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[Greek] στράτευμα (strateuma), [Latin] exercitus, [Latin] milites: army, division, soldiers, army division; Mt.22:7, Lk.23:11, Acts 23:10,27, Rev.9:16, Rev.19:14,19

The Roman soldiers mocking Jesus: painting by Dirk van Baburen (1623)

Background information:

Greek Hellenism: This term means army, campaign, expedition, armament, mercenaries, and people. Euripides’ Suppliants 601 states “And I saw the companies of three armies; the armor-clad warriors deployed on the high ground by the banks of Ismenus.” Euripides’ Persians 758 states “Hearing such taunts many a time from evil counselors, he planned this expedition and army against Hellas.” Herodotus’ The Histories 8.112 states “There was no end to Themistocles’ avarice; he sent threatening messages to the other islands, demanding money and saying that if they would not give what he asked he would bring the Greek armada upon them and besiege and take their islands.”

Old Testament: This term means army, military service, service, afflictions of life, and cultic service. Cultic service refers to service of God or pagan idols. These afflictions of life may refer to drudgery, guilt, and harassment. Philo, a Jewish Hellenistic philosopher, uses military expressions of the group in a theological and psychological sense. Yahweh is presented as the general of the invincible army. When a man is newly wed, he need not go out on a military expedition, nor shall any public duty be imposed on him (Deut.24:5). Is not man’s life on earth drudgery? (Job.7:1). You renew your attack on me and multiply your harassment of me (Jb.10:17). And proclaim her that her service is at an end, her guilt is expiated (Isa.40:2). These are to undertake obligatory tasks in the meeting tent (Num.4:3). All the houses upon whose roofs they burnt incense to the whole host of heaven and poured out libations to strange gods (Jer.19:13).

New Testament: This term means army, troops, and soldiers. Soldiers are presented in both ordinary and apocalyptic ways. Christians, who obey their true God, recognize that soldiers also must follow orders from their superiors. Revelations presents a heavenly army (cloud of witness) lead by the Exalted Christ overcoming the beast and his followers. The Romans soldiers contemptuously mock Jesus, clothing Him in a purple garb. In the parable of the wedding feast, the king orders his soldiers to kill those who killed his servants. Upon learning of Paul’s Roman citizenship right, the commander brings Paul into protective custody.


“The armies of heaven followed Him, mounted on white horses and wearing clean white linen.” Rev.19:14

The Exalted Christ leads this heavenly army in destroying the beast and his followers. This heavenly army is a cloud of witnesses.

“Even Herod and his soldiers treated Him contemptuously and mocked Him, after clothing Him in resplendent garb, he sent Him back to Pilate.” Lk.23:11

The Roman soldiers mocked Jesus for being a king. These Roman soldiers believed in multiple pagan gods.

“This man, seized by the Jews and about to be murdered by them, I rescued after intervening with my troops when I learned that he was a Roman citizen.” Acts 23:27

Paul, once a loyal and rabid Pharisee, abandons his fellows in following Jesus. The commander, upon learning Paul’s rights of Roman citizenship, protected Paul from danger. Conclusion:

Etymology: The Latin exercitus (soldier) is derived from the Latin verb exercitare, meaning to keep busy, to keep at work, to carry into effect, to employ, and to exercise. Essentially, a soldier is one who is employed to carry out an action. From the 13th century, this refers to a physical or spiritual exercise. In Medieval Latin this refers to a play (in the dramatic arts). In the early 17th century, this refers to written schoolwork.


Strategy, strategic, military, militant, exercise, exert

In the Greco-Roman era, I am not really surprised that this term would be frequently used. Not only are there soldiers (armies), but also mercenaries and extortionists.

In the Old Testament, it is important to note that this term is used in the cultic (religious) service in serving Yahweh and pagan idols. The Jews were sometimes under under the control (authority) of the Romans and Greeks (during the Maccabeean period). It is also not surprising that Philo would speak about God in militaristic terms.

In the New Testament, it is important to note that the Christians also acknowledged that even Roman soldiers were acting under the authority of their superiors. The parable of the wedding feast makes reference to God’s judgment and a warning against Matthew’s community. The parable of the wedding feast states that we are all invited to share in this feast. However, we need to be dressed up with a repentant heart in order to be able to sit at the table.

Update: George Floyd’s arrest and death: I think we can all agree that justice and other measures must be taken to address these wrongs. A more through examination of our police departments seems to be a practical first step. More must be done to remove and weed out any potential racist individuals (or tendencies) in these organizations. However, at the same time, we cannot paint a broad brush in claiming all police officers (and organizations) are racist. Even though our nation has had an unfortunate history with slavery and racism, a racist nation does not elect an African-American (Barack Obama) for two terms.

The unfortunate reality is that, more often than not, a racist individual infamously comes into national spotlight, resulting in a tragic situation. The vast majority of these officers who serve our communities should have and deserve our appreciation. This is ever more important during these unfortunate times when these same police officers must deal with those rioters and looters who have sullied and high-jacked the spirit of this earnest protest movement. In some situations, troops have been called in to respond to these criminal elements. Now there has been increased talk of the notion of ‘de-funding the police’. This seems to be a very reckless response which will result in hindering the police’s efforts in responding to such criminals and serving the community in other ways. This will further embolden criminal activity. We all should have the privilege (white, black, or brown, or whatever) of being able to depend on the police.

I wish you the best in your strategy in soldiering on in life!

[Greek] στράτευμα (strateuma), [Latin] exercitus, [Latin] milites

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