσχω (paschō), [Latin] patere, [Latin] miserere, [Latin] passio, [Latin] sufferre, [French] endurer, [French] avoir pitie (have pity)
[Greek] πάσχω (paschō), [Latin] patere, [Latin] miserere, [Latin] passio, [Latin] sufferre, [French] endurer, [Latin] avoir pitie (have pity): to suffer, to undergo an experience (passion), to experience suffering, to endure, to feel in some measure, to suffer pain (hardship); 46…
[Greek] καταφρονέω (kataphroneō), [Latin] contemnere, [Latin] contemptus, [French] dedaigner, [French] mepriser
[Greek] καταφρονέω (kataphroneō), [Latin] contemnere, [Latin] contemptus, [French] dedaigner, [French] mepriser: to show contempt for, to think little of, to despise, to look down upon; Mt.6:24, Mt.18:10, Lk.16:13, Rom.2:4, 1Cor.11:22, 1Tim.4:12, 1Tim.6:2, Heb.12:2, 2Pet.2:10 St. Augustine criticizes the errors of both…
[Greek] ἀνθίστημι (anthistēmi), [Latin] resistere, [Latin] avertere, [French] detourner
[Greek] ἀνθίστημι (anthistēmi), [Latin] resistere, [Latin] avertere, [French] detourner: to resist, to stand against, to withstand, to cope, to set against; Mt.5:39, Lk.21:15, Acts 6:10, Acts 13:8, Rom.9:19, Rom.13:2, Gal.2:11, Eph.6:13, 2Tim.3:8, 2Tim.4:15, Jas.4:7, 1Pet.5:9 Because of the restrictions set…
[Greek] σκοτία (skotia), [Latin] tenebris, [French] eclipser, [French] sombre, [French] obscurite, [French] nuite, [German] dust
[Greek] σκοτία (skotia), [Latin] tenebris, [French] eclipser, [French] sombre, [French] obscurite, [French] nuite, [German] dust: dark, darkness, obscurity, shadow, lack of light; 16 scriptures It is significant to note that Jesus makes this statement after telling the adulterous woman to…
[Greek] συνοδεύω (synodeuō), [Latin] comitare, [French] accompagner, [German] begleiten
[Greek] συνοδεύω (synodeuō), [Latin] comitare, [French] accompagner, [German] begleiten: to travel with, to accompany; Acts 9:7 Arrival of a Caravan Outside the City of Morocco: painting by Edwin Lord Weeks (1849-1903) Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means to accompany,…
[Greek] κοινός (koinos), [Latin] comminus, [French] accessible a tous
[Greek] κοινός (koinos), [Latin] comminus, [French] accessible a tous: common, shared, unclean, worthless, mutual, and impure; Mk.7:2, Acts 2:44, Acts 4:32, Acts 10:14,28, Acts 11:8, Rom.14:14, Tit.1:4, Heb.10:29, Jd.1:3 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means shared in common,…
[Greek] πλανάω (planaō), [Latin] errare, [Latin] seducer, [Latin] inducer, [French] introduire, [Latin] fraudare, [German] betrugen
[Greek] πλανάω (planaō), [Latin] errare, [Latin] seducer, [Latin] inducer, [French] introduire, [Latin] fraudare, [German] betrugen: to go astray, to wander, to be unfaithful, to err, to seduce, to deviate; 52 scriptural references The Vatican’s updated norms for discerning supernatural apparitions…
Greek] μίγνυμι (mignymi), [Latin] miscere, [German] mischen, [French] mélange, [French] meler
[Greek] μίγνυμι (mignymi), [Latin] miscere, [German] mischen, [French] mélange, [French] meler: to mix, to mingle; Mt.27:34, Lk.13:1, Rev.8:7, Rev.15:2 St. Albert the Great warns all of us about mixing and mingling our faith with the world. This can lead to…
[Greek] δέχομαι (dechomai), [Latin] recipere, [Latin] suscipere, [Latin] accipere, [Latin] excipere, [Latin] adsumere, [Latin] percipere, [French] adopter, [French] prendre, [French] recevoir
[Greek] δέχομαι (dechomai), [Latin] recipere, [Latin] suscipere, [Latin] accipere, [Latin] excipere, [Latin] adsumere, [Latin] percipere, [French] adopter, [French] prendre, [French] recevoir: to receive, to welcome, to believe, to take hold of; 59 scriptures Do Church leaders and laity follow and…
[Greek] ὑποτάσσω (hypotassō), [Latin] subdare, [Latin] subicere, [French] soumettre, [French] obeir, [Latin] obtemperare, [Latin] humilitas
[Greek] ὑποτάσσω (hypotassō), [Latin] subdare, [Latin] subicere, [French] soumettre, [French] obeir, [Latin] obtemperare, [Latin] humilitas: to be subject to, to submit, to be obedient, to bring under control, to put oneself under; 49 scriptures It seems that Pope Leo XIII…
[Greek] σιωπάω (siōpaō), [Latin] tacere, [Latin] silere, [Latin] quiescere, [French] reposer
[Greek] σιωπάω (siōpaō), [Latin] tacere, [Latin] silere, [Latin] quiescere, [French] reposer: to be silent, silent, to be still; Mt.20:31, Mt.26:63, Mk.3:4, Mk.4:39, Mk.9:34, Mk.10:48, Mk.14:61, Lk.1:20, Lk.18:39, Lk.19:40, Acts 18:9 St. Peter Martyr of Verona (1205-1252) asking for silence: fresco…
[Greek] καθαρός (katharos), [Latin] mundus, [Latin] purus, [Latin] purgatorius,[French] propre, [French] pur
[Greek] καθαρός (katharos), [Latin] mundus, [Latin] purus, [Latin] purgatorius, [French] propre, [French] pur: clean, clear, pruned; 28 scriptures The Trinity with Souls in Purgatory: painting by Corrado Giaquinto (early 1740’s) Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means clean, free from…
[Greek] παραλογίζομαι (paralogizomai), [Latin] decipere, [Latin] fallere, [German] ertappen
