[Greek] γεννάω (gennaō): to generate, to begot, to be begotten, to bring forth, to bring into being, to give birth to, to be born, to father; Mt.1:2-20, Mt.2:1,4, Mt.19:12, Mt.26:24, Mk.14:21, Lk.1:13,35,57, Lk.23:29, Jn.1:13, Jn.3:3-8, Jn.8:41, Jn.9:2,19-20, Jn.9:32,34, Jn.16:21, Jn.18:37, Acts 2:8, Acts 7:8,20,29, Acts 13:33, Acts 22:3,28, Rom.9:11, 1Cor.4:15, Gal.4:23-24,29, 2Tim.2:23, Phm. 1:10, Heb.1:5, Heb.5:5, Heb.11:12, 2Pet.2:12, 1Jn.2:29, 1Jn.3:9, 1Jn.4:7, 1Jn.5:1,4,18

Elijah Taken Up in a Chariot of Fire: painting by Giuseppe Angeli (1709-1798)
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term, used literally and metaphorically, can mean to beget, to bring forth, to spring up, to create, and to produce. The ancient Greeks had a form of adoption, which imitated birth, inferred legal position. Plato’s Symposium 209d states “While Solon is highly esteemed among you for begetting his laws…the manifold virtues the Greek begat. In their name has many a shrine have been reared.” Plato’s Republic 496a states “Of what sort will probably be the offspring of such parents? What sort of ideas and opinions shall be say they beget?….sophism and nothing that is genuine or that partakes of true intelligence.”
Old Testament:
Begetting in the master/disciple relationship: It was customary for the master to call his pupil (student) as “my son”. This attitude illustrated the warmth of the master toward his student and the reverence of the student towards his master. Sanhedrin 19b states “When a man teaches the son of another the Torah, the Scripture treats him as if the man has begotten him.” The more significant the achievement of the master and his relationship to the disciple, the more he is compared to as a father.
New birth (creation) through conversion: The proselyte, a Gentile, who begins his conversion to Judaism, is like a child just born. The proselyte is literally a new born child, having no parents or brethren since his previous life no longer exists. The proselyte does not become a true adult until his conversion to Judaism. The Jew, who wins another to his faith, fulfills the command to be fruitful and multiply. The winning of the proselyte can be compared to the creative work of God. This term is rarely used in reference to God. However, the king and wisdom are begotten to God. This generation is no more than institution to the son as heir. I will proclaim the decree of the Lord, who said to me, ‘You are my Son; today I am your Father’(Psa.2:7). In holy splendor before the daystar, like the dew I begot you (Psa.109:3). Before the mountains were settled into place, before the hills, I (Wisdom) was brought forth (Prov.8:25). When Elisha saw it happened he cried out, ‘My father, my father’ (2Kgs.2:12). The Lord begot me, the first-born of His ways (Prov.8:22).
New Testament: In John this term is always used in reference to the origin, Jesus being begotten by God. John emphasizes the ethical and religious consequences of His birth. By believing in and following Him, others can participate in this divine generation (on a lower level). Believers can participate in the Spirit and share in the divine life. 1Jn makes multiple references to those who believe, love and act in righteousness are begotten of God. Paul also assumes the role of master, becoming a father for his congregations. Paul begets through the gospel through public preaching. Paul begets communities, rather than individuals.
“And the angel said to her in reply, ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore the child to be born will be called holy, Son of God.’” Lk.1:35
Through the Holy Spirt, Mary will literally bear Jesus, the Son of God.
“Even if you should have countless guides to Christ, yet you do not have many fathers, for I became your father in Christ through the gospel.” 1Cor.4:15
Paul becomes a spiritual father to his congregation. Paul begets through the gospel. Paul also educates them.
“If you consider that He is righteous, you also know that everyone who acts in righteousness is begotten by Him.”
John claims that others can share in this divine life.
Generate, generation
Throughout any time in history, adoption was a means to continue the family position (authority). Plato makes metaphorical references of begetting ideas, laws, and opinions.
The Old Testament develops the important master/disciple relationship in which the master becomes like a father to the pupil. The master becomes like a spiritual father. As Elijah was taken up into heaven, Elisha cries out, “My father!”. The follower can be a son or a proselyte. It is interesting to note that these actions are related to the Jewish notion of being fruitful and multiplying.
This notion of spiritual begetting provides insight in how Paul becomes a spiritual father to this congregations. John introduces the idea that one can share in this divine generation in being begotten by God. This also provides some context in understanding that one becomes a new creation through baptism. One begins a new life in Christ.
It seem that this term generated and brought forth many insights about begetting and being begotten.