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[Greek] κακῶς (kakōs), [Latin] malus: evil, wicked, bad men, bad things, wickedness, ugly, to do harm: 51 scriptures

Pope Francis’ document Fuducia Supplicans confusingly (and intentionally) introduces the notion of offering blessings to people in irregular (same-sex) relationships. However, blessing of sin is evil and against Church teachings. Not surprisingly, there has become universal opposition against this document. This document also points to the clergy who still have remained silent about this contentious issue.

Background information:

Greek Hellenism: This term means evil, ugly, mean, unskilled, pernicious, doing harm, ill, and to have trouble in store. Sin and sickness are closely related. Sickness is an inner corruption which causes failings.

Old Testament: This term means evil, foolishness, folly, wickedness, idolatry, vanity, confusion, contention, strife, and controversy. Pertaining to moral guilt, Yahweh seeks a contrite heart. There is a transcendent connection between guilt and judgment. The sick man is stamped as a sinner. A conscience which does not recognize sin rebels against this.

Isa.5:20: “Woe to them that call evil good and good evil; that put darkness or light, and light for darkness!”

New Testament: This term means wretched, evil, bad things, to speak wrongly, wickedness, wrong, harm and reckoning the bad.

Being accused of being evil (doing evil): Mt.27:23, Jn.18:23, Acts 23:9

  1. [Pilate]: What evil has He done?
  2. [Jesus]: If I have spoken rightly, why did you strike Me?
  3. We find nothing wrong with this man [Paul].

Evil comes from within: Mk.7:21, Rom.7:19, Jas.1:13,  3Jn.1:11, Col.3:5

  1. From within people, from the heart, come evil thoughts.
  2. [Paul]: I do not do the good I want, but I do the evil I do want.
  3. No one should say, ‘I am being tempted by God’; for He tempts no one.
  4. Do not imitate evil but imitate good. Whoever does what is good is of God; who does what is evil has never seen God.
  5. Put to death the parts of you that are earthly: immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, greed, idolatry.

Receiving judgment from the Lord: 2Cor.5:10, 2Tim.4:14, Rom.2:9

  1. We all must appear before the judgment seat, so that each one may receive recompense, according to what one did, whether good or bad.
  2. The Lord will repay Alexander according to his deeds.
  3. Affliction and distress will come upon every human being who does evil.

Being aware of evil and evil-doers: Acts 9:13, Rom.1:30, Rom.16:19, 1Cor.15:33

  1. I have heard what evil things Saul has done to your holy ones in Jerusalem.
  2. They are ingenious in their wickedness.
  3. [Against those factions] I want you to be wise as to what is good and simple as to what is evil.
  4. Do not be led astray. Bad company corrupts good morals.

Those who live in the flesh: Rom.8-5-13

  1. Are only concerned with the things of the flesh.
  2. The concern of the flesh is death.
  3. The concern of the flesh is hostility toward God.
  4. The concern of the flesh does not submit to the law of God.
  5. Those who do not have the Spirit of Christ do not belong to Him.

Evil in the Church: Satan (the serpent) has been exerting its influence since the Garden of Eden. The serpent tempted and confused Adam and Eve to disobey God, leading them to their fall. Satan also tempted Peter to defy and impede Jesus. Satan’s evil influence now continues to show itself in the Church today in subtle, confusing, and misleading ways. It is naïve to say otherwise in light of what is happening is currently happening in the Church.

What is the mission of Jesus’ Church?

  1. To make us perfect (Mt.5:48). To shape us in His image.
  2. To call us to penance, sacrifice, and hardship.
  3. All that matters is what Jesus wants. Our wants are irrelevant.

What is Pope Francis and his inner circle are trying to accomplish?

  1. To remake Jesus’ Church into worldly synodal Church in the image of man.
  2. To fail to understand Jesus’ mission for the Church.
  3. To have a blindness (confusion) to the consequence of sin.
  4. To have an acceptance and tolerance to sin and evil.

Quotes about Fudicia Supplicans:

Bergoglio’s ‘blessings’ for homosexual couples show he is a servant of Satan.” Archbishop Vigano

“Blessings for gay couples are blasphemous.” Cardinal Muller

“We conclude that such blessing are pastorally and practically inadmissible.” British Confraternity of Clergy

“I think the blessings of such unions would in fact, lead to confusion and scandal among the faithful.” Msgr. Charles Pope

“Blessings would confuse the faithful over the actual theology of marriage and human sexuality.” British Association of Priests

“A sinful practice and union cannot be blessed.” Bishop Eleganti

Pressure for homosexual relationships to be recognized as a different form of family, which are also entitled to the right to adopt is a ‘violation of God’s law’ and an ‘ideology of evil seeking to use human rights and humanity against the family.’” Pope John Paul II

Why is Fiducia Supplicans evil?

One must expand the notion of blessing: From a Modernist perspective, traditional blessings and general blessings are too limiting for people. Therefore, one must have a blessing for people in “irregular” relationships. (Evidently, Catholic moral teachings must need not apply to the LGBTQ community.)

