[Greek] τιμάω (timaō), [Latin] honorare, [Latin] adpretiare, [French] mythifier: to honor, to price, to fix the value, to show respect; Mt.15:4,6,9, Mt.19:19, Mt.27:9, Mk7:6,10, Mk.10:19, Lk.18:20, Jn.5:23, Jn.8:49, Jn.12:26, Acts 28:10, Eph.6:2, 1Tim.5:3, 1Pet.2:17

Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to show honor, to be deemed worthy of honor, to reward, to appraise, to rate, and to value the price. Certain people are sometimes honored. Xenophon’s Memorabilia 2.1.33 states “With joy they recall their deeds past. They lie not forgotten and dishonored, but live on remembered for all time.” Hesiod Theogony 414 states “She received honor also in starry heave and is honored exceedingly by the gods.” Thucydides’ The Peloponnesian War 3.40.7 states “And now pay them back in their turn, without yielding to present weakness or forgetting the peril that once hurry over you.”
Old Testament: This term means to honor, to glorify, to adorn, to exalt, to weigh, to appraise, and to be prized. Nor shall you show favor to a poor person in his dispute (Exo.23:3). Elders were not respected (Lam.5:12). I will make mortal man scarcer than pure gold (Isa.13:12). How precious also are Your thoughts for me (Psa.139.17). Honor you father and your mother (Exo.20:12). Within three more days Pharaoh will lift up your head from you (Gen.40:19). He weighed the hair of his head at two hundred shekels (2Sam.14:26).
New Testament: This term means to honor (show respect), to set a price on, and to assist. Jesus tells us to honor our fathers and mothers in their time of need. Many will honor Jesus with their lips with human traditions rather than with their hearts. By honoring His Father, Jesus justifies for what the Father does. The Father will honor those who will serve Jesus. Honor should be given to the community and human authority. All are called to honor and assist the widows. The value of Judas’ betrayal is 30 pieces of silver.
“For God said, ‘Honor your father and your mother.” Mt. 15:4
We are all called to honor our parents in their time of need.
“Then was fulfilled what had been said through Jeremiah the prophet, ‘And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the value of a a man with a price on his head, a price set by some of the Israealites.’” Mt.27:9
Judas’ price for his betrayal was thirty pieces of silver.
Whoever serves Me must follow Me, and where I am, there also will My servant be. The Father will honor whoever serves Me.” Jn.12:26
Jesus references that a grain of wheat which must die in order to bear fruit. Whoever loves his life will lose it. Whoever hates his life and follow Jesus will find eternal life.
Etymology: The Latin verb adpretiare consists of ad- (toward) and pretiare (to value). Likewise, the related Latin verb depretiare means to undervalue or lower the price of.
Honor, appreciate, depreciate, myth
In Greek Hellenism, some persons are destined to be honored. That can be illustrated in being remembered, held in honor, and to receive honors. This term can be measured in some form of value.
In the New Testament, Judas’ betrayal is measured in 30 pieces of silver. It goes without saying that Jesus greatly encourages other to show honor to each other and to God. Honoring widows entails support for them.
It has really hit for me about honoring (assisting) my mother recently. I have had to help out my mother involving hospital visits, doctors’ appointments, and convalescence (recuperation).
Update: This post is dedicated to all the service men (past and present) who gave their lives in this Afghanistan war effort.