[Greek] ἀντιλέγω (antilegō), [Latin] contradicere, [Latin] negare, [French] contester: to oppose, to dispute, to speak against, to deny, to contradict, to counteract; Lk.2:34, Lk.20:27, Jn.19:12, Acts 13:45, Acts 28:19,22, Rom.10:21, Tit.1:9, Tit.2:9
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to loosen the tongue (to speak), to contradict, to oppose, to dispute, to relate of tale (fable), and to declare in opposition.
Euripides’ Hippolytus 993: “Yet since disaster has come upon me, I must loosen my tongue. I shall begin to speak from the point where you first attacked me expecting you would destroy with not a word to say in reply.”
Plato’s Symposium 216b: “For he brings home to me that I cannot disown the duty of doing what he bids me.”
Xenophon’s Memorabilia 4.6.13: “When anyone argued with him on any point without being able to make himself clear, he would lead the discussion back to the definition required.”
Aristophanes’ Lysistrata 806: “Well, I’ll relate a rival fable just to show to you a different point of view.”
Xenophon’s Hellenica 6.5.37: “Men of Athens, it is perhaps a disputed point who began the wrong-doing.”
Aeschines’ On the Embassy 2.44: “If you allow me to speak as I wish, you will also have before you the facts that are acknowledged as you proceed to examine the points in dispute.”
Herodotus’ The Histories 9.42: “No one withstood this argument, and his opinion accordingly prevailed.”
Old Testament: This term means to go back, to retreat, to apostatize, to contend, to backslide, to turn away, to make a complaint, to be adversarial, and to make a complaint.
New Testament: This term means to contradict, to deny, to oppose, to denounce, to be disobedient, to refute, and to talk back. Simeon, blessing the holy family, states that this child Jesus will be a sign that will be contradicted. The Sadducees, denying the resurrection, attempted to trick Jesus. The Jews, protesting the release of Jesus, made a veiled threat against Pilate about releasing Him. The Jews were filled with jealousy and anger (violent abuse) when Paul was addressing the Gentiles on the sabbath. The Jews objected to the Romans releasing Paul from custody. In Rome the Christian sect was denounced everywhere. Paul sends Titus to Crete to refute opponents, rebels, idle talkers, and deceivers. In a time of slavery, servants were called not to talk back to their masters.
“Consequently, Pilate tried to release Him; but the Jews cried out, ‘If you release Him, you are not a friend of Caesar. Everyone who makes himself a king opposes Caesar.” Jn.19:12
The Jews did not want Pilate to release Jesus. The Jews made a veiled threat against Pilate if he would do otherwise.
“Some Sadducees, those who deny that there is a resurrection, came forward and put a question to Him” Lk.20:27
The Sadducees were intending to trick Jesus about the issue of marriage in heaven. Jesus refutes them in saying that marriage will no longer exist in heaven.
“[For a bishop]…holding fast to the true message as taught so that he will be able to both to exhort with sound doctrine and to refute opponents.” Tit.1:9
Paul wanted Titus to set right what remains to be done and appoint presbyters of good moral standing to refute opponents, rebels, idle talkers, and deceivers.
Contradict, contradiction, negate, negation, contest
It is important to note that this term can also be used in a positive way. Such examples include responding back and refuting false claims.
In the Old Testament, this term can both mean turning away (physically and theologically) and contesting with (being adversarial).
Jesus will be a snare for many to fall and stumble. On the other hand, Jesus will inspire others to rise to a higher life.
The Sadducees were just looking for a theological fight with Jesus.
The Jews applied political pressure on Pilate to arrest Jesus.
It was God’s providence that Jesus’ message was to be first brought to the Jews. However, they refused it and had become fearful and jealous of the rise of Christianity.
Historical perspective is needed to understand the meaning of Tit.2:9. Many were living as servant/slaves. A slave not talking back to his master was perceived as a form of respect to his master. Many also followed the example of Jesus as the humble servant/slave.
Update: Abortion supporters had essentially been warning the Supreme Court not to overturn Roe vs. Wade or otherwise face the consequences. (Yet why is this not considered inciting violence???)
Now abortion supporters are criticizing, protesting, and threatening the Supreme Court justices for its decision. Now there is continuing efforts to delegitimize and pack the court.
Abortion supporters: “Supreme Court, you are no friend to women’s rights now with your decision to overturn Roe vs Wade.” (They fail to understand that this right was not enshrined in the Constitution).
Environmentalists: “Supreme Court, you are no friend to the environment with your decision to hamstring the EPA. (They fail to understand that this authority belongs to Congress).
Gun control supporters: “Supreme Court, you are no friend to victims with your decision to block gun restrictions.” (They fail to understand that this right infringes on the 2nd Amendment).
It is perhaps not surprising when someone falsely accused of some charge feels forced to speak up and defend himself. (Many examples occur n the political sphere).
Gov. DeSantis responded to his constituents’ concerns about teachers indoctrinating students about sex and gender.
Despite the dissemination of false political talking points about abortion, the right of abortion has not been banned. This matter has been sent back to the states.
The Jan. 6 commission has been created to relate a one-sided partisan tale with hearsay and speculation.
Men and women of Washington DC, your efforts to accuse Trump of being a Russian collaborator have been proven to be wrong.
Football coach Joe Kennedy’s arguments that kneeling down to pray is private speech ultimately prevailed at the Supreme Court.
The rise of transgenderism: (the misguided notion that you know better than God about what your sex should be).
To be honest, it probably is not shocking that we have all this antagonism and opposition when these issues come to the forefront. At many times, some people reach a fever pitch, often becoming out of sorts. Others make provocative statements which are astonishing or astounding. They can often seem to be out of their minds. One cannot deny that these issues may be difficult to overcome.
Next post: being astonished and out of sorts