[Greek] σκάνδαλον (skandalon), [Latin] scandalum, [Latin] offendiculum: stumbling stone, obstacle, cause for stumbling, occasion to fall, sin, offense, trap, impediment; Mt.13:41, Mt.16:23, Lk.17:1, Rom.9:33, Rom.11:9, Rom.16:17, 1Cor.1:23, Gal.5:11, 1Pet.2:8, 1Jn.2:10

Background information:
Original meaning: snare, trap, movable stick (with bait) to catch animals
Greek Hellenism: This term means offense, scandal, vulnerability, obstacle, trap, and moral fault.
Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound 926: Wrecked upon this evil, Zeus shall lean how difficult it is to be a sovereign and a slave.”
Aristophanes’ Archarnians 687: “The accuser, desirous of conciliating the younger man, overwhelms with his rhetoric, drags us before the judge, presses us with questions, and lays verbal traps for us.”
Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus 1189-1196: Imitation is scandalous, creating obstacles for us. We see that person who has what we also want. That person becomes an obstacle for what we desire.
Epictetus: “If someone succeeds in provoking you, realize that your mind is complicit in this provocation.”
Old Testament: This term means stumbling block, blindness, deafness, slander, idolatry, stupidity, folly, and obstacle. This term can be used in a literal, figurative, moral, metaphorical, and spiritual context.
New Testament: Scandal is an obstacle to faith and a cause of going astray. Woe is a word to express regret or distress about some impending doom or condemnation from God. Woe speaks to the grave seriousness of the matter. The following are scriptural examples of scandal.
Mt.13:41: Who cause others to sin and evildoers
Mt.16:23: Get behind Me, Satan [Peter] you are an obstacle to me
Mt.18:7: It would be better to be drowned at see rather than to cause the little ones to sin.
Rom.9:33: Jesus, a rock that will make them fall (Isa.28:16)
Rom.14:13: putting a stumbling block (hindrance) against a brother
Rom.16:17: Those who create dissensions and obstacles in opposition to the faith you have learned.
1Cor.1:23: Christ crucified is a stumbling block to the Jews and foolishness to the Gentiles
1Jn.2:10: When one remains in the light, there is nothing in him to cause a fall
Scandal, scandalous, offence, offensive, offend
It was interesting to discover how this term later developed from just a simple bait trap. Sophocles points out that imitation (competition) with another person can be potentially scandalous. This person becomes an obstacle.
Epictetus illustrates the time-honored notion having someone “living rent-free in your mind.” (fill in the person’s name)-derangement syndrome ☺
Mt.13:41: Those in their unbelief and sins will be thrown into the fiery furnace which speaks to its grave seriousness.
Mt.16:23: One can certainly say that Peter was under Satanic influence in opposing Jesus’ message. (One doesn’t have to be fully possessed to be affected by the devil).
Mt.18:7: It would be preferable to drown in the sea rather to face the consequences of causing little ones to sin.
Rom. 16:7: Beware of these false teachers who speak in flattering and deceptive language and who deceive the innocent
1Cor.1:23: Man’s wisdom is foolishness to God.
It is quite interesting to note that some forms of hypocrisy can result in eternal damnation. (It would be naive to think that this could never be applicable in our current society).
It is important to realize that the devil can still exert his influence through deception, distraction and busyness.
Update: Mother Teresa is quoted as saying, ‘Abortion is profoundly anti-woman.” This is now considered hate speech. What a scandal!
The Biden administration is not addressing border security and the fentanyl distribution crisis.
The FBI and Dept. of Justice are targeting MAGA supporters and Republicans.
President Biden has declared that MAGA Republicans as enemies of the state.
It is scandalous how lenient crime sentencing and no bail has contributed to increased crime.
It is scandalous how Democrats and Progressives were silent about the protests, riots, and burning of cities.
Catholics and Christians espousing traditional teachings are now considered hateful and extreme.
More and more people are coming to the realization that trans women, having increased muscle mass, have become an obstacle to fairness in women’s sports.
One must be wary and avoid false teachers who espouse quasi-Christian and secular beliefs.
Many are offended (scandalized) by the exchange of political ideas. (Cancel culture)
Many offended people will also show intolerance toward others. “How dare you spout your hate speech!” (Cancel culture)
Some Democrats are advocating abortions with no exceptions.
Many continue with Trump derangement syndrome.
It is scandalous that many ‘Catholics’ support abortion. (Abortion is an example of a legal practice with serious spiritual and moral consequences).
Many in their “wisdom” can claim to be any gender that they want to be. (Nevermind that only God has this authority).
Many in their “wisdom” can claim they have the right to redefine marriage. (God is the author of marriage).
Young kids are now being encouraged to undergo transgender surgery. (“You now can be any gender you want to be!”)
Even an ordinary person can figure out that one does not have to be fully possessed in order to be affected by the devil. Perhaps it also not so scandalous that a private person just wants to left alone by the government. To the untrained or uninstructed person, this next term may not be as offensive as you might think it would be.
Next post: being an outsider or being an idiot