[Greek] παραλογίζομαι (paralogizomai), [Latin] decipere, [Latin] fallere, [German] ertappen: to miscalculate, to delude, to deceive, to reason falsely, to lead astray, to reckon wrong; Col.2:4, Jas.1:22 This is Luce, the Vatican’s official cringy anime mascot of the Holy Year 2025.…
[Greek] μακροθυμέω (makrothymeō), [Latin] patiens, [Latin] habere patientiam (to have patience), [Latin] longanimitas, [French] endurant
[Greek] μακροθυμέω (makrothymeō), [Latin] patiens, [Latin] habere patientiam (to have patience), [Latin] longanimitas, [French] endurant: to be patient, to be long-suffering, to be slow, to endure; Mt.18:26,29, Lk.18:7, 1Cor.13:4, 1Thess.5:14, Heb.6:15, Jas.5:7-8, 2Pet.3:9 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term…
[Greek] ποιητής (poiētēs), [Latin] poeta, [Latin] factor
[Greek] ποιητής (poiētēs), [Latin] poeta, [Latin] factor: maker, doer, producer, performer, artist, poet, author, poet; Rom. 2:13, Jas.1:22-25, Jas.4:11, Act 17:28 Greek Hellenism: This term means maker, begetter, inventor, composer, author, poet, workman. Xenophon’s Cyropaedia 11.638: “You yourself must…
[Greek] καινός (kainos), [Latin] novos, [German] neu
[Greek] καινός (kainos), [Latin] novos, [German] neu: new, novelty; 44 scriptures St. Vincent lived in the early 400’s A.D. He recognized novelties, human traditions, and innovations in the Catholic Church. This saint prophetically tells us to hold on to antiquity…
[Greek] συσχηματίζω (syschēmatizō), [Latin] conformare, [Latin] configuare, [German] bilden, [French] fabriquer, [French] forme
[Greek] συσχηματίζω (syschēmatizō), [Latin] conformare, [Latin] configuare, [German] bilden, [French] fabriquer, [French] forme: to mold, to shape one’s behavior; Rom.12:2, 1Pet.1:14 Background information: New Testament: This term means to conform with, to mold, and to shape one’s behavior. Rom.12:2: “DO…
[Greek] ὁδός (hodos), [Latin] via, [Latin] iter, [French] marcher, [French] voyager
Greek] ὁδός (hodos), [Latin] via, [Latin] iter, [French] marcher, [French] voyager: way, gate, road, journey, path; 102 scriptures Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means way, road, course, journey, travelling, manner, way of doing, and way of saying. Old Testament:…
[Greek] ἀπατάω (apataō), [Latin] seducere, [Latin] decipere, [French] surprendre, [French] separer
[Greek] ἀπατάω (apataō), [Latin] seducere, [Latin] decipere, [French] surprendre, [French] separer: to deceive, to seduce, to beguile; Eph.5:6, 1Tim.2:14, Jas.1:26 [Greek] ἐξαπατάω (exapataō): [Latin] seducere: to seduce wholly, to deceive wholly; Rom. 16:18 Pope Francis and his fellow Modernists are…
[Greek] πειράζω (peirazō), [Latin] experiri, [Latin] temptare, [German] prufen, [French] toucher, [French] essayer
[Greek] πειράζω (peirazō), [Latin] experiri, [Latin] temptare, [German] prufen, [French] toucher, [French] essayer: to explore, to test, to try, to examine, to attempt, to prove, to put to the test, to go about, to make proof of, to learn, to…
[Greek] στερέωμα (stereōma), [Latin] firmamentum, [Latin] rigidus, [Latin] validus
[Greek] στερέωμα (stereōma), [Latin] firmamentum, [Latin] rigidius, [Latin] validus; support, firmness, steadfastness, strength, stability, bulwark (military fortification), solid front; Col.2:5 Paul’s exhorts the Colossians’ faith to be a strong defense against the false teachers. In Eph.6:16 Paul calls upon the Christians…
[Greek] ἐπιγινώσκω (epiginōskō), [Latin] cognoscere, [Latin] revelare, [Latin] cogitare, [Latin] agnoscere, [French] percevoir, [French] remarquer, [French] reflechir, [French] reconnaitre, [French] penser, [French] reflechir, [French] reconnaitre
[Greek] ἐπιγινώσκω (epiginōskō), [Latin] cognoscere, [Latin] revelare, [Latin] cogitare, [Latin] agnoscere, [French] percevoir, [French] remarquer, [French] penser, [French] reflechir, [French] reconnaitre: to know, to recognize, to be aware, to realize, to learn; 43 scriptures Pope Pius X prophetically identifies how…
[Greek] ἄθεος (atheos), [Latin] sine Deo (without God)
[Greek] ἄθεος (atheos), [Latin] sine Deo: (without God), ungodly, godless; Eph2:12 Modernism is a synthesis of all heresies. One’s human reason and religious sense only comes from one’s subconsciousness and lived experiences. Anything that suggests God and the divine must…
[Greek] ἄτοπος (atopos), [Latin] malus
Greek] ἄτοπος (atopos), [Latin] malus: weird, out of place, bad, amiss, criminal, improper, perverse; Lk.23:41, Acts 25:5, Acts 28:6, 2Thess.3:2 St. Lawrence certainly makes an unusual but bold statement at his martyrdom. Background: Greek Hellenism: This term means out of…
[Greek] χλιαρός (chliaros), [Latin] tepidus, [German] lauwarm
[Greek] χλιαρός (chliaros), [Latin] tepidus, [German] lauwarm: tepid, lukewarm; Rev.3:16 “Pope Pius V was a soldier of Christ in a time of insurrection and rebellion, when, in a spiritual sense, martial law was proclaimed.” Cardinal John Henry Newman Background: Pope…
