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[Greek] τυφόομαι (typhoomai), [Latin] superbia, ]Latin] voluptas: to be conceited, to be foolish, to inflate with self-conceit, to be lifted with pride, to be proud, to be “puffed up”, to be high-minded, to “wrap in smoke”, to be “clouded with smoke”, to give off smoke; 1Tim. 3:6, 1Tim.6:4, 2Tim.3:4

“Through some crack the smoke of Satan has entered into the Church of God.” (A quote by Pope Paul VI)  The smoke of Satan is the LITURGICAL CHAOS that followed from Vatican II. This information was revealed by Cardinal Noe in an interview.

Background Information:

Greek Hellenism: This term means to delude, to be crazy, demented, vain, and arrogance

Plato’s Greater Hippias 290: “You lunatic, do you think Phedias is a bad craftsman!”

Demosthenes’ Against Timocrates 24.158: “You talk like a fool.”

Related term: [Greek] Typhlos, [Latin] caecus, [German] blind

Old Testament: Pride, taken too far, can become a hindrance in our relationship with God. The negative sense of pride predominates in the Old Testament. This prideful behavior may result in inflating our self-image, in diminishing our humbleness, in ruining our relationship with God, and leading to brokenness. God favors the lowly and humble.

New Testament: This term takes on a negative sense of being conceited, extremely proud, and being foolish. The proper candidate for bishop must not have a spiritually immature faith. This lack of faith may lead one to be subject to the conceit of power or the conceit of the devil. Those who teach things opposed to Jesus’ words show conceit. In the last days, the self-centered people will express qualities such as conceit.


“He should not be a recent convert, so that he may not become conceited and thus incur the devil’s punishment.” 1Tim.3:6

Recent convert (novice): This person is one who is lacking in faithfulness, experience, testing, resistance to struggles, and temptations. This does not refer to one who is “young in years”, but rather to one who is “young in faith”.

Becoming conceited: This person is “puffed up” in one’s own pride, arrogance, and in worldly ways.

Being influenced by the devil: This person is more concerned about worldly (human) concerns, rather than heavenly concerns. This person is unfaithful, lacking in faith, and more susceptible to the blatant or more subtle influences of the world and the devil. This person is more open to changing doctrine and Church teachings to suit man.

“Whoever teaches something different and does not agree with the sound words of Lord Jesus Christ and the religious teaching is conceited, understanding nothing, and has a morbid disposition for arguments and verbal disputes.” 1Tim.6:3-4

Paul warns Timothy of those who give false teachings. False teachers can be discerned by their pride, envy, quarrelsomeness, and greed for material gain. Paul is concerned about the preservation of the purity of the Church’s doctrine against false teachings.

The true meaning of the smoke of Satan:

Who was Cardinal Noe? This cardinal was a long-time master of ceremonies for papal ceremonies for Pope Paul VI. Cardinal Noe was a full supporter of the changes implemented in Vatican II. Cardinal Noe revealed this information in an interview.

What has been the consequences from the smoke of Satan? Doubt, lack of trust, secular sciences, uncertainty, problems, unrest, dissatisfaction, and confrontation have entered into the Church

What was the hope (purpose) of Vatican II? TO OPEN THE CHURCH TO THE WORLD. To let some “fresh air in”. It was naively hoped that sunny and wonderful days would come for the Church. Instead, clouds of darkness entered into the Church.

What is the smoke of Satan? Pope Paul VI spoke of those priests, possessed of the vainglory and pride of the Evil One, who turned the Holy Mass into dry straw in the name of creativity. This problem was the mentality (human thinking) which wanted to distort the traditional canons of the Eucharistic ceremony.

What did Paul VI conclude? The smoke of Satan was the liturgical chaos that came after Vatican II.

