[Greek] μεταμορφόω (metamorphoō), [Latin] transfigure, [Latin] transformare, [Latin] reformatio, [French] metamorphoser: to transform, to be transfigured, to change, to transform the essential nature of something, to change form; Mt.17:2, Mk.9:2, Rom.12:2, 2Cor.3:18

Background Information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to change into another form, to have an outward change in appearance, and to change into something different.
Transfiguration (Hellenistic perspective): There exists a large number of myths and sagas where gods (spirits) can transform themselves and exert their powers on others. This has produced a whole literary genre. This process may sometimes produce an outward change in appearance. The dominant theme is that the gods draw near to man and change themselves to earthly beings.
Histories 4.81.5: “We may well believe that when the hunter Acteon had been changed into the form of one of the animals (by the goddess) which he wont to hunt.” In some situations, this produces a personal (spiritual) transformation or new insight.
Seneca’s Letter 6: The Sharing of Knowledge: “I am being not only reformed, but transformed… No good thing is pleased to possess without friends to share it. It is better to a friend to others.”
Transfiguration (Jewish perspective): This phenomena is the anticipation and guarantee of the eschatological reality. This process has nothing to do with metamorphosis in the Hellenistic sense. In the Jewish apocalyptic vision, a miraculous change of form is one of the gifts of eschatological salvation.
New Testament: This term refers to Jesus’ transfigured body and to the changed disposition (attitude) of the Christian who sees the glory of Jesus. The transfiguration of Jesus follows the Jewish apocalyptic and eschatological sense. The human appearance of Jesus is changed into that of a heavenly being. Paul makes reference to the Christian who has been granted the free vision to see the heavenly glory of the Lord. It is the Lord Himself with the Holy Spirit who brings about this change. This process allows the Christian to conform himself to Christ, rather than conforming to the present age. Paul states that this transformation is an invisible process in the Christian which takes place, or begins to take in the course of one’s life. Man cannot bring about this change by his own activity; it is caused by Christ in Christians.
“And He was transfigured before them; His face shone like the sun and His clothes became white as light.” Mt. 17:2
The Jews see the transfigured Jesus as manifestation of Jewish eschatology.
“Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.” Rom.12:2
Paul makes reference of being transformed in being conformed to see the glory of Jesus. This new vision is made possible through the Holy Spirit in Christ. Paul warns against conforming to the present age. Rather, the gospel invites believers to present their bodies as living sacrifices.
“All of us, gazing with unveiled face on the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, as from the Lord who is the Spirit.” 2Cor.3:18
Christians with unveiled faces are like the Israelites (Moses), standing in God’s presence, beholding and reflecting His glory. Paul speaks of transformation, being conformed to Jesus, God’s image. The life giving Spirit is already present in the community.
Vatican II: Although perhaps well intended, the Church attempted to adapt itself (making itself “relevant”) to the culture. However the results (“fruits”) have become a spiritual disaster: liturgical abuses, declining Catholic membership and attendance, Catholics leaving the Church, declining vocations, modern church practices, churches closing, poor catechesis, etc. This has resulted in people being less engaged in the Church. (This in fact has unfortunately made the Church less relevant! Just the opposite.)
Pope Francis’ papacy: Rather than acknowledging Vatican II’s failures, Pope Francis and his inner circle are actually doubling down on the “spirit” of Vatican II. As a result, Pope Francis is transforming the Church in to a synodal Church. As a result, Pope Francis and his inner circle has brought confusion, inappropriate ecumenism, liturgical abuse, marginalizing traditional Catholics, restricting the Traditional Latin Mass, incorporating paganism (Panchamama idol) in Masses, changing Church teachings (on homosexuality), becoming “inclusive” (disregarding or ignoring sinful behavior), doctrinal creep, heretical decisions, watering down Church teachings, issuing controversial papal decrees, etc.
The German synod: The German cardinals, bishops, and priests are literally doctrinally going off the rails in Germany. Pope Francis criticizes them not for their doctrinal heresy, but for them going too fast in their plans. Pope Francis wants to eventually slow walk this process for the whole Church. As a result, Catholics in Germany are leaving the Church on a massive scale.
World Youth Day: Pope John Paul II created World Youth Day as a platform for the youth to have conversion to Christ and to evangelize others. In recent years, World Youth day has been just a platform for just encountering and fraternity. Cardinal Carlos Aguiar, leader of World Youth Day 2023, stated, “We don’t want to convert the young people to Christ or the Catholic Church or anything like that at all.” One wonders if the youths can be transformed by watered down theology.
Feast of the Transfiguration: Aug 6
Metamorphosis, transfigure, transfiguration, reformation, reformat, transformation, transform
I suppose it would have been inevitable in the Greco-Roman world, that myths, sagas, morality plays would be created about the transformations between the gods and men. Stoicism is a secular philosophy of seeking virtue, personal ethics, self-control, and fortitude. Interestingly, Christianity shares some of these same principles and values. Seneca experiences his own personal moral transformation. Likewise, it can be said that a Christian is also called to help others and to share his faith.
It was interesting to learn about the Hellenistic and Jewish perspectives on transfiguration (transformation). This Jewish perspective helps to shed some background and understanding on the Transfiguration of Jesus. Paul warns each of us to not be conformed to the present age. Many in this culture have lost sight of our bodies being living sacrifices. Rather, the unborn are being sacrificed on the altar of convenience (rights). This has become like a pagan sacrifice offered to the gods for convenience and success.
In heavenly visions, the clothing of images of God typically appear snow bright
Update: Pope Francis wanted to create a mess in his papacy. In his efforts to make the Church more “relevant”, Pope Francis has created much controversy and chaos. He certainly has received his wish.
Catholics and Christians who uphold and defend traditional teachings are often being called hateful and extreme. These critics are conforming to the present age.
Many career politicians (from both parties) have transformed themselves into long-lasting political swamp creatures.
Many Catholics and Christians, beholden to the culture, has ignored traditional teachings.
Catholics can gaze at Jesus in the Eucharistic tabernacle at their local church.
Many Church leaders, in their “inclusive” outreach the LGBTQ community, often ignore, overlook, or reject stated Church teachings on homosexuality.
Cardinal Hollerich said it is time for a fundamental change on teachings of the Church on homosexuality.
Some have said that there is turmoil in the College of Cardinals. Change must be needed to put the Church in order for it to remain Catholic.
Pope Francis and his inner circle continue to be vague, confusing, and contradictory on stating Church teachings that one cannot change one’s sex.
The Mexican priests are calling for to introducing Mayan dance rituals into the Mass. Pope Francis is evidently open to this idea!
How we can we become transformed when we do not recognize sin?
How can we become transformed to God’s will if we are conformed to the present age?
In this synodal path, Pope Francis and inner circle seek to transform the Church by appointing those favorable to their agenda. (Sounds like a pre-determined outcome.)
Pope Francis has transformed the Church by dismissing and minimizing traditional teachings.
A great many people are theologically starving and thirsting for authentic Church teachings. People are leaving the Church in droves!
“We do not want a church that will move with the world. We want a church that will move the world.” GK Chesterton