[Greek] βλασφημέω (blasphēmeō), [Latin] exprobare
[Greek] βλασφημέω (blasphēmeō), [Latin] exprobare: to blaspheme, to injure, to injure the reputation of, to slander, to revile, to speak impiously, to speak evil of; 39 scriptures The Paris Olympic Opening Ceremonies committed a blasphemous act toward God in ridiculing…
[Greek] βλασφημέω (blasphēmeō), [Latin] blasphemare, [Latin] exprobare
[Greek] βλασφημέω (blasphēmeō), [Latin] blasphemare, [Latin] exprobare: to blaspheme, to injure, to injure the reputation of, to slander, to revile, to speak impiously, to speak evil of; 39 scriptures
[Greek] ἄθλησις (athlēsis), [Latin] passio
[Greek] ἄθλησις (athlēsis), [Latin] passio: contest, conflict, struggle, fight, competition, combat, trial, affliction; Heb.10:32 St. Bruno, born in 1030 A.D, was the founder of the Carthusian Order. He was a close advisor of his former pupil Pope Urban II (who…
[Greek]καταργέω (katargeō), [Latin] occupare, [Latin] non credere, [Latin] destrurere, [Latin] abolere, [Latin] solver, [Latin] evacuare, [German] uberfallen, [French] demolir, [French] detacher, [French] acquitter
[Greek]καταργέω (katargeō), [Latin] occupare, [Latin] non credere, [Latin] destrurere, [Latin] abolere, [Latin] solver, [Latin] evacuare, [German] uberfallen, [French] demolir, [French] detacher, [French] acquitter: to make inactive, to abolish, to make useless, to cease; 31 scriptures The aftermath of Hurricane Beryl:…
[Greek] πέτρα (petra), [Aramaic] kephas, [German] rocher
Greek] πέτρα (petra), [Aramaic] kephas, [German] rocher: rock, stone, bedrock; Mt.74:24-25, Mt.16:18, Mt.27:51,60, Mk.15:46, Lk.6:48, Lk.8:6,13, Rom.9:33, 1Cor.10:4, 1Pet.2:8 The Parable of the Sower: painting by Peter Bruegel (1557). The seed (word of God) fell on rocky ground. When the…
[Greek] δέω (deō), [Latin] alligare, [Latin] congregare, [Latin] ligare [Latin] carcerare, [Latin] ducere, [German] binden, [French] attacher, [French] enchainer [French] guider, [French] rassembler, [German] fuhren
[Greek] δέω (deō), [Latin] alligare, [Latin] congregare, [Latin] ligare [Latin] carcerare, [Latin] ducere, [German] binden, [French] attacher, [French] enchainer [French] guider, [French] rassembler, [German] fuhren: to implore, to bind, to prohibit, to compel, to restrict; 44 scriptures Background information: Old…
Greek] ὁμολογέω (homologeō), [Latin] confitere, [French] fouler, [German] hineinpressen
[Greek] μολογέω (homologeō), [Latin] confitere, [French] fouler, [German] hineinpressen: to confess, to assent, to admit, acknowledge; 25 scriptural references Greek Hellenism: This term means to admit, to agree, to bear witness, to concede, to acknowledge, to allow, and to promise.…
[Greek] ἀφορίζω (aphorizō), [Latin] separare, [Latin] segregare, [French] isoler
[Greek] ἀφορίζω (aphorizō), [Latin] separare, [Latin] segregare, [French] isoler: to separate, to exclude, to appoint, to set apart; Mt.13:49, Mt.25:32, Lk.6:22, Acts 13:2, Acts 19:9, Rom.1:1, 2Cor.6:17, Gal.1:15, Gal.2:12 Pope John Paul II rightly points out that God’s moral truth…
[Greek] ἀποδοκιμάζω (apodokimazō), [Latin] reprobare, [French] condemner, [French] rejeter
[Greek] ἀποδοκιμάζω (apodokimazō), [Latin] reprobare, [French] condemner, [French] rejeter: to reject, to disapprove, to repudiate, to regard as unworthy; Mt.21:42, Mk.8:31, Mk.12:10, Lk.9:22, Lk.17:25, Lk.20:17, Heb.12:17, 1Pet.2:4,7 Sounds like “cafeteria Catholicism (Christianity).” Greek Hellenism: This term means to reject, to…
[Greek] ἀνθίστημι (anthistēmi), [Latin] resistere, [Latin] avertere, [French] detourner
[Greek] ἀνθίστημι (anthistēmi), [Latin] resistere, [Latin] avertere, [French] detourner: to resist, to stand against, to withstand, to cope, to set against; Mt.5:39, Lk.21:15, Acts 6:10, Acts 13:8, Rom.9:19, Rom.13:2, Gal.2:11, Eph.6:13, 2Tim.3:8, 2Tim.4:15, Jas.4:7, 1Pet.5:9 Harrison Butker seeks to “arm”…
[Greek] ἐντρέπω (entrepō), [Latin] revereri, [Latin] timere, [Latin] confundere
[Greek] ἐντρέπω (entrepō), [Latin] revereri, [Latin] timere, [Latin] confundere: to stand in awe: to put to shame, to invert, to respect, to confound, to reverence, to make ashamed, to feel respect for, to turn in; Mt.21:37, Mk.12:6, Lk.18:2,4, 1Cor.4:14, 2Thess.3:14,…
[Greek] πίμπλημι (pimplēmi), [Latin] implore, [Latin] replere, [Latin] consummare, [Latin] plenus, [German] anfullen, [French] accomplir, [French] achiever, [French] complet
[Greek] πίμπλημι (pimplēmi), [Latin] implore, [Latin] replere, [Latin] consummare, [Latin] plenus, [German] anfullen, [French] accomplir, [French] achiever, [French] complet: to fill, to complete, to make happen, to pass; 27 scriptures Pentecost Pentecost: painting by Jean Restout (1732) The Apostles and…
[Greek] ὁμολογέω (homologeō), [Latin] confitere, [German] hineinpressen, [French] fouler