What does this ultimately call back to? Jesus points out that Peter becomes an obstacle to Him. At this point, Peter was being “inspired” by Satan to oppose and obstruct Jesus’ mission. Jesus said to Peter, “Get behind Me, You are an obstacle to Me. You are thinking not as God does, but as humans do.” Mt.16:23

Synod of Synodalities:

A LifeSite reporter asked Cardinal Lacroix if there is a promise or commitment to adhere to Catholic teachings during their discussions. The cardinal responded saying, “The object of the synod is not to address doctrinal aspects, but to look at our attitudes and way of discerning, to learn to journey together….This is not a doctrinal synod”  (Another human invention!)

Typhoon: Like a hurricane, a typhoon is a well-developed circular weather pattern. These storms are characterized by low pressure, high humidity, heavy winds, and hot air.


Typhoon, superb, voluptuous, blind, caecum

An arrogant and conceited person is like a typhoon, filled up with hot air and high-winded. Sometimes we encounter people who are “full of hot air” or “puffed up“. You know them. They talk a lot and say nothing. They may also be proud and full of themselves. Yet, sometimes we ourselves can be “wrapped up in our smoke” that we can’t see what we are doing.

2Tim.3:4: In the last day there will be moral depravity and false teaching. There will be lovers of money, pride, disobedience, pleasure, pretense of religion but denying its power, opposing truth, and foolishness.

One cannot and should not be surprised that being “puffed up” and being blind can both be related.

Update: It is important to note that maturity of faith is more important than maturity of age.

We now have Pope Francis and his inner circle seeking to redefine and remake Jesus’ Church into a synodal Church asking what the world wants!

Pope Francis is unilaterally claiming that the theology of the Church has changed. The Traditional Latin Mass must be discontinued.

We now have a pope who claims that doctrine and theology is rigid and repressive. If you prefer tradition, then you must have a “nostalgic disease”.

Pope Francis and his inner circle, under the guise of “accompanying”, “listening”, and “inclusion”, have welcomed worldly values, diluted teachings, sin and ignorance of sin, de-stigmatizing and rationalizing homosexuality.

Pope Francis’ synodal process deviously introduces sin (“Who am I to judge?”) into the Church. This sounds like a tactic that Satan would approve!

The Modernists and Satan are actually achieving the same goals for Jesus’ Church: to upend, to redefine, and to remake the Church into man’s image. Let that sink in!

Perhaps Pope Francis’ “greatest” human invention” is to turn Jesus’ Church into a synodal Church.

Our current post-Christian secular society is filled with moral depravity: abortion, sacrilege, euthanasia, terrorism, hatred, cancel culture, etc.

We now have Christian pastors who have mansions and enormous wealth, preaching the “wealth and prosperity gospel”.

We now have Catholic and Christian clergy who often remain silent when scandals occur. This behavior is also scandalous. They either do not speak out, must think it is OK, or make a pretense of their faith. Such examples include abortion, sacrilege, honoring scandalous “sisters”, LGBTQ agenda, gender ideology, transgenderism, and gay marriage.

The proponents of the Synod are essentially seeking to know what the culture wants and to change Church teachings for them accordingly. They are seeking to remake Jesus’ Church into the image of man!

Vatican II, perhaps having the best of intentions, ultimately created a pastoral (and spiritual) disaster for the Church!

“I want to tell you something. What is it that I expect as a consequence of World Youth Day? I want a mess. We knew that in Rio there would be great disorder, but I want trouble in the dioceses!” Pope Francis

Quite prophetic words. Perhaps the most accurate description of Pope Francis’ chaotic papacy!

Pope Francis and his fellow Modernists have been essentially doubling-down on the efforts (and results) of Vatican II. And so it is really not surprising that Pope Francis’ papacy has created even MORE LITURGICAL CHAOS in the Church. (“You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do.” Mt.16:23)

What does all this say about Pope Francis’ papacy? You will have to draw your own conclusions. What do you think?

“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.” Charles Baudelaire

“The devil is capable of confusing the most brilliant mind.” St. Padre Pio

[Greek] τυφόομαι (typhoomai), [Latin] superbia, [Latin] voluptas

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