[Greek] συμμαρτυρέω (symmartyreō), [Latin] testificare, [Latin] reddere testimonium, [Latin] perhibere, [French] restituer, [French] demontrer: to bear witness with, to confirm something as one witness (along with others), to agree with, to agree with what was stated; Rom.2:15, Rom.8:16, Rom.9:1, Rev.22:18

The Martyrdom of Polycarp: painting by Niccoli Circignani (1583). Persecution may potentially produce two kinds of martyrs. A red martyr is one sheds his blood for his faith. A white martyr is one who does not shed blood for his faith.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to bear witness, to attest to, and to confirm. There may or may not be any distinctions between agreeing with and confirming something someone said.
Sophocles’ Philoctetes 438 : “I will attest to that, and with that very truth in mind, I will ask you, how fares a man of little worth, but sharp of tongue and clever.” Plato’s Greater Hippias 282b states “I can bear witness that you speak the truth, and that your art has really progressed in the ability to carry on public together with private affairs.”
Xenophon’s Hellenica 3.3.2: “And time also, which is said to be the true witness, gave testimony that the god was right; for you were born in the tenth month.”
Isocrates’ Panegyricus 4.31: “The oracle of Apollo speaks, with authority, many of the Hellenes are agreed, and the words spoken long ago confirm the practice of today.”
New Testament: This term, not found in the Old Testament, means to testify in support, to confirm, and to witness along with others. Conscience confirms the Gentiles’ conduct. Although the Gentles were not subject to the Law, the Gentiles were allowed by God to know the difference between right and wrong. Paul’s conscience is guided by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit bears witness that Christians, as sons of God, can call upon God as Father.
“They show that the demands of the law are written in their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even defend them.” Rom. 2:15
The Jews cannot demand that the Gentiles adhere to the Mosaic law. The Gentiles were not bound by the Law. God gave the Gentiles the means to know the difference between right and wrong.
“The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if only we suffer with Him so that we may be also glorified with Him.” Rom.8:16-17
Christians are adopted children and heirs of God. Christians are joint heirs with Christ. We are joint heirs wbith Christ if we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him.
St. Ignatius (35-107 AD): Ignatius, a disciple of the Apostle John, was the bishop of Antioch. Ignatius was encouraging Polycarp to lead his followers and to remain firm in the face of adversity, persecution, and even martyrdom. Ignatius was later martyred in the Colosseum.
“Bear the maladies of all as a perfect athlete. Where there is more toil, there is much gain.” Ignatius’ Letter to Polycarp
Types of martyrs:
- Red martyrs: These are witnesses giving up one’s physical life, bearing witness unto death. Red is associated with the shedding of blood.
- White martyrs: These are witnesses being persecuted for their faith, but never shedding any blood. It consists of living a life boldly for Christ.
Etymology: The Greek verb martyreo means to witness. The Greek prefix sym- means with or along with. The Latin verb reddere means to return, to restore, and to render. The Latin verb perhibere means to to hold out (display), bestow, to present, and to name. Prohibit means to hold back. Inhibit means to hold in. Exhibit means to hold out.
Martyr, martyrdom, testify, render, restitution, prohibit, exhibit, inhibit, demonstrate, demonstration
It was interesting to note that this term can apply to both agreeing with someone and confirming what someone said (regardless of their belief system). Perhaps it is not also surprising that time and the gods are used to provide witness (testimony). However, there is no emphasis on divine revelation.
In the New Testament, this term requires multiple witnesses and divine inspiration. The Holy Spirit (and God) provide guidance for one’s conscience. God gives the Gentile the abilities to determine right from wrong.
It is important to note that both Ignatius had a direct connection (disciples) to the Apostle John. Ignatius also confirms Paul’s notion that the Christian is like an athlete who runs the Christian race (life).
We all have to be reminded that, as children of God, some of us may have to endure trials or suffer on Jesus’ behalf (just like Bishop Strickland).
Update: Bishop Strickland (of Tyler, Texas) has now been forcibly removed from his position by Pope Francis (and the Vatican). Bishop Strickland has had the audacity to uphold traditional Catholic teachings and to criticize Pope Francis when needed. Pope Francis has just made Bishop Strickland a white martyr!
It remains to be seen about whether cardinals, bishops, and priests will show support for Bishop Strickland. Many may not speak out or will just remain quiet for fear of reprisals from their superiors.
It is as if Pope Francis (and the Vatican) views Bishop Strickland more so as a disobedient district manger not following the Modernist policies of “Vatican Inc.”
Perhaps it was not surprising that Bishop Strickland was the only Catholic bishop protesting the honoring of the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” at the LA Dodgers’ stadium. This begs the question: why were there no other Catholic bishops there? Were they fearful of offending the powerful LGBTQ lobby? Is it also because the Vatican was already engaging in a massive outreach campaign to the LGBTQ community?
It also bears repeating that while Pope Francis has removed Bishop Strickland, he has allowed fellow Jesuit Fr. Rupnik, accused of committing sexual crimes against nuns, to remain in ministry.
Pope Francis efforts and actions have produced much opposition and animosity from the American bishops. Removing Bishop Strickland for upholding traditional Catholic teachings and for not blindly following the Modernists is adding to this animosity. This is not a good look for Pope Francis.
Bishop Strickland has become next cancelled Bishop in opposition to the Vatican.
We all have already witnessed the German Cardinals, bishops, and priests doctrinally going over the rails into heresy and schism.
We are all witnessing that Pope Francis and his Modernist allies remaking Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church into the image of man!
Coalitions for cancelled are priests are now in existence. Archbishop Vigano is also providing support for such organizations.
We are all witnessing a further and further schism between conservative (traditional) Catholics and Modernist Catholics.
We are all witnessing and are rightfully alarmed that Pope Francis and his inner circle are continuing to doctrinally “push the envelope” (surpass normal limits) in Church teachings and doctrine. The latest examples are transgender baptism and transgender godparents!
My personal opinion: Pope Francis and his inner circle continue in their efforts to remake Jesus’ Church into the image of man. At some point, there will come a time when many will say: “They have gone too far!” They will clearly see the damage done by the Modernists. There will be a great public backlash from many to steer the Church back toward Tradition to the way that Jesus’ intended!
We are witnessing the continued anti-Semitism in these protests all over the world.
We are also witnessing many naive and clueless people being involved with pro-Hamas/Palestine protests, oblivious to the Hamas atrocities committed, not knowing the difference between right and wrong. Are they only thinking that it is cool to protest? In contrast, Israel supporters know exactly what is at stake.
This term truly bears witness to what it means to be a witness and even to be a martyr.