[Greek] ὁμολογέω (homologeō), [Latin] confitere, [German] hineinpressen, [French] fouler: to confess, to assent, to admit, to acknowledge; Mt.7:23, Mt.10:32, Mt.14:7, Lk.12:8, Jn.1:20, Jn.9:22, Jn.12:42, Acts 23:8, Acts 24:14, Rom.10:9-10, 1Tim.6:12, Tit.1:16, Heb.11:13, Heb.13:15, 1Jn.1:9, 1Jn.4:2-3,15, 2Jn.1:7 Background information: Greek…
[Greek] ἀνθίστημι (anthistēmi), [Latin] resistere, [Latin] avertere, [French] detourner
[Greek] ἀνθίστημι (anthistēmi), [Latin] resistere, [Latin] avertere, [French] detourner: to resist, to stand against, to withstand, to cope, to set against; Mt.5:39, Lk.21:15, Acts 6:10, Acts 13:8, Rom.9:19, Rom.13:2, Gal.2:11, Eph.6:13, 2Tim.3:8, 2Tim.4:15, Jas.4:7, 1Pet.5:9 Resistance, protesting, and speaking out…
[Greek] κοσμικός (kosmikos), [Latin] saeculum, [German] zeitgeist
[Greek] κοσμικός (kosmikos), [Latin] saeculum, [German] zeitgeist: worldly, earthly, mundane, pertaining to the world; Tit.2:12, Heb.9:1 Cardinal Sarah accuses many Western bishops, accommodating to the world, of succumbing to a “practical atheism”. Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means world,…
[Greek] κλείω (kleiō), [Latin] claudare, [Latin] clausa
[Greek] κλείω (kleiō), [Latin] claudare, [Latin] clausa: to shut, to close, to shut up, to shut up compassion, to block the entrance, to have no pity, to lock (with a key); Mt.23:13, Mt.25:10, Lk.4:25, Lk.11:7,Jn.20:19, Act.5:23, Act.21:30 The sad truth…
[Greek] κρύπτω (kryptō): [Latin] abscondere, [Latin] metus, [Latin] occulare, [French] cacher, [French] dissimuler
[Greek] κρύπτω (kryptō): [Latin] abscondere, [Latin] metus, [Latin] occulare, [French] cacher, [French] dissimuler: to hide, to conceal, to keep secret, to keep hidden; Mt.5:14, Mt.13:35,44, Lk.18:34, Lk.19:42, Jn.8:59, Jn.12:36, Jn.19:38, Col.3:3, 1Tim.5:25, Heb.11:23 Pope Paul VI even acknowledged that Satan…
[Greek] διάκονος (diakonos), [Latin] minister
[Greek] διάκονος (diakonos), [Latin] minister: servant, attendant, assistant, minister, helper; 30 scriptural references The Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence: painting by Titian (1558). The above quote clearly illustrates why Saint Lawrence is considered a patron saint of comics. His satchel illustrates…
[Greek] ἀπάτη (apatē), [Latin] fallacia, [Latin] deceptio, [Latin] error, [Latin] seductio
[Greek] ἀπάτη (apatē), [Latin] fallacia, [Latin] deceptio, [Latin] error, [Latin] seductio: deception delusion, deceit; Mt.13:22, Mk.4:19, Eph.4:22, Col.2:8, 2Thess.2:10, Heb.3:13, 2Pet.2:13 In contrast to what Vatican II actually stated, the Modernists deceptively now claim that the Traditional Latin Mass is not…
[Greek] πλανάω (planaō), [Latin] errare, [Latin] seducer, [Latin] inducer, [French] introduire, [Latin] fraudare, [German] betrugen
[Greek] πλανάω (planaō), [Latin] errare, [Latin] seducer, [Latin] inducer, [French] introduire, [Latin] fraudare, [German] betrugen: to go astray, to wander, to be unfaithful, to err, to seduce, to deviate; 52 scriptural references Pope Francis’ synodal Church’s elevation of lived experiences…
[Greek] ἱεροσυλέω (hierosyleō), [German] tempelraub
[Greek] ἱεροσυλέω (hierosyleō), [German] tempelraub: to cause sacrilege, to rob temples; Rom.2:22 [Greek] ἱερόσυλος (hierosylos), [French] provoquer un sacrilege: desecrater, temple robber; Acts 19:37 The Catholic faithful are calling for that we may not rob God of His due! Background…
[Greek] παρρησιάζομαι (parrēsiazomai), [Latin] agere fiducialiter (to act faithfully), [Latin] dicere constanter (say constantly), [Latin] loquor constanter (speak constantly), [Latin] habere fiduciam (have confidence)
[Greek] παρρησιάζομαι (parrēsiazomai), [Latin] agere fiducialiter (to act faithfully), [Latin] dicere constanter (to say constantly), [Latin] loquor constanter (to speak constantly), [Latin] habere fiduciam (to have confidence), [French] guider, [French] commercer, [French] marchander, [French] mouvir, [German] handeln: speak (debate) boldly,…
[Greek] δειλία (deilia), [Latin] timor, [German] shrecken, [Old Irish] fer
[Greek] δειλία (deilia), [Latin] timor, [German] shrecken, [Old Irish] fer: cowardice, timidity, fear, lack of moral strength; 2Tim.1:7 Pope Pius X prophetically warns us (both laity and clergy) that we MUST NOT be silent, cowardly, or indifferent in response to…
[Greek] διανοίγω (dianoigō), [Latin] aperture, [French] decouvrir, [French] denuder
[Greek] διανοίγω (dianoigō), [Latin] aperture, [French] decouvrir, [French] denuder: to completely open, to explain, to open the womb, to understand (open the mind); Mk. 7:34-35, Lk.2:23, Lk.24:31-32, Lk.24:45, Acts 16:14, Acts:17:3 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means to lay…
[Greek] κλείω (kleiō), [Latin] claudare, [Latin] clausa
[Greek] κλείω (kleiō), [Latin] claudare, [Latin] clausa: to shut, to close, to shut up, to shut up compassion, to block the entrance, to have no pity, to lock (with a key); Mt.23:13, Mt.25:10, Lk.4:25, Lk.11:7,Jn.20:19, Act.5:23, Act.21:30, Background Information:…
[Greek] ἀνέχομαι (anechomai), [Latin] adferre, [Latin] sustinere, [Latin] subportare, [Latin] patere, [Latin] sufferere, [French] endurer, [French] maintenir
