[Greek] συνέρχομαι (synerchomai), [Latin] convenire, [Latin] pravenire, [Latin] venerare, [Latin] exire, [Latin] concurre, [Latin] venire, [Latin] comitare, [Latin] discedere, [Latin] revertere: to come together, to go with, to have sexual intercourse, to cohabit, and to associate with; 30 scriptural
The Entombment of Christ: painting by Caravaggio (1603). The women had followed behind Joseph and venerated (come together to honor) Jesus in the rock-hewn tomb.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism:
Herodotus’ The Histories 1.152: “The Ionians and Aeolians came to Sparta.”
Euripides’ Bacchae 714: “Herdsmen and shepherds gathered.”
Herodotus’ The Histories 1.80: “Lydians fought the Persians.”
Herodotus’ The Histories 6.77: “All these things come together.”
Xenophon’s Memorabilia 2.2.4: “Lust provokes man to begat children.”
Sophocles’ Ajax 491: “I have come into your bed.”
Plato’s Symposium 192e: “That from being two you may be made one; the pair of you, being as one, may share a single life.”
Old Testament: This term means to gather, to receive, to walk, to embrace, to betroth, to appoint, to meet, to join, to encounter, and to come into combat. There are very many Old Testament scriptural passages.
New Testament: This term means to live together, to assemble, to resort, and to go together. There are many references of persons assembling together. Paul makes references to doctrinal abuses and problems with the Corinthians’ assemblies. Mary was betrothed to Joseph. Mary’s betrothal essentially begins Mary’s marriage commitment to Jesus. As a betrothed person, Mary was subject to potential adultery penalties (sanctions). Accompanying (going on a journey) also becomes an aspect of assembling together.
“Now this is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about. When His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found with child through the Holy Spirit.” Mt.1:18
Betrothal was considered the first part of the marriage process. Adultery claims could apply during the betrothal period.
“People saw them leaving and many came to know about it. They hastened there on foot from all the towns and arrived at the place before them.” Mk.6:33
Jesus was filled with pity and provided for their spiritual and physical needs.
“Therefore, it is necessary that one of the men who accompanied us the whole time the Lord Jesus came and went among us.” Acts 1:21
Since Judas had betrayed Jesus, it was necessary to select his replacement among the disciples. This replacement had to be one who had accompanied them with Jesus.
Etymology: The Latin verb praevenire means to come in front of, to precede, to interrupt, and to prevent. The Latin verb convenire means to gather with, to meet, and to convene. The Latin verb venerare, meaning to come to honor, also means to venerate. The Latin verb exire, meaning to come out, also means to exist. The Latin verb concurre means to assemble together, to concur, and to coincide. The Latin verb venire means to come. The Latin verb comitare means to attend or to follow. The Latin discedere means to depart or to leave. The Latin verb revertere means to turn back.
Convene, convention, prevent, prevention, venue, exist, existence, concur, concurrence, venerate, veneration, revert
This is an interesting term which conveys aspects of being or doing something together. Gathering, walking together, fighting, debating, co-habitating, and sexual intercourse are various forms of being together. It is quite interesting that Plato, being a non- Christian, coveys the notion that persons in a marital union, become one. This idea occurs long before the Christian notion of a marital union of one flesh.
The New Testament also illustrates assembling together in various ways. For purposes of brevity, I have focused on examples aside from assembling together. The betrothal is essentially the beginning process of the marriage relationship in the Jewish culture. Adultery claims can be made during the betrothal stage.
In Mk. 6:33 the people were flocking together to where Jesus departed, setting the stage for the feeding of the 5000. The number 5000 means everyone (1000) under the law (5 books). The Latin verb praevenire (to come to anticipate Jesus’ arrival) is used in this scripture passage prior to the feeding of 5000.
In Acts 1:21 it was necessary that the one who replaced Judas must have been one of those who accompanied them the whole time when Jesus was present among them. The Latin verb existere is used to define these candidates.
In Acts 5:16 many signs and wonders were done by the Apostles. The Latin verb concurre is used in this verb. Interestingly, the related French verb is coincider.
In Lk. 23:55 Joseph, along with other women, came to lay Jesus’ body in the tomb. The Latin verb venerare (coming to honor) is used. The related French verb is honorer.
Election aftermath: It is very curious that there are numerous examples (and affadavits) of election concerns, irregularities, or fraud during this election process. Therefore, the Trump campaign has proceeded to litigate these legal issues through the courts. Hopefully, these election irregularities and their causes (sources) can be tied together (explained) once and for all, so that the American people can have confidence in the integrity of our election.
I initially had some doubts about making this post, but it eventually all came together.
Here’s hoping that your family can come together for Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving!