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[Greek] παράδοσις (paradosis), [Latin] traditio: a handing down, tradition, transmission, delivery, teaching; Mt.15:2-3,6, Mk.7:3,5,8-9,13, 1Cor.11:2, Gal.1:14, 2Thess.2:15, 2Thess.3:6

Scott Hahn, formerly a Presbyterian pastor, has become one of today’s most important Catholic professors/apologists.

Background information:

Greek Hellenism: This term means transmission, handing down, bequeathing, tradition, and what is handed down.

Plato’s Philebus 16c: “The ancients handed down the tradition that all the things which ever said to exist are sprung from one.”

Xenophon’s Cyropaedia 8.6.17: “He has the proper official appointed to receive the letters that were delivered to and to forward them on.”

Euripides’ Orestes 64: “Hermione was entrusted to my mother’s keeping.”

Plato’s Laws 803a: “We have next to discuss the question of the teaching and imparting of these subjects.”

New Testament: This term means tradition and teachings. Several scriptural examples are very instructive.


Mt.15:2: “The Pharisees and scribes asked Jesus, ‘Why do Your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They do not wash their hands when they eat a meal.'” (The Pharisees and scribes were more concerned with external purification rituals. These human traditions were unwritten laws having the same authority of the Mosaic laws. Jesus responds in saying that what defiles is what comes from WITHIN that person.)

Mt.15:3: “Jesus to the Pharisees and scribes, ‘Why do you break the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?'” (This human tradition breaks God’s commandments to honor one’s parents [supporting them in their needs]. These Pharisees and scribes only seek to uphold their power and authority. They are essentially paying lip service to God’s commandments.)

1Cor.11:2: “I praise you because you remember me [Paul]: in everything and hold fast to the traditions, just as I handed them on to you.” (Paul criticizes the Corinthians for their abuses in meeting in Church and the celebration of the Lord’s Supper.)

  1. Paul points out that there are divisions among you (when you meet as a Church).
  2. Evidently there has to be divisions (factions) among you in order that those who are approved may be known.
  3. When you meet, it is not for to eat, to drink and get drunk. Do you not have houses?
  4. Whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will have answer to the Lord.
  5. Anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the Body eats and drinks judgement on himself.
  6. That is why many of you are ill, infirm, and dying.
  7. But since we are judged by the Lord, we are being disciplined, so that we may not be condemned.

Gal.1:14: “I progressed in Judaism beyond many of my contemporaries among my race, since I was even more a zealot (persecuting Christians) for my ancestral traditions.” (In his spiritual blindness, Saul persecuted the Christians. Jesus physically blinds Saul and opens his eyes [removing his spiritual blindness] in becoming an apostle for Him.)

Col.2:8: “See to it that no one captivates you with empty, seductive philosophies according to human tradition, according to the elemental powers of the world.” (These elemental powers can refer to paganism, worldliness, humanistic influences, and secularism. Satan is ruler of this earthly kingdom.)

2Thess.2:15: “Stand firm and hold fast to the traditions that you were taught, either by and oral statement or by a letter of ours.” (Christianity was primarily transmitted by oral tradition to later generations. Aside from a fellow letters, the scriptures essentially referred to the Old Testament. There was not yet a defined canon of New Testament scriptures.)

Oral Tradition:

  1. The ‘scriptures’ mentioned in the New Testament actually referred to the Old Testament.
  2. The New Testament’s “canon of books” had not yet been formulated.
  4. The primary means for the transmission of faith was by word of mouth (oral tradition).
  5. Paul entrusts the deposit of faith (oral tradition) to Timothy.
  6. Letters were sent in response to issues (crises) in the geographical areas.
  7. Luke, a 2nd or 3rd generation Christian, learns about Jesus through oral tradition and eyewitness accounts.
  8. The Catholic faith stands on three legs (pillars): sacred scripture, apostolic Tradition, and the living Magisterium (teaching authority of the Church.)