[Greek] ἀνέχομαι (anechomai), [Latin] adferre, [Latin] sustinere, [Latin] subportare, [Latin] patere, [Latin] sufferere, [French] endurer, [French] maintenir: Mt.17:17, Mk.9:19, Lk.9:41, Acts 18:14, 1Cor.4:12, 2Cor.11:1,4,19-20, Eph.4:2, Col.3:13, 2Thess.1:4, 2Tim.4:3, Heb.13:22 The Superbowl commercial “He gets us” is understandably creating controversy with…
[Greek] ἀποστρέφω (apostrephō), [Latin] mutare, [Latin] trader, [Latin] avertere, [French] se changer, [French] tourner
[Greek] ἀποστρέφω (apostrephō), [Latin] mutare, [Latin] trader, [Latin] avertere, [French] se changer, [French] tourner: to turn away (back), to avert, to return, to bring back, to pervert, to remove, to prevent, to alienate, betray; Mt.5:42, Mt.26:52, Mt.27:3, Lk.23:14, Acts 3:26,…
[Greek] ἀσφάλεια (asphaleia), [Latin] verbum, [Latin] diligentia, [Latin] securitas, [German] wort
[Greek] ἀσφάλεια (asphaleia), [Latin] verbum, [Latin] diligentia, [Latin] securitas, [German] wort: certainty, security, exact truth, safety, steadfastness; Lk.1:4, Acts 5:23: 1Thess.5:3 Texas, citing the US Constitution, is taking upon itself to secure the border from the invasion of illegals at…
[Greek] παραδίδωμι (paradidōmi), [Latin] tradere, [Latin] producere, [Latin] aperire, [French] remettre, [French] decouvrir, [German] hervorbringen
[Greek] παραδίδωμι (paradidōmi), [Latin] tradere, [Latin] producere, [Latin] aperire, [French] remettre, [French] decouvrir, [German] hervorbringen: to give over, to entrust, to transmit, to surrender, to hand over, to instruct, to betray, to allow; 120 scriptural passages This monk made this…
[Greek] παραδίδωμι (paradidōmi), [Latin] tradere, [Latin] producere, [Latin] aperire, [French] remettre, [French] decouvrir, [German] hervorbringen
[Greek] παραδίδωμι (paradidōmi), [Latin] tradere, [Latin] producere, [Latin] aperire, [French] remettre, [French] decouvrir, [German] hervorbringen: to give over, to entrust, to transmit, to hand over, to instruct, to betray, to allow; 120 scriptural passages Point of clarification: This quote actually…
[Greek] ἀπέχω (apechō), [Latin] abstinere, [Latin] sufficere, [Latin] recipere, [Latin] acceptare, [French] maintenir, [French] recevoir
[Greek] ἀπέχω (apechō), [Latin] abstinere, [Latin] sufficere, [Latin] recipere, [Latin] acceptare, [French] maintenir, [French] recevoir: to refrain, to abstain, to hold off, to be away from; Acts 15:20,29, 1Thess.4:3, 1Thess.5:22, 1Tim.4:3, 1Pet.2:11 Pope Pius XII was very prophetic about the…
[Greek] κατέχω (katechō), [Latin] habere, [Latin] requierere, [Latin] retinere, [Latin] tenere, [Latin] detinere, [Latin] possidere, [Latin] tradere
[Greek] κατέχω (katechō), [Latin] habere, [Latin] requierere, [Latin] retinere, [Latin] tenere, [Latin] detinere, [Latin] possidere, [Latin] tradere : to control (someone or something), to hold fast, to hold back, to restrain, to prevent, to hinder, to occupy; 24 scriptural references…
[Greek] ψηλαφάω (psēlaphaō), [Latin] palpare, [Latin] tractare, [Latin] temptare, [French] toucher, [French] essayer, [German] prufen
[Greek] ψηλαφάω (psēlaphaō), [Latin] palpare, [Latin] tractare, [Latin] temptare, [French] toucher, [French] essayer, [German] prufen: to handle, to grope about, to manipulate, to touch, to search for; Lk.24:39, Acts 17:27, Heb.12:18, 1Jn.1:1 The notion of gaslighting comes from the 1944…
[Greek] κατηγορία (katēgoria), [Latin] accusare, [Latin] accusatio, [French] incriminer
[Greek] κατηγορία (katēgoria), [Latin] accusare, [Latin] accusatio, [French] incriminer: accusation, criminal charge, complaint; Lk.67, Jn.8.29, 1Tim.5:9, Tit.1:6 Pope Pius XII foresaw Catholic critics (clergy and laity) who would claim that conservative (traditional) Catholics are “rigid” in their faith. Yet, this…
[Greek] ἀπειθέω (apeitheō), [Latin] incredulitas, [Latin] diffidentia
[Greek] ἀπειθέω (apeitheō), [Latin] incredulitas, [Latin] diffidentia: disobedience, unbelief, obstinancy; Rom.11:30,32, Eph.2:2, Eph.5:6, Col.3:6, Heb.4:6,11 Pope Pius V lead the Catholic Church from 1566-1572. He resided during the important Council of Trent. Pope Pius prophetically warned us about the consequences…
[Greek] καταστέλλω (katastellō), [Latin] sedare, [French] lapaiser
[Greek] καταστέλλω (katastellō), [Latin] sedare, [French] lapaiser: to keep down, to keep quiet, to appease, to quiet, to send down; Acts 19:35-36 Pope Pius X prophetically stated that conservative and traditional Catholics (Christians) would be called called intolerant and “rigid”.…
[Greek] νικάω (nikaō), [Latin] vincere, [Latin] victoria, [Latin] supervenire, [French] suprendre, [French] agresser, [French] surpasser, [French] conquerer, [German] seigen
[Greek] νικάω (nikaō), [Latin] vincere, [Latin] victoria, [Latin] supervenire, [French] surprendre, [French] agresser, [French] surpasser, [French] conquerir, [German] seigen: to conquer, to overcome, to prevail, to overpower; Lk.1:22, Jn.16:33, Rom.3:4, Rom.12:21, 1Jn.2:13-14, 1:Jn.4:4, 1Jn.5:4-5 The Christian sect Nicolaitans wreaked havoc…
