I wanted to take this opportunity to explore the basic methods that we can view scripture. These two methods are called exegesis and eisegesis. These two terms provide differing approaches to understanding scripture.
Exegesis comes from the Greek word exago, means to lead out or bring out. This method seeks to understand the original intent of the writers of scripture. Several factors are taken in consideration in this study. There are several exegetical critical methods in use today. Some of these many factors are: history, culture, syntax, word usage, literary uses, religion, society, typology, etc.
On the other hand, eisegesis comes the Greek word. eisago, which means lead into, or bring in. We are all familiar with this method. This is where we interpret scripture based on what we think it is. In this method, be bring in our opinions, biases, and “spin” into the equation. This method can become potentially problematic when multiple interpretations of the same scripture passage may result. However, in spite of this, I think God will still be happy that we are looking at scripture at all.
So, in the future I will be examining scripture passages and key Greek words in an exegetical manner. Essentially, I will expand of what I have been previously doing on Twitter. I will look at the original intent of scripture and find modern day words that are derived from Greek, Latin, and other languages. I try to make this fun and interesting. I like to call this “stealth catechesis”.