Arguments against Sola Scriptura (scripture alone: bible as the sole source of authority):

  1. Sola Scriptura is NOT found in the bible.
  2. The word of God also refers to oral teaching.
  3. Jesus and Paul accepted non-biblical oral and written traditions.
  4. Paul assumes that passed down oral tradition as infallible and binding.
  5. Christianity was passed down to later generations through oral tradition.
  6. The Apostles exercised authority at the Council of Jerusalem. Bishops, successors of the Apostles, exercised the same authority at later councils.


  1. The Greek noun paradosis refers to the dosis (gift) given along side (para-).
  2. Paradosis is the giving of a gift. The Latin verb tradere means to hand over, to deliver, and to surrender.
  3. The Latin traditore (traitor) is one who delivers.

Perspectives on Tradition:

“To be deep in history is to cease to be a Protestant.” Cardinal Newman

“Our future is our past.” Archbishop Lefebvre 

“In an age that has thrown off all tradition, the only rebellion is orthodoxy.” Peter Kreeft


Tradition, betray, trade, treason, traitor, dose, dosage

Paul was responding to the problems in liturgical assemblies in Corinth: women not veiled, improprieties in the celebration of community meals, sacrilege, and idolatry.

Update: Pope Francis and his fellow Modernists (Synodalists) continue to create worldly synodal Church made in the image of man and his lived experiences. These are some human traditions that Pope Pius X warned us about. 

Synodality (lived experiences) has been essentially raised up as an idol and a seductive human philosophy (tradition)

This conciliar and synodal Church continue to pay lip service (ignoring) Church teachings against homosexuality. As a result the Vatican’s “outreach” to the LGBTQ community continues to expand, rather than decrease.

Many cardinals, bishops, and priests following a tradition of accommodating the secular culture. Some are doing this willingly and some are silent and cowardly, unwilling to speak out.)

Humanistic philosophies and religions: Modernism, syodalism, politicization, environmentalism, wokeism, transgenderism (changing genders), gay marriage, multiple genders, CRT, racial equity justice, abortion, globalism, nationalism

Vatican II naively believed that the Church needed some “fresh air”. The Modernists and Synodalists are actually doubling down on what Vatican II caused: loss of vocations, church “reforms”, church abuses, church sacrilege, declining Catholic identification, poor Mass attendance, and poor catechesis, clergy and laity shared decision making.

Pope Francis has a distorted view that one cannot have both the Traditional Latin Mass and the Novus Order Mass because this is “divisive”. Pope Francis wants to remove the TLM and negate the importance of Tradition. They continue to have disdain for Tradition, traditional (conservative) Catholics, and all things traditional.

The younger generations, seeking to find deeper meaning in their faith, have been flocking to the Traditional Latin Mass.

In recent years, there has been an organic movement and longing to believe in something much more deeper than the world can offer. Many search are searching for Tradition, deeper faith, and reverence.

Protestants are also seeking to find something more deeper. More Protestants are actually becoming Catholic. To their own “peril”, they are discovering the depth, richness, history, and beauty of Catholicism. This has become a “deep problem” for Protestants. ☺☺☺

The human traditions of tolerance, false compassion, inclusiveness, and “mercy above all else” all have become “slippery slopes” or “gateway drugs” to questionable Church teachings and heresy.

Disdain toward toward Tradition, hyper-papalism (“you must follow the pope”) and indifferentism (“religious differences are not that important”) also can potentially lead to heresy.

The Traditional  Latin Mass (where allowed) continues to  thrive, whereas the Novus Oder Mass attendance to continues to decline.

Professor Scot Hahn, a prominent Catholic apologist, was a former Presbyterian minister.

“To separate oneself from Tradition is to separate oneself from the Church.” Archbishop Lefebvre

Next post: handing over and handing down

[Greek] παράδοσις (paradosis), [Latin] traditio

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