[Greek] σκανδαλίζω (skandalizō), [Latin] offendere, [French] huerter, [French] indigner, [German] shockieren
[Greek] σκανδαλίζω (skandalizō), [Latin] offendere, [French] huerter, [French] indigner, [German] shockieren: to offend, to scandalize, to cause to sin, to stumble, to trip up, to trap; 45 scriptural references Yet Pope Francis and his inner circle are “honoring” same-sex couples…
[Greek] κακῶς (kakōs), [Latin] malus
[Greek] κακῶς (kakōs), [Latin] malus: evil, wicked, bad men, bad things, wickedness, ugly, to do harm: 51 scriptures Pope Francis’ document Fuducia Supplicans confusingly (and intentionally) introduces the notion of offering blessings to people in irregular (same-sex) relationships. However, blessing…
[Greek] χρηματίζω (chrēmatizō), [Latin] acceptare responsum, [Latin] admonere, [Latin] vocare, [Latin] consummare, [French] recevoir, [French] souvenir, [French] avertir, [French] inviter, [French] accomplir, [French] achever
[Greek] χρηματίζω (chrēmatizō), [Latin] acceptare responsum, [Latin] admonere, [Latin] vocare, [Latin] consummare, [French] recevoir, [French] souvenir, [French] avertir, [French] inviter, [French] accomplir, [French] achever: to warn, to reveal, to call; Mt.2:12, Mt.2:22, Lk.2:26, Acts 10:22, Acts 11:26, Rom.7:3, Heb.8:5, Heb.11:7,…
[Greek] κρύπτω (kryptō): [Latin] abscondere, [Latin] metus, [Latin] occulare, [French] cacher, [French] dissimuler
[Greek] κρύπτω (kryptō): [Latin] abscondere, [Latin] metus, [Latin] occulare, [French] cacher, [French] dissimuler: to hide, to conceal, to keep secret, to keep hidden; Mt.5:14, Mt.13:35,44, Lk.18:34, Lk.19:42, Jn.8:59, Jn.12:36, Jn.19:38, Col.3:3, 1Tim.5:25, Heb.11:23 Pope Paul VI even acknowledges that Satan…
[Greek] ἀθετέω (atheteō), [Latin] contristare, [Latin] facere, irritum, [Latin] spernere, [Latin] reprobare, [Latin] abicere, [French] abandoner, [French] desoler, [French] rejeter, [French] condemner
[Greek] ἀθετέω (atheteō), [Latin] contristare, [Latin] facere, irritum, [Latin] spernere, [Latin] reprobare, [Latin] abicere, [French] abandoner, [French] desoler, [French] rejeter, [French] condemner: to do away with, to set aside, to nullify, to reject, to despise, to make void; Mk.6:26, Mk.7:9,…
[Greek] παρουσία (parousia), [Latin] adventus, [Latin] praesentia, [French] arrivee
[Greek] παρουσία (parousia), [Latin] adventus, [Latin] praesentia, [French] arrivee: presence, arrival, advent, being in person; 24 scriptural references Commemorative Advent coins were minted and merch was sold in celebration of the emperor coming to the cities. Background information: Greek Hellenism:…
[Greek] προκόπτω (prokoptō), [Latin] proficere, [Latin] praecedere, [French] advancer, [German] bewirken, [French] marcher
[Greek] προκόπτω (prokoptō), [Latin] proficere, [Latin] praecedere, [French] advancer, [German] bewirken, [French] marcher: to advance, to progress, to accomplish, to cut forward, to grow, to increase; Lk.2:52, Rom.13:12, Gal.1:14, 2Tim.2:16, 2Tim.3:13,16 This “progress” has produced Fiducia Supplicans, written by Cardinal…
[Greek] φιμόω (phimoō), [Latin] mutescere, [Latin] tacere, [Latin] alligare, [Latin] imponere silentium, [French] amuir, [French] etablir, [French] brider, [French] edifier, [German] verbinden
[Greek] φιμόω (phimoō), [Latin] mutescere, [Latin] tacere, [Latin] alligare, [Latin] imponere silentium, [French] amuir, [French] etablir, [French] brider, [French] edifier, [German] verbinden: to keep under control, to muzzle, to say nothing; Mt.22:12,34, Mk.1:25, Mk.4:39, Lk.4:35, 1Cor.9:9, 1Tim.5:18, 1Pet.2:15 Where are…
[Greek] δέχομαι (dechomai), [Latin] recipere, [Latin] suscipere, [Latin] accipere, [Latin] excipere, [Latin] adsumere, [Latin] percipere, [French] adopter, [French] prendre, [French] recevoir
[Greek] δέχομαι (dechomai), [Latin] recipere, [Latin] suscipere, [Latin] accipere, [Latin] excipere, [Latin] adsumere, [Latin] percipere, [French] adopter, [French] prendre, [French] recevoir: to receive, to welcome, to believe, to take hold of; 59 scriptures Do Church leaders and laity actually follow…
[Greek] συμφωνέω (symphōneō), [Latin] consentire, [Latin] conventio, [Latin] concordare
[Greek] συμφωνέω (symphōneō), [Latin] consentire, [Latin] conventio, [Latin] concordare: to be in harmony, to be in accord, to agree, to “sound together”, to have singleness in mind; Mt.18:19, Mt.20:2,13, Lk.5:36, Acts 5:9, Acts 15:15 Moral principles do not change even…
[Greek] περιπατέω (peripateō), [Latin] ambulare, [Latin] quarere, [French] demander, [French] marcher, [French] voyager
[Greek] περιπατέω (peripateō), [Latin] ambulare, [Latin] quarere, [French] demander, [French] marcher, [French] voyager: to walk around, to live, to conduct the walk of life; 97 scriptures Pope Francis and his fellow Modernists continue to walk with the world in their…
