[Greek] κλείω (kleiō), [Latin] claudare, [Latin] clausa: to shut, to close, to shut up, to shut up compassion, to block the entrance, to have no pity, to lock; Mt.23:13, Mt.25:10, Lk.4:25, Lk.11:7,Jn.20:19, Act.5:23, Act.21:30, Rev.3:7, Rev.11:6, Rev.20:3, Rev.21:25

Background Information:
Old Testament: This term takes on the sense of shutting or closing. In Gen.7:16, Noah was making preparations to place his family and animals into the ark. The Lord had shut Noah in the ark. This term also is associated with its related noun form kleis (key). Interestingly, this is what a key precisely does: to control access (close or shut). Therefore, the holder of the keys had substantial authority.
Eliakim: Isa.22:15,19-24:
- Eliakim, the prime minister for King David, managed and controlled access to the palace.
- Eliakim was responsible for executing the will of King David.
- Eliakim held the keys (authority of the master of the palace).
- Provisions are made for a successor in the event of the death of this gate keeper.
- Eliakim becomes a precursor to Peter as a holder of the keys of authority.
- Peter also essentially becomes a prime minister to Jesus.
- Provisions are also made to provide for the popes (successors to Peter).
New Testament: This term means to close, to lock, to close off (refuse). For purposes of brevity, I will exclude scriptural examples of closed doors and closing doors.
Mt.6:6:”When you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret
Mt.25:10: “While they [virgins] went off to buy it (oil), the bridegroom came and those who were ready went to wedding feast. Then the door was locked
Scribes and Pharisees lock the kingdom of heaven before human beings: Mt.23:13
- Woe to you: scribes and Pharisees: a prophetic warning against the horrors and punishment for sin
- The scribes and Pharisees are hypocrites in their actions and speech. They seek to embellish their reputation
- By their authority they have the key (control) of knowledge of heaven
- They are restricting access (entrance) into heaven
- They shut up access by teaching false doctrines, human traditions, and restricting the truth of Jesus
- The scribes and Pharisees do not themselves through this entrance.
Love for one another: 1Jn.3:11-18
- We should love one another.
- Cain, whose works were evil, belonged to the evil one.
- Do not be amazed if the world hates you.
- Whoever does not love remains in death.
- Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer.
- You know that a murderer has no eternal life remaining in him.
- As Jesus did for us, we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.
- If one who has worldly means sees a brother and refuses (closes off) him compassion, how can God’s love remain in him?
- Let us love in deed and truth and not in word and speech.
Why is everyone who hates his brother a murderer?
- One who has within his heart has the spirit of the murderer leading the destruction of others.
- God will hold one responsible as God will judge people for what is “in their hearts”.
- God regard the inward disposition as to the tantamount act which would flow from it.
- This “murderous spirit” contrasts with one laying down one’s life for the good of others.
- Whoever hates his brother can potentially “murder” others’ souls and even “murder” one’s own soul.
- Moral life: the intention and outward act is primary consequence.
- Jn.8:44: The devil was a murderer from the beginning.
“If you excuse yourself in confession, you shut up sin within your soul, and shut out pardon.” St. Augustine
“You will never enjoy the sweetness of a quiet prayer unless you shut your mind to all worldly desires and temporal affairs.” St. Norbert
“What is reprehensible is that while leading good lives themselves and abhorring those of wicked men, fearing to offend, shut their eyes to evil deeds instead of condemning them and pointing out their malice.” St. Augustine
Keys, conclude, exclude, include, clause
Old Testament: Isa.22:15-19-24 provides the Catholic basis for Peter as the first prime minister for Jesus and first pope. Provisions were made for Peter’s successors.
I think many of us just take for granted what keys do: to control access to something. Keys open and shut (close) things. Keys are instruments of authority.
Mt.6:6: Besides being good advice, praying in secret provides for a more intimate relationship with the Father.
Mt.25:10: One must be prepared and ready to be able into the kingdom. Otherwise, the door will be shut.