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[Greek] ἀπιστέω (apisteō), [Latin] credere, [French] non confier: to disbelieve, to be faithless, to be an unbeliever, to not to rely on; Mk.16:11,16, Lk.24:11,41, Acts 28:24, Rom.3:3, 2Tim.2:1, 1Pet.2:7

Christ’s appearance to Mary Magdalene after the Resurrection:(painting by Alexander Andreyevich Ivanov 1835). When Mary Magdalene told the other disciples that she had seen Jesus, they disbelieved her.

Background information:

Greek Hellenism: This term means to be untrustworthy, to be distrustful, to be unsure, to hesitate to commit, to ignore, to not to believe, and to doubt. Sophocles’ Antigone 220 states “I assure you, that this is the wage of disobedience. Yet, by just the hope of it, money has many times corrupted men.” Plato’s Republic 450c states “For one we might doubt whether what is proposed is possible, and even conceding the possibility, one might be skeptical whether it is best.” Plato’s Protagoras 319b states “That I dis not suppose to be teachable; but when you say it is, I do not see how I am to believe it.” Sophocles’ Philoctetes 1350 states “How can I ignore this man’s words, when he has advised me with good will?”

New Testament: This term means not believing (without faith), not believable, not convincing, and being unfaithful. Jesus states that whoever disbelieves and is not baptized will be condemned. The risen Jesus first appeared to Mary Magdalene. When she told the other disciples, they did not believe her. The risen Jesus appeared to the disciples, showing them His hands and feet, but they were incredulous with joy. When Paul testified in Rome, some were not convinced by his testimony. Paul states that his teaching on sinfulness does not depend on the Jews’ infidelity towards God. Even if we are unfaithful, Jesus remains faithful, for He can deny His true nature in bestowing mercy and forgiveness. Those without faith have become the builders who rejected the cornerstone.


“When they heard that He was alive and had been seen by her, they did not believe.” Mk.16:11

The risen had first appeared to Mary Magdalene. As she went to tell the other disciples, they did not believe her.

“Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned.” Mk.16:16

Jesus commissioned the disciples to spread the gospel message. However, He rebuked them for their unbelief and hardness of heart.

“While they were still incredulous for joy and were amazed, He asked them, ‘Have you anything here to eat?’” Lk.24:41

The risen Jesus appeared before the disciple. They were incredulous (having a difficult time understanding how this could be true).

Epistemology: The theory is the theory and study of knowledge


Epistemology, credible, credit, confide, confer

In Greek Hellenism, this term has many meanings and uses. Some of the more nuanced meanings include ignoring, refusing to comply, being unsure, being suspicious, and hesitating. Sophocles offers timeless wisdom in saying that money often times corrupts man. Sometimes these meanings can be used in a positive sense.

In the New Testament, this term conveys different ways of not believing.

In light of the continuing revelations in Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin (and other states), the mainstream media, tech giants, and politician continue to not to believe in these findings in this “most secure election ever.”

Believe it or not, I am finished with this post.



[Greek] ἀπιστέω (apisteō), [Latin] credere, [French] non confier

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