[Greek] ὑπομένω (hypomenō), [Latin] persevere, [Latin] permanere, [Latin] sustinere, [Latin] remanere, [Latin] patientia, [Latin] suffererre, [French] persister, [French] continuer, [French] endurer, [French] maintenir
[Greek] ὑπομένω (hypomenō), [Latin] persevere, [Latin] permanere, [Latin] sustinere, [Latin] remanere, [Latin] patientia, [Latin] suffererre, [French] persister, [French] continuer, [French] endurer, [French] maintenir: to stay behind, to expect, to wait for, to endure, to persevere, to suffer, to expect; Mt.10:22,…
[Greek] διώκω (diōkō), [Latin] pati persecutionem, [Latin] persequere, [French] endurer, [French] souffrir, [French] marcher
[Greek] διώκω (diōkō), [Latin] pati persecutionem, [Latin] persequere, [French] endurer, [French] souffrir, [French] marcher: to pursue, to persecute, to press forward, to strive to; 48 scriptures God shows His infinite mercy to all those who suffer because of persecution, sickness,…
[Greek] καταφρονέω (kataphroneō), [Latin] contemnere
[Greek] καταφρονέω (kataphroneō), [Latin] contemnere: to show contempt for, to think little of, to despise, to look down upon; Mt.6:24, Mt.18:10, Lk.16:13, Rom.2:4, 1Cor.11:22, 1Tim.4:12, 1Tim.6:2, Heb.12:2, 2Pet.2:10 What is the mission of Jesus’ Church? To make us perfect and…
[Greek] τυφόομαι (typhoomai), [Latin] superbia, [Latin] voluptas
[Greek] τυφόομαι (typhoomai), [Latin] superbia, ]Latin] voluptas: to be conceited, to be foolish, to inflate with self-conceit, to be lifted with pride, to be proud, to be “puffed up”, to be high-minded, to “wrap in smoke”, to be “clouded with…
[Greek] νόημα (noēma), [Latin] cogitatio, [Latin] sensus, [Latin] mens, [Latin] scientia, [German] wissen
[Greek] νόημα (noēma), [Latin] cogitatio, [Latin] sensus, [Latin] mens, [Latin] scientia, [German] wissen: thought, purpose, mind, scheme, intellect, reason; 2Cor.2:11, 2Cor.3:14, 2Cor.4:4, 2Cor.10:5, 2Cor.11:3, Php.4:7 In this day and age, one does not need to be full-blown possessed to be…
[Greek] κακῶς (kakōs), [Latin] malus
[Greek] κακῶς (kakōs), [Latin] malus: evil, wicked, bad men, bad things, wickedness, ugly, to do harm; 51 scriptures Pope Francis’ papacy is now being defined by confusion, division, scandal, sacrilege, human traditions, changing Church teachings and practices, acceptance of sin,…
[Greek] σκάνδαλον (skandalon), [Latin] scandalum, [Latin] offensio, [Latin] offendiculum, [Latin] offendere, [French] heurter
[Greek] σκάνδαλον (skandalon), [Latin] scandalum, [Latin] offensio, [Latin] offendiculum, [Latin] offendere, [French] heurter: stumbling stone, obstacle, cause for stumbling, sin, offense, trap, impediment; Mt.13:41, Mt. 16:23, Lk.17:1, Rom.9:33, Rom.11:9, Rom.16:17, 1Cor.1:23, Gal.5:11, 1Pet.2:8, 1Jn.2:10, Rev.2:14 Recently, the German Bishops have…
[Greek] ἐλαττόω (elattoō), [Latin] minuere, [Latin] minus, [French] petit
[Greek] ἐλαττόω (elattoō), [Latin] minuere, [Latin] minus, [French] petit: to make less, to decrease, to make lower, to have less status; Jn.3:30, Heb.2:7,9 Pope Francis and his inner circle are seeking to diminish the importance of sin. In a recent…
[Greek] πείθω (peithō), [Latin] persuadere, [Latin] confidere, [Latin] suadere, [Latin] consentire, [Latin] confirmare, [Latin] certus, [Latin] fidens, [Latin oboedire, [French] convaincre, [French] affirmer
[Greek] πείθω (peithō), [Latin] persuadere, [Latin] confidere, [Latin] suadere, [Latin] consentire, [Latin] confirmare, [Latin] certus, [Latin] fidens, [Latin oboedire, [French] convaincre, [French] affirmer: to influence, to persuade, to convince, to rely, to trust, to make confident; 62 scriptures Background information:…
Greek] καταλύω (kataluō), [Latin] solvere, [Latin] destruere, [Latin] dissolvere, [Latin] devertere, [French] detacher, [French] acquitter, [French] demolir, [French] denouer, [French] detourner
Greek] καταλύω (kataluō), [Latin] solvere, [Latin] destruere, [Latin] dissolvere, [Latin] devertere, [French] detacher, [French] acquitter, [French] demolir, [French] denouer, [French] detourner: to destroy, to overthrow, to lodge, to dissolve, to tear down; 16 scripture references Pope Francis’ and his fellow…
[Greek] λανθάνω (lanthanō), [Latin] latere, [French] cacher
[Greek] λανθάνω (lanthanō), [Latin] latere, [French] cacher: to escape notice, to be hidden, to be ignorant of, to forget; Mk.7:24, Lk.8:47, Acts 26:26, Heb.13:2, 2Pet.3:5,8 Pope Francis and his inner circle are appointing like-minded Modernist Cardinals, bishops, and priests in…
[Greek] ἀπατάω (apataō), [Latin] seducere, [Latin] decipere, [French] surprendre, [French] separer
[Greek] ἀπατάω (apataō), [Latin] seducere, [Latin] decipere, [French] surprendre, [French] separer: to deceive, to seduce, to beguile; Eph.5:6, 1Tim.2:14, Jas.1:26 [Greek] ἐξαπατάω (exapataō): [Latin] seducere: to seduce wholly, to deceive wholly; Rom. 16:18 Yet, Pope Francis and his inner circle…
[Greek] λύω (luō), [Latin] solvere, [Latin] dimittere, [Latin] dissolvere, [French] detacher, [French] acquitter, [French] dispenser
