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[Greek] κατέχω (katechō), [Latin] habere, [Latin] requierere, [Latin] retinere, [Latin] tenere, [Latin] detinere, [Latin] possidere, [Latin] tradere : to control (someone or something), to hold fast, to hold back, to restrain, to prevent, to hinder, to occupy; 24 scriptural references

Rather than following Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:1), Pope Francis and his inner circle are seeking to bless same-sex unions. The blessing of sin is evil!

Background information:

Greek Hellenism: This term means to hold fast, to withhold, to keep, to take, to dwell, to occupy, to prevail, to have an effect, to arrest, and to hold.

Herodotus’ The Histories 5.72: “He went up to acropolis with the intention of taking possession of it.”

Herodotus’ The Histories 1.29: “For they were bound by solemn law to abide for ten years by whatever laws Solon should make.”

Sophocles’ Trachinae 249: “Most of that time he was held in Lydia, not free but sold in servitude.”

Plato’s Meno 72d: “But I still do not yet grasp the meaning of the question as I could wish.”

Old Testament: This term means to hold fast and to possess.

New Testament: This term means to acquire, to prevent, to restrain, take hold, to have, to hold fast, and to hand on. For purposes of brevity, I will take on the more important scriptural examples.

Mt.21:38: [Tenants]: Let us kill him [heir] and acquire his inheritance

Lk.4:42: The crowds were preventing (would have restrained) Jesus from leaving Capernaum

Lk.8:15: The seed that fell on rich soil, they are the ones who hear the word, embrace it with a good heart and bearing fruit through perseverance

Lk.14:9: When you are invited, take the lowest place

Punishment of idolaters: Rom.1:18-32

  1. God’s wrath is being revealed against every impiety and wickedness against those who suppress the truth
  2. God’s power, divinity and truth has already been made known to them
  3. They have no excuse; instead they become vain in their reasonings and their minds are darkened
  4. While claiming to be wise, they become fools
  5. They exchange God’s glory for the likeness of mortal man
  6. God handed them over to impurity their lusts and bodily degradation (unnatural human relations)
  7. They exchanged God’s truth for a lie. They worshipped the creature rather than the creator
  8. God handed them over to do what is improper
  9. They also give approval to those who practice these improper relations

Rom.1:18: The wrath of God comes against every impiety and wickedness of those who oppress the truth by their wickedness

1Cor.11:2: Hold fast to the traditions, just as I [Paul] handed on them to you

1Cor.15:2: Hold fast to the word I [Paul] preached to you

Katechon: one who restrains:

  1. The Thessalonians were already aware of the battle between Christ and the Lawless One.
  2. The identity of the restrainer is subject of endless debate
  3. It has been speculated that the restrainer could be Paul, the Holy Spirit, Michael, the Archangel, or the Roman Empire
  4. Some have even claimed that Pope Benedict is the restrainer who held back Pope Francis

Etymology: The Greek verb katecho means to hold (-echo) down (kata-). The Latin verb habere means to have, to hold, and to dwell. The Latin verb requiere means to require and to search for. The Latin verb retinere means to retain, to restrain, and to hold back. The Latin verb tinere means to hold and to possess. The Latin verb possidere means to possess and to hold, The Latin verb detinere means to detain, to hold off, to keep away, to retain, and to keep away. The Latin verb tradere means to hand over and to trade.

Other nomenclature: [German] bewahren, [French] arreter, [French] garder, [French] preserver, [French] barrer, [French] exclamer, [French] glorifier, [French] magnifier


Habit, habitation, requirement, require, retain, tenure, tenant, possible, detain, trader, traitor, beware, arrest, guard, preserve, bar, exclaim, glorify, magnify

Mt.21:38: The Parable of the Tenants alludes to enemies to seek to kill and destroys Jesus’ authority.

Lk.4:42: The crowds’ eagerness for Jesus in Capernaum is contrast with the people in Jesus’ hometown who rejected Him.

Lk. 8:15: The Parable of the Sower illustrates the seed (word of God) which takes root. This person’s faith bears fruit during trials.

Lk.14:9: This pertains to Jesus’ teaching on humility. Those who exalt themselves will be humble. Those who humble themselves will be exalted.

1Cor.11:2: Paul calls upon other to uphold the oral traditions which is handed down to them. What was known as scriptures was referred to the Old Testament. The New Testament cannot had not yet been formulated until many years in the future.

Rom.1:18: Paul is indicting the practices of the non-Jewish culture. There has always been a close association with idolatry and immorality. God’s wrath goes into action in the present moment.

Oral tradition: The early Church began to grow the oral transmission of the faith. The only scriptures in existence were the Old Testament. There was no defined or establish scripture regarding the New Testament. Traditores were those early Christians who willingly handed over their bible to the authorities. Can you say traitor?

Each one of us should remember to learn to be humble in taking the lowest seat.


White House staffers continually need to President Biden in check from making major gaffes or misstatements. Even this press conferences are rarely done. They are happy to send President Biden off to his many vacations.

The matters of abortion continue to occupy the minds of legislators and citizens at the state level.

Our society continues to be taken hold by a culture of death (euthanasia and abortion).

Racism, anti-Semitism, and stupidity continue to take hold of the minds of the many pro-Gaza and pro-Hamas protesters.

It seems that the Vatican is making efforts to remove the coat of arms of Pope Benedict? Why would they do this? Do they view Pope Benedict as an adversary??

Pope Benedict’s statement often had contrasted sharply with Pope Francis’s statements.

Traditiones Custodes, in curtailing the Traditonal Latin Mass, had intentionally undone Pope Benedict’s desire that the TLM and NO mass both remain.

Pope Francis and his inner circle seem to suppress or ignore the truth of regarding the sinful nature of homosexuality and same-sex unions. There is no mention of Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:11).

By not pointing out evil of same-sex unions, many clergy are putting their eternal mortal soul at risk. At the end of the day, the Church’s main task is the saving of souls.

Pope Francis and his inner circle, in their outreach to the LGBTQ community, are seeking to destigmatize and normalize homosexuality.

The intentionally confusing and ambiguous document Fiducia Supplicans intentionally seeks to lay the groundwork for blessing same-sex unions.

Acceptance of homosexuality is almost being perceived like an idol. Many have focused on this idol rather than on God’s teachings.

Pope Francis, already knowing that Cardinal Fernandez has written a hard-core porno theology book, did not hold back in his support for this cardinal. Rather, Pope Francis appoints this sex-obsessed prelate to lead the Vatican’s doctrinal office.

Pope Francis is not holding back in his efforts to remake Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal (in the image of man). This is how you let in worldly values and sin into the Church.

Rather than being a humble pope, Pope Farncis arrogantly claims that the Church (and theology) must change.

Pope Francis, rather than upholding traditional Church teachings, continues to demonize them. Pope criticizes and chastizes traditional (conservative) Catholics as rigid, backward looking, or holding onto ecclesial ideologies.

Pope Francis seeks to reject and destroy the reputation of traditional priests in calling them for their scandal and spiritual worldliness.

Pope Francis’ chaos and confusion has indirectly allowed opponents and adversaries to re-examine, re-discover, and re-appreciate their Catholic faith. Pope Francis’ policies have also created soft martyrs who are standing up to Pope Francis. Examples include Bishop Strickland, Bishop Scheneider, Archbishop Vigano, and other cancelled priests.

[Greek] κατέχω (katechō), [Latin] habere, [Latin] requierere, [Latin] retinere, [Latin] tenere, [Latin] detinere, [Latin] possidere, [Latin] tradere

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