This blessing applies to the persons, not the relationship. (This document seeks to affirm individuals in a same-sex union but not the same-sex union itself??? This will only seek to create confusion as to the Church’s position on same-sex marriage. Some will perceive this is an affirmation of their irregular relationship).

Irregular relationship must not be called immoral relationships. (The term irregular must be used to be potentially be able to obtain benefits. This is just another example of ‘verbal gymnastics in terminology.)

One must extol mercy above all else for these people. (The Vatican evidently refuses or ignores Jesus’s teaching to sin no more [Jn.8:11]. This would undermine the Vatican’s outreach to the LGBT community. However, this failure to state the Church’s teachings against homosexuality does a great disservice to many peoples’ eternal moral state for failing to recognize grave sin. This is evil!)

The Church’s teachings on marriage has not changed. Therefore this blessing will not affirm an alternate  marriage relationship. (However, this blessing actually undermines the Church’s teaching on homosexuality and same sex marriages.)

This blessing will create confusion contributing to the Church’s tacit approval of same-sex unions. (Bishops and priests, as representatives of the Church, must not present themselves endorsing or tacitly endorsing same sex marriage.)

Bishops and priests will be forced to give blessings against their faith beliefs. (Bishops and priests may be often forced by their superiors to act against the Church teaching and their own personal beliefs.)

Individuals in same sex unions will perceive this blessing as tacit affirmation of their relationship. (Individuals do not act in nuanced ways. These individuals will perceive that these blessings will become the Church’s affirmation of their same-sex relationship. It seems that this document was intentionally written to create this scenario.)

Liturgy and personal behavior must be separated. (Evidently, Catholic moral principles need not apply to the LGBTQ community. This is evil. This is another Modernist human invention and novelty.

Pope Francis Modernist agenda: Pope Francis seeks to push his Modernist in piece-meal fashion. (One must first create a category of blessings for persons in same sex unions. This must be the first step in the Church eventually recognizing same-sex relationships a genuine family arrangement. This appears to be Pope Francis modus opperandi: to first appear moderate in his efforts to seek his objectives.)


Malevolent, malevolence


Pope Francis’ modus opperandi (method of doing something): In his desire to move to a certain position, Pope Francis will “slow-walk” this process in order to be seen as taking a moderate position by comparison. Then Pope Francis will take another small step in arriving to that position.

Same-sex blessings

  1. Pope Francis criticizes the German Catholic Church (bishops) for blessing same-sex unions.
  2. In his criticism of the German bishops, Pope Francis appears as moderate in comparison to them. The German bishops “have gone too far!”
  3. Pope Francis’ document Fiducia Supplicans creates a new category of liturgical blessings to same-sex unions but claims that the Church’s views on marriage have not changed.
  4. Fiducia Supplicans intentionally creates confusion, opening the door to some thinking that the Church recognizes same-sex unions.
  5. The Vatican intentionally does not mention the need for forgiveness and conversion in leaving this lifestyle and union.
  6. This will further open the door in many thinking that same-sex unions can be accepted as a recognized marriage relationship.
  7. Then blessings would be later allowed for same-sex unions. This will be the inevitable next step in this process.

Traditional Latin Mass (TLM):

  1. Pope Francis, in his Modernist thinking concludes that the Tradition Latin Mass must be restricted.
  2. Pope Francis claims that the Church must change into a new synodal Church.
  3. Pope Francis Traditiones Custodes requires the Vatican’s or the bishop approval to celebrate the TLM.
  4. Further restrictions will occur, making it more difficult to celebrate this mass.
  5. The TLM will inevitably be forbidden and non-existent

Allowing non-Catholic celebrations in Catholic cathedrals:

  1. Vatican officials: “It was just an over-sight or poor communication as to why this happened.”
  2. At a later time, the Vatican is now allowing a non-Catholic (Anglican) service in the cathedrals.

Cardinal Fernandez has written books on kissing and hard-core porn theology. Pope Francis, already knowing this, still appoints him as Vatican doctrinal chief. Evidently, Pope Francis sees no problem with this!

The Vatican has just permitted another Anglican service in a cathedral in Rome. Pope Francis continues to engage in false ecumenism.

Recent pontiffs have continually engaged in actions contrary to Pope Leo XIII’s encyclical Ubi Primum which states that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church.” Pope is actually going against Pope Leo’s XIII’s teachings. Are you surprised?

After criticizing the German bishops for going too far in blessing same-sex unions, Fiducia Supplicans is now opening the door to blessing same sex unions! This is evil!

Father James Martin, part of Pope Francis’ inner circle, is now excitedly blessing same-sex couples! This evil is already occurring under Pope Francis’s papacy!

Through some crack the smoke of Satan has entered into the Church of God.” Pope Paul VI

What is this smoke?  Liturgical chaos and confusion. (This is Satan’s modus operandi against the Church!)

[Greek] κακῶς (kakōs), [Latin] malus

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