[Greek] λύω (luō), [Latin] solvere, [Latin] dimittere, [Latin] dissolvere, [French] detacher, [French] acquitter, [French] dispenser: to break, to loose, to untie, to remove, to destroy, to set aside, to dissolve; 46 scriptures In contrast, Pope Francis and his fellow Modernists…
[Greek] κατακρίνω (katakrinō), [Latin] condemnare, [Latin] damnare], [Latin] iudicare, [French] declarer coupable, [French] obliger, [French] juger
[Greek] κατακρίνω (katakrinō), [Latin] condemnare, [Latin] damnare], [Latin] iudicare, [French] declarer coupable, [French] obliger, [French] juger: to condemn, to give judgment, to judge down; 22 scriptural references Pope Pius IX was very prophetic in his condemnation of Liberalism and Modernism…
[Greek] ἐλέγχω (elegchō), [Latin] arguere, [Latin] audire, [Latin] diiudicare, [French] affirmer, [French] asserter, [French] prouver, [French] incriminer, [French] discerner, [French] refuter, [French] reprimander
[Greek] ἐλέγχω (elegchō), [Latin] arguere, [Latin] audire, [Latin] diiudicare, [French] affirmer, [French] asserter, [French] prouver, [French] incriminer, [French] discerner, [French] refuter, [French] reprimander: to expose, to admonish, to find fault, to rebuke; 18 scriptures Pope Pius X prophetically foresaw what…
[Greek] πορνεία (porneia), [Latin] fornicatio, [Latin] prostitutio
[Greek] πορνεία (porneia), [Latin] fornicatio, [Latin] prostitutio: unchastity, dishonoring, profaning, immorality, whoredom, idolatry; 26 scriptures St. Peter Damian (1007-1072) already saw the problems with immorality, homosexual predatory behavior, laxity, moral relativity, and silence within the clergy. (Sound familiar?) St. Peter…
[Greek] πορνεία (porneia), [Latin] fornicatio, [Latin] prostitutio
[Greek] πορνεία (porneia), [Latin] fornicatio, [Latin] prostitutio: unchastity, dishonoring, profaning, immorality, whoredom, idolatry; 26 scriptures Babylon Marriage Market: painting by Edwin Long (1875) Background information: Babylonian Marriage Market: (early precursors of harlotry: prostituting oneself) Every woman of the land is…
[Greek] σχίσμα (schisma), [Latin] scissura, [Latin] scisma, [Latin] dissensio
[Greek] σχίσμα (schisma), [Latin] scissura, [Latin] scisma, [Latin] dissensio: split, division, tear, gap, separation; Mt.9:16, Mk.2:21, Jn.7:43, Jn.9:16, Jn.10:19, 1Cor.1:10, 1Cor.11:18, 1Cor.12:25 The Modernist leadership in the Church, in its outreach to the LGBTQ community, is attempting to redefine the…
[Greek] δύναμις (dynamis), [Latin] virtus, [Latin] potestas, [Latin] prodigia, [Latin] impetus, [Latin] instantia, [German] kraft, [German] wunder, [French] assaut, [French] mouvement
[Greek] δύναμις (dynamis), [Latin] virtus, [Latin] potestas, [Latin] prodigia, [Latin] impetus, [Latin] instantia, [German] kraft, [German] wunder, [French] assaut, [French] mouvement: power, ability, sign, mighty deed, unexpected event; 120 scriptural references A 16 year-old Spanish pilgrim at World Youth Day…
[Greek] ὑπερβάλλω (hyperballō), [Latin] superare, [Latin] excellens, [Latin] eminens, [French] superieur, [French] distingue
[Greek] ὑπερβάλλω (hyperballō), [Latin] superare, [Latin] excellens, [Latin] eminens, [French] superieur, [French] distingue: to surpass, to go too far, to go beyond, to exceed, to overshoot, to throw beyond; 2Cor.3:10, 2Cor.9:14, Eph.1:19, Eph.2:7, Eph.3:19 Because of Pope Francis’s spiteful…
[Greek] αἵρεσις (hairesis),[Latin] secta
[Greek] αἵρεσις (hairesis), [Latin] secta: religious party, division, false teaching; Acts 5:17, Acts 15:5, Acts 24:5, Acts 24:14, Acts 26:5, Acts 28:22, 1Cor.11:19, Gal.5:20, 2Pet.2:1 The battle lines are clearly being defined in the schism between Modernists and traditional (conservative)…
[Greek] παροικέω (paroikeō), [Latin] peregrinus, [Latin] morare, [German] pilgerin, [French] rester, [German] sich aufhalten
[Greek] παροικέω (paroikeō), [Latin] peregrinus, [Latin] morare, [German] pilgerin, [French] rester, [German] sich aufhalten: to dwell temporarily, to live as a foreigner, to migrate; Lk.24:18, Heb.11:9 World Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal. Unfortunately, following Jesus and evangelization has been…
[Greek] ὑγιαίνω (hygiainō), [Latin] sanus, [Latin] salvus, [Latin] prosper, [German] gesund, [French] raisonnable, [French] favorable
[Greek] ὑγιαίνω (hygiainō), [Latin] sanus, [Latin] salvus, [Latin] prosper, [German] gesund, [French] raisonnable, [French] favorable: to be in harmony, to be healthy, to be accurate, to be in agreement, to have balance; Lk.5:31, Lk.7:10, Lk.15:27, 1Tim.1:10, 1Tim.6:3, 2Tim.4:2, Tit.1:9,13, Tit.2:1-2,…
[Greek] νικάω (nikaō), [Latin] vincere, [Latin] victoria, [French] conquereor, [German] seigen
[Greek] νικάω (nikaō), [Latin] vincere, [Latin] victoria, [French] conquerer, [German] seigen: to conquer, to overcome, to prevail, to overpower; Lk.11:22, Jn.16:33, Rom.3:4, Rom.12:21, 1Jn.2:13-14, 1Jn.4:4, 1Jn.5:4-5 Christ states that He hates the works of the Nicolaitans who subdue and conquer…