[Greek] ἀνέχομαι (anechomai), [Latin] pati, [Latin] sustinere, [Latin] subportare, [Latin] suffere, [French] endurer, [French] maintenir, [French] soutenir: to tolerate, to put up with, to bear, to endure, to be patient with; Mt.17:17, Mk.9:19, Lk.9:41, Acts 18:14, 1Cor.4:12, 2Cor.11:1,4,19, Eph.4:2, Col.3:13, 2Thess.1:4, 2Tim.4:3, Heb.13:22
Acceptance, inclusion, and tolerance have lead to more permissive Church teachings and more permissive clergy. Then it follows that this “tolerance” [pressure] has caused many priests to remain silent in speaking out against such doctrinal errors, liturgical confusion (chaos), and heresy.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to endure, to bear, and to abide.
Plato’s Phaedo 109e: “If his nature were strong enough to bear the sight, he would recognize that his this is the real heaven.”
Sophocles’ Ajax 660: “Ever since I took into my hand this gift from Hector, my greatest enemy, I have gotten no good from Greeks. The gifts of enemies are not gifts an bring no good.”
Homer’s Iliad 1.586: “Be patient, my mother, and endure for all your grief.”
Old Testament: This term means to endure, to bear, to put up with, to restrain oneself, and to receive (accept) someone or something.
New Testament: This term means to endure, to accept (tolerate), and to forbear (be patient with). If you will put up with me, I will illustrate scriptural passages regarding questionable behavior.
Mt.17:17: “Jesus said, ‘O faithless and perverse generation, how long will I be with you? How long will I endure you? Bring him to me.'” (Jesus chides the people’s unbelief and the disciples’ lack of faith. Jesus pointed out the disciples’ little faith [lack of trust] in their failure to heal the possessed boy.)
1Cor.4:12: “When ridiculed, we bless; when persecuted, we endure.”
Paul criticizes the Corinthians’ behavior:
- Paul warns that the Corinthians must not go beyond what is written, so that none of you will be inflated with pride, false wisdom, vain speculation, arrogance, and self-importance.
- Paul reminds them what gives them this distinction. These gifts come from God. Why are you boasting?
- Paul tells them that they have become satisfied, become like kings, and become a spectacle to all.
- Paul reminds them that Christians must be fools (seen by the world) in focusing on Christ.
- In contrast, Paul calls Corinthians ‘wisdom’ as being ‘full of themselves’.
- Paul reminds them that Christians must endure when persecution.
- Enduring must involve patience, perseverance, no ill will, no revenge, and no retribution.
2Cor.11:1: “If only you would put up with a little foolishness from me [Paul].” (Paul ironically and cuttingly points out the Corinthians’ ‘toleration’ for others. Paul points out his ‘foolish’ confidence in Christ.)
2Cor.11:4: “For if someone comes and preaches another Jesus than the one we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it well enough.” (Paul points out that his opponents are identified with a cunning spirit. A perverted message of Christianity has been caused by satanic influences. The battle for minds has to do with the understanding of Jesus, the Spirit, and the gospel. The Corinthians have flirted with a different understanding than the traditional one Paul has down to them.)
2Cor.11:20: “For if you put up with it if someone enslaves you, or devours you, or gets the better of you, or puts on airs, or slaps you in the face.” (False teachers and satanic influences.)
- Enslaves you: destroying others’ freedoms, being enslaved by sin, embracing error and heresy, tolerating others sinful and evil deeds, enduring insults, receiving discrimination
- Devours you: imposing one’s will on others, taking advantage of others, being intolerant to others.
- Putting on airs: exalting oneself, being full of oneself, taking advantage of one’s authority
2Tim.4:3: “For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine, following their own desires and curiosity, and will accumulate teachers.” (Paul calls upon his followers to be courageous, patient, constant, and enduring in proclaiming the word in the face of opposition, hostility, indifference, and persecution. Paul calls on his followers to be persistent whether it is convenient or inconvenient and to convince, reprimand, and encourage through all patience and teaching.)
False Compassion: “A person in authority who deprives his subject of the truth when he says, even with the best intention of helping them, ‘You may ignore the teachings of the Magisterium: God’s laws are too hard for you.’ By that he says in effect, ‘You are not and never will be strong and good enough to adhere to these laws.” Catholic psychiatrist Conrad Baars
Soft bigotry of low expectations: “You are not capable and so we have to remove it for you.”
Quotes on tolerance by Archbishop Fulton Sheen:
“America, it is said, is suffering from intolerance. It is not. It is suffering from tolerance: tolerance of right and wrong, truth and error, virtue and evil, Christ and chaos.”
“Christian love bears evil, but it does not tolerate it.”
“Tolerance is an attitude of reasoned patience toward evil. Tolerance applies only to persons… never to truth.”
“It is up to you, the laity, to remind our priests to be priests and our bishops to be bishops.” (These are the many times when the laity are calling upon the silent and cowardly clergy to speak out about grave issues.)
- The Greek verb anechomai derives from (ana-) up and (-echo) to sound.
- The Latin verb subportare means to carry (-portare) under (sub-).
- The Latin verb patere means to suffer, to endure, and to permit.
- The Latin noun passionem means suffering. Patient means capable of enduring misfortune and suffering.
- The Latin verb suffere mean to carry (-ferre) under (sub-).
- The Latin verb sustinere means to hold (-tenere) under (sub-).
Patience, patient, suffer, suffering, passion, sustain, endure, endurance, support
Sophocles makes reference to the notion of accepting gifts (beware of Greeks bearing gifts).
It goes without saying that God has been putting up with man’s sinful and fallen nature. Moses makes reference to a twisted and perverse generation worshipping idols, devoid of reason, lacking in understanding, forgetting God, and being foolish.
Paul ironically compares his suffering to the Corinthians’ illusion of wisdom (“we’re good here, you can just move along”).
Paul points out the Corinthians’ tolerance of heresy, immorality, and corruption. Paul’s opponents are identified with the cunning serpent.
Update: Last year, the Superbowl commercial “He gets us” had caused great controversy with its misleading and evil message of a DIFFERENT Jesus who accepts and tolerates our sinful state and lifestyle. There was no mention of repentance.
In fact, it is Satan who actually “gets us” and affirms us in our sin. (This sounds eerily similar to 2Cor.11:4!)
The Modernist and Synodalists are creating a new synodal Church moving with the world and made in the image of man and his lived experiences. This synodal Church is presenting a new Jesus who is accepting of our lived experiences, who ignores sinning no more [Jn.8:11], and who ignores warning about walking in darkness [Jn.8:12]. There is less emphasis on repentance and the salvation of souls.
In this synodal Church, we have clergy and laity have little or now belief (faith) in the sinful nature of homosexuality. These clergy are now questioning, remaking, undermining, or ignoring Church teachings on homosexuality. These clergy are also ignoring, minimizing, de-stigmatizing, and normalizing this lifestyle.
Tolerance, false compassion, worldly and satanic influences [undermining the Church] have contributed to creating a perverted image of Jesus and the gospel message.
Many of these clergy, failing to state Church teachings on homosexuality, are showing false compassion and false tolerance. They are paying lip service to the salvation of souls!
Pope Francis and his fellow Modernists are now arrogantly claiming that Jesus’ Church has now become a worldly synodal Church [as if they know better]. Traditional and conservative Catholics are now being marginalized, insulted, and attacked.
These Modernists, who claim to be synodal and welcoming, are now marginalizing, demeaning, and insulting Tradition and traditional Catholics. Can you say hypocrite!
Courageous clergy, willing to stand up for traditional Catholicism, are now being ostracized, marginalized, laicized, and excommunicated under this Bergoglian Reign of Terror.
In this post-Christian secular world, there continues to remain a low percentage of Catholics believing in the Real Presence of the Eucharist.
People are now more wise to the consequences of wokeism, cancel culture, and DEI. More and more organizations are removing and cancelling affirmative action and DEI,
In this secular culture, if you do not approve, accept, or tolerate someone’s lifestyle, you are often deemed as intolerant, bigoted, hateful, and extreme. (Those who seek tolerance are quite often the ones who are intolerant toward others!)
Pro-life Catholics and Christians are often called “extreme” and “hateful” for their Christian faith in standing up and walking for the unborn.
The public is not putting up with woke corporations “shoving transgenderism” down their throats in the marketplace (Bud Light). Such companies now get the “Bud Light treatment” with boycotts and resistance.
Unfortunately, too many Church leaders, seeking to be compassionate and “inclusive” often fail to call out homosexuality, gender ideology, gay marriage, and abortion, etc. as sinful. This is false compassion and false tolerance. As a consequences, many clergy are failing in their responsibility for the salvation of souls.
This synodal Church, moving with the world, seems to be more concerned about lived experiences, social justice [as a NGO], rather than the salvation of souls.
Bishop Strickland pleaded with his fellow bishops to speak out about the serious doctrinal errors, concerns and issues of the Synod of Synodalities (and synodality). His fellow bishops were silent. Shocker!
It has been reported that the USCCB have devoted 90% of their budget to immigration/refugee settlement and 1% to pro-life activities! What does this say about their priorities? Are they not interested and/or are they fearful and afraid to publicly support these causes?
Archbishop Fulton Sheen: “Judas would be the patron saint of social justice.” This apply to those who propagate false compassion and those who care for humanity but ignore the truths of God.